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/lit/ - Literature

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2619357 No.2619357 [Reply] [Original]

>books with atleast a good movie adaption thread
>I needed to get away from /v/'s hate

>> No.2619365
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>> No.2619373
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>> No.2619379
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>inb4 LOTR
>Not because it's bad, just obvious.

>> No.2619378

Fight Club

>> No.2619381
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>> No.2619386
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>> No.2619387

Anybody else enjoy reading books more after watching the film adaptation? I feel that since literature is the superior medium, I get to truly appreciate.

>> No.2619391
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>> No.2619395
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i knda got that feel
except i like mabye reading it then mentaly picturing it while watching the movie
>mfw i didn't say read the book again becasue my mind dosn't like it when i do that and it tells me the ending

>> No.2619397

I usually enjoy the book more.
I think its very rare for a film to surpass the book

>> No.2619408

Book was written after the movie was. Get your shit together.

>> No.2619410


They were written simultaneously. Get your shit together.

>> No.2619411

Not better than the books, but decent adaptions that don't get much credit are 1984 and Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.2619413


Actually, it was written at the same time as filming. It was only published after the films release

>> No.2619418
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>> No.2619421
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>> No.2619423
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>> No.2619433
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>mfw almost all the good book adaptaions will most likely fit in this thread
>because theres really any that just come to mind

>> No.2619434


Adaptation is so meta.

>> No.2619436


It is, but it's ambitious enough to be original

>> No.2619441
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>> No.2619445

this is gonna be a fucking stupid question but wtf would meta mean in this case, i just don't get the useage

>> No.2619451


Fiction about fiction.

i.e. It's a film written by a writer writing about writing a film

>> No.2619447
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>> No.2619459
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Viddy well, droogs.

>> No.2619466

damn, that shits wack
probably why i never understood its meaning

>> No.2619465
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>> No.2619469
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>> No.2619472


It can be an interesting device. It's certainly overused in amateur fiction.

>> No.2619479

I suppose I prefer movie-before-book. This is partly because it's impossible for me to really enjoy the movie if I've read the book beforehand. It's a completely different experience when you've read the book: instead of getting absorbed in the story, it is more an experience of analyzing HOW it was adapted, like examining the way that the filmmakers interpreted the original story.

>> No.2619481
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>> No.2619485

>>2619479 - cont.
thereby making it impossible really experience the movie as a film.

>> No.2619490
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Jurassic Park.

But Shakespeare is always best when performed.

>> No.2619492

i might be one of the only people living who enjoyed that weird 1990s adaptation of romeo & juliet -- you know, the one with radiohead in the soundtrack, the one that SCREAMS the 90s. in fact it's maybe more a movie about the 90s, than a romeo & juliet movie.

mrs. frisby and the rats of nimh > secret of nimh

pride & prejudice with colin firth

the hobbit (2012)

heart of darkness > apocalypse now

a scanner darkly

>> No.2619495
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>dat Ran

>> No.2619497


You've seen The Hobbit?

>> No.2619498


Personally I prefer Throne of Blood but you can't go wrong with Kurosawa.

>> No.2619505

This was actually written after the movie. Clark Co-Wrote the screenplay and decided to write the novel afterwards. The movie was actually based off a short story of clark.

>> No.2619507
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Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Heart of a Dog

>> No.2619508

>>2619492 - me again
also 'zorba the greek' and 'the last temptation of christ' both have good screen adaptations

>> No.2619511

Dat feel when I misspell 'Clarke'.

>> No.2619513


>> No.2619516

That feel when you turned your room into an underground network and pretended to have fox friends

...That feel that now you're grown up you can't call it a fort you have to call it a bivouac so people take you more seriously

>> No.2619519

"2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) is a science fiction novel by Arthur C. Clarke. It was developed concurrently with Stanley Kubrick's film version and published after the release of the film. The story is based in part on various short stories by Clarke, most notably "The Sentinel" (written in 1948 for a BBC competition but first published in 1951 under the title "Sentinel of Eternity"). For an elaboration of Clarke and Kubrick's collaborative work on this project, see The Lost Worlds of 2001, Arthur C. Clarke, Signet, 1972."

>> No.2619528
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Oh that was a book? I looooved that movie! So dreamy

>> No.2619568

Can anyone say the book One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest is better than the movie with a straight face?

>> No.2619582

