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File: 18 KB, 240x349, Zen_motorcycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2621151 No.2621151 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts /lit/??

Half-way through this right now, and thoroughly enjoying it.

It's pretty refreshing at times because its never patronising, Pirsig doesn't assume you as a reader 'wrong understand' certain concepts he just dives right into them

>> No.2621153

*wont understand

>> No.2621266


>> No.2621497

Loved it. Not so much the monologues but the story.

>> No.2621507

Garbage for people who can't understand philosophical principals written by an individual who imagines himself to have produced an original concept.

The blind leading the blind

>> No.2621528

>I'm a pretentious asshole. STOP ENJOYING THINGS.

>> No.2621530

Yeah it tries to do many things but fails at all of them. Try some classics, and Zen by definition isn't something you read --> facepalm.

If you're into the East, try the art of war.

Or a Classic, you can't go wrong and it builds "character"

>> No.2621549

>its never patronising
Beating the same simple idea into the reader twenty different ways seemed a little patronizing to me.

I think the book might have mattered more in its historical context, but the "philosophy" in it seems a pretty standard model for measuring quality today.

>> No.2621550

are you often butthurt by the opinions of others?

Op asked for thoughts; it was not specified that those thoughts need be consistent.

>> No.2621571

Some thoughts are wrong.

>> No.2621574

You don't have to be a prick though

>> No.2621583

You guys should say something other than "NO U".

>> No.2621598
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>> No.2621609

I thought it was a pretty good modern interpretation of Zen and the Art of Archery, but I thought it took to much from the book perhaps...

>> No.2621611

Is it about motorcycle mantainance as well?

>> No.2621623

they both are on the same subject... so basically if you changed the setting, and replaced archery with motorcycle maintenance you'd have the same book...

>> No.2621632

>Pirsig doesn't assume you as a reader 'wont understand' certain concepts

Too bad most people will.

Actually, I shouldn't even say that, because it's not about getting it wrong or right, people just listen and distorts it. That's what language is.

Regardless of what the book says, not recognizing that seals the meaning of the book to a very specific crowd, but a big one at the moment: the contemporary man. The book will be forgotten, but it will sell like water.

It's perfect.

>> No.2621684

So, can I buy this book and expect useful advice on mantaining my motorcycle?

>> No.2621716

No, and certainly don't expect any conceptual understanding of zen buddhism either

>> No.2621718

Dunno, I kept hearing about what a life-changing experience the reading of this book whould be, and when I finally read it I wasn't much moved by it

>> No.2621719

I love that book.

somewhere I read that his interpretation of the classic philosoper was so wrong. Is that true?.

beside that, someone got a phd degree with that phylosopycal thesis.