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/lit/ - Literature

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2628009 No.2628009 [Reply] [Original]

So, did we give up on learning French already?

>> No.2628010

>3 days have gone by
>yfw the original thread was active until yesterday

>> No.2628024


>> No.2628026

je ne crois pas, cela manque un peu d'organisation, le thread se trouvant infesté de posts annexes traîtant de politique n'arrangent pas les choses...
We should choose a book every two weeks or every month to read, analyze & discuss.
Two threads coexisting independently would assure a better circulation of information: grammar/language & literature.
And please, stop ranting about french politics, those kind of posts are cancer; if i were to learn a language by direclty discussing Hollande over Sarkozy I would shoot myself..twice.

>> No.2628028


There wasn't any ranting, we were all praising France for getting real.

>> No.2628039

You guys should make a proper thread for this, I saw some racicst stuff in there, and that kind of discussion generally recquire a subtle understanding of french culture, history of the fifth and then some. I praise the cultural approach when it comes to learning languages but lit, films, music>>>>politics learning-wise.

>> No.2628063

OK guizes, since it's seems to be the duty to the billingual to show the way I *promise* to make an interesting thread within the week. I need to study & shit now but prepare yourselves with serious lit-stuff, I've got games & everthing.

But I need to know the overall level. How many og you know basic grammar, how many don't know jack shit about it, how many are ready for light reads and small texts exerpts? Those interested get in here and ask for a level of difficulty. Do you prefer for the discussion to be entierly in french, translated, english? Give me some indications & I promise you a Good thread.

>> No.2628069

Let's read Vingt mille lieues sous les mers.

>> No.2628086

Stellar idea. Next week latin?

>> No.2628110

I know absolutely nothing, but I'm willing to take part in every thread

>> No.2628158
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Having a thread done entirely in French would be best for all, I think. The best way to learn a language is full immersion, I mean that's how you learnt your mother tongue right?

Like this anon said we should have a seperate thread for grammar/vocab/conjugation (understanding the rules and basics of the language) and one for literature and reading comprehension.

Also, just to make it easier for everyone let's decide to keep it to your standard Parisian French, or at least not confuse people with Joual

I think this has the potential to be something really constructive on this board and I'm extremely excited for it

>> No.2628166

Or maybe we just talk about literature?

>> No.2628168


>> No.2628212

I say:

One thread spoken entirely in French with a weekly prompt that varies in difficulty (mon/tues is easy, eg. "What did you do with your weekend", wed/thur is moderate, eg. "Brief discussions about this movie/videogame/recent news story", and when we get the ball rolling, fri-sun is hard mode, "discuss [news story]/[review this book] etc." The hard mode threads will have the aim of getting to the point where we are discussing any given topic as we would in English, but, in French. Easy/Med difficulty threads will likely be simple conversations (med) to sitting down and thinking up a paragraph or two to answer the prompt and helping eachother out (in English) with all the poor grammar/etc. (easy). Once a month we could also assign a book or two in French.

Thread two would be the 'questions' thread, where everything is asked and answered in English. You could use this thread to prep you to post your responses in the other thread.

There is going to be a huge hurdle to get over before this gets anywhere, as most people are going to have shitty French. Despite the potential, this may die very quickly, so someone needs to take charge.

>> No.2628218


This won't get anywhere if you're expecting everybody to already speak French.

I can see why you guys are ostracised from regular society

>> No.2628239


Same here. I have very basic highschool knowledge of the french language. I am willing to learn however and participate any way I can.

Perhaps someone can recommend some really basic entry-level literature? Would be a great help, thanks.

>> No.2628242

Sup lit.

I need two dictionaries. One for my hobby of learnin Japanese and I need a second one for Mandarin.

What's /lit/'s opinions on the Barrons series? Thinking about buying them since they're only £5.

>> No.2628244

Rentrez chez vous, porc blanc

>> No.2628245

Do not buy paper based dictionaries for those languages.

>> No.2628249

>>2628242 I've got a Bertliz Mandarin dictionary that works pretty well for me.

>> No.2628268

lol what are we learning french?

oh, you're talking about "learning" french like using silly experimental internet-age methods? yeah, fuck off, i'm doing french courses and moving to France for a few months if I want to learn their language.

>> No.2628270

>studying on our own
>practicing what we've learned together
How can you have a problem with that?

>> No.2628275

jisho.org for Japanese, don't get a paper dictionary

>> No.2628278

Suce ma bitte

>> No.2628285

I think you'd say "Me suce la bitte".

>> No.2628287

Non. Il a raison à une lettre près.
*suce ma bite.

Autres expressions d'argots utiles :

Va te faire foutre.
Ta gueule (+ fils de pute).
Ferme la
On t'as rien demander.

>> No.2628289


They told us to use this website. Turned out to be mroe than just ok, it's fucking fantastique.

>> No.2628317


Lol, i failed the placement test.
Awesome anyway


>> No.2628319

Conard omelette de fromage, ah oui des oeufs

I speak perfect French

>> No.2628323

Oh okay, thanks!

>> No.2628329

What year is that from? The 90s?

>> No.2628356
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I officially assume the responsability of the book thread. I can do it on a regular basis & speak both french & english.
Spread the message guys ^^


>> No.2628857

>not voting for Sartre

>> No.2629228
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Literature of course is gonna be a central part of whatever we do but the purpose of this thing is to learn/practice the language, no?

Ostracised from what...and great constructive criticism you have there...

I agree with this

>> No.2629268

Frenchbros is Mai 68 really that big a deal or is it something that only the commie intellectuals get wet for?

>> No.2629281

Uh. I'm new to this thread. Did I miss something?

>> No.2630490

Le bump.

>> No.2630494

It's only a big deal for baby boomers.