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/lit/ - Literature

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2643197 No.2643197 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/,

anyone else taking the AP Lang exam tomorrow? You ready for it? Anyone here taken it before?

APMC is a bitch.

>> No.2643287

My body is ready. No matter the questions posed, the multiple choice section is a joke. You don't have to know anything coming in, so as long as you can analyze text at an eighth grade level, you'll do swell.

>> No.2644337

Yeah, that test was easy as fuck.

>> No.2644455


>> No.2644760

I took the AP Gov test on Tuesday, and that was my last AP exam ever. I didn't study for it so I probably wasted that eighty or so bucks. I don't like "classics", I mean I only read sci-fi and some fantasy. I feel like if you and I are still on this board in a few years, we'll argue about something or other because you're probably more into highbrow type literature. Until that time when we inevitably do battle fellow teen, let us continue shit-posting inadvertently.

>> No.2644768

Holy shit those essays were so easy.

The third essay about certainty and doubt, I think I filled about five pages of existential bullshit about how absolute certainty is dangerous and that reason and doubt are the keys to transcending humanity...

>> No.2644770

5 pages?? I had like one and a half on that essay. i was so done with it.

>> No.2644771

>AP Lang
>Not AP Lit
Shiggy Diggy

>> No.2644775

I think I had two pages for the USPS synthesis essay. I used an extended analogy about how the modern pony express of the united states has broken its leg and needs to be euthanized.

The Kennedy one was kind of sketchy, I discussed his use of pathos, repetition to emphasize his disappointment of US Steel, and his accusatory tone.

>> No.2644778

AP Lang
>write essay on rhetorical strategy and subtleties of a JFK speech
AP Lit
>Catcher in the Rye contains a teenage character. Write an essay defending or arguing against this prompt.


>> No.2644783

My synthesis essay was kinda long.
for JFK i talked about how he went from pathos to logos to ethos

>> No.2644790

>Implying that boring waste of time is required reading.

>> No.2644799

discussing ap courses.

oh my god why do i still come here, i'm nearly 30

>> No.2644805

There are plenty of older men on this site. A few of us high school guys just got to talking about some literature pertaining specifically to us is all. Doesn't mean we represent the whole of /lit. And another thing, I love that grown, educated men post on here because I learn a lot from the learned elders of /lit/.

>> No.2644819

Bitch please. Don't be so butt rustled. I come here all the time and you would never suspect it because I'm not a shit-posting faggot.

>> No.2644823
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That exam is a joke, and the MC is not hard at all

>you should be getting AT LEAST 50/54
>If not, you probably already know that English is not your thing

ps all the AP exams are easy as fuck

>> No.2644825

fuck off with this grade school bullshit

>> No.2644828
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you are a complete faggot
pic related

>> No.2644829

>AP Chem, Physics, Biology

Try again troll. The science AP's are specifically designed to fuck over even the most studious Asian.

>> No.2644839
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whatever man, its been some time, maybe chem (didn't take) and physics c e/m (that was hard)

either you go to a shitty high school with bad teachers (your parents fault) or you're not that smart (your fault) or maybe you're just bad at science, which is fine, but tens of thousands still get 5's without trying that hard

I may be a faggot for arguing on the internet, but I took 16 exams and didn't get a 5 on only 3 of them

>> No.2644840 [DELETED] 

I have the issue of doubting myself so much that I can never write anything down unless I feel like I'm definitely happy with it. So I only finished with one essay, the other was about 3/4 of the way done, and the Language question had half an intro.

So yeah, there goes half of my week's paycheck. Unless I get lucky and get a 3 (I felt like I did well on the MC, and my friend last year didn't write any of the essays and still got a 2, so).

I feel like the Certainty v. Doubt question raised a lot of contradictions if you just chose one side without qualifying it. I defended the position of certainty saying, if the certainty was for an ethical position and challenged a long-term, negative social standard or norm, or had other positive societal or humane effects against a violent or misguided conception, than the certainty was warranted and even called for.

But then I realized I was saying certainty was good because it challenged certainty and that entire essay was equivocated bullshit and I was arguing for the wrong side. I always choke up on these things.

>> No.2644844

I took the AP Biology exam. It was hard. I'm not great at science but I'm not mediocre. I'm hoping for a four.

The free response questions are luck of the draw. One year your could get fucked with some obscure subject and the next year your friend gets the most discussed lessons you ever did.

>> No.2644845

plz don't use that word. No bigots allowed

>> No.2644849

Hey, sorry man. I always get the the shits before a big test, if that makes things better.

I felt that by taking a really philosophical approach to the certainty vs doubt essay I easily have an 8 or a 9 in the bag.

>> No.2644892

I took it a few years back, got a 5 on it.
Failed the class, though. My teacher was displeased.
I only failed because I was an loledgy teen who didn't do his homework.

>> No.2646488

All my feels. Do you grow out of it?