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/lit/ - Literature

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2634396 No.2634396 [Reply] [Original]

What is the funniest book you've ever read?

>> No.2634400

Slouching Towards Kalamazoo by Peter De Vries

>> No.2634403

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole and Da Jesus Book (a hawaiian pidgin translation of the bible) seriously look it up it's online.

>> No.2634406

* by kundera

>> No.2634432

>Da Jesus Book (a hawaiian pidgin translation of the bible) seriously look it up it's online
I am glad that I actually did that. From now on, all of my Bible quotes are coming from this translation.

>> No.2634435





Oscar Wilde's stuff is pretty hilarious, as well

>> No.2634443

wilt - Tom Sharpe
capitan pantoja and the special service - Mario vargas llosa. But it was hilarius in spanish, idk if is that funny in english.

>> No.2634451
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>> No.2634453

the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (all the books)
>dat british dry humor
>sorry, humOUr

>> No.2634462
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>> No.2634470
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*Fist bumps*

>> No.2634476
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These, also I have to give it up for The Sirens of Titan and Good Omens.

>> No.2634484

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.2634513

The Liar from Stephen Fry.

>> No.2634514
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>> No.2634535

Lucky Jim
Flaubert's Parrot
Confederacy of Dunces
Flyboy Action Figure comes with Gasmask

>> No.2634549

"The life and times of the thunderbolt kid" is stupid funny. about growing up in the 50s and i was hahaohwow the whole time
confederacy of dunces seems to be popular

>> No.2635355

My sides

>> No.2635390


>> No.2635824
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>> No.2635832

Good Soldier Svejk
Confederacy of Dunces
At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.2635845
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>> No.2635849

A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian.


lulz. I was rereading some of that today.

>> No.2635863

Some of Tsehov's earliest short-stories, such as the one about a sculpture and one about the grave stones, are terribly hilarious.

>> No.2635895

Can you get any more affected than using the phrase "terribly hilarious"?

>> No.2635903

I didn't quite get your point.

>> No.2635936

The bunny-girl never lets up on the fourteen inch monster between her legs, and it seems to have gotten a little bit thicker and harder from all the attention. Her cock has never stopped dripping and spurting precum in all this time, and she's turning into a syrupy, cum-slicked mess before either of you have even gotten off. The moans and heat pouring off her loins make it very clear that's going to change very soon, so you reach down and give her taut ass a rough slap. It sets off a far different orgasm than you would've expected. Before your eyes the rabbit-girl's balls disappear and the flesh of her sack pulls tight against her. It actually looks like she never had one at all. You look to her for answers, but her eyes are rolled back, her body is quaking around you, and her mouth is babbling, "Eggfuck... eggbreedegg... ungungegg... eggegg," over and over. Her cunt clamps down on you with a vice-like grip that makes your eyes cross and your crotch bubble with the heat of a coming orgasm.

>> No.2635939

Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.2635959

Yeah. You can go on a /lit/ and pretend you understand the authenticity of someone's provisionally casual tone by accusing them of being affected because you're a petty petty petty cuntface. You couldn't possibly withdraw any affectedness from his phrase, so fucking fuck off you fuck! Nobody loves you! Keep using shit phrases like "Can you get any more..." you unoriginal faggot.

>> No.2635972

Breakfast of Champions
A Confederacy of Dunces (I completely lost it when he said that Batman was basically the only contemporary literature worth reading, and at many other parts of the book)

>> No.2635980

>Lucky Jim
pick one

>> No.2635981

Lucky Jim is hilarious.

>> No.2635983

are you 70 years old?

>> No.2636091

The Master and Margarita is hilarious.
Koroviev has some great ramblings.

>> No.2636098

heey, i just started that 2 days ago

>> No.2636103

either the tropic of cancer or a confederacy of dunces.

>> No.2636267


Lucky Jim is funny in a bedroom farce sort of way, the humour has the same feel as a play you might see at the Old Vic. I felt the same way as you about Lucky Jim, but I gave it a second read six months after the first time and I actually laughed out loud at the fake letter to Johns, the cigarette burns on the bed and the Merrie England lecture at the end of the novel.

>> No.2636360

I apologize for my "affected" comment.

>> No.2636372

There's also a Hawaiian Pidgin translation of "Twelfth Night, or What You Will" entitled "Twelf' Night, or Whateva".

>> No.2636377


That's amazing.

>> No.2636445

Guards! Guards!

>> No.2636522

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.2637040
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I, Partridge: We Need To Talk About Alan