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File: 31 KB, 400x400, hunter-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2608459 No.2608459 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2608474

the only relevant thing i have to say is that dunhills are kinda nice.

>> No.2608506
File: 48 KB, 373x582, sdsddsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother fucker was a legend. I always thought it was hilarious that he called Marilyn Manson "Shit Eyes."

>> No.2608512

I feel like I'm not really fair with his work. I hate most FL:LV fanboys and that turned me off him.

Hell's Angels was pretty nice tho.

>> No.2608530

Only read Hell's Angels, finished it a couple days ago to be honest, it was a nice book, but it wasn't great or anything. Going to read FL:LV when I get my hands on a copy.

He seems like a nice guy though.

>> No.2608540


I have to say that I haven't read the book, but the movie was OK at best. I don't understand why people think it's so great. Sure it had its moments, but if I want to laugh I'll watch Super Troopers or something like that.

I loved the man's articles he wrote, though, they were really good.

>> No.2608544

I feel bad because he's a really great writer but alot of people don't take him seriously because of teenage potheads that think he's cool cause he does drugs.

>> No.2608556

Love HST, his journalism and writing is so damn good. A great one.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is an entertaining book, but it's not his best shit and it's probably has a higher reputation that it 'should', to the detriment of HST.

>> No.2608573
File: 331 KB, 1803x1200, the_rum_diary_2011_1920x1280_736796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just finished reading The Rum Diary today and I enjoyed it a lot.

I also wanna live in Caribbean during the 50s now.

>> No.2608583

Im reading The Great Shark Hunt right now.
Boy i wish he was around today and in his prime.
Its funny how little things have changed in 40-50 years.

>> No.2608618

>Its funny how little things have changed in 40-50 years.

well, you know what they say - first as tragedy, then as farce

>> No.2608704

You know, I think there might be a reason that novel was "lost" for so long... it was aimless, just Hunter's avatar drinking and shagging women. Enjoyed the movie though.

>> No.2608746


I got The Great Shark Hunt for Christmas and am just now going to be getting time to read it once finals are over. Needless to say I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.2609073

He was smart enough to eat a lot of grapefruit.

>> No.2609991

He's a person with a certain charisma - it makes him interesting. People clearly connect him with drugs, especially today's generation; for me, he was a great writer and journalist, a great person, who I have chosen as my role model. He lived a good life, and went away with style.

>> No.2610015

Don't have a role model.

>> No.2610656
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Yeah I agree, he obviously just needed money. It sure was aimless but enjoyable ride. It just hit the right spot with me mood-wise.

And I loved the movie, I'm massive fanboy of Depp so it was pretty much given.