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/lit/ - Literature

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2635496 No.2635496 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly can't remember anyone on 4chan /lit/ ever discussing a books themes, disseminating the multiple meanings of a passage, or talking about a book other than whether or not they "like it" or "don't like it".

Often times, you guys perceive questions of discussion as a homework thread.

You all are the biggest bunch of dumb roach posers that ever scuttled. I doubt any of you actually read. I bet most of you just gloss over the written words trying to generally understand, while being distracted by your A.D.D.

I'm probably going to stop coming here, which will be detrimental to you guys, considering that I'm one of the best posters here. I'm not going to carry the weight by myself.

Quality post, or I'm gone.

>> No.2635499
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>> No.2635504

You are absolutely correct OP.

>> No.2635507

i'm sorry, please daddy don't hit me again

>> No.2635513

>anyone on 4chan /lit/ ever discussing a books themes, disseminating the multiple meanings of a passage
Even thouse of us who have an education are not brainwashed enough to buy into that. Thankfully. "Themes", meanwhile, are a fake concept. They do not warrant discussion, and only poor authors write towards a theme in any case - good ones are telling a story instead.

Communication means a lot in terms of recommendation, though. It is important to know the general opinions of others to pick better books. Nobody could read everything that was ever written to find out what's best. Without talking to people and seeing what they enjoyed the most, you will forever drown in really bad literature.

>> No.2635512

Yep, you got it, OP. This place really is fucking terrible. I try to only post in the good threads, ignore the obvious trolls, not flame people in discussions because I disagree, but it's worthless because no one follows suit. You should leave. I've almost completely left now. I pop in from time to time to see what's happening. I'm thankful to this place for introducing me to a few new authors, but other than that it's a complete waste of time.

>> No.2635514
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>> No.2635518

>I honestly can't remember anyone on 4chan /lit/ ever discussing a books themes, disseminating the multiple meanings of a passage

This has happened plenty of times with the more popular novels like IJ, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, Blood Meridian, etc.

Also, there are plenty of long threads discussing philosophy/interpreting various philosophical texts.

If you want to discuss a passage and its meaning, make a thread for it.

>> No.2635519
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>> No.2635522

why don't you whiny motherfuckers just leave? Why do you have to make an attention-whore thread about it? Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya.

>> No.2635523

This post makes me feel worse about /lit/ than OP's.


>> No.2635524

A reaction image. How erudite.

>> No.2635525
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>IJ, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, Blood Meridian,
>Roach Tier lit discussions

Get on my level.

>> No.2635528
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what website do you think you're on?

>> No.2635530

It's 4chan, dipshit. Nobody should be using /lit/ to substitute actual IRL literature discussion. This is just a place to shoot the shit and call authors faggots while casually discussing/recommending lit/philosophy.

>> No.2635531

If you're the faggot that keeps posting the roach shit I'll be glad to see the back of you.

>> No.2635538


>why u no discuss themes

because no one actually cares about literary critique, humans read for fun

the humanities departments envy science so they came up with a bunch of bullshit theories and criteria in order to make courses and steal student's money

in reality, all their work is irrelevant and NO ONE READS IT not even their peers...they have no peer reviewed work

So to answer your question, why doesn't anyone here talk about Themes or "dissect multiple meanings" because none of those things have any objective truth value, its all just subjective drivel, you might as well ask "which book do you like more" because its all a matter of preference in the end

>> No.2635534

/lit/ isn't all made of children like OP. There are people who can talk about books without resorting to mindless, formulaic discussions on here (and resorting to reaction images when something goes wrong), too.

>> No.2635540
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if people stop resorting to using reaction images when "things go wrong," then even I'll leave 4chan. Until then, you're a faggot.

>> No.2635541


>> No.2635542
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See /lit/, these are the roach posters I'm talking about.

>> No.2635545

Okay, I agree with you there. There's always going to be a certain amount of anti-intellectualism on 4chan though.

>> No.2635546

Age just so everyone sees your stupidity.

>> No.2635547

It's actually the intellectuals who argue with literary criticism. The ones endorsing it are the educated plebs.

>> No.2635549

Yeah, but even in war, there are still rules. The rules help to structure the chaos, so armies maintain the semblance of a respectable institution and don't degrade into lawless bands of marauders.

Similarly, 4chan might be anarchy, but on /lit/, we still have tacit rules, such as don't be fucking lazy and disrespectful by responding with a picture of a roach instead of a verbal rejoinder. This breaks my heart writing this too because /lit/, in general, doesn't take itself too seriously, but socializing the barbarians takes priority over our footloose spirit in this case.

And don't respond by posting a roach, you predictable turd.

>> No.2635550
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Who gives a fuck about another off-topic thread?


I'd have thought you were all fucking used to it by now with the amount of shit you pump into this board. Even /tv/ is more on topic than /lit/.

>> No.2635551

>Quality post, or I'm gone.

We're waiting, OP.

Actually no we're not. You're not going anywhere, you just wanted to start a thread to validate the time you're wasting here. Do you fell better?

>> No.2635553

Did you just imply that there is a spectrum with intellectual and pleb somewhere on it?

>> No.2635555
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>but on /lit/, we still have tacit rules

>> No.2635556

I think he's feeling worse now.

>> No.2635558

You imply, I state.

>> No.2635560

There aren't enough girls, there are too many white power cuckolds, and there is an excess of sub-literate high schoolers.

>> No.2635563

And you've decided this spectrum just so happens to align perfectly with your thoughts on literary theory, so that the people you agree with are better than those who don't agree with you? Why not just come up with a list of rules for what it means to be a "true fan" of literature?

>> No.2635567

You use too many words. I have faith in my opinion, yes.

So, for fuck's sake? Your point?

>> No.2635571

I don't have one, I was just curious.

>> No.2635573

You see, this is why I don't bother with the roaches.

They use logical fallacies, and argue for sake of argument instead of trying to find a solution or exchanging actual knowledge of something.

That's why I post a roach, when dealing with roachs.

Less taxing on me, and makes them less relevant (just like IRL).

>> No.2635578


stop trying to force your faggy roach meme

>> No.2635592

>I'm a unique little snowflake
>I eschew stringent refutation because no matter what valid arguments others may make against me, they all melt in the glow of my inherent superiority.

LOL, there is nothing more obnoxious than a sophomore Nietzschean.

>> No.2635595

>preposterious! you should feel stupid for being so sure, I'm absolutely sure of it
is what you're saying. Marvel at the hypocrisy.

>> No.2635598

>That's why I post a roach, when dealing with roachs.
This makes no sense. It's like biting yourself when you get hit on the head.

>> No.2635604

Where are you getting that from? I was genuinely curious about your standpoint, and in the second from last post I pushed it just a little with an argument that was frankly silly, and you gave a little more info. I can't really find out much else about what you think on /lit/, can I?

>> No.2635607

In other words, you were just wasting my time? Is that what you're saying now?

>> No.2635610

You're on /lit/ my friend, I wouldn't be too worried about that.

>> No.2635613
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>this thread

>> No.2635620

Add in that there is also an excess of smug college pseudo-intellectuals and you have summed up all that is wrong with /lit/ in a nutshell.

Also to add my two cents to the literary criticism argument: there is value in literary criticism, it's just that modern lit crit has interbred with other fields and mutated into something unrecognizable and awful.