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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 43 KB, 859x742, 2012-05-01_162425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2608219 No.2608219 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking to girl in college
>She goes on Skype
>This is our convo

She tries to use big words and thinks she's super intelligent for knowing who Oscar Wilde is.

>> No.2608225
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>spergin to a girl

>> No.2608226
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I'm not responding, but she just sent this.

>> No.2608230
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>I'm glad these themes are presented to teens

>> No.2608234

you sound like a mega douche

>> No.2608235
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Ask her to describe the "themes" present in the novel. Just for kicks. For bonus points, get her to describe how the author develops these themes into a coherent message, but only after she lists them. Do it. It'll be fun.

>> No.2608238
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>specifically the topic of utopian vs dystopian



>> No.2608241

I agree. You sound close-minded. Tons of people agree that classic novels were ruined for them by schooling, or couldn't be appreciated until after the fact. But it does seem strange that The Hunger Games would be presented in college-level courses.

>> No.2608250


And if she mentions "utopian vs dystopian" again, ask her what the author's message is concerning that theme, and how it is developed in the book.

This is how you form literary discussions.

>> No.2608251

That's pretty unfair. It's a shitty argument, but I don't think she's doing that. Both of them are fucking retards anyway.

>> No.2608253

...stolen exact sentences from other books?

>> No.2608254
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>the themes aren't simplistic and non challenging

But, it's the Hunger Games. That's EXACTLY what it is.

>> No.2608259

>She mentions Wilde in comparison
>You disparage it for being "plagarised"
Oh, OP, you idiot.

>> No.2608262

So OP... you hittin' that or what?

>> No.2608263

You were definitely (deservedly) patronizng her before, but that response changes the situation.
Destroy her.

>> No.2608268

You are both sorry excuses for human beings.

>> No.2608271

At least she knows that all absolute propositions include the word "absolutely". This chick just logic-stomped you, bro.

>> No.2608279
File: 11 KB, 843x222, 2012-05-01_164235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she doesn't even know anything about Wilde.

I asked her if she's ever read anything by him, and she said: "not yet".

Also update

>> No.2608290

>But she doesn't even know anything about Wilde.
So what? Clearly you know nothing of value either.

>> No.2608303
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KONY 2012

>> No.2608305
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>another really important theme is the social implications that collins was trying to make regarding present day society

I can't wait to hear about that one. There isn't even a point in that sentence. It's incredibly vague. What was Collins trying to imply about present day society and how our peer-to-peer interactions are defined? Is that not the same as her message concerning "dystopian vs utopian?"

What kind of dreadful school do you go to, OP?

>> No.2608306

I think what OP was saying was, she shouldn't use Wilde as an example if she has never read anything by him.

>> No.2608310

i don't know what's more annoying, her taste or the incredible air of autism on your (or the guy in this chat's) part

i mean jesus christ what an immature asshole


>> No.2608313

meh if shes ugly i probably would have done exactly what op is doing.

>> No.2608314
File: 200 KB, 541x495, give her the dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously OP.

pic related.

>> No.2608322

I think the clear counter argument to this is it's more fun to deride someone who's actually in the thread than jerk off OP about some girl who won't put out.

Also totally convinced about the not reading Wilde part.

>> No.2608330
File: 45 KB, 200x272, 1308396243888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do not have themes in a book without a message. It is that simple. If you happen to stumble across a theme about which the author has no clear message, then that theme is entirely in the eye of the beholder. In other words, it is coincidental and imagined.

In that case, what she is effectively saying is that Collins simply came up with ideas and then rambled about them for a few hundred pages. That is nonsense, and she is only hurting Collins' reputation as a writer.

>> No.2608341
File: 15 KB, 854x320, 2012-05-01_170029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not responding to her anymore. Girls want to hold intelligent conversations to seem educated, but when their opinions are challenged or brought to question, they become stubborn and try to use big words that they barely know the meaning of.

>> No.2608351

She really rustled your jimmies

>> No.2608354

I actually agree with everything the girl is saying. And you haven't even read the book, not to mention you are in fact both patronising and insulting her. And nothing of what you're saying really has any substance. She, on the other hand, has a lot of good points. For example, if the point of writing a book was to express a conrete message, why didn't the writer just write down this message? Why would anyone want to write a novel? You're ignoring something very fundamental about fiction here, and I think your actions are desperately elitistic.

You don't have to agree with her, but you should apologize.

>> No.2608358
File: 36 KB, 265x317, jimmy_russell_master_distiller_wild_turkey[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2608359

>For example, if the point of writing a book was to express a conrete message, why didn't the writer just write down this message? Why would anyone want to write a novel?

4/10 for being kind of subtle.

>> No.2608360

OP needs to read about psychological projection

>> No.2608364

Can you post a pic of her?

>> No.2608365

I like that she at least engaged in a discussion with you, despite her disagreeing with you. I half-expected her to call you a douche and then block you.

>> No.2608366


What do you mean?

>> No.2608367

>effie trinket is so incredibly detached from the grey, drab appearence [sic] and spirit of district twelve because she's so caught up in following the social norms of the capital.

It baffles me how anybody who's read more than a couple of books can write this poorly. Do people just have difficulty understanding stylistic technique or what?

>> No.2608372

Spelling aside, it's not nearly as horrible as you're making it out to be.

>> No.2608374

>Using lol, :P, and never capitalizing anything
>Claims to see messages in books

Why do girls do this? I wouldn't think less of anyone if they said they don't read or don't hold any literary opinion. But once a person who just read Perks Of Being A Wallflower claims to be some kind of English professor, I lose my shit.

It's a good book (Perks), but it's not the best out there.

>> No.2608378

Jesus christ. What the fuck did you think saying shit like that was going to do?


You're the sort of person that gives us all a bad name. Thanks OP. This is why I keep my passions a secret.

>> No.2608380

Agreed. It's nothing impressive, but she's chatting on facebook for crying out loud.

>> No.2608382


It's an IM conversation, she's not trying to impress anyone. What the hell is wrong with you people. It's just like the whole thing about her mentioning Wilde. It was just a high-brow writer she plucked off the top of her head. She was giving OP a point. She was saying The Hunger Games wasn't high-brow, not pretending like she knew anything about it. In fact, she seems to me like a very humble person. Despite how OP treats her, she still respectfully replies.

>> No.2608384

Nearly everyone does that.

>> No.2608385

That's the reaction he would have gotten had he merely been dismissive instead of stooping to her level and humoring her.

>> No.2608386

No. She always talks about how she wants guys to hold intelligent discussions with her, so I gave what she always asks for.

And I never wanted to fuck her. But since you'll all just say I'm pretending not to be beta, there's no point in saying that. Surprise, surprise, I don't want to fuck every girl I meet.

>> No.2608390

It was Skype actually.

I don't have a Facebook. I'm not 13.

>> No.2608392

>Surprise, surprise, I don't want to fuck every girl I meet.

you're referring to the ugly and fat ones, of course, right? because i do want to fuck every attractive girl i know/meet. i kind of wish i didn't, but i can't help it.

>> No.2608395

You're 18, right? Such a man.

>> No.2608397

No. No it is not the reaction he would have gotten. People are essentially never swayed by arguments like this. He should have said that he didn't like it and moved on. If she pushed for a reason he could have given a non-judgmental "it's not the sort of thing I'm into"

Y'all have aspergers or something. Not everyone is going to read Ulysses, and most "awful" books have redeeming qualities.

I'm not about to defend Snow Crash and ASoIaF, but I enjoyed both and think that they have depth. Not Joyce level, but depth.

>> No.2608400

Well of COURSE I'd love to fuck her, but once girls show how stupid they are, it makes me iffy just thinking about it.

I went through the whole "I want to fuck every pretty girl I see" kind of thing when I was 14-18, but I'm way over that. Puberty happened awhile ago.

>> No.2608401


Your part of that conversation was not an intelligent discussion. Fucking shit. I deeply hope you're trolling.

>> No.2608404

You're both teenage tryhards. OP is just trying harder with this thread, which makes it all the more sad.

>> No.2608408

I've never seen such enthusiastic whiteknighting over some cunt that isn't even directly participating in the discussion. Cease this niggerdom.

>> No.2608413

>I've never seen such enthusiastic whiteknighting over some cunt that isn't even directly participating in the discussion. Cease this niggerdom.

congratulations! you just made the dumbest fucking post ever! hope you're happy!

>> No.2608422

Leave 4chan and never come back you underage newfag

>> No.2608429

huh. well i'm 23 and i still want to fuck every pretty girl i see. i must still be in puberty.

>> No.2608430

OP sounds like a 4chan drone.

You shouldn't talk to people that way. She's being earnest and positive, why are you trying to squash it? I hope she's showing your conversation (to friends that aren't anonymous.)

>> No.2608435

please stop posting.

>> No.2608451

i want to fuck pretty girls am not lying to myself about it. alert the press!

>> No.2608456

Who the hell has conversations like this?

And yeah, Wilde is easy-tier. If she knew anything she'd say Joyce.

>> No.2608463

why do i get the feeling there are tons of redditfags in this thread

>> No.2608464


>> No.2608465

Man is OP poooossstttuuuurrrrriiiiinnnnggg in that chat.

>> No.2608471

nope, and nope. hint: using dumbass played-out old jokes does not make you an "oldfag". it's not really funny to talk about "whiteknighting" anymore, especially in a thread that's mostly devoted to ripping on the OP for being an idiot himself, more than anything else.

because idiots like you, for whatever reason, assume that the novel concept of "not being incredibly misogynistic, all the time, at the slightest provocation" as a unique development which is the sole provenance of that shithole.

>> No.2608472

What a vague insult to hide behind.

>> No.2608486
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>taking himself seriously
>taking 4chan seriously

>> No.2608492

>I disagree but I respect your opinion


>> No.2608502

i was hoping the comments in this thread would be more amusing, but i dont know what you guys are even doing anymore

gonna sage myself (to save you time), and tell myself to get off 4chan

>> No.2608503

Lol get a load of this dumb broad. Hey, feminist, guess what, nobody cares about your arguments against misogyny. Nobody respects your opinion because you're trying to bring logic to a cesspool of miscreants that is 4chan. What the fuck are you even mad about? Funny you act like you know what's cool and what isn't on 4chan, yet your words smack of complete fucking ignorance. What a fucking joke.

>> No.2608545

OP is a maaaaaaaaajooooooooor Douchebag. Unbelievable.

>> No.2608546


This. Regardless of who is or isn't "right" (and who really cares? -- the topic is the fucking Hunger Games,) the girl seems like much more of a bro than OP.

>> No.2608569

OP seems like he thinks he's significantly smarter than he is. Why are you so set on making this girl feel stupid? She's surprisingly positive, must be a really nice girl to put up with your shit for so long.

And honeslty, I don't want to seem like I'm whiteknighting. I came in here expecting to laugh my ass off at a stupid bitch obsessed with hunger games. Instead OP just seemed like a tryhard-intellectual autist.

>> No.2608577

No matter what, the party that takes screenshots to show other people how told the other party was will always be a faggot. And seriously thinking that you sound intelligent debating the merits of a book you haven't read? Retarded.

>> No.2608589

Back to OP :
Like others above said , you sound like an ignorant snob teenager .The girl acted surprisingly calm .
You have to be emotionally challenged+insecure when you seek pleasure out of belittling others .
Also you seem not to understand the very simple truth of subjectivity

>> No.2608596


Holy motherfucking shit OP, you are a major fucking idiot. Aren't you a fucking super intelectual for hating on the hunger games? You've made osme really idiot statements and at this point she is making a better argument for her case then you. atm she might be retaded for being so into Hunger Games but based on how she talks in ten years she'll eclipse you OP while your still arguing with young girls about trash and feeling superior from it.

This man this

>> No.2608606
File: 15 KB, 306x227, 1287324999689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl makes no good points
>defends hunger games
>compares against Wilde
>lit defending girl

>> No.2608622
File: 19 KB, 280x275, darkman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really shit thread guys.

Also, who let /b/ in here?

>> No.2608636
File: 28 KB, 442x330, 1328047190888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP can't into social interaction with lesser beings

>> No.2608638

She's smarter than you OP.

>> No.2608646
File: 88 KB, 689x649, 1256080412471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but some of the themes are really beneficial to teens

Oh god, I lost it.

The themes that are "explored" in the Hunger Games is shit like "fascism is bad" and "murder is bad" and "friendship is good." How is this shit beneficial to teens? Didn't they learn this shit in elementary school?

>> No.2608651
File: 57 KB, 474x604, laughing beach harlots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"there's a lot to understand, specifically the concept of utopian vs dystopian."

I literally laughed out loud.

>> No.2608660

most people in here are defending the female. what the fuck makes you think there are many /b/tards here? goddamn this thread is full of fucking idiots.

>> No.2608661


Samefagged enough yet OP?

>> No.2608662

You're an idiot, OP.
Learn how to talk to people.

>> No.2608667

Yeah, this.
And she obviously doesn't take shit as seriously as you do.

>> No.2608668
File: 69 KB, 406x616, bill-cosby-on-what-women-want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to Bill Cosby.

>> No.2608679
File: 95 KB, 600x338, sato-nhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're probably a bad person, OP, but I like you a little bit.

>pic is probably you, but today you win

>> No.2608698

ITT : OP expected circlejerk but got rejected and ended up jerking alone and sobbing

>> No.2608702

>social norms
It is not a social norm to watch American Idol. I don't think she knows what she is talking about. Social norms is like not fucking your sister because it is incest.
OP is a dick for pressing her so hard on such meaningless fiction, but she isn't too bright either.

>> No.2608708

Judging from how passionately most teenagers hate "the man", it may be quite possible they're just learning the government isn't their friend.

>> No.2608728

lulz, she even made up a word.

>> No.2608735

Yeah, but The Hunger Games doesn't invite kids to take an introspective look at their own government. It presents a carbon copy of Nazi Germany, sprinkles a little sci-fi over it, and tells them that this is a bad system of government. No fucking shit.

>> No.2608737

>thinks original thought exists
>greatest artists of our centuries have all alluded to stealing ideas and combining them
>All art is, at the very base, masterfully plagiarized.

>> No.2608741

Man, Judy Bloom was an essential part of growing up. Don't knock that.

Dairy of a Whimpy Kid is 100% grade A puke though.

>> No.2608744

Holy shit OP you sounds like such a fucking weirdo.

>> No.2608748

wth does that mean?

>> No.2608751

I think it's how tampons work

>> No.2608752

Ha! All of this chatter's got me in the mood for some Wilde. More of Lord Henry's aphorisms? Well okay then.

>> No.2608753

Exactly, it delivers an overdone message, and even fails in delivering that in a good way.
Its basically saying "bad things are bad" and passing that off as a brilliant theme.
And I'm tired of that shit about "at least they're reading". That applies to kids, sure, but they should be expected to grow up eventually.

>> No.2608756

I tried to read through this thread, but jesus christ, the vast majority of you are crazy elitist assholes.
To quote a book most of you haven't read, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!"

>> No.2608766

shut up op

ya blew it

>> No.2608782
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>> No.2608790

if the OP were an attractive guy talking to mini in person she would have giggled and conceded all her points.

>> No.2608805
File: 20 KB, 451x355, spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP talking to 'mini' in person

>> No.2608826

You sound like an absolute cunt, OP; a fucking stupid cunt, to boot. The kind who says 'BOOK X IS NOT LITERATURE'. Maybe there is hope for you, at some point, but only when you realise how much of a twit you are at the present.

>> No.2608835

>begin reading expecting girl to be a piece of shit
>get to "American Battle Royale"

>> No.2610554

Bump cause I'm on iPhone and taking a shit

>> No.2610562

you are a big man for revealing your conversation to us without her knowing

at least TELL HER that her retarded shit is being revealed to a crowd.

>> No.2610567

op is socially retarded

mini is just retarded


>implying discussing the legitimacy of pulp literature isn't retarded

people like mini only need to be placated and disregarded, it's not hard to deal with them at all.

>> No.2610571

This thread is like the ultimate representation of /lit/'s 18 year old try-hards and 22 year olds who have learned how to talk to people.

>> No.2610578

>she says "but i respect your opinion"
>prnt-screen and post it on 4chan

Why are you such a cunt?

>> No.2610584

you're both idiots

quit trying patronizing her and get your dick sucked

>> No.2610588

>intelligent conversation
Doing to verbose equivalent of calling someone a shithead and a book they like horrible while acting as, if not more, pretentious than them thanks to your patronization is NOT intelligent conversation? Were you raised on /v/ or something?

>> No.2610590

Not enjoying trite, old, dumb and unfunny irony is not the same as taking 4chan seriously. A '90's kid' I see.

>> No.2610604

Yeah, we've gotta act shitty because it's 4chan and we have a reputation to uphold.

No! How do you even come up with an opinion like that? That's something the 2006 Gaia invaders would've balked at. To ignore history we had and accolades this website had received before we had a 'reputation' to uphold is to admit that you're a child. Besides, your irony isn't funny or 'cool'.

2/10 answered seriously

>> No.2610611

OP's right. Girl's retarded. OP is still a massively autistic cunt and should be shunned. Ok? Ok. Thread over.

>> No.2610614

Strangely enough no matter how intellectual a girl appears she will always have well read copies of the potter books and the hunger games on her bookshelf.

I've known girls with entire walls lined with the greatest literature in history, From Greek tragedies and medieval epics through to 19th century classics and experimental literature of the 20th and 21st century, yet every girl I've known favors stuff like harry potter over all that.

>> No.2610619


>> No.2610627

If you'd like to supply funding I'd be more than happy to back supply statistical evidence instead.

>> No.2610709

im a guy and like that, deal w it