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/lit/ - Literature

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2643384 No.2643384 [Reply] [Original]

Things you hate that everyone else is okay with

I'll start

>>14 year old's bragging about reading Bret Easton Ellis or Chuck Palahniuk who can not honestly say they've read a Vonnegut or Conrad novel in their short sad lifetimes.

>>When people accuse Hemingway of being a misogynist, THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT

>>When people call Ayn Rand the greatest American Writer ever, Aside from all the objectivism which is a /pol/ issue, She was just not a good writer, her main characters were indecisive, her diction barely milquetoast, plots completely muddled in her political views, Bad all around.

>>When people talk about Michael Crichton like he was a god of fiction, He really wasn't.

Your turn.

>> No.2643387

When people are overly pulp loving (WARHAMMER 40K BOOKS R ARESUM!!11) or overly artsy (I ONLY LIEK BOOKS FRUM TEH 1800s and below)

it's so extreme

>> No.2643401


>>14 year old's bragging about reading Bret Easton Ellis or Chuck Palahniuk who can not honestly say they've read a Vonnegut or Conrad novel in their short sad lifetimes.

Your taste was great at 14? People like shit when they're young. Who gives a fuck? I read Star Wars novels when I was a kid and I loved them. I read 'good' stuff now and wouldn't begrudge a kid making their own way.

>>When people accuse Hemingway of being a misogynist, THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT

Doesn't mean it totally worked, friendo.

>>When people call Ayn Rand the greatest American Writer ever, Aside from all the objectivism which is a /pol/ issue, She was just not a good writer, her main characters were indecisive, her diction barely milquetoast, plots completely muddled in her political views, Bad all around.

Well... I pretty much agree with this. Though, given how much you love misogyny, I'd have thought that you'd like her.

>>When people talk about Michael Crichton like he was a god of fiction, He really wasn't.

Who did what now?

Actually, the only thing I really hate is opinionated jackasses with superiority complexes who see themselves as the purveyors of good taste. Why get so angry over what people enjoy? You're never going to argue them into agreeing with you; you're only going to make yourself more upset. Try to enjoy life more.

(sorry for the poor English, I'm not a native speaker)

>> No.2643406


Oh stop. Most of OP's complaints are valid, even if he's overreacting.

My main beef with people and the way they act about books are most of the things that /lit/ does, though.

>> No.2643410

i am so desperate to hear people talk about books and writing in general that whenever i hear opinions in the direction of reading i encourage them to develop until i have nothing left to add and change the subject to something i can talk more on. like poetry or plays or...
Folks in general who i run into have loved books by vonnegut and thompson and into the wild and such.
then i try and see what else

>> No.2643411

I hate it when people are passionate about literature. Maybe I'm just jealous that I can't 'care' like they do. But whenever I hear some bitch gush about how much she loves Jane Austen or some shit, I just want to punch her in the throat.

>> No.2643418


Maybe for attention, but some books have really helped me personally over the years. I remember going through a huge bout of depression, then I read "I know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb, and just something about the character development and the turning points just rocked my world. The book doesn't have the same effect on me anymore, but I do owe a lot to Wally Lamb for what he wrote.

Stone Cold Jane Austen is a boring old cunt though.

>> No.2643421

most modern visual art

>> No.2643425

>When people accuse Hemingway of being a misogynist, THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT
I don't really care about all that. I think his work is fucking boring.
>Michael Crichton
I only liked Jurassic Park and The Lost World. I've heard praises of Eaters of the Dead, but, honestly it's better as a movie (The Thirteenth Warrior). The book is a snooze-worthy take on Beowulf. Funny, he wrote that as on a dare that he could make the story of Beowulf exciting and not boring (it isn't), and utterly failed.

>> No.2643427

>When comunist talk about Sartre

>> No.2643443

>When people proudly announce that they've never willingly read a book and never will.

I get so angry it's almost zen.

>> No.2643449

People who think reading is something to look down upon.
Like the people on Facebook who all like those pages about books sucking and such and such.
It doesn't enrage me, it's more of a depression.

>> No.2643453

Straight from my gf mouth to your screens

> i love Franzen, the best writer alive hands down


>> No.2643455

>Straight from my gf mouth to your screens
It actually went on a lengthy adventure before appearing here on my screen.

>> No.2643458


Well, shit. She could be reading The Hunger Games like everyone else. At least be happy she's reading something that's posturing as proper literature.

>> No.2643468

>I hate it when people are passionate about literature.

Why the fuck are you even here?

>I think his work is fucking boring.
>likes Jurassic Park

Be true to yourself and admit that you really only like action movies. It's okay.

>When people accuse Hemingway of being a misogynist, THAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT

What do you mean? Surely you don't believe that misogyny was the primary motivation behind his works, do you?

I can proudly say I've never read Harry Potter or the Hunger Games and I never will.

As for me, I just hate Christian viewpoints pervading an author's work. I'll never like authors who primarily describe themselves as "Christian authors." Just can't. I can deal with spirituality a la Wordsworth and even outright Deism, but I cannot find any value relevant to me in the works of those authors who firmly believe in the myth of Jesus Christ.

>> No.2643473


>> No.2643477


Didn't Fartre become a commie later on?

>> No.2643478

Why do you care so much about the things other people say and do, OP?

Worry about yourself, and everyone else will worry about themselves, too.

>> No.2643479
File: 16 KB, 385x404, bear and wolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel quite chilled out.

>> No.2643542

I hate the sound of textas and highlighters
thats about it yo

>> No.2643548

>you only like action movies
Actually, I can't stand most action movies. I prefer suspense movies like The Usual Suspects.

>> No.2643549

The only thing I hate are people pretending to get angry over stupid things on the internet (/v/). I guess OP is ok, though.

>> No.2643556

Anyone who thinks Eragon was worth publishing is a fucking fool. (Or anyone who thinks that Fanfic tier trash is worth reading at all, for that matter)
Sorry but his parents owned the publishing company and used the fact he was a kid to sell the book they edited.

>> No.2643605

Stop getting mad over kid's books.

>> No.2643619

Of course it was worth publishing you retard they made fuckloads of money.
>implying publication is due to literary merit
You're dumb as hell.

>> No.2643631

I can totally picture myself showing good literature to a fan of Jonathan Franzen. It could be far worse mate, most women are absolutely hopeless.

>> No.2643637

I read Twilight so I'm going to go to university and study English.

>> No.2643643

>hey anon I heard you like philosophy
>have you read The Secret? :3

>> No.2643655

My beef is with people who dismiss an author or book without giving him/it even a try. Something that a lot of people seem to be doing these days.

People who hate on Stephen King. The guy was awesome in the 70's and 80's. Deal with it /lit/.

People who like Dan Brown. Angles and Demons is the only book the I started and didn't finish in all my life. I read half of it and it was just so fucking boring. I think I shed some blood tears reading it.

>> No.2643660


Hello Mr. Hemingway.

>> No.2643671

it has two m's, bro, confirmed for pleb

>> No.2643673

That it up with OP, I just copypasted the name from his post.

I'm lazy as fuck today.

>> No.2643681

suce ma biiiiiiiiiiiiite

>> No.2643682


I thought she was a reader of good literature already. The first time I talked to her told me Raskolnikov made her horny (wtf?). And I don't hate Franzen's shit that much, but man, it was a disappointing thing to hear.

>> No.2643695

M'en va t'la sucer avec mé dents mon calise de tabarnak!!


>> No.2643698

yo you're gonna suck me with your teeth? i'm not following your fucked grammar

>> No.2643699

no, unacceptable