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/lit/ - Literature

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2614973 No.2614973 [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s occupation?

>I'm a business/econ major and I work part-time as a hotel clerk

>> No.2614981

Gardener for old people.

>> No.2614983

None; autodidact.

>> No.2614984

I'm an old person who likes to poison gardeners.

>> No.2614988

Unoccupied English Major.

Living the dream.

>> No.2614986

I'm a poison that like to garden old people.

>> No.2614990

You're one of Hugh Hefner's girlfriends!?

>> No.2614991

What is your method? So that I can be more wary of my clients. One gave my co-worker and I some cordial drink and he got very sick, vomiting, had to go home for the rest of the day, I'm glad I didn't drink it. She was really really sorry, crying.

A few months later she offered another co-worker and I cordial again!

This job makes me never want to get old

>> No.2614995

Promo editor/ web designer for a shitty local access tv show.

>> No.2614998

Link it so I can check out your skills. In high-school I wanted to be a website designer, I found it really fun. I'd actually make websites for fun at home, I remember makeing a Gears of War website.

>> No.2615001
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>I'm a business/econ major and I work part-time as a hotel clerk

Umhmmm, I see.. Ashamed of his vocation, puts his own subject at the end of his sentence. Seems to want comparisons to feel better about himself. There there Anon.

>> No.2615008

Well, I do hate having to apologize for shit that isn't my fault, and that's half the job.

>> No.2615012


>> No.2615031

I work on oil rigs.

>> No.2615035

phil/math major

>> No.2615038

I'm studying Maritime Transport.

>> No.2615044

painter and graphic designer.

>> No.2615047

I'm a manager at Arby's and a philosopher.

>> No.2615053

Adult Library Aide

>> No.2615056

spoiled college kids all up in this thread

>> No.2615057

I'm a barista at Starbucks, Literature major, blogger, and philosopher/writer.

>> No.2615058
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Thinks i'd waste my money on college!

>> No.2615062

I'm a Subway sandwich artist/philosopher/thinker/writer/short film director.

>> No.2615067

Sorry, no. It would be way too easy for you to find out who I am that way. My advice to you would be don't half ass it. Either get a degree in graphic design and really pursue a career as a front ender. Or get a degree in CS and make money doing intense back end stuff.

>> No.2615070
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student, currently unemployed.

>> No.2615071

Baw classism

>> No.2615095

Student, currently filling out job applications for the summer though.

>> No.2615116

NEET, of course
Almost two years since I finished school, I probably won't be able to keep this up much longer though

>> No.2615154

I work in the administrative sector of a company that is responsible for the distribution of cell phone credits and I study computer engineering.

Hate both work and the college, in the beginning of the next year I'll quit my job and start studying philosophy in the morning and computer engineering at night.

>> No.2615156

>Retired (27 y.o.)
>Pre-Retirement: Entrepreneur.

One of the lucky - never went to college types - I finished high school, started my own business, expanded to three businesses, each with a supporting role to cross and up sell to one another once I had built a client base.

Was turning over a tidy profit and eating into the market share of a well established conglomerate who thought it better to buy me out for way more than I was worth, in order to maintain their stranglehold on the industry in this region.

Now I just smoke too much (tobacco) and read all day.


>> No.2615160


Not really. That sounds very dull.

>> No.2615168

I'm 23, student, unemployed. It's horrible. Engineering major. Still, I'd like a job to hold me over until I graduate.

>> No.2615169

Yes, send me money.

On an unrelated note, why not go to college now? You can fund it and have all the time and freedom you need; basically you have the best conditions one can imagine. I think you could really benefit from it; doing nothing gets boring way too quick.

>> No.2615172

I don't think anyone is 'jelly'

>> No.2615178

He's done incredibly well for himself at a young age, why wouldn't we envy that?

>> No.2615190


Not jelly about the way you're living, but about the money you have and the amount of travels you could be doing.

>> No.2615191

I'm not those guys, but I can say his life is definitely not what I would have wanted. If it's what he wanted and he's happy, cool. I'm glad for him. But I'm not jealous of him.

>> No.2615215


>done incredibly well

He's made a lot of money. Please don't confuse that with necessarily "doing well".

>> No.2615221

In our 1-10 scale of positions to be in he's certainly in the positive or 5+ range.

>> No.2615223



>> No.2615230

Retiring at 27 is "doing well" since it's a very satisfying position to be in for anyone. You wouldn't turn down free money unless you're already rich.

>> No.2615232

I digitize rare books and manuscripts at an ivy league university.

>> No.2615234

any others here?

>> No.2615237


Satisfying? He smokes and reads all day. That doesn't sound satisfying to me. It sounds like prison.

>> No.2615238

I'm 19 and still a paperboy.

>> No.2615242


>> No.2615243

Nevertheless he's already "done well". Asking him to top that success with refusing to rest on his laurels is a different issue.

>> No.2615254


Tell us more.

Im thinking about working in North Dakota if I dont find a job right after college.

>> No.2615255


>done well because he's in a satisfying position
>it doesn't sound very satisfying
>nonetheless he's done well

You're just going in circles.

He's made a lot of money. That is not synonymous with "doing well" until you provide some reasoning for why it is.

>> No.2615265

I'm a furniture salesman and substitute teacher.

I have all the stuff together to be a full-time English teacher, so I'm hoping something works out for the fall.

>> No.2615270

1. he's made a lot of money.
2. he's misusing that success in the present.

We're (or you and the original replier) only talking about point 1. And this post explains why that can be considered having "done well". >>2615230

In the grand scheme of things being able to retire at 27 is a great achievement.

>> No.2615290

Why the fuck would you want to retire at all?

What a waste of life to not devote your existence to making things. To creating.

>> No.2615297
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Retiring is about financial security. He has enough money to no longer need a day job. He could do creative things if he wanted to of course.

>What a waste of life to not devote your existence to making things. To creating.

>What a waste of life to not devote your existence to finding God. To faith.

>> No.2615302


Agreed, terrible waste.

>> No.2615307

>What a waste of life to not devote your existence to finding God. To faith.

You can go fuck yourself sir. I have shit to make.

>> No.2615313
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Rude. I was only showing you that you are no less subjugated to artistry than a christian to his god.

Have fun with the pots and pans.

>> No.2615328


>We're (or you and the original replier) only talking about point 1. And this post explains why that can be considered having "done well". >>2615230

I rebutted that post.

>In the grand scheme of things being able to retire at 27 is a great achievement.


>> No.2615333


And you're subjugated to capitalist ideology, where making money is the ultimate achievement. Akin to the great masterpiece or the oneness with God. You do Stirner a disservice.

>> No.2615338

Party pooper.

>> No.2615350

No, I'm not. Just the harsh reality that people have to go to work to make a living. I haven't praised making money. Only retiring early. His survival is ensured. That's a great position to be in.

>> No.2615358

Since you are no longer obliged to work in order to survive.

If you bring in marxist criticisms then you should also know how demeaning modern labour has become. He has no need for it anymore.

>> No.2615370


Prepare yourself mentally as well as physically. Get ready for long days and long nights. Great money, but they don't call them roughnecks for nothing. I went in to it a little pale scrawny dick, and have come out of it as a little tan slightly average sized gentleman. Or at least I like to think so.

Anyways, tl;dr it's gonna fucking suck, but it's worth it for the amount of money you make.

>> No.2615409

studying for computer science master degree.
also work as a software developper (apprenticeship)

>> No.2615411

IT Management at a Fine Art Auction Gallery

>> No.2615431

I wait tables and attend university

>> No.2615435

Well you've certainly proven that you have no concept of Marxism

>> No.2615444

I was a NEET for 2 years.
Sadly I'm entering Uni in august. Good news is, I'm majoring in Philo so I will be back in my NEETness after leaching of the state a few years.

>> No.2615499

Maybe major in a subject that will lead to a job and minor in philosophy?

>> No.2615506


>> No.2615529

video game tester / philosophy major

i'm like a walking contradiction.

>> No.2615570

Unemployed, Psychology undergraduate.

>> No.2615902

What for?
I like being a NEET.

>> No.2615911

I'm a student, a journalist, and I am currently writing a novel about my experiences traveling and playing music with various bands, and the advice and life of my mentor.

>> No.2615939

So uhhh how much money do your parents send you every month?

>> No.2615970


They pay for my college, so if I had to divide into monthly contributions, it would be quite a lot. I make my own spending and saving money from my job as a journalist, and I also help pay for college.

>> No.2615990

I work with mentally handicapp people making $9.75 an hour 40 hours a week.

Studied journalism in college but then the recession hitting towards the middle of my sophomore cut any chance of getting into an already competitive field.

Currently doing alright. The plan is to work my way up and become a group home manager. That is when the real money comes in. Got plenty of experience to handle the job just need a few more months in until I've spent enough time with the company to get the job without a hitch.

>> No.2615998

incoming law student. took a year between undergrad and law school to study for the lsat/ work on my apps while working part-time in retail. made some new friends, got some new clothes, read a whole lot, and feel energized for the year to come.

>> No.2616017

English/Psychology major. Working a part-time job.

>> No.2616070


man, that sounds boring.

>> No.2616511
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Lifeguard at three separate places of employment in the summer. Going on my third summer working. I'm currently a high school senior, but I have an NROTC scholarship lined up. So I'm going to be a sailor for my obligated years after college. Anything after that is too far off to tell.

>> No.2616519

Political Science student. Work as a docent and archivist at a museum.

>> No.2616527

Physics student.

>> No.2616621

I work full time in the commercial insurance industry, moving to another country next month, going to try to get into another industry before I get too stuck in this one.

Seems like the thread got derailed with entrepreneur-dude.

Just want to say good on you mate, I would probably be liable to do the same thing as you for a while if I were in your shoes, though not having a job depresses me, so maybe not. Have string after string of failed entrepreneurs in my family so no family money / support if things go wrong, which has put me off doing anything too risky, but my partner and I may strike something up one day, hope it'll go as well for us as it did for you!

>> No.2616641

I'm a suicidal car park attendant with a politics degree.

>> No.2616644


i work at the key desk mostly in a major hotel
so i just sit in an room with a/c and read. sometimes i get up to check the lot to make sure people are placing flyers on the windshields

>> No.2616656

After-school child-care, kids K-6. Barely make enough money to live, but it's the best job I've ever had and I was lucky to get it.

Taking classes at community college in the early morn.

>> No.2616675

Aw shit

How much does that pay?

>> No.2616740

8.60$/hr no benefits hours are good though for a uni student

>> No.2616745


I cook chicken in a fast food restaurant and hand it out through drive-thru windows. At night i whistle breezy through the backroads on down home and for the nightstay, where my fingers pluck at plastic keys and try to speak of something larger.

>> No.2616748

Meat Department manager at a grocery store. I'm 19.

>> No.2617379


fuck yeah, that sounds awesome.

>> No.2618854

Chemical Engineering and Philosophy double degree.

Working as a factory operator in a med company on the 6am-2pm schedule. Hoping to do an internship or being promoted using my major soon.

>> No.2620089

Communications and Media student.
Work at the local airport and get paid about 3x what I should because my boss is my would-be-godmother.

>> No.2620090
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cs student, living with parents, no job, no friends, etc

>> No.2620094

live on benefits, close to poverty
volunteer so you cant accuse me of laziness

>> No.2620104
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BCom/BSc. Economics and Biochemistry.
I work as an analyst for the government.
I get to write about the economy. I can make spelling and grammatical errors and other people have to correct them before the work is published.

>> No.2620106
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world languages and work as a part-time model

>> No.2620148

library science student and part time translator

>> No.2620161

Bachelor of History. Car salesman. Over qualification. Wooo.

>> No.2620164

I work in the auditing business at a Big 4 company.

>> No.2620175

I get my autism bucks every week. I learn languages and read in my free time. Which is all the time.

>> No.2620197

My job is audio engineer/sound designer.
My primary occupation is best left up to others to describe.

>> No.2620204

I'm a freshman in high school and I do data entry at 9 bucks an hour.
I considering dropping out. If not, I'll probably major in mathematics with a minor in philosophy.
Impractical degrees FTW.

>> No.2620205

I come across as intelligent, I know.

>> No.2620209

Computer Sciences student working part time in a store hauling crates of beer and working part time in a non profit doing promotion, webdesign, low level accountancy,..

The plan is a 10-15 yr IT carreer, see where it takes me and keeping the non profit organization as a backup for when I'm 40 or so, as it is sorta my inheritence.

>> No.2620211
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I sit around all day making snide comments and living very simply. I let others provide for me because I'm too cool and philosophical for that myself.

>> No.2620370

My job?
...is the very definition of a shitty existencial crisis, after barely graduating high school I dropped out of college and became a Neet. Suddenly obliged to contribute to society, I
search for the laziest job I could find. It's boring, low income and I have to support clients dumber than me, they annoy the shit out of me and for some reason I think complaining all day will some day make the problem go away, but I'm not better than them. I'm the very definition of the under-achiever, the only person who can understand me is my best friend who while in the same position, somehow manages to be happy and sees no problem in staying like that... Midly depressed by this, the only impact I have on other human beings has been the result of a catastrophic love-life. This shit sucks, btw, it's sunday & I am at work though I'm not even supposed to be here today.

Do not work in a QuickStop...

>> No.2620423

Journalist (Brazil)

I had my own newspaper

now working for the local government (city council)

sometimes is good, I'm working in my book and another things in the free time

>> No.2620428

I am a 27 year old English major ( taking it one class at a time as this is all I can afford, only 5 classes away from graduating) I work at a local 3rd party call center, have held many positions there including an internship during the holiday season. I am currently a click to chat representative for Verizon residential services. Which is freaking awesome admittedly the pay is barely above minimum wage, but the benefits kick ass and there are always all kinda of prizes and such for selling the most, which I am very good at so I win fairly often.

>> No.2620434

Mechanical Engineer

>> No.2620453

Oh, dear, you are not a journeyman?

>> No.2620456

Med school

Going to do an internship or whatever it's called in English this summer. I hope I don't flunk this spring. Bad insomnia, add, bipolar, gad, ocd conspire against me. Tbh I'm in no condition to be in this school. But I love it anyway...

>> No.2620468

Psych grad working in special education (both mild to moderate and moderate to severe learning impaired students) and working toward a grad degree in creative writing.

>> No.2620478

Got an A.A degree.......

I rent backhoes, trenchers, skidloaders, forklifts, generators, and various other construction equipment.

Going to tech school this fall to train to be a machinist

>> No.2620480

Security Consultant

>> No.2620481

I operate a traphouse.

>> No.2620622

Cultural Anthropology major, emphasis on Cultural Resource Management, or contract archaeologist.

>> No.2620646

A journalist, photographer and editor and full-time employee

>> No.2620665

I worked in a porno shop for a good three years, then finally got fed up with my occupation and decided to live a purer, less morally corrupt life as an unemployed manchild in my parents' house.

I'm now trying to enroll in an Associate Degree program in Emergency Management.

>> No.2620691

Audio engineering/acoustics student. I work part time as a carpenter and I'll be working full time from the end of May to the end of September.

>> No.2620766
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Busboy, I serve you motherfuckers food.