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/lit/ - Literature

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2643328 No.2643328 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you wake up every morning /lit/?

Whats the point?

>> No.2643331

There are things grander than myself.

>> No.2643332

Fucked if I know.

Every night I go to bed telling myself that the next morning I will get up at 7 and write until 2. It never happens. My stories remain unwritten, and I come closer and closer to homelessness. It's a pathetic existence, really.

>> No.2643337

Petty trivial pleasures that there has been absolutely no evidence that the dead can enjoy.

>> No.2643339
File: 62 KB, 621x646, 1331805690721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because stars have collapsed in on themselves so that I could exist.

Life is scientifically rare and precious. Throwing it all away because you feel a little sad every now and again is foolish.

>> No.2643341

I decided I wanted to learn latin, so thats a good of reason as any.

>> No.2643342
File: 14 KB, 178x178, 3352763734847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always see sciencefags ponder this fucking statement.

So what if we're made of stars? Who gives a shit? How is that a valid enough reason to exist?
We're star stuff alright, but that's hardly significant. It just makes you feel good because you first heard it from the mouth of your demi-god Carl Sagan and he was standing at a beach and was smiling and it was sunny and was a positive video altogether.

Theres no real reason behind this idiotic argument. I dont wake up every morning saying IM MADE OF STARS, THE UNIVERSE IS IN ME, TIME TO GO TO WORK AND WASTE MY LIFE.

It's bullshit. I could be made of gold for all I care, that doesnt make me any less depressed.

>> No.2643344



>> No.2643349

>still facing life in terms of "meaning"

>> No.2643350


But science, my friend! Who cares if there is no objective purpose in life and our brains are plotting against us to make us unhappy. Just look at the night sky and take in all the stars and planets and nebulae! Isn't it all beautiful? And we're a part of it! Wonderful, inpsiring things exist in this universe, because we evolved to find such sights beautiful. Isn't everything so fascinating and great?

>> No.2643351
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Exactly. How is that supposed to be of any comfort to us? It's like when people post this picture, as if our relative "insignificance" in the grand scheme of things is supposed to motivate us or something. On a day to day, human to human basis, the origin of our species, the millions of years of evolution it took to get us to this point, the millions of galaxies and billions of planets out there- what does that mean? Nothing.

>> No.2643353


Stargazing doesn't pay the bills, unfortunately.

>> No.2643356

Exactly. It is sentiments like this that drive me to succeed and learn and observe and take in all that I can in the infinitesimally short amount of time I am. I understand that nothing matters in an objective sense and this relieves me and takes pressure off my shoulders. By simply being, I am a novelty. I don't wish to squander this rare existence with defeatism, but rather flourish in it with beautiful knowledge.

>> No.2643357


you say this on /lit/, but do you back your grand words up with action? I think not. You are just like the rest of us. Doomed to live a life of procrastination and mediocrity.

>> No.2643358

No reason, OP. I hate my fucking life. I'm depressed and derealized on a daily basis. I'm pretty sure I have incipient schizophrenia and paranoid delusions. But at the moment I'm riding this fucker out.

"In some remote corner of the universe, poured out and glittering in innumerable solar systems, there once was a star on which clever animals invented knowledge. That was the highest and most mendacious minute of "world history" — yet only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths the star grew cold, and the clever animals had to die. One might invent such a fable and still not have illustrated sufficiently how wretched, how shadowy and flighty, how aimless and arbitrary, the human intellect appears in nature. There have been eternities when it did not exist; and when it is done for again, nothing will have happened."

>> No.2643360

Because life is pretty cool now, and it'll probably get better in college. Sure I'm single, and sure I can be a nerd at times, but if I don't get up every day and try my damnedest then what's the point of going on?

>> No.2643362

> it'll probably get better in college.

>> No.2643363


Truly we have found the answer to God. Colorful pictures of gas clouds outside the Andromeda galaxy. This allows us all the meaning we will ever need. Plus a whimsical quote from Carl Sagan or that Neil deGrasse Tyson.

>> No.2643367


Well that's a bad attitude to have.

>> No.2643368


>and it'll probably get better in college.

In my experience yes, as long as you make friends.

>> No.2643370

>A "point" to life

>> No.2643371

Well I am set to graduate in a year with a bachelor in computer engineering, so I'd say I'm not doing too poorly for myself. With my free time I aim to exercise my creative side by reading, drawing and an attempt to write.
And I love every minute of it.
So I would recommend you spend less time projecting and more time improving yourself!

>> No.2643373

>Being cowed by the shear size of void and planets.

Sure is Last Man up in here.

>> No.2643374

Millions of computer engineers before you have lived and died, forgotten in days. Lived mundane lives and deluded themselves with halfassed feel-good quotes and flawed outlooks on life.

You are only happy when you are at peace with depression, sadness and the general turmoil in the world plus the nothingness that resides outside of it. Anything else is just self-brainwashing.

Stop running away from "negative thoughts" like a sheltered 6 year old. Embrace them, for it is the only way to truly be at peace with them.

>> No.2643376
File: 37 KB, 640x480, GCFood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually that kind of makes sense

>> No.2643381

As someone who finished his last college class today, let me impart this unto you:
holy shit, I want out of this whole mess.

>> No.2643382

> Well that's a bad attitude to have.
Well I'm IN university. It's not a pessimism thing; I'm living it.

>> No.2643386

Are you under the impression that I, or anyone else for that matter, would only be happy if I weren't to be forgotten? I don't care in the slightest if nobody remembers my name years down the road, because I don't rely on the approval of others for my happiness. I find it in the little things and the large, the understanding of it all.
There aren't negative thoughts I'm running away from. I am a composition of innumerable particles that form larger particles yet of atoms of compounds that form the basis of my being. Electrochemical reactions in my brain allow me the illusion of a self. I am at peace knowing that I am the exact same as everything in the universe. Yet I undergo a somewhat unique experience amidst the chaos. And what a awesome thought that is.

>> No.2643388


Maybe it depends. Almost all my bros IRL say it get's better there (HS was lame, but let's not get int that)

>> No.2643395

I like to believe i don't exist anymore. I mean i do things, i work, i eat, talk,etc. but i am never there. i am not here right now. I am absentmindedly writing,breath, etc. but let me leave my subconscious slumber: My life is shit, but people who say that, their lives are actually shit. I'm shit, i'm a sick bastard. I have wicked blood lust, i get off to gore porn. My friends constantly engage in shallow talks. I have no empathy. I simply watch myself do my daily tasks. and though i also engage in these "talks" is because i want to fit in, i'm always thinking about something petty and frivolous. I don't care about people, they can live or die. I don't care. I kinda want them to die. o fucking be it.

>> No.2643402

The Stranger

>> No.2643404


Well said.

>> No.2643416

The rabbits, George.

>> No.2643423

I'm afraid to kill myself.

>> No.2643429

That makes two of us.

>> No.2643431

there's no point
suffer, suffer, suffer, die. god the pain is so fucking beautiful

>> No.2643437

To experience the small pleasures in life like eating cereal and drinking coffee on my 26th floor balcony while watching the sun rise. Then the rest of the day is pretty much just a pain.

>> No.2643439


>> No.2643445


you say that but it is indeed a fact that you are human; and if you're not living completely isolated from society; once you get in contact with others, you become a part of it. become human. you may believe that sadness for example is just neurologic, physiologic activity but the moment your body makes you sad, your existence becomes sad. There is no filtering out the feeling with conscious effort.

As long as we're trapped in these bodies, we have to conform to a society, as it is a basic need to be social and conform to norms such as giving a fuck about being remembered.

>> No.2643446

because 4chan.

>> No.2643447


>> No.2643448

just like everybody else and if I didn't exist would I find my existence a rare and precious gift? It's not a rarity at all, preciousness and rarity are human concepts and therefore there is nothing inherently precious or rare about being alive.

>> No.2643451

Because my body has received the necessary amount of sleep to function for the day.
I don't make a conscious decision to wake up, my body does it all on its own.

>> No.2643456

>Whats the point?
OP needs to do some soul searching.

>> No.2643466

You and ZHKND should go on a date.

>> No.2643470

>read that, become confused
>peruse thread, see his/her post mirroring mine
Maybe we should.

>> No.2643472


lel, have fun

>> No.2643482
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because death doesn't want me.

>> No.2643483

Neither do we.

>> No.2643490

I'm waiting for my mother to die.

Also, I'm too afraid to hurt my family and friends by committing suicide.

>> No.2643507


>> No.2643540

sure is nihilism in here

>> No.2643541

I still have the dream that one day scientists will discover how to live forever and how to fly, and that will allow me to fly to distant galaxies and planet, discovering new shapes and colors in every flight. Jumping from galaxy to galaxy, approaching those giant clusters from the distance, feeling like an equal to them unlike how I feel right now, incredibly tiny and insignificant, even if we only measure me against the size of planet earth and its population. I'd fucking love to just jump and escape gravity and start moving towards space, and visit all those weird and marvelous cosmic entities, quasars, pulsars, black holes, worlds bigger than anything we can imagine right now, stars as big as our entire galaxy.

But no, I have to stay home and do my homework, because all that waits for me is college tomorrow. And even after college, it's just a job good enough to keep me alive, friends good enough to keep me entertained, and a life good enough to make me wish to find a partner, marry her and spend the rest of my time with her.

I really have no wish to live, but as a self-aware mind, the thought of dying scares the heck outta me, i have nightmares in which I die and I wake up sweating and so happy that I am still alive, that somewhere inside of my brain between all the blood and the shit, the personality that has been created is still existing.

Sometimes I think about joining a religious group to get brainwashed that there is an afterlife, because I know for a fact that the day this idea takes root in my head I'll be prepared to kiss this world goodbye.

>> No.2643543

The need to piss normally hits me before any crushing self-doubt.

>> No.2643544


This is one of the most profoundly funny things I've heard in some time. Touche.

>> No.2643545 [DELETED] 


how strange, we both come from the same fictional universe.

the many joys of tripfagdom

>> No.2643546

Not everything is meaningless if you are giving meaning to your thoughts

>> No.2643550

but in such case the meaning is given by yourself, is like trying to convince yourself that you are an elephant. Just because you believe in something doesn't make it more true.

>> No.2643551

None. Try and have fun.

>> No.2643557

I wake up because there is work left undone.
I've got so many stories to tell and I'm not ready to die until they're all on paper.

>> No.2643570

that is without a doubt the most stupid answer nd irrelevant answer ive ever heard

why do you get up?
because stars

i feel for it at one time, then i realised my krauss and dawkins were just playing on my emotions with powerful metaphors

descriptions of the universe are not explanations for the universe. they do ot help us.

>> No.2643573


There is something to be said for the sheer improbability of our existence, of the fact that we're even here at all, consciously aware of ourselves. it's pretty marvelous, even though it's often shitty.

>> No.2643574

I'll give this a shot.

The point is there is no point. We find ourselves in the middle of this, and seek to justify it any way possible. God has essentially been defeated(for reasonable people) but is rapidly being replaced by egoism and an extreme over valuation of the self. Man is perfectly suited to becoming his own god, as god is just a paternal reflection of ourselves. If you can say you have a reason for living, I would argue it as much of a cop out as being a christian and pretending that answers anything.

We make these things up because there is no reason to go on without them. We are slaves to our genes, and once we shed our illusions we will realize its a miserable thing being an organism. I have often wondered if all intelligent life in the universe gets to a point where it just says fuck this, and chooses to go extinct, because extinction is the only way to end suffering,

Essentially, human happiness and what we call success are directly correlated to that humans capacity for self deceit. It really is pointless. Most people call me insane when I explain these things. I am totally against all forms of life and not because I am trying to be a dick, I just have an immense sympathy for the suffering of all creatures. Ask yourself, what can be deemed bad about nonexistence?

Obviously, there is a lot more to it, but I tried to sum it up, how I see it. You oversimplify anything if you use language to explain it. Stream of consciousness typing on 4chan I tend to phrase things in a non ideal way, so dont pick it apart for that, try and think about it.

>> No.2643578

Because I'm destined to thrust through the heavens with my spirit

>> No.2643587

>Why do you wake up every morning /lit/?
I didn't die in my sleep.

>Whats the point?
Why care if there's a point or not?

>> No.2643588

Because if I feel sad all my enemies win.

>> No.2643591

Because existence doesn't need to be justified.

The moment you were born as a baby, you didn't have to justify your existence. You were young and stupid but it wasn't expected that you'd have to create purpose of yourself.

Your existence was simply just is.

Just is as it is now.

>> No.2643596

Cause I get uncomfortable laying down all day.

>> No.2643603

I wake up because I am done sleeping. Often by this time I would like something to eat and perhaps scrub my hide a bit cleaner. Then I proceed to do whatever I want. Being awake is rather nice.

>> No.2643607

If we ask instead, 'why will we get up every morning?', then we won't need an answer.

>> No.2643611

Fuck I love you /lit/. Amongst all you suicidal paranoid schizos I realize my life isn't half bad.

>> No.2643618

Breakfast, lunch and dinner.

>> No.2643622

>be nihilist faggot
>think I hate life
>make up all sorts of reasons why it's all shit
>there is no meaning
>be depressed suicidal piece of shit
>do all this for a decade or so
>too much booze
>self-destruction in general
>stop going to school
>suddenly it hits me
>profound quiet
>enjoying life
>glimpses of happiness
>realise that it wasn't life itself that was troubling me, but mere aspects of it
>realise that I love life
>in these moments there is are no questions, no reason to live is needed, life becomes reason enough in itself
>dedicate myself to needing less and less to minimise the effort I have to put in survival and maximize the time I have enjoying life
>seek out to become a modern day Cynic of sorts
>slowly getting there

>> No.2643625

Gosh, am I the only person here who actually likes to be alive and doesn't consider existence to be synonymous with suffering?

>> No.2643626

No, but probably the only one who has never been through such a phase. Which is hardly a enviable position.

>> No.2643627

Have you looked into Jainism? Sounds like your sort of stuff but with a bunch of soothing gentleness added. One of their most esteemed rituals is basically realising that you are causing suffering with your very existence and ending it.

>> No.2643633

You are easily one of the biggest retards I've seen on 4chan

>> No.2643636


>> No.2643638


Havent visited this piece of shit in years...

Looking at this faggot makes me wonder, where is Stagolee?

>> No.2643640

>hurrr piece of shit
>too cool t obe here


>> No.2643641

morning glory

>> No.2643644 [DELETED] 


if you're going to bump a thread to complain, please have the decency to contribute something as well.

>> No.2643645

>Why do you wake up every morning /lit/?
>Whats the point?

To report faggots and their shitty threads on /lit/, that's why.

>> No.2643646


Every needs to do this. Need less shit, buy less shit and you don't have to spend so much time making $, you have more time for going to hiking mountains.

Go outside, be in nature for a change, instead of your dark computer rooms.

>> No.2643650


>> No.2643652

Because I don't have a choice.

>> No.2643654

I've got to hand in a dissertation on friday that I haven't started.

I've been paralyzed for months, unable to write anything. Just autopilot from home to job/uni and back.

I don't know what to do, my family thinks everything is going fine and that i'll graduate but I don't think that's possible.

>> No.2643659


Agreed. The pseudointellectuals on my English course were just unbearable; they'd go on and on throw in some buzzword or another and say nothing at all.

College sucks. I think it may have ruined literature forever for me.

Also everyone is shallow and fake because they're taking on new identities and starting afresh.

>> No.2643662


>The pseudointellectuals on my English course were just unbearable; they'd go on and on throw in some buzzword or another and say nothing at all.

Translation: I was too dumb to understand what they were saying.

>I think it may have ruined literature forever for me.

Translation: I like books with lots of sex and explosions.

>Also everyone is shallow and fake because they're taking on new identities and starting afresh.

Translation: I didn't get laid.

>> No.2643663

>College sucks. I think it may have ruined literature forever for me.

Not that guy, but I know that feel. It slowly heals, but never completely. I still distrust any literature as vain and pretentious a bit.

>> No.2643664

Yes. This is an infallibly good analysis.

>> No.2643666


No, I understood everything perfectly. I could also say what they were trying to say in a sentence or two, rather than rambling.

No I enjoy good books, I just don't want to apply feminist/marxist/post-structuralist theory etc. etc. to them and totally remove any emotional impact they have.

I just miss the gut impact of reading a great book, now it's all intellectualised.

And as for my sex life at college, It was fairly good. I've never had a problem with that aspect.

I guess you loved college or something and can't handle different opinions?

>> No.2643668


>No, I understood everything perfectly. I could also say what they were trying to say in a sentence or two, rather than rambling.

Sure thing. I'll just take your word for it because you're clearly superior and not an anti-intellectual or anything.

>No I enjoy good books, I just don't want to apply feminist/marxist/post-structuralist theory etc. etc. to them and totally remove any emotional impact they have.

There is no reason applying theory to books removes emotion from them. None at all.

>I just miss the gut impact of reading a great book, now it's all intellectualised.

Yes it's a pity that you now have to think about things, isn't it? Hurts your head a bit, I suppose?

>> No.2643669

uni is gay, don't listen to that faggot
shouldn't have studied english, though, did you think they were just going to let you read the books and talk about how awesome they were? that's where you fucked up, buddddddddddddy

>> No.2643674

>I just miss the gut impact of reading a great book, now it's all intellectualised.
I just miss the gut impact of mashing buttons in SF4, now it's all linking and combos.

I just miss the gut impact of watching films, now it's all filmography.

>> No.2643678


The patronising tone you've adopted hints at a touched nerve. Inferiority complex regarding your own intelligence, perhaps?

All I've done is state an opinion. You then proceed to offer a woefully wrong interpretation of said opinion before accusing me of being unintelligent and 'anti-intellectual'.

I'm not anti-intellectual, far from it. I just got bored with the drawling self-importance of certain people in college. Get over it.

>> No.2643684


>The patronising tone you've adopted hints at a touched nerve. Inferiority complex regarding your own intelligence, perhaps?

Oh look we got an armchair psychoanalyst. Can I play too? Tell me something about your mother.

>All I've done is state an opinion. You then proceed to offer a woefully wrong interpretation of said opinion before accusing me of being unintelligent and 'anti-intellectual'.

Because your opinion is one that is unintelligent and anti-intellectual. You literally complained about thinking. How is that anything but anti-intellectual?

>I'm not anti-intellectual, far from it.

Yeah you are.

>I just got bored with the drawling self-importance of certain people in college

Hahaha, seriously? You got bored with their self-importance, while you yourself were thinking you were much better than them? You were the most self-important fucker in that room, I can guarantee it.

>> No.2643686

you're both faggots, fuck off

>> No.2643687

why not?

>> No.2643688


Was that some kind of feeble attempt at making my argument look stupid?

What's wrong with wanting to feel some emotional impact from art? That's what it's there for.

The intellectual part is easy; I could do it all day. But that's not all there is aspies.

>> No.2643690

I wake up in the morning to that thought that maybe I'll get hit by a bus on the way to school

>> No.2643692


False dichotomy.

>> No.2643694


>> No.2643700


i didn't complain about thinking, I merely suggested there's more to art than 'thinking' about it. Jesus Christ.

How does that make someone anti-intellectual or unintelligent?

How does being fed up with college make someone anti-intellectual?

You just come across as being unable to deal with different opinions leading you to lash out for no reason. The sign of someone unable to think or rationalise in any meaningful way, since you bring up the whole 'unable to think' thing.

p.s. the psychoanalysis was a reply to your original attempt at the same thing.

>> No.2643705

just stop, he knows he was being a faggot, now all you have to do is come to the same recognition. he might have been slightly more of a faggot than you, but let that shit go, maybe suck his dick a little, ain't no thang

>> No.2643706


>i didn't complain about thinking, I merely suggested there's more to art than 'thinking' about it. Jesus Christ.

Oh no no, you won't backpedal. You clearly set up a dichotomy between "thinking" and "feeling" about art, and you clearly complained about having to do the former.

>No I enjoy good books, I just don't want to apply feminist/marxist/post-structuralist theory etc. etc. to them and totally REMOVE ANY EMOTIONAL IMPACT they have

You are saying that thinking removes feeling, and you prefer feeling, and hate thinking. Anti-intellectual.

>You just come across as being unable to deal with different opinions leading you to lash out for no reason.

I just hate people like you, that's all.

>> No.2643710


>Oh no no, you won't backpedal. You clearly set up a dichotomy between "thinking" and "feeling" about art, and you clearly complained about having to do the former.

No I didn't. I expressed frustration after 3 years of applying theory to books and this naturally came out as over-exaggeration, hence the 'remove any emotional impact' line. I'm sure plenty of students in the arts feel the same way.

After spending so much time on one end of the spectrum in regards to art appreciation, I expressed a desire to experience the wider impact art can have on the individual. At no point did I suggest 'thinking' about art and 'feeling' art were mutually exclusive reactions/approaches.

>I just hate people like you, that's all.

Well if you're driven to such an extreme emotion as hate over a difference of opinion (that you misunderstood anyway), aimed at someone you've never met then there's not a lot I can say, really. Sorry for not thinking exactly like you?

>> No.2643712

It's 3:32 PM. I woke up half an hour ago.

>> No.2643714


I wake up late too. What's your reason?

>> No.2643715


>I expressed frustration after 3 years of applying theory to books and this naturally came out as over-exaggeration

"over-exaggeration". Sure. Whatever. Fuck off, you unthinking piece of shit.

>> No.2643718


You have no idea what I'm like. You're judging my entire capacity to think by a few posts on an anonymous message board.

All this says about you is that you're a bitter aspie cunt who gets overwhelmingly mad when the world doesn't fit into neat boxes and categories.

>> No.2643719

man i had such an amazing dream last night. probably the best dream i've ever had in my life. even better than the time i understood universe. it's impossible to communicate what was so great about it, but it involved jesus, hell, elevators and videogames.

i'm so sad it will eventually fade away from my memory.

>> No.2643721


Wow. How do people like you even cope in the real world?

>> No.2643723

so you guys gonna bang or what?

>> No.2643731


brofist i'm waiting for my dad to die

>> No.2643733


you've selected about 4 different people... this could be interesting (no homo)

>> No.2643735


Brofist about your dad dying? What the fuck? My dad is an asshole but I wouldn't brofist about his death...

>> No.2643736

I don't know, man. I tend to sleep a lot. I could've gone for longer, I felt like I needed to take a shower.

>> No.2643738

write it down, perhaps? I have a notebook where I write my dreams as soon as I wake up. I used to record voice notes with my cellphone but since I didn't have to get up at all (i just grabbed the phone from under the pillow) it caused me to be half-asleep and when I listened to the notes later they didn't make any sense and it was just words without any connection. "Dog...mother jumps...there is...one...the white...movvvnggggg" etc

>> No.2643739

>having enemies
Sure feels high school in here.

>> No.2643740


I don't hate my dad, far from it; I just couldn't think of anything else to say. I realise how tasteless it was, was crude and unfunny, but honestly I don't care -- I needed it; what else can I say? Waiting for someone to die is crushing, and sometimes the only snatches of enjoyment I can get come from laughing at how fucking absurdly tragic things are.

>> No.2643748


Sorry to hear that man, and sorry for getting on your case about the 'brofist' comment.

Stay strong and be positive if possible.

>> No.2643758


possibly linked to depression?

>> No.2643768


I don't. I'll probably kill myself within the next few years.

>> No.2643777

I have a future

Not everyone is chronically depressed like you OP

>> No.2643778


Your future is to rot in the ground.

>> No.2643781


Does this explain your outburst earlier in the thread?

>> No.2643784


Of course. I'm filled with hate towards this disgusting world and its worthless inhabitants (including myself).

>> No.2643795

Explain your problems OP, maybe we can correct them

>> No.2643797

to come on /lit/ and talk about fucking literature

>> No.2643805


So can we shake hands (so to speak) and apologise to each other like men?

>> No.2643806


Absolutely not. I still think you're a piece of shit.

>> No.2643811

Depression towards seeing the world as it is is as delusional as happiness towards it. Or, at least, it's the same romantic stupidity, right?

With which there is nothing wrong anyway.
What are we arguing about again?

>> No.2643813


Fine. But if you're gonna hate me, don't lump be in with the 'worthless inhabitants' of the world because I don't worship at the grand alter of Literary Theory.

When are you planning to top yourself, out of interest?

>> No.2643987

Few days, high speed train comes by only once in a while here and I'm planning to make good use of it.

>> No.2644006

I was listening to lateralus by tool this entire thread.

I am a firm (or not so firm) believer in non-trusting what I think or believe. There are smarter people than myself who fool them selves into a delusional philosophy and I don't wanna live a delusion so instead I live in the moment and ignore any deep thoughts I may have. Because they're wrong. I think.

>> No.2644018

My tulpa

>> No.2644033


i saw a thread about tulpas not long ago. made me really curious.

>> No.2644035

For you to be here now trillions of drifting atoms had somehow to assemble in an intricate and curiously obligating manner to create you. It's an arrangement so specialized and particular that it has never been tried before and will only exist this once. For the next many years (we hope) these tiny particles will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft, co-operative efforts necessary to keep you intact and let you experience the supremely agreeable but generally under appreciated state known as existence.

Not only have you been lucky enough to be attached since time immemorial to a favored evolutionary line, but you have also been extremely- make that miraculously- fortunate in your personal ancestry. Consider the fact that for 3.8 billion years, a period of time older than the Earth's mountains and rivers and oceans, everyone of your forbears on both sides has been attractive enough to find a mate, healthy enough to reproduce, and sufficiently blessed by fate and circumstances to live long enough to do so. Not one of your pertinent ancestors was squashed, devoured, drowned, starved, stranded, stuck fast, untimely wounded, or otherwise deflected from it's life quest of delivering a tiny charge of genetic material to the right partner at the right moment in order to perpetuate the only possible sequence of hereditary combinations that could result - eventually, astoundingly, and all to briefly- in you.

So, basically, because I'm not an ungrateful fag.

Do yourself a favor and watch this 10-minute video:

>> No.2644043

Simple. If not for myself, then for those who can't.
Don't be selfish.

>> No.2644057


I think you should read this >>2644035

>> No.2644065

Just laying there would be boring.

>> No.2644084


This "you're lucky" business is silly.

It's like saying "we're lucky Earth is at the correct distance from the Sun. Otherwise we wouldn't be here."

No shit faggot, we are here BECAUSE Earth is at the correct distance, it's not like we were in some spirit world waiting to be on Earth before Earth ever took it's place in the solar system, and we were somehow immensely lucky Earth happened on the correct spot.

Obviously we lack a lot of variables but just looking of the sheer size of the universe it's immensely improbable that life wouldn't develop somewhere in there to our stage of development.

>> No.2644464

Fuck, I wake up at 6 PM today, I'm a mess.

>> No.2644468 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2644470
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>> No.2644472

yeah i had a fucking physics professor of all people who said "there's no way the conditions for life on earth are an accident, it had to be planned!" it's like, bro, the universe is infinitely big, out of infinite chances it's inevitable that eventually some planet somewhere would have to have these conditions. he was a smart dude in newtonian mechanics and engineering physics, "real world" kind of shit but he obviously didn't think much about the universe...

>> No.2645051

No, fuck you.

That entire post was bullshit. All it said was 'YOU SHOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR SHIT YOU HAD NO CONTROL OVER'.

I already know that the amount of effort it took to bring me into existence is hardly something you can ignore, but shit - it isn't THAT unthinkably rare when there's 7 billion humans alone, and several hundred times that number of animals, insects, other living things, etc. That came into existence just like we did.

>> No.2645152

It's cloudy today.

>> No.2645171



Always, no matter what.

>> No.2645176

hello /jp/, depressed as usual uh?

>> No.2645189

I suppose you're actually asking what's the point of going on living.
1) It would really hurt my parents if I killed myself.
2) I don't think I have the nerve to actually pull the trigger.
3) 90 or so years is not really all that long. I think I can last it out.
4) Maybe I will change. Maybe I will find a reason to live. Who knows? Only one way to find out.

>> No.2645203

>Why do you wake up every morning /lit/?

My body wakes up on its own.

>Whats the point?


>> No.2645223

This made me laugh so tucking hard you have no idea

>> No.2645248

I don't get it.

>> No.2645252

Because the hope of Brett Favre making a return in the Vikings is still alive

>> No.2645271

Well, there's always the misfortune of others- that and being proven right over and over. And there are orgasms to be had.

TL;DR - Paraphrasing I know, but Hitchens is my hero.

>> No.2645319

Because I'm a soldier on duty and I do not desert my post. Even though I'm posted far away from Carthage and it's already been defeated and sown with salt.

>> No.2645860


You weren't conscious before you were born and therefore had no jimmies to be rustled, yes. And you had no say in your being brought into existence, yes. But nevertheless, you went from a state of nonexistence to a sentient being capable of enjoying ice cream, having an orgasm, and having your jimmies rustled. And despite how common life is, or may seem to us here, the odds of it being YOU who came into existence were unfathomably infinitesimal. So you beat unfathomable odds to go from nonexistence to sentience, where you were given the gift of being able to ponder over and interact with this vast, breathtaking universe which, as far as we can see, grants such opportunities very, very rarely. And you choose to ignore how precious this gift is because "I wasn't even here before to know I would be lucky to exist lol" or "someone else would have come if I didn't lol"? Well, do the species a favor and free up some resources by killing yourself. There are plenty of people who are grateful for a rare shot at life, fraught as it is with difficulty, and consequently willing to work to contribute to a greater good.

tl;dr ungrateful faggots, just kill yourself and make room for someone who will appreciate the supremely rare and agreeable state known as existence.

>> No.2645873

Read Sartre, then Camus, then Stirner. Then read Nietzsche, but don't become a douchebag.

>> No.2645875

either that or it was determined. which is unknowable so let's not go there. but i like your optimism.

>> No.2645876

By getting up and doing things, I have the opportunity to do things I enjoy, and to bring joy to others (which in turn brings joy to me).

By lying in bed all day every day, or offing myself, I would be giving up those opportunities. Since I like being happy, I don't want to do things that would eliminate my chance to do that.

Simple answer, really.

>> No.2645879

point? what are you a stick?

>> No.2646453

if i fail at killing myself, then I'll really be dead.

>> No.2646458
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>sudden enlightment

>> No.2646469
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>brought into existence
>went from a state of nonexistence to a sentient being
> given the gift of being able to ponder over and interact
>grants such opportunities
> precious this gift
>people who are grateful for a rare shot at life

Seriously? The is nothing that is brought into existence, there is no unexisting soul that was waiting for a slot to be available. He is a part of existence, the very existing defines. There is no him besides his existence. Therefore being grateful for it would be absurd. He couldn't have been anything else, he didn't get the good or the bad side of the deal. Non-existence doesn't exist and is irrelevant.

There is no gift either for this same reason. No opportunities granted, as if he could have been who he is in another situation. There is no gift, just like a fish isn't being gifted being a fish as if he could NOT have been a fish. Gratefulness for your existence as it is, which could not be any other way than that it is, is as ridiculous as complaining about it.

>> No.2646481

You say: Why live a meaningless life?

Without god, are we really that pathetic? Do we really need a stern wizard and his coda to conduct us through life? To the best of all our knowledge, we are the only rational beings in the universe. We are here, alone, on this rock, without a guide, no father or mother to usher us into existential maturity, so we must be content with own explanations. Why not fight each other, then, in such an empty world? Every man is his own companion. The man you would kill faces his own choice. Leave him be to make it. But why should we ourselves indulge in the fantasy we cannot fathom? Why bolster this barren sphere when it will wither, when you will die, when everything you have labored to build might just be blown away by an uncaring universe, why not end your consciousness as is your choice and your right?
Because you are still in the game. This is the grandest experiment of all, because we conduct and we subject, variable, and outcome. We are the ambassadors for everything that can think and feel, that can appreciate the beauty and the transcending awe of the universe we inhabit. End the experiment, if you choose. I will not stop you. But if that is your decision, than you choose not to pursue the answer to your question. You may die young, and desolate, but confident in the rightness of your action, but I will grow older, and wiser, and if my luck holds, we will grow closer to the answer.

>> No.2646486

You say: Why live a meaningless life?

Without god, are we really that pathetic? Do we really need a stern wizard and his coda to conduct us through life? To the best of all our knowledge, we are the only rational beings in the universe. We are here, alone, on this rock, without a guide, no father or mother to usher us into existential maturity, so we must be content with own explanations. Why not fight each other, then, in such an empty world? Every man is his own companion. The man you would kill faces his own choice. Leave him be to make it. But why should we ourselves indulge in the fantasy we cannot fathom? Why bolster this barren sphere when it will wither, when you will die, when everything you have labored to build might just be blown away by an uncaring universe, why not end your consciousness as is your choice and your right?
Because you are still in the game. This is the grandest experiment of all, because we conduct the only trial and and the human race is subject, variable, and outcome. We are the ambassadors for everything that can think and feel, that can appreciate the beauty and the transcending awe of the universe we inhabit. End the experiment, if you choose. I will not stop you. But if that is your decision, than you choose not to pursue the answer to your question. You may die young, and desolate, but confident in the rightness of your action, but I will grow older, and wiser, and if my luck holds, we will grow closer to the answer.


>> No.2646492


Precisely this.
I cannot stop finding how ironic the suposition of the rarity or "Life" or how it is a "miracle". Positivist tend to postulate how amazing and clockwork like nature has brought life into existance as if it justifies pur miserable existance.
How much more self-important do you have to feel in order to know your life has meaning? This neo-scientism bullshit anoys the shit out of me and is the absolutly laziest way to ponder at the meaning of existance.

>> No.2646508

There is no meaning, so stop pondering.
By the way, I am the "positivist" in
There is no deity and no school of philosophy provides a satisfactory explanation for why we should consider life to have any innate meaning. Certainly, there are plenty of reasons why we should not kill each other or steal things - see NAP. But purpose? The purpose of life is whatever you find most fulfilling, and you continue to make clear what you choose for your life's purpose with every passing inconsequential action. Should you desire to leave an impact on this earth that lasts beyond your quick little life, then move to do so. Otherwise, continue griping.

>> No.2646511
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i like you

>> No.2646526

I wake up every morning (by which I assume you mean get out of bed and do things) because I need to eat and clean myself in order to stay healthy. If I'm not healthy I suffer.

I suppose the point is to have as good a time as possible before death closes in. I'd rather do enjoyable things and then die rather than just die. Then again I have quite a privileged life. I'm not sure how I'd justify it if my life was shit. Then again I was depressed for a few months in winter.

>> No.2646600


There are periods where I need no reason; I wake up and get out of bed without a thought and seek something to do. Simply being awake is reason in itself.

Then there are the periods where I don't get out of bed and do my best not to wake up. I ruminate on existence and can't do anything. All my time not spent at work or at college is spent alone in my room.

Such is life for the middle class white male.

>> No.2646777
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Thinking I might one day get over this crushing nihilism is enough to keep waking up, for now. Amor fati, I suppose.

>> No.2647886


The reason we need god is because as humans, as a species, we crave subservience. We need authority, god, the government, what have you. Without our masters we're a hopeless race, grasping for meaning.

Man is not by nature a social animal, society could not exist except by the power of the state.
-Thomas Hobbes.

>> No.2647895

Ride the Tiger you fucking pussies

>> No.2648124

>Man is not by nature a social animal, society could not exist except by the power of the state.

Hobbs couldn't yet into biology and primate anthropology. Humans have always been a highly social species.

>> No.2648361

to fuck some bitches.

because that is all I wanna do matey :D

>> No.2649520

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

>> No.2649527

I like this.

>> No.2649529

The two of you lay there panting, your cock still inside him. After a few minutes pass, Hobbes breaks the silence. "Sweetie, that was wonderful. You’re really special to me, yah know? Please remember that." You know that your relationship is special too; you won’t forget Hobbes anytime soon.

>> No.2649538

>dat Zarathustra

>> No.2649572


Sure smells like nihilism in here.

Let me put this into simple terms so you angsty, whiny teenagers can understand why you should be grateful for your "existance".

> for millennia, you were in a state of nonexistence
> incredibly and improbably, you were brought into existence. Countless millions before you had to suffer and sacrifice to bring about conditions ripe for this to happen. You had to beat out unfathomable odds for it to be you and not someone else, or no one else, who was born.
> you went from nothingness to being able to admire a sunset, laugh with a loved one, and derive pleasure from the world into which you were born
> this state of existence, wherein you are able to find pleasure and ponder the universe, is far more agreeable than the alternative -- irrelevant of the fact that you could never have known before how preferable it was
> odds that atoms would never have obligingly and incredibly arranged themselves into you so that you could find pleasure: extremely low
> odds that you would be born into enough privilege to be able to sit in a temperature-controlled room and freely express your bullshit nihilist beliefs through mind-bending technology: extremely low
> only appropriate response: gratefulness

>> No.2649578


Leaving your childhood imaginary friend behind is like burying a loved one. But a letting go you must do. XPARAB EXPANDING !!!

I'm casting Harry Potter 4chan verification spells....

>> No.2649580



odds that atoms would (not would never have) obligingly and incredibly arranged themselves into you so that you could find pleasure: extremely low

Also, if you're going to argue the nature of nonexistence, just change "you were in a state of nonexistence" to "there was no you" -- same result

>> No.2649582

We are pathetic globs of flesh clinging to an insignificant rock in an insanely vast universe, the fact that we have have evolved to a point where we are aware of the fact that we are globs of flesh, doesn't mean we should be thankful.

I don't know where you get the notion that we have beaten any odds to get here. There are no souls. I don't have a spirit that has been waiting patiently for millennia for the opportunity to occupy a mortal body. We are just self aware atoms The matter making up our bodies differs, but consciousness remains the same, and just as irrelevant. I have the same consciousness as every other living organism.

You are just a glorified biological calculator with an ego.

>> No.2649583


Least if you were made of gold you'd be worth something ?

>> No.2649584


Life is an abnormality and the disease of the universe. Un-life is the natural order of the cosmos.

>> No.2649586


There is no natural order of the universe, not even chaos. Because our puny human minds can't comprehend, it so how can we say what it's natural order is ? or isn't ?

>> No.2649589

I usually work up an appetite between that period and also my bladder fills up so i have two things to do right when i wake up! :3c

>> No.2649598


I never said we have a soul, and if I implied that we were waiting for millennia to come into existence, it was not intentional. None of this changes the fact that existence is far more agreeable than nonexistence, and therefore being born is far more preferable to having never been born.

> I don't know where you get the notion that we have beaten any odds to get here

*sigh* Yes, because there's nothing improbable about all of your ancestors being healthy and fortunate enough to reproduce, the species surviving multiple threats of extinction, etc, etc...

> the fact that we have have evolved to a point where we are aware of the fact that we are globs of flesh, doesn't mean we should be thankful

The alternative is being a glob of flesh that is not self aware. Which is preferable? Why should I not be thankful for being on the preferable end of that spectrum?

>> No.2649601

That is exactly what I ask my body everyday.

He still does it anyway...

>> No.2649604

It was just as likely for me to come in to existence as it was for you.

And if I were a glob of unaware flesh I wouldn't have preferences so neither that state or the one I occupy is preferable.

That's like being afraid of death "because it's nothingness". It's not like you'll know you died.

>> No.2649606

-pfffft- -rolls eyes-


>> No.2649613

Get this: When you die, everything you learned will have been a complete waste.

>> No.2649616 [DELETED] 


that's why the journey itself is so important. it's all we have

>> No.2649619

>Yes, because there's nothing improbable about all of your ancestors being healthy and fortunate enough to reproduce, the species surviving multiple threats of extinction, etc, etc...

If I go to a beach and pick up a grain of sand, the odds of me picking the grain of sand that I did are overwhelmingly slim, yet there is no intrinsic value in it.

I still don't think you realize that there is no difference between the consciousness of your ancestors and the consciousness you have. You are a self aware biological computer without a soul. I do understand the journey the first amino acids took billions of years ago, slowly mutating and evolving to become the species we are now. but I feel no need to award it some arbitrary value.

>The alternative is being a glob of flesh that is not self aware. Which is preferable? Why should I not be thankful for being on the preferable end of that spectrum?

You really don't understand the concept of YOU. You are oliver cromwell, you are a mountain lion, you are every organism that has ever lived binded by evolution and one shared consciousness. You have no need to be thankfull of your restrictive body because you are every other living thing. You are one glass of water taken from an ocean that is placing to much value in the glass.

>> No.2649631


> It was just as likely for me to come in to existence as it was for you.

This doesn't change the fact that the odds of either of being born are infinitesimal.

> if I were a glob of unaware flesh I wouldn't have preferences so neither that state or the one I occupy is preferable.

What the unaware glob knows or doesn't know has no bearing on whether its state of being is more or less preferable than another. We happen to be able to look at this objectively and deduce that being self aware is preferable to the alternative.

> That's like being afraid of death "because it's nothingness". It's not like you'll know you died.

I'm not afraid of death because it's nothingness. I'm afraid I won't accomplish the things I am able to do and want to do before I become that nothingness.

Riddle me this: if you're such a pathetic glob of flesh on an insignificant rock, why not end your meaningless existence in protest? That's the only course of action consistent with your beliefs and convictions. Or are you, too, afraid of the nothingness?

>> No.2649637

>The reason we need god is because as humans, as a species, we crave subservience. We need authority, god, the government, what have you. Without our masters we're a hopeless race, grasping for meaning.

then you are but a slave of your own deceitful mental constructs. free yourself. rise above the many.

completely apart from the questions of whether meaning is an existing property of the natural world and if so in what it lies we have to face a different, more important question. is "meaning" a desirable thing to know? there is a passage in the will to power in which nietzsche explains how every concept of meaning is ultimately a limitation, prohibiting oneself from acting according to ones will. stop mourning about your life being void of meaning and value, embrace your freedom.

>> No.2649638

Because life is fun.

I don't need some grand meaning for my life. Why do you?

>> No.2649639


My life is totally meaningless, but I'm still enjoying it.

>> No.2649642

You could go out an be helpful to other humans. Then, at least, your life would have been some help to someone. Maybe someone you helped to not commit suicide will be the one who turns the American economy around or something beautiful like that.

>> No.2649654

> If I go to a beach and pick up a grain of sand, the odds of me picking the grain of sand that I did are overwhelmingly slim, yet there is no intrinsic value in it.

There is no intrinsic value in it because the sifting of a few grains of sand on a beach bears little or no consequence in the grander scheme of things. In the life of any given person, meanwhile, there is potential to have a real impact on the world and to perpetuate the species -- the only species we know of, by the way, that can ponder the nature of its existence and wade out beyond the planet on which it was born. And the fact that we are the first species on earth to be able to do this after millennia of evolution -- and the only we know of in the universe -- gives us intrinsic value. If you can't see why that is, by all means, go on thinking it's arbitrary. But have the courage to follow your convictions and take your own meaningless life. Free up some resources for those of us who are willing to work toward a greater good because we find intrinsic value in life.

>> No.2649678

>humans, as a species, we crave subservience
naturalistic fallacy

>> No.2649688

You, as a person, need presumption.

>> No.2649691


I don't need some grand meaning for my life; I need to live a life that is consistent with my convictions, and my convictions are that life is rare and precious and I will accordingly do all I can to live it to its fullest.

You, meanwhile, are unwilling to let go of life because you are deriving pleasure from it, but you are not appreciative of all the sacrifices made to bring it about nor how lucky you are to be alive versus the alternative.

So you admit there is fun to be had in life but still don't think you're lucky to have it?

And don't you see how you sound like a spoiled, ungrateful child? No, I won't give up this toy because I'm having fun with it, but I won't thank you for all the effort you put into making it or be grateful for it because I didn't even ask for it.

>> No.2649694

You really have a strong desire to feel special dontacha.
>there is potential to have a real impact on the world and to perpetuate the species
The Andromeda galaxy is hurtling towards us and will destroy ours when it does, our sun is going to burn out out, there is easily the potential for our species to be wiped out by viruses, meteor impact, seismic ruptures, solar flares and the entire universe will end in a sea of black holes with only a few neutrinos floating about. Anything you do, the ant like ball of flesh stuck to the tiny rock, is pointless.

>But have the courage to follow your convictions and take your own meaningless life
Why would I kill myself? I am having such a great time living my life, being aware of ones insignificance doesn't make pleasures any less enjoyable. I'm just trying to make you understand that you are a badly written operating system in a fleshy computer that is totally void of meaning. I didn't say you cant have fun, just don't pretend life is some precious gift that you need to be grateful for.

>> No.2649703

The Andromeda galaxy is hurtling towards us and will destroy ours when it does, our sun is going to burn out out

> implying there is no possibility the species may migrate elsewhere (we are already on the brink of colonizing the moon in our very young history)

I am having such a great time living my life
don't pretend life is some precious gift that you need to be grateful for

> implying you shouldn't be grateful for being given the ability to enjoy your life

>> No.2649706

I am not lucky to be alive versus the alternative because there is no alternative.

I am either alive or I do not exist.

>And don't you see how you sound like a spoiled, ungrateful child?
Haha, oh god, if the parents that threw me out at 16 could see this.

>> No.2649708

>Why do you wake up every morning /lit/?
It is the default state. The question must be, "Why not?"

>> No.2649710

ITT: people trying their damndest to be as clever and poignant as Carl Sagan but failing miserably.

You just sound like you have your head in your ass when you do that, guys,

>> No.2649711


> there is no alternative
> I am either alive or I do not exist

Exactly: you are either alive or you do not exist. So there IS an alternative. And one is clearly preferable to the other.

>> No.2649712


Maybe so, but at least we're trying. What are you doing?

>> No.2649714


>> No.2649713

Not existing is not an alternative because that isn't me. There isn't some tiny spec in the infinite void of non-existence that's just waiting to be occupied by me.

>> No.2649718


There doesn't have to be a soul waiting to inhabit a body for nonexistence to be an alternative to existence. These are still two different states, and one is still preferable to the other.

>> No.2649721

It's easy to say that when you're content. Everyone who is trying to make their own world view is just being 'pretentious'. Which as we know isn't an actual criticism to an argument

>> No.2649722

I will not exist in non-existence.

*I* (LET'S PUT SOME MORE EMPHASIS ON THIS WORD THAT YOU'RE APPARENTLY NOT READING. IT SAYS "I" ) can not not exist since I am based entirely on my ability to perceive things, I can't not exist.

Sure my body might, but that isn't me.

>> No.2649733


Okay, let me put this another way for you.

There are two possible circumstances regarding your existence: either you have a functioning body through which you are able to carry out your existence, or you don't. Just because in the latter situation you are unable to ponder whether you exist or not does not take away from the fact that IT IS AN ALTERNATIVE to the former.

Now, since we have to clear alternatives here, we can compare the two and think about which one is preferable. I tend to think existence is preferable, and that's why I'm grateful for being in that state as opposed to the alternative.

>> No.2649743


Or, I guess I should say, I'm grateful there is a me as opposed to there not being a me.

>> No.2649753

there are actually four possible states of existence
1. I could not exist
2. I could exist as ME
3. I could have previously existed
4. I could exist as Yoko Ono

>> No.2649757

This is why I don't want to wake up sometimes.

>> No.2649807

Infinite states: You could exist as anything because that's how atoms work.