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/lit/ - Literature

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2629342 No.2629342 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of this book?

>> No.2629351

This book was fucking stupid. There is no tension and no conflict at all. I mean, you guys are fighting to the fucking death! Collins could have made it more intense and could have put in some awesome character rivalry. Katniss had no depth and just went around going all, "Oh look at me, I can survive in the wilderness!" I got sick of seeing the words "groosling" and "bow" and "arrow" all the time. Overall, this book is boring and sucks. Teenage girls have awful taste.

>> No.2629356

Battle Royale Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

>> No.2629357


you write like beavis

>> No.2629359

what about the faked romance between katniss and peeta? I thought that was one of the most important aspects of the book.

>> No.2629362

Kinda off topic, but why are the names in the book so fucking weird?

>> No.2629373


That's because I am Beavis.


While it was an important aspect, it annoyed the shit out of me. You know what, my opinion probably wouldn't mean anything since the whole fucking book annoyed the shit out of me. Collins's style of writing is downright horrible and boring.

>> No.2629375

Jesus christ OP not this thread again.

>> No.2629377


Because the author is a hipster.

>> No.2629415

Don't we have this thread like every 2 days?

>> No.2629424

It's entertaining.

>> No.2629426
File: 11 KB, 198x239, stirner2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Max Stirner thread.

Which translation of The Ego and Its Own have you all read, /lit/? Was it any good?

>> No.2629447

Kids' book for kids

>> No.2629463
File: 33 KB, 410x254, leftistirritatingtwits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Marx & Engels Thread

Which translation of The Communist Manifesto have you all read, /lit/? Was it any good?

>> No.2629481

i always think that far left cat is gk chesterton

>> No.2629576

So when will people start realizing that the pseudo-science in Marx is inseparable from the rest of his thought?

>> No.2629582

The floating squirrel going about his business is my favorite part.

>> No.2629586


>the pseudo-science in Marx is inseparable from the rest of his thought

please, do go on.

>> No.2629591

>implying a sage makes me less correct

>> No.2629595


If you claim to be correct, it'd behoove you to justify your claim

>> No.2629603

Most of his economics and ideas about social relations aren't even falsifiable, for starters.

>> No.2629609


such as?

>> No.2629631

If that was true the book wouldn't read like such prosaic garbage. Instead the book would be a weird mix of Kerouac's prose and Burroughs' experimentation, but it is neither of those.

>> No.2630522

That cunt is personally responsible for Stalin and Mao

>> No.2631105
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>> No.2631114


Why would they be? The aim isn't for you to dicker with your daddy, the aim is for you to obey.

>> No.2631128

and you know why?
because 4chan has to meet its Hunger Games and Atlas Shrugged etc quota otherwise...otherwise...well I honestly don't know

>> No.2631142

I read it once, didn't pay attention to which edition. But Karl was fired up- I think he does have the right idea, but people will never stop looking out for themselves. Best thing, I reckon, is a society like Norway, Sweden and Finland.

sorry for the unrelated comment.

>> No.2631327

Because the parents name their kids after what they know
Katniss and Primrose are flowers
Peeta = pita bread

>> No.2631331


>> No.2631565

Set in the future. Language evolves. So it's not uncommon for people to name their kids differently.

The most normal names in the whole trilogy were Mitchell and Jackson.

>> No.2631614
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>> No.2631925
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I really hate copyspasta books like this.
It's like o how about I take this >>2631105, rewrite it in English, make money money, be famous author.
Also Vergilius taking the The Odyssey and copypasting it into the Aeneis.
Pic related it's Jack Black

>> No.2631948

Teen fiction/10

>> No.2631959

>bumping a shit thread

>> No.2632337

art thou a spillio?