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2635687 No.2635687 [Reply] [Original]

>...is more than a status quo exile and his growth.

Does this make sense to anyone?

>> No.2635692

Yes, perfect sense. I'm in Mensa too so I guess only us smart guys understand status quo exiles.

>> No.2635697

If you're the guy responding to him I suggest you kill yourself now. Also, you haven't even quoted him properly. Having said that I'm not sure of what he means either. I'd guess that it means a situation where exile becomes the norm for the exiled party but I'm not sure.

>> No.2635698

Not to mention their growths.

>> No.2635729

no, i'm not him. I found this on another board.

>> No.2635743

this is hella old you dumbo

hella old

>> No.2635752

"Status quo exile" I would guess simply means a social outcast. It seems to imply social force rather than individual choice, like the difference between a pariah and a hermit.
The guy's argument is retarded though, he's talking about complexity but only using the argument of plot when complexity is dependent on theme and development. Plots aren't complex, there's a handful which are swapped, added, or inverted to compose a whole. Plot is the first and the basest area to begin when talking about the complex or sophisticated nature of a work.

>> No.2635782

he also calls "complexity" "perplexity" which is just adorable

honestly why would this make you mad he's obviously just a dumb high school nerd who thinks having his IQ tested above 100 makes him a genius with an powerful and unique insight

I'm sure you knew a kid like him when you were in school, there's always one, and they're always obviously pathetic to anyone who isn't themselves

>> No.2635791

or more likely he's trolling, and it's fucking hilarious