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/lit/ - Literature

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2613473 No.2613473 [Reply] [Original]

Suddenly, an apocalypse happens. You, as well as a few others, are left a single surviving book with which to rebuild society upon.

What book is it?

>> No.2613480

the very hungry caterpillar

>> No.2613479

An anthology of Mikhail Bakunin's political and philosophical writings.

>> No.2613487

How To Rebuild A Society For Dummies

>> No.2613486

The Ego and His Own

>> No.2613488
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Without a doubt.

>> No.2613499

Imagine if there were a planet where different nations were founded based upon different books from Earth, and all the books in this thread were used.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar would be the death of us all.

>> No.2613503


>> No.2613506

The Tao te Ching

>> No.2613508

hungar games <3

>> No.2613513
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Twilight. We shall rebuild by harnessing the rage and redirecting it into productivity.

>> No.2613519


>> No.2613524

Anarchism and Other Essays, by Emma Goldman

>> No.2613527

>this thread
>all dem anarchists
Huh. I thought 4chan was a haven of rightwingers.

>> No.2613536

The Communist Manifesto

>> No.2613538
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A Stirnerite society would be a continual shitty negotiation of principally selfish little people. Don't get me wrong, I love Stirner, but I'd say a bit more vision and idealism, however faulty it may be, will lead to a greater society.

Truthfulness isn't the most beneficial for life at large. Vitality is.

>> No.2613548

A Survival handbook

>> No.2613572

No, that's /pol/.

>> No.2613587

I would've said Proudhon, but I dislike his traditional views on the family. Can't say Bakunin because I'm too individualist. Goldman was a syndicalist, right?

Hmm... Kevin Carson?

>> No.2613592


/lit/ is probably the most leftist board on 4chan

most people here are extremely liberal (not saying this is objectively a good or bad thing)


honestly /pol/ is probably like 60-40 in favor of right

4chan is pretty liberal in general I think

>> No.2613595

the bible :)

>> No.2613598

The Scum Manifesto

>> No.2613599
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>too hardcore for post-apocalypia

>> No.2613600

Finnegans Wake

>> No.2613603

>tfw you know this is a troll post but you realize the majority of people in your country would pick this

amerifat indeed

>> No.2613607

Bitter femanon detected.

>> No.2613604

/lit/ people tend to be a lot smarter and better read than the rest of 4chan, so naturally there's more of us on the far left.

>> No.2613612

"Atlas Shrugged"
It is inevitable.

>> No.2613622


Do leftist ideas pander to intellectuals or do intellectuals care more about humanity, /lit/?

Also I know you did not necessarily need imply that it made one better than another. It's true statistically that as you reach higher levels of education the chance of finding liberals becomes higher. I just wanted to spark some debate as I'm curious myself.

>> No.2613626

It would be in the nature of the blooming young generations to rebel against these values, so I would probably just bring a book on basic population-biology.

>> No.2613699

I don't really view these people as idealists in the proper sense, since I find the general anarchist ideal a very lowly one. They tend to concern themselves with power structures and resources and all that stuff, but even when their vision would succeed, would it bring forth some higher type of man? I find egalitarianism suspicious, not because of the tendency to equal opportunities (which I hold no grudge against, such a society would give people an honest chance to prove themselves) but the tendency to equal results. Egalitarian/socialist anarchism can easily lead to some sort of celebration of the Last Man. Which, I'm afraid, they wouldn't even find problematic. "No shepherd and one herd! Everybody wants the same, everybody is the same: whoever feels different goes voluntarily into a madhouse."

>> No.2613716

Gardening When It Counts: Growing Food in Hard Times.

>> No.2613736

That's part of why I prefer market socialism, though. Mutualism, not communism.

>> No.2613738

Everybody Poops

>> No.2613764
File: 76 KB, 318x475, 19ec4ca81e34acf76b2b74cf36b8ceedc1ac6bde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Hundred Years of Solitude. A perfect book that summarizes human relationships and morality, while containing warnings against immoral and irresponsible behavior, and sparking creativity and cultural growth with magical and fantastic occurrences. It is informative concerning families and encouraging of scientific discovery and craftsmanship.

Also, it would leave people open to other cultures and lifestyles, but also warn against corporatism, corruption, and war.

>> No.2613778

You know, this is a nice pick. It starts off with a sort of Genesis-type start and shows the development of the town over time...a very human book...

>> No.2614328


Nobody poops but you.


>> No.2614635

SAS Survival Handbook.
You have to be practical.

>> No.2614646

Island by Huxley. Very enjoyable, so many good messages for a civilization at any stage of development.

>> No.2614663

The Anglo-Italian Symposium

>> No.2614676

Encyclopædia Brittanica, obviously.

>> No.2614677


>> No.2614681

Fuck. All of human knowledge condensed into one book(volume?) so that we will always know about the things we can never have again. Wait. Fuck you!

>> No.2614696

When I was a kid I watched War of the Worlds. The 1953 one. At the end the main character takes a book from his library and goes back to the future. Two of his friends notice a book is missing and wonder which one he chose to take. To me, as a kid, it was obvious. A dictionary.

>> No.2614752
File: 43 B, 1x1, GODWILLSIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bible

>> No.2614757

The Panchatantra, to be used as a moral code.