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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 438 KB, 618x453, GRRM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2632994 No.2632994 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ im about to get into bed and read some Game of Thrones. wuddya tink bout dat?

>> No.2632996

I think you're wasting your time by not reading literature proper.

>> No.2632997

Actual toilet paper would have been cheaper.

I can get a double ply, eight roll pack for $2.99!

And the best thing is it's all made from recycled office paper! It's much softer than it sounds. I'm sure it feels better then your shit rag.

>> No.2632998
File: 149 KB, 223x300, bronn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're wasting your time by eating tasty food and not living on an iv drip

>> No.2633003

I'm fine with that, as long as you're fine with me reading things I find far more worthy of my time.

>> No.2633043

I approve of your readings.
Note: I also enjoys read lit. So that's something to say George was still able to satisfy me.

>> No.2633045

It's a nice book. Good characterization. A breeze to read through. Unremarkable in other aspects though.

>> No.2634285

i like it.
i've read the series once through, and now i'm listening to the audiobooks on my commute to work, i'm almost done with book 3.

>> No.2634584

heh, I'm sorry but if game of thrones isn't good writing then please tell me what is.

>> No.2634588
File: 15 KB, 277x357, 66360-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2634595

well, either way GoT is great... well, accept for the 4th book so far, its been extremely hard to get through.

>> No.2634604
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>> No.2634617

Beat me to it.

>> No.2634619

its a typo... of cores I know the difference between except and accept...

>> No.2634626
File: 44 KB, 355x425, 1316487285079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2634632

I really hate grammar nazis... I mean if you cant help yourself and you absolutely have to point out an error that's fine and all, but to me it just seems like its something people do to make themselves feel smarter and if you need that kind of reassurance... well, that's kind of sad and you probably arnt all that smart in the first place... well, that's just the way I see it anyway.

>> No.2634638

Personally, I just thought it was funny that you were correcting yourself and made another error. No malice intended.


As for the attack on me, who's the one reading GoT?

>> No.2634647

yeah, and I've loved it so far.

>> No.2634649

ASOIAF Power Rankings:

A Storm of Swords
A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Dance with Dragons
A Feast for Crows

>> No.2634672

Not literature proper.

>> No.2634935

Ignore the HURR NOT LITERATURE idiots.

OP, it's hard to say. I really enjoyed the first couple books, then they got a bit meh, then I thought the most recent one picked up a little bit (but left a lot of cliffhangers and the next book is ages away). Best bit about the books is the realism, and by that I mean there are loose threads that don't get resolved, characters you follow over the course of a few books might randomly die, having achieved nothing, and in any given fight, battle or dangerous situation, the most likely result is usually the outcome. It's a refreshing change from other books where every plot device is a hint as to what the final outcome will be, and where weaker, outmatched characters tend to prevail despite the odds.

>> No.2634948


>> No.2634953

Cute, but technically incorrect, so no.

>> No.2635158

Someone post the picture about the books you could read in the time of the ASOIAF series, the thread isn't complete without it.

>> No.2635164


...just as /lit/ is not complete without its pedantic trolls who have been into their "serious" literature for all of a year or two.

>> No.2635172

Yeah and the only way your dragons and rape books have any value is by claiming that art is subjective

If it weren't for that bit of nonsense, Martin's books would have been ignored

>> No.2635180

Obviously. I still like that picture, though.

>> No.2635186


lol OK kid. See, there's what you (a pathetic trolling beta virgin on 4chan) says, and then there's reality: a fantastic series of books with millions of devoted fans from all demographics and an emmy-winning, universally-praised HBO series to accompany it. Enjoy your Beowolf.

You're trying way too hard, little boy. Even snobby book store employees would hand you a 0/10 right now.

>> No.2635193


Are you Herp & Derpy, or just one of his twisted offspring? You're over-thinking life. Live a little.

>> No.2635208

Get over your pretentious self. The books ARE GOOD. There's a reason the series are so popular.
To hold to the viewpoint that any book not signified as a classic is not worth the worlds time is extremely ignorant and close-minded.

>> No.2635213

Hey, I think that guy is an asshole too, but 'overthinking life' made me chuckle.

>> No.2635217

>it's popular therefore it's good
It's that kind of reasoning that makes people reply to these threads. Just ignore them.

>> No.2635218


your wasting your time. young males historically fancy themselves connoisseurs of classic literature. they'll grow out of it. i mean, have you ever met a mature person who would spend their time policing what fucking books are acceptable?

>> No.2635266

waiting for this.

>> No.2635270

I really like the Vampire Diaries series, the books are from what I heard shit(especially after a while)
Yet those books are popular.


>> No.2635273

Twilight appeals only to sad teenage girls, while the ASOIAF fanbase tends to contain more intelligent people as well.

>> No.2635274

1.The reason ASOIAF is popular is because it's good. I'm not saying that every popular book series is good because it's popular.
Good job with comprehension you pleb.
2. The fact that you use compared Twilight with ASOIAF so ridiculous, it's amusing. Give up trolling, it's sad.

>> No.2635277

>while the ASOIAF fanbase tends to contain more intelligent people as well.

That is some fucking retarded, "general knowledge" bullshit.

>> No.2635279

Based on personal experience though. Yes, I talk to other people.

>> No.2635280

People who read because they enjoy it will love this series.

Faggots who read in a futile attempt to gain intelligence will most likely consider it a waste of time. There's a handful of them on this board. Disregard anything they post.

>> No.2635283

Your personal experience =/= real trends. Every person I've met who likes Twilight is a well spoken, well rounded member of society who enjoy a wide range of literature.

>> No.2635286

Twilight is not good while it is popular
GoT is good because it is popular
>ASOIAF fanbase tends to contain more intelligent people as well.
Had to chuckle

>> No.2635287

Shut-in /lit/ snobs have a funny view of the world. It's them, fighting the good fight, against swarms of drooling fat people with Game of Thrones paperbacks. The thing is, that's not, you know, reality?

>> No.2635292

Good man.

>> No.2635294

Nice try.
Intelligence is not the same thing as an edgy taste in literature, whatever your personal beliefs about sophistication may be.

>> No.2635296

>Intelligence is not the same thing as an edgy taste in literature, whatever your personal beliefs about sophistication may be.
And neither your popular taste.

Keep your appeal to the masses as the reason why GoT is good, good night.

>> No.2635306

and i thought /v/ trolling was bad
you guys somehow manage to make trolling boring
congrats i did not think it was possible.

>> No.2635310

The point I was making was that ASOIAF attracts intelligent people as well, as opposed to Twilight.

I'm not even gonna go into a discussion about the actual quality of the work. It's always a futile debate when you're sitting across from snobs who condemn all 'genre fiction' as drivel.

>> No.2635313

Oxycontin is pretty popular does that mean it's good, too?

Listen, maybe when you grow up and read real books we can both sit together and have a laugh about your days as a kid with bad taste in books after we finish discussing the finer works of the Modernist movement

>> No.2635314


Most of the long-time denizens of /lit/ read the series long before it had mass appeal. Back before there was a /lit/, I used to check out /book/ on the text boards every once in a while, and there's always be a thread. When the imageboard launched, and there were even more threads, I decided to read it, even though it wasn't my standard fare. It's the fucking balls, man. What a great story. Everyone I recommended it to agreed. Now we have an (excellent) adaptation on cable, and yes, mass appeal, which doesn't change the fact that it's great.

>> No.2635317

Not all genre fiction is drivel

Just this series, its TV series, and its fans who think that popular = has value

>> No.2635318

I'm not even condemning ASOIAF - I personally like it.

I'm condemning your blatant generalisations that the readers of one series are, on a balance of averages, any more or less intelligent than those readers of another series.

>> No.2635319

>ASOIAF attracts intelligent people as well
Thanks for the laughter.

>> No.2635320

I don't think they are the ones posting though.

>> No.2635322


But, grown ups don't judge what one another are reading, so probably not. Maybe we could discuss what a pedantic child you were while touching on some Modernist novels you only had a rudimentary grasp of at the time?

>> No.2635323

It's simply the instinct of the self-involved adolescent to feel that only obscure things can be good. That's nothing new.

>> No.2635326


Well I like it, and I'm far more intelligent than you are. Proof: anyone secure in their intelligence would not enter threads to troll other's tastes. It smacks of insecure desperation, which is why it's so common among the social pariahs that frequent 4chan.

>> No.2635328

I'm not making generalizations. I'm calling individuals I know, that enjoy ASOIAF, intelligent. I'm not saying that if you enjoy it, therefore you must be more intelligent than average. All I'm trying to say is that intelligent people can enjoy it as well.
I am so very fond of people like you who offer no points whatsoever for their jingoistic opinions.

>> No.2635331

Is the book hard to read?

Is it harder to read than To Kill A Mockingbird? Because that's the hardest book in english i've read.

I'm not english of course.

>> No.2635333

Try and be more transparent. It would be interesting to see if you possibly could.

>> No.2635335

Fine, except for your comment " as opposed to Twilight." implies that you believe there to be certain benchmarks that must be met for a series to be read, and that NO inteligent people could POSSIBLY read Twilight. ASOIAF does not require any more intelligence to read or understand than Twilight, contrary to your beliefs.

Like what you like all you want, you don't need to denigrate the tastes of others as well. Unless, that is, you're deeply, horribly insecure.

>> No.2635338

So intelligent people can't enjoy Twilight?
>Having other opinion

>> No.2635353

Twilight is especially good towards teenagers with high amounts of social angst.
Highly intelligent individuals are more likely to have high amount of social angst.
Therefore Twilight appeals more to the highly intelligent than a Song o' ice and fire.

>> No.2635358

Yes. I do believe a lack of intelligence is needed to enjoy Twilight. From what excerpts I've read of it 80% of it is horny descriptions of men's bodies.

It's a clever thing that you've done of course, echoing this >>2635326 post. It's just a bit obvious.

>> No.2635360

>From what excerpts I've read of it 80% of it is horny descriptions of men's bodies.
Not sure if stupid or just very dumb.

>> No.2635364

The difference being?

>> No.2635374

It's funny how the safest thing to do on /lit/ is never to underpin your opinions, just scoff as hard as you can when someone actually does.

I think I'm done with this pathetic board.

>> No.2635379

just ignore the genre fiction threads, they are full of idiots, trolls, and trollbait
i'm sorry if you're a genreficfag... /lit/ is kind of a shitty place for that sort of stuff. if that's your deal, yeah you should find another board, we won't hate you for it

>> No.2635394

I love Dostoevsky. I love Joyce. I love Kafka.

Sometimes I happen to enjoy something that isn't regarded by such experts on art as the shining minds that frequent this hellhole as high literature as well. I guess I will have to find a place where I can do that in peace.

>> No.2635400

>I love Dostoevsky. I love Joyce. I love Kafka.

Ya they definitely are terrible story tellers. But we have to admire them because of cultural tradition.

other than that, they are very underwhelming, and Dosto is basically known to be a terrible writer (According to Nabokov)

Literature is also a matter of opinion, GRRM is more literary than all the guys you mentioned since he can actually tell a story and his characters aren't BORING AS FUCK (joyce comes to mind).