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/lit/ - Literature

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2625878 No.2625878 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend some of the best or classic short stories and novellas /lit/. Pic unrelated

>> No.2625887

short story collections:
borges' fictions and the aleph
cortazar's blow up and other stories
chekhov's stuff
kafka's stuff
joyce's dubliners

>> No.2625898

this, minus kafka, add carver.

>> No.2625910

Katherine Mansfield.

>> No.2625927
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>minus kafka

>> No.2625928

What's wrong with Kafka?

>> No.2625937

I've read a few Chekhov's short stories, all of them were mediocre at best. Borges, on the other hand, is brilliant.

>> No.2625941

I don't even know how it's possible to do what you've just done in a single sentence.

>> No.2625945

I'm reading Kazuo Ishiguro's Nocturnes right now. If you can bear contemporary /lit/ it's worth a read.

>> No.2625952

No mention of Hemingway? Hills Like White Elephants has to be a contender for the best American short story ever.

Carver is also probably in the frame.

Everyone will tell you that there's no point in reading Borges except in Spanish they're partly correct, sorry

Will Self's short fiction is pretty good - I recommend Grey Area. Also, Alasdair Gray.

I just finished A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan and I really enjoyed it - it's described as a novel, but it's a series of interconnected short stories. It's very good.

>> No.2626009

You realize that in nearly every Borges short story he's basically saying "READ FUCKING TRANSLATIONS! ALL IS TRANSLATION!" right?

You can go ahead and kill yourself now.

>> No.2626014


>You can go ahead and kill yourself now.

You first - it's not my fault you can't read spanish you part-educated child.

>> No.2626024

Tolstoy. - Hadji Murad and Death of Ivan Illyich are probably the greatest novellas ever.

>> No.2626030

I can read spanish and you clearly don't understand Borges.

Stop being that one guy on /lit/ who tells people not to read translations, jesus fucking christ you are annoying as fuck.

>> No.2626031


>You realize that in nearly every Borges short story he's basically saying "READ FUCKING TRANSLATIONS! ALL IS TRANSLATION!" right?

What a pile of shit. Have you even read Borges? Provide some evidence to back your preposterous theory or GTFO.

>> No.2626032


Reading Russian books in translation is a waste of time.

>> No.2626132

> durr
> hurr

This nigga can't even understand Borges in the original language.

Everybody, just read translations and stop shitting your pants on imageboards.

>> No.2626139

> hasn't read Pierre Menard
> hasn't read Tlon, Uqbar Orbis Tertius
> hasn't read Kafka and his Precursors
> hasn't read The Homeric Versions
> hasn't read Borges and I
> hasn't read The Library of Babel

All of my derp.

And FYI, Borges read Don Quixote first in english. So, now, everyone ignore this one guy who keeps telling people not to read translations. Borges is the biggest advocate for translation. Reading is translation. Writing is translation.

Now STFU, you fucking nigger.

>> No.2626147

It's fairly obvious Borges is cool with translations. Off the top of my head, he wrote essays about the translations of The Thousands Nights and One Night and the Odyssey, and he obviously had a great love for certain translated versions of these works. He did however say that there couldn't be a perfect translation, but that didn't imply translations shouldn't be read.

>> No.2626156
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> yfw Borges was a translator

suck a dick.

I win

>> No.2626170

There can't be a perfect translation ever. There is never a perfect translation between reader and the text or author and there is never a perfect translation between the author's mind and the text he writes.

Derrida stole all his ideas from this man.

Anyway, read translations, read originals, just read and don't discourage others from reading.

>> No.2626205


Barthes as well.
Which is what irks me about Bloom saying Borges was a minor critic.
Really you buttless faggot?

>> No.2626476
File: 120 KB, 325x315, wtf_ronald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinks Pierre Menard is about translation when it's about the precise opposite.

Seriously, WTF is this shit?

>> No.2626501
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So much plebs in this thread thinking reading Borges translated is as good as reading him in spanish... You'll probably say that there is no problem reading a translated version of Ulysses too, right?

>> No.2626508


There are people on this board stupid enough to argue that.

>> No.2626515

It's neither about translation nor the "opposite" of translation (whatever that is).

>> No.2626522


>(whatever that is)


>> No.2626533

I just read The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by Fritzgerald. ~39 pages. Interesting, kind of funny prose.

>> No.2626578

What would finnegan's wake look like in translation?

>> No.2626581

Especially a homophonic translation.

>> No.2626584

>ITT pedantic mommy's baby 13 year old faggots and future mom's basement-dweller neckbeards tries to impress people by advising not to read translations.

Hurr durr, fasciculum FATUUS asinos,
Alexandriae ubique legere libros Graece.

>> No.2626600

what would the voynich manuscript would look like in translation?

Semiotics is for faggots!!!

/sarcasm (because poe's law)

>> No.2626603

what would the bible look in translation? wait er.. Oh shit...

>> No.2626613

fukken holier-than-thou jew