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/lit/ - Literature

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2629098 No.2629098 [Reply] [Original]

>Not training your body as well as your mind
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.2629104

this is so true. You can have both. You should have both. Don't be a monk.

>> No.2629105

This is a slow board, no need to shamelessly samefag.
Also, Socrates did not have a six pack.

>> No.2629108

It is a shame isn't it?
Are there a lot of shameful things about the human?
Sure, we could have both. We could have both...
Some of both.

>> No.2629110
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Break yo'self.

Also, I fully agree with OP.

>> No.2629109


not samefag.

Why not have both? Not a single fucking reason. And fuck monks for not enjoying getting their dick sucked. You can have your spirituality and all that, but atleast once in a year go take a aston martin around the Nürburgring. You can have it all, stop being a faggot.

>> No.2629112

And fuck Olympic athletes for not partying their ass of, right? It's called dedication nigga.

>> No.2629113

its only a minority of lit that trains their mind anyway

>> No.2629116

I have no desire to train my body.

Why then should I?

>> No.2629121

i only work out because it takes my mind off how shit my life is

>> No.2629125

>I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Haven't seen/typed that phrase in a while.

>> No.2629131

"Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live."

That's the basic principle. It's up to you how much and how vigorous you want to do so.

>> No.2629137
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It's because it has mutated into SHIGGYDIGGY, nigga.

>> No.2629145
File: 28 KB, 156x218, Screen shot 2012-05-09 at 4.14.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished lifting, actually. Prissy, frail artfags talk shit behind my back, but both my writing and my body makes them shut the fuck up

>> No.2629142

Only exercise I get is when I walk my dog. I'm sure I would benifit from much more!

>> No.2629153


Hitler was a faggot. As a species, all we can ever hope for is to rely on each other, rather than commitments to abstract gods, brands, or flags.

>> No.2629157

Wow. I'm impressed. Can I suck your cock now?

>> No.2629159
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>still using SHIGGYDIGGY

Sorry Shig, not my thang.

>> No.2629173


If you like, but don't you dare look me in the eyes while you do it, bitch.

>> No.2629174

As a species, we both cooperate and fight with each other, like any other species. But regardless of Hitler's sexuality I think that quote is great. It's a good reminder that the world doesn't owe you anything, and if you do not wish to struggle to excel then life itself shows you don't deserve it.

>> No.2629175

Sorry to say, but all of these things are symbolic of humanity. Through these symbols we by proxy endorse each other.

>> No.2629195

Got both. /fit/ & /lit/ fag here. Though more of a lurker on here.

I don't lift for asthetics though. Pure functional strength training in the gym and parkour for agility/cardio.

>> No.2629200


I haven't struggled for anything and I'm doing just fine.

>> No.2629205

No, you are softer than most for it. And whenever the time comes you need to assert yourself, you won't be as able.

>> No.2629232

I work outdoors doing physical stuff all day (agricultural job), so I get tons of exercise and don't have to work out separately. I think it's important to go outside and experience the real world, along with the world of books.

I'd like to read more often than I do though.

>> No.2629236

i wonder how many calories yall are burning by thrashing away at strawmen

>> No.2629243


Woops, forgot to mention it's important to be prepared physically for the zombie apocalypse as well.

>> No.2629462

bro do you even /lit/?

>> No.2629475

Mental fortitude is vastly more important than a socially acceptable BMI

>> No.2629486


Possibly true, but I'm not a rat scrounging the crumbs. You live an undignified existence as a rat.

The rat has longevity, you are correct. He does not have dignity.

>> No.2629491
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>> No.2629499

I hit the climbing gym four days a week. Your perception of the world really does change when you're strong as fuck.

I'm currently reading Ishmael, Galapagos, and The Greatest Show on Earth.

Come @ me pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2629502

If you glorify violence or treat it as inevitable I hope a time machine takes you back to France in 1915 where you can be with like-minded individuals.

>> No.2629505


You read high school level fiction and pop-science.

Whoop de doo.

>> No.2629510

Your confrontational method of boasting leads me to believe you are intensely insecure.

There is really no reason to [sic]"come @ you".

In addition to your exercise routine I'm sure your perception of the world would benefit from a little introspection, or at least a bit of humility.

>> No.2629512

But if both are attainable at the same time, why not attain both?

>> No.2629515

BMI doesn't really measure fitness, at all. Are you ignorant or just fat?

>> No.2629518

So, who's more uppity, insufferable and judgmental: size-positive people or people who make a big deal about working out?

>> No.2629533

Pen nibs and swords.

>> No.2629551


I am ignorant about such things, admittedly. Though I am not fat. I run nearly every day but wouldn't say it's as or near important as any mental strain I put myself through

>> No.2629571

I try to do both.

I go to the gym 5 times a week, do lifting and cardio.

Now i'm reading to finnish an essay about the textual corpus. (Nancy, LeBreton, some chapters about it of Deleuze and Guattari.).

I see no reason not to work out. I don't aprove of those who don't read and exercise the mind, nor i aprove of those who don't exercise the body.

After all, al lot of famous writers did work out. DFW lifted, Murakami jog from time to time.

Anyway, those that don't want to exercise better watch over what they eat.

>> No.2629581


>Murakami jog from time to time

That's a hell of an understatement. He has run multiple ultramarathons. He wrote a book on the shit.

>> No.2629585


Do you know if Cheever actually swimmed?

>> No.2629588


his last orgasm left him a cripple so no

>> No.2629593

For all we know our bodies will decay and rot in some 50 or so years; but our minds may be immortal. So why bother investing on the former?

>> No.2629598

>size-positive people
just to clarify, you mean fatties, right? i've just never heard such a PC term for fatfuck.

>> No.2629600
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>> No.2629607

get on my level frog

>> No.2629657

The body is a system and having one part of your body failing is detrimental for the other. Strengthening your body improves your cognitive ability. You do not need to be like our lord savior Zyzz but you need to have good cardiovascular health and a healthy diet.
Not being healthy shows that you are lazy and lack balance.