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/lit/ - Literature

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2620251 No.2620251 [Reply] [Original]

The /lit/ football/soccer/divegrass team needs serious work.

The roster needs updates, it SUCKS. The anthem is gold though.

I can do custom faces (photo import or from scratch) and kits, but they need to be discussed.

Kit ideas? (home/away)
Roster ideas?
Logo ideas?


in b4 your opinion on metathreads

>> No.2620257


>> No.2620260

remove capsguy

>> No.2620262

current roster:

Nietzsche -RW -Bronze
Ayn Rand -CF -Gold
Bookface -LW
James Joyce -CMF
David Foster Wallace -LMF
No discernible talent -RMF -Silver
ENtry level -CB -bronze
TwiLite -RB
Albert Camus -LB
Tao Lin -GK
Shakespeare -FW
Deep&Edgy -FW
Raskolnikov -FW
Huge Orson Welles -MF
Hodor -MF
Quentin -MF
Baby shoes never worn -DF
Kindle -DF
Lo-lee-ta -DF
Anonymous -GK
Kitzo Hekotormos -GK

>> No.2620264

From my vague knowledge of PES, I think James Joyce should get the silver, and DFW and No Discernible Talent should get the Bronze, providing service to Ayn Rand.

>> No.2620265

Hi guys, /pol/ here. >>>/pol/2986104 (nice that you admire the true master race enough to make us your OP picture).

Since you are all faggy, pretentious liberals who think they are oh-so-superior because they read books and shit, we're challenging you to a friendly, to show who the TRUE superior team is.

Not that I expect you to accept. It'd pretty much be suicide.

>> No.2620270

I'd nominate D&E, Q, Kitzo, Kindle, HP, anon and hodor to be removed from the roster to make place for more interesting players.

>> No.2620273

That'd be nice. Let's all do our best!

>> No.2620274

We don't need to do our best. We'll win regardless.

>> No.2620277

I wouldn't be so confident after the disaster that was the babby cup.

>> No.2620282
File: 732 KB, 1440x900, polteampicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We" being /pol/, obviously.

>> No.2620288

We only got beaten by /m/, and they rigged it. Plus the ref was a jew.

>> No.2620289

Made a poll about the roster, if it needs an overhaul, the first step would obviously be to eliminate a few players.


>> No.2620292

Sounds nice, give us some time to update the team though.

>> No.2620295

The friendlies are on saturday, so you have plenty of time.

We just updated our team yesterday, so it'll be our first game with the new team.

>> No.2620321

I'll also make a poll on new players after enough suggestions have been sent int, so... shoot!

Was surprised to see capsguy, huge orson welles and lolita on top in the poll.

So here are my suggestions

Hemmingway (that's with hemmingway, with two m's)

>> No.2620323

Hemmmingway you mean.

>> No.2620336
File: 34 KB, 624x351, oconnor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-Evo fans
Fuck yeah.

Seriously, fuck Fifa.
I like the arcade feel of Pro-evo.

>> No.2620352
File: 736 KB, 1366x768, pes2012-20120506-1416490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, had an idea...

>> No.2620426

this would be a lot better if people actually played
why are the games being simmed?

>> No.2620441

because /sp/ would win all of them.
/lit/ seems like the kind of bored that doesn't play much video games, let alone sports games.
They seem like the kind of fags who see sports fans as plebs.

>> No.2620445

we do, but i think i would be funny to lose spectacularly, and then blame some guy we don't know... i think losing really badly would compel some people to care

>> No.2620446

Also, i'll kick err'body's ass at ProEvo AND I've read Ulysses upside down with a constant erection and found within it the cure to the human condition but I won't tell you what it is, come at me

>> No.2620449

Don't get rid of Huge Orson Welles, it's our only meme

>> No.2620465

Why is Kilgore Trout not one of the players?

>> No.2620552

Because he's a mediocre character from a mediocre book written by a mediocre writer