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/lit/ - Literature

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2609319 No.2609319 [Reply] [Original]

Im not sure how well /lit/ will react to this, but here it goes.

I recently finished reading The Hunger Games series, after enjoying the movie and now im craving something that is comparable with the series.

By that I mean a good series preferably with the same style as the Hunger Games. I am OK with reading "Young Adult" series, as long as they are well-written

I cant even tell you what I liked so much about The Hunger Games, maybe I just felt bad for Katniss, so I guess a MC that attracts pity like that might be good.

I know its extremely vague, but im having trouble putting thoughts into words, I will try and post more helpful stuff later on.

>> No.2609320

This thread has never been made before

>> No.2609322 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 800x800, 1333925859656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is not literature. YA is not literature. Goodbye.

>> No.2609328

please don't.

>> No.2609334

Apparently this topic is in some way evil

>> No.2609338

Because it happens again and again, day after day. Why not type your question into google? You'll get better answers that way, and you won't have to listen to us call you a cunt.

>> No.2609339

>young adult

pick one

>> No.2609341

Would it help if my all time favorite book is Dante's Inferno

Because apparently HARRY POTTER IS SO FXN EPIC AND TWILIGHT IS SO GOOD!!!! XD XD XD is all you get

Not well written in the classical sense, but well written in the fact it isn't made up for 5 word sentences like "The big dog is scary"

>> No.2609342

Evil is subjective but on this topic our resolve is absolute. The series is on a sort of ban. Kindly stop bumping the thread.
If you want to talk about the series, bring it elsewhere. But feel free to talk about other literature here.

>> No.2609349


Battle Royale.

Maybe you'd care about the character in The Golden Compass.

>> No.2609353

After another google search it turns out there are Cliffnotes for these books that are easily readible in one sitting.

I think i will start readings The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo next


Should have mentioned I read/enjoyed Battle Royale, will check out Unwind

>> No.2609356

It's not well written, and it pulls that "big dog was scary" shit repeatedly, read battle royale, it should fill the gap.

>> No.2609357

No it's not. Don't presume to speak for me you gormless cretin. I have never read the books or seen the film but fuck me if the constant bawwing over a series isn't annoying.

>> No.2609360

Then stop bumping the thread.

Okay? Okay.

>> No.2609365

Bumping because of the stupid Bill Hicks thing.

>> No.2609364

I opened my copy of the book to refute that and the first sentence I saw was "The roof was well lit"

Point taken, but I still managed to enjoy it without really noticing, probably because im a pleb with pleb tastes

>Passing judgement on something you have never read/seen

>> No.2609367

Op wants to learn about a book on a literature board. Quelle horreur!
Take your head out of your backside you irritating, posturing prick.

>> No.2609371

Maybe if he wasn't reading teenage sludge we might.

>> No.2609382

>I'm saying what you guys are saying, r-right guys? My aspirations to lockstep must be fulfilled!

>> No.2609386


>> No.2609429

At least he had taste

>> No.2609449

The Shadow Children by Margaret Peterson Haddix. There OP that should do the trick but you have to realize we get threads like these almost every day and it gets a bit trying.

>> No.2609495


pic related: mfw

>> No.2609509

>young adult books
>hunger games

On a more helpful note, there's this book by some chick named ??? Roth, called Divergent. Supposedly is quite good, and the sequel just came out, called Insurgent. I believe it's dystopian-like, similar to THG. All the teenies are buying them. We just got in a shipment of Insurgent last night, and it just officially came out today, and we're already sold out.

>> No.2609929

his dark materials