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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 500x669, on the train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2606995 No.2606995 [Reply] [Original]

wat do?

>> No.2606996

"You have shitty taste faggot"

>> No.2606999

forever a beta

>> No.2607000

how can people read in a environment like that

>> No.2607001



>> No.2607002

it's real easy when you're not handicapped by attention deficit disorder. l2focus

>> No.2607004 [DELETED] 


It's easy to read bad novels in noisy places.

>> No.2607005

>implying she's not reading the second sex

>> No.2607022

>Head down, head phones in
>Please approach me i'm so lonley

>> No.2607023


>> No.2607024
File: 111 KB, 456x356, spag frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2607051

Try to tell her that i admire her taste in literature but accidentally spit my food out splattering her with bits of taco.

>> No.2607057

Try to make eye contact by putting your face an inch away from hers. If she doesn't kick you in the balls then you might get a conversation.

>> No.2607060

What you really want to be doing is following her onto a crowded train car and groping her ass and lifting her skirt. It's what all the kids are doing these days

>> No.2607061

ask her why she wore those pants out in public.

>> No.2607062

Leave her alone, can't you see she's reading?

>> No.2607066

She has nice hair. I might be falling in love.

>> No.2607074

Be very careful.

Captcha:svypio hogcholera lesions are of

>> No.2607088

I think I'm willing to risk being kicked in the balls.

>> No.2607095

You should use that as part of your ice breaker. Has the dual purpose of being amusing, and getting the topic below the belt.

>> No.2607098

That is a brilliant idea!
I'll let you know if it works.

>> No.2607105

"Do you read good?"

>> No.2607118

Superman does good. You read well.
Tracy Jordan taught me that.

>> No.2607124


"That was unexpected. Allow me a moment to compose myself."

>> No.2607131

Take all the time you need. Time practically stands still in /lit/.

>> No.2607132

Ask her if Ukraine is game to her.

>> No.2607133

Take pictures of strangers, obviously.

>> No.2607134

>listening to music
>she wants to fuck

>> No.2607136

tell her she's reading a shitty book..then reccommend atlas shrugged and call her a faget.

>> No.2607139


Well said, friend. The queues are annoying.

>> No.2607149

Nothing since high chance she is reading something that /lit/ would find to be trash lit. Most people that do read are female. But it does not mean when you see a girl reading means that you and her are going to hit it off. There is a higher chance of you two not getting along at all.

>> No.2607156

>headphones on

She wants to be left alone.

>> No.2607165

So I've noticed that a lot of writers keep writing about falling in love with a certain character after a brief glance

I used to think I was the only one as pathetic as that

>> No.2607171

She doesn't want to talk to you.

>> No.2607182

what sort of pleb listens to music whilst they read books?

women multi-tasking is bull-shit..they just do two jobs half as well.

I bet she dribbles menstrual blood all over her seat when she leaves..like this one time i ran over a slug with my bicyle and its guts shot out its ass

>> No.2607193

i usually keep my headphones on while reading on the subwayf, they completely kill the noise. i guess its a common thing to do.

>> No.2607197

You might want to see a psychoanalyst son.

>> No.2607198

>what sort of pleb listens to music whilst they read books?

I don't think she's actually listening to music atm that this picture was taken.

>> No.2607209


That's the lady's decision.

>> No.2607214

if she was wearign jodhpurs I'd be totally into it.

ask her if she has a apir of jodhpurs op!

>> No.2607215

it's actually much easier than when you spend too much time thinking about it. i used to think it was difficult and that i would at best be able to do it concentrate on the book only if it the music was quiet instrumental, but i was on quite a long bus trip a few weeks ago, the only music i had with me was Springsteen- an album with easily perceptible lyrics. it worked fine and eventually the it just became as repetitive a background sound as brian eno. i was reading comfortably at my usual pace and blocking out distraction from other people on the bus. closing off both my audio and visual senses like that felt comforting, cosy like a cocoon.

>> No.2607223
File: 117 KB, 500x669, pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would recoil in disgust.

>> No.2607224

there is nothing more annoying than being bothered by guys on the train or the gym. leave me alone.

>> No.2607231


Where else am I suppose to meet you?

>> No.2607234

puts her fingers in her mouth on the subway

>> No.2607235

>there is nothing more annoying than being bothered by ugly guys* on the train or the gym.
>*ugly being anything under a 7/10


how dare unattractive people not efface themselves so completely that the rest of us are able to forget they exist?

>> No.2607237


ah. reinforcements.

>> No.2607244

call the cavalry.

>> No.2607250
File: 24 KB, 460x276, alpaca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being less than a 7/10
>having a less than 7" dick
>being less than 6'2" tall
>having a less than athlethic physique

not sarcastic.
dirty unterpeople

>> No.2607253

>implying you're a girl
>implying you're attractive

>> No.2607255

nail biting is adorable :3

>> No.2607277

She does have nice hair, I concurr.

Also, OP, how do you manage to take a picture of a girl in the middle of the train?

>> No.2607279

lean toward the right direction in order to find out what she's reading, and make a natural comment about the book, one that can lead to a conversation, like "that's a good one, did you read the rest of his work?".

If you can't talk about books you haven't read- what the fuck are you doing on /lit/?

>> No.2607284

>apple headphones
>I would never talk to such plebeian shite

>> No.2607285

wait for my station to come up?

>> No.2607289

>a /lit/izen knows her
>he'll see her in this thread and show her
>you will see her again
>she will know you are a creepy fuck

>> No.2607291

Not likely to happen, but yes, OP is kind of creepy.
It often happens to me that I find cute girls on the bus or train, but I don't take pictures of them.

>> No.2607293

It's not that creepy bro. Cute girls take pictures of me on the bus all the time.

Usually to show to the police. ;_;

>> No.2607297




>> No.2607314

Thread was ok, then suddenly tripfags.

I'll leave and watch a movie.

>> No.2607319
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>> No.2607329
File: 432 KB, 1019x633, 894848844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a pic i took yesterday.

I was watching the two girls in the bottom right eat lunch and wondering what they smell like... then I noticed some old broad (in the top left) was also watching them. I did not wonder what she smelled like because it would probably involve stale piss

>> No.2607334
File: 80 KB, 640x480, 66934d1149886054-spying-neighbors-spying[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, here's some pics i took of some kids having a water fight near where my uncle lives...they didn't know i was taking the pics

alpha as fuck

>> No.2607336
File: 1.98 MB, 324x229, 1335881607462[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't talk about books you haven't read- what the fuck are you doing on /lit/?

i lol'd

>> No.2607337
File: 105 KB, 500x375, girl reading in a field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who puts wallpaper on the outside?

>> No.2607340

What country/city is this in?

>> No.2607341

OP, where are you from?
She looks strangely similar to my sister.

>> No.2607342

>that .gif, mang
you've actually made my day

>> No.2607343


Wonko the Sane.

>> No.2607345
File: 34 KB, 555x499, 1335877894542[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the building complex was built in the 70's... it seemed a good idea at the time

>> No.2607349
File: 73 KB, 500x333, Oh you silly boys, stop hitting on me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2607350

>please reply

>> No.2607352

Reading AND headphones? She's an imbecile.

Don't be that desperate, seriously.

>> No.2607353

Oh, fuck off.
I prefer to read with headphones in crowded areas, because its way easier to concentrate when you only hear music than random imbeciles talking shit.

>> No.2607354

I listen to headphones when I read in order to drown out the sounds of the roaches.

>> No.2607355

yes do fuck off, this issue has already been addressed.

>> No.2607357

I was gonna reply earnestly, but on my way to the comment box I realized you guys can't be serious.

>> No.2607358

keep up the good work.

>> No.2607359

+1 on this.

she's obviously a fucking pleb..and probably reading some chicks novel..like dorris lessing
utter dyke/10

>> No.2607363



Im serious, she looks like my sister.
Where are you from, OP?

>> No.2607370

thread's 6 hours long.

he's probably followed your sister home and stolen used tampons from her trash by now.

>> No.2607376

Eh, didn't check it.
Forgot that /lit/ is slower board.

>> No.2607377


I hear ya. She looks strangely similar to a girl I was at school with as well, but that isn't a Glasgow subway train. I hope this answers your question.

>> No.2607383

are you fucking retarded?
if you live with your sister, you can see if she has that same bag/scarf and it pretty much answers it

>> No.2607386

>if you live with your sister, you can see if she has that same bag/scarf and it pretty much answers it

And thats the fucking problem. We live in separate countries.

>> No.2607387

West end nigga up in here.

>> No.2607388

>living with family members.

Only if you're in high school.

>> No.2607389

oh shit mate sorry for calling you a fucking retard
i'm sorry mate

>> No.2607391

jokes on you faggot. I'm 27 and still live with my parents who says an english lit degree wont take you anywhere

lol @ weegies lowering the tone

>> No.2607397

I know it seems fun to strike out on your own. but friends are no substitute for family no matter how much modern sitcoms since seinfeld try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.2607401

yeah well at least i know the general location of all of my siblings!

>> No.2607405
File: 40 KB, 523x480, 1305918986198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, brother

>> No.2607407

Mon the superior East Coast... even fife.
Okay, no, fuck fife. Mon Edinbrah!

I spoke to a girl on the bus once, we had a good laugh etc etc.
Then when I asked for her number she gave me it. We meet up and she introduced me to her boyfriend.

What the fucks up with that shit?
Pretty sure she just did it to show me a tru-alpha.

>> No.2607409

she wanted a threesome

>> No.2607419


god damn those pants look trashy as fuck. every college girl ever

>> No.2607420

>implying sitcoms aren't written by people who base their scripts partially on their own realities.

>> No.2607424

Her being chubby doesn't help. The legs of a future fatass on that one.

>> No.2607426

yeah and novelists lived the events of their fiction.

they're just casual sweat pants/tights

plus they're tight so why would you complain?

>> No.2607431

>we /fa/ now

>> No.2607437

Well, yes, novelists do base a lot of their fiction on events that have happened in their lives.

As much as you might hate it, television is still a mirror of what goes on in the world. It's two-sided, though. It influences people as much as people influence it. Seinfeld implying that friends could have close, familial relationships wasn't at all misleading.

>> No.2607442

>Seinfeld implying that friends could have close, familial relationships wasn't at all misleading.
I wish I lived like Seinfeld.

I live more like Michael Cera in Arrested Development. I can't even play on it, Cera isn't cool anymore.

Fuck my life.

>> No.2607443


The nuclear family is an artifact from a bygone era.

>> No.2607445

because they're trashy and unstylish...Plus they don't even look "good" on skinny white girls that usually wear them.

I mean I guess if you're so desperate for attention that you want strangers to think about sticking it in your ass

>> No.2607448

I would be the Kramer to your Jerry if I knew you IRL.

>> No.2607449

it's well documented that friends fulfilling familial roles is a fantasy. Fuck that was too many 'f's.

>> No.2607451


it's the opposite. There was much more family before. Chinese niggas with their grand-pep-pep living in their room and stuff

>> No.2607455

true. but where it hs disintegrated more often than not it is replaced by nothing. if it is replaced, its certainly not by friends. it will be replaced by step and adopted families or just left as an 'incomplete' single parent family.

>> No.2607456

That'd be nice.

>> No.2607457

dude, she totally wants to fuck

>> No.2607462

>trashy and unstylish

that depends on the person and all their other attributes combined. i couldn't make that judgment on the basis of pants alone lol

they show of thighs and thighs are sexy so i like them. call me trashy.

>> No.2607463


you mean replaced by 4chan

is there a super DEEP novel yet about having no friends in the 21st century?

>> No.2607465

yes you're trashy

nothing stylish about skin-tight black pants that ALMOST EVERY GIRL IN UNIVERSITY is wearing

>> No.2607469

you do realise thats just your opinion, yes? why do you state it as something more?

and your comment about 'every girl' makes it clear part of the reason you hate them is because they're mainstream, which makes you a hipster. just about every single person you see on the street will be wearing denim jeans thats not a suitable reason to dislike them. by all means hate the pants, but 'because they're popular' isn't sound justification.

>> No.2607470

Well documented? Give me some examples.

I really don't see how sitcom-type friendships are so unttainable. If anything, real friendship is more intimate and fulfilling than the superficial sitcom versions. Could friends replace family? Sometimes, sure. But, I don't think sitcoms are even trying to suggest that.

>> No.2607471
File: 82 KB, 320x456, tao_eee_rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin's Eeeee Eee Eeee to an extent.

>> No.2607475

Can we all agree that they look trashy on the girl in OP's pic?

>> No.2607476

have you ever actually had friends? they break up all the time and there is no obligation to reconcile. with family, reconciliation while far from being inevitable is much more likely because even if you break up there might be traditions/holidays that force you to be together requiring you to at least make the situation bearable and there is a much more stable support network dependent on your affiliation.

>> No.2607477

they are the burqa for trashy girls. deal with it.

like uggs, northface jackets, etc. etc.

>> No.2607479

I heard he writes hipster gibberish. Is it good?

>> No.2607480

not really. that girl doesn't look anything like a 'chav'. she wears no bright colours. black is like the safest colour.

>> No.2607486
File: 16 KB, 224x338, jcthemansad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like leggins
Humanity is fcuked.
Back to the baggy pants of 2000

>> No.2607491

That's a pretty weak thesis, man. So family is more likely to reconcile because they might see each other on holidays? You must be pretty young if that's how you're putting together persuasion.

Many people go for years without speaking to family members. I haven't spoken with a good amount of close family members (father, aunts, etc.) in years. I have had problems with friends and reconciled years later. It happens a lot, dude. Especially when you get older. Maybe you just haven't had many close friendships?

>> No.2607492

>not liking glorious japanese girl fashion like "forest girl"

>> No.2607497

okay enough with the infantile taunts lol

>i have more friends than you

Obviously, it depends on the circumstance and the people involved. if you prefer your friends then go for it. but it's a lot easier to throw friends out of your life and be neglected by friends in turn than it is for families to do the same.

>> No.2607500

hipster weeaboo detected. your argument is invalid. jeggings are sexy.

>> No.2607506

so are body stockings and garter belts but you wouldn't wear them in public

get raped

>> No.2607508

Just because they are dressed skantly doesn't mean it's okay to rape them.

'she was asking for it, being all sexy and what not.'


>> No.2607509
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>> No.2607511

well I strongly disagree

>> No.2607512



>> No.2607528

i dont know what they are. i assume it's some erotic attire. but ive got to say i dont actually find them sexy. i'd rather just have the girl naked for that sort of thing.

and jeggings aren't attractive because they are scant. in fact they are the opposite. they're a substantial cover. . they're attractive for simply because they look good on women, they show off features without having to display them. i actually prefer girls who wear them with more clothes, not less. like an oversized hoodie or a shirt skirt.

oh and wearing scant clothing isn't 'asking to be raped'. being naked in public isn't even 'asking to be raped'

>> No.2607537

bowing to pathetic rationalisations. why?
if you want to rape them just do it.

>> No.2607544


>> No.2607548

>i dont know what they are.


>they're a substantial cover.

but they're skin-tight...you can see their ass jiggling

maybe I will just to spite you.

but seriously I think it is extremely pathetic that girls sink so low as displaying their ass in public, like meat on display, when they could wear something that's actually stylish and pretty

>> No.2607557

You must remember my friend, many girls are neurotic and don't know they are beautiful.

Ergo girls who don't wear hoodies etc because they think it's not attractive, when we know it is.

It's not their fault, it's the magazines bro.

>> No.2607566

why do I never meet any girl with bodies like this?

>> No.2607569

You live in FAT AMERICA
Or Scotland.

>> No.2607572

I don't live in either of those places.

>> No.2607573

damn hipsters. i bet shes reading some shit like murakami or tao lin.

i would love to pull those earphones and kick her in the face.

but i would probably just ignore the situation and just continue my reading. she does not deserve my attention

>> No.2607576

Then you ain't looking hard enough bro.

>> No.2607577

This guy is a lady's man.

>> No.2607583

>tfw omg im doing the same

>> No.2607587

You're the voyeur of a voyeur of a voyeur of attention whores.

>> No.2607588

Has she left yet? This isn't the trans Siberian express is it?

>> No.2607611

holy shit this is my friend
her names alex

>> No.2607621

i love how none of you people seem to have noticed shes a fat 4/10

>> No.2607628

well if she's a 4/10 i must be like a -8/10

>> No.2607632
File: 117 KB, 900x675, DSC00056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually met my girlfriend in a subway while she was reading :D.
To be honest, she did ogle me 2 or 3 times before I gave myself courage and asked her about the book. It was The Adolescent by Dostoevsky, and I've told her that he's one of my favorites (he's not, but I do like him).
After talking about books a little, I walked off at the next station (even if that was not where I was supposed to, but spaghetti started flowing already) and asked her email.
Pretty proud of myself.

>> No.2607637

That's probably the case.

>> No.2607641


Horrific overbite 1/10.

>> No.2607645

proud of you bruh

I just ask girls to cuddle with me on okcupid

>> No.2607651

The only reason girls read in public is to attract male readers, so she would actually be hurt if you recognised her book and then -didn't- approach her.

>> No.2607659

I just want to be hugged, what does it feel like.
I tried to pay a hooker, but she said the hug just wouldn't be the same.

>> No.2607661

>The only reason girls read in public is to attract male readers

interesting...how do you know this?

I always thought girls only do things for attention but this never crossed my mind

lost my virginity to a hooker bruh. been there done that.

Did James Joyce do that too or is that just the character in Portrait?

>> No.2607669

I love you fucking faggots spin a truism such as "people read in subways for attention" to "only women do that".
Honestly, don't you realize how disgusting this is? No decent girl will give a fuck about you if you think in such manners.

>> No.2607672

Cry more, slut.

>> No.2607673

that's a good point I guess, but I really only think about the habits of girls and why they don't want to cuddle with me

also girls do this shit more

>> No.2607680

He did, but I think he was 14

>> No.2607681

neato. I was 19

is there a good biography of him?

>> No.2607713

the very fact that hey tight means here can be no jiggling.

>> No.2607718

theyre not displaying anything. its fucking trousers. guys wear skinny jeans all the time

>> No.2607720

but they're elastic

>> No.2607723

hahaha so delusional

that's their only appeal. It's why there are threads about it on /s/. it's like they're naked and clothed at the same time.

I seriously hope most girls aren't this delusional about it.

>> No.2607725


What's this? I haven't read every post, what are we talking about? Just tight jeans? What's wrong with that?

>> No.2607729

we're talking about those skin-tight black leggings girls are wearing as pants these days

>> No.2607730

things ae allowed to jiggle when they,re covered which the are in this case.

they ae naked and clothed a the same time. hey,re clothed. get a fucking grip. you sound like you,ve just approached puberty and anything is turning you on.

>> No.2607732


Are they popular in the US? I'm in the UK, and hardly ever see leggings, much less (especially) tight ones. Pics?

>> No.2607736

you sound like a delusional girl desperate for male attention with your ass jiggling

try /s/ or google it. or try searching yoga pants too. there's a reddit for it I think

yeah it's ubiquitous at U.S. (pleb?) universities right now

>> No.2607739

Do girls wear it just because it's comfortable, or because they want someone to slut out with?

>> No.2607740

they dont stand out from an other article of clothing. its just leggings. girls have been wearing sweat pants that often accentuate their ass and thighs for years. now these neckbeards who cant get girlfriends are upset at women displaying themselves when really the trousers are just comfortable.

>> No.2607744

they wear it for attention and to fit in. Apparently some are delusional and just think it "looks nice" and not that everyone is staring at their ass hanging out and jiggling everywhere

worst thing is that lots of fatasses wear them too thinking it helps. I actually like some chubby black girls though lol

>> No.2607746

nice convincng response there. 'you're just a slut' haha

the girls ate covered. as long as that is the case they can wear what they want. youre obviously just jealous that youre attracted to them without being able to get them

>> No.2607751

I'm in the UK, I see girls in leggings all day every day, probably about 1 in 3 girls is wearing them. It started with plain black ones and now it's spread to velvety ones they sell at American Apparel and Aztec patterns they sell at Urban Outfitters.

Don't really see much in them to be honest.

>> No.2607752

I didn't say they're sluts, just that they wear it for attention

also you're probably typing from your iphone or some shit in public because you need the attention while you browse /lit/, rofl slut

>> No.2607755

youre generalisation doesnt even fit with most circumstances in which ives seen these trousers. they are worn usually with other heavy articles of clothing on the top half or midriff to upper thigh and usually by he most taciturn of females. its not about display, there might be a bit of conformity in there. its for their own self confidence, not to be hit on and ogled at

>> No.2607757
File: 709 KB, 730x1000, folio_pa3895_d2_1509_body0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2607758

you called me a girl or something i can be arsed reading back. thats what i referred to

even tho im a guy

>> No.2607761 [DELETED] 

/lit/ 2012 - implications of womens' fashion choices

>> No.2607765

you're obviously in some other place then as you keep saying trousers

well here it's as I say

>girls wearing revealing clothing to fit in and feel better about themselves

nothing new here

well u type like a girl faglord

>> No.2607771

i dont even think shes wearing jeggings. the bottom of his trouser legs are too wide. if it were skin tighgt it would mean shes got really think legs, like enormous even for a fat chick. you can tell shes not a fat chick by the way shes sitting. fat chicks cant bend over

>> No.2607775

i type shorthand and make misakes trying to keep up wit the conversation to respond to you. but yeah use something totally unrelated to dismiss everything ive said. it just makes your own position look weaker

>> No.2607777

they are trousers and they are not revealing. it fucking covers them from waist to ankle. and dont give me any of that well its skin tight crap. if youre using that measurment then every top and old fat women wears is skin tight so theyre all wearing it to reveal their tits.

>> No.2607780

that feel when you win an argument against some sexist neckbeard and get quads in the process

>> No.2607781

go back to /r9k/, faggot

>> No.2607783

that's why it's the burqa of trashy clothing. it conceals the skin but reveals the shape and movement of your ass cheeks

>so theyre all wearing it to reveal their tits.

uhh yeah. that's all old fat women have

>> No.2607787

it doesnt reveal ass movement any more than regular female suit trousers which are also in most cases skin tight. get over your fucking prejudice

and if old fat women are just displaying their tits, why dont you complain about their skin tight blouses? you dont because youre not attracted to them. just admit the only reason youre butthurt over this is because youre attracted to the girls yet they are all unattainable to you

>> No.2607792

Look at those thick arms and tell me she's not fat.

>> No.2607797

Leggings are designed to be sexy, I don't see how this is up for debate.

>> No.2607799


mate you probably can't even see your own dick under your fucking stomach. Stop trying to be contentious.

>> No.2607817
File: 79 KB, 440x616, kutaap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Belgium -yeah beer- leggings are worn under a skirt or -especially by hipsters- under a long t-shirt. It's mostly worn for warmth i guess.

Above that, i don't see the fuzz about revealing 'too much'. Even not with old fat people, you look at monkeys without clothes isn't it?

>> No.2607821
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>> No.2607824

>you look at monkeys without clothes isn't it?

I generally don't spend much time looking at monkeys, no. Some also fling feces at each other...

>> No.2607831

>Some also fling feces at each other...
>implying humans don't do this all the time.

>> No.2607835

as are most if not all clothes.

>> No.2607866

That monkey has a tiny dick.

>> No.2607885


No, he's just a huge ass monkey, dick looks tiny in comparison.

>> No.2607911

Leggings aren't meant to be worn by themselves. Doing so makes you look like a sloppy cunt. No woman with actual style would be seen in public looking like that.

You can talk all you want about how you can see their asses and therefore it is good, but it isn't. It is aesthetically unsound and unacceptable on anything but a throwaway slut.

>> No.2607926

4/10, you can't be this full of shit.

>> No.2607935

Are you saying that men who are less than that are in fact not less than that?

>> No.2607937

some women wear them for comfort. in fact i suggest this
their principal reason, just like they used to wear jogging bottoms or sweat pants or whatever you call them

>> No.2607939

>it doesnt reveal ass movement any more than regular female suit trousers

plainly wrong

the whole point is that they are thin and elastic so the ass can move freely

that's why guys are all "yo bruh I love when chicks wear dem pants bruh, so hot" etc. in denial deal with in nerd

>> No.2607946

this this this

can't believe these plebs question this.

>> No.2607952

>some women wear them for comfort.

This is true. Girls who wear them just to hang out at someone's house or to, you know, actually exercise aren't doing anything wrong. They just aren't suitable for going out in public. In terms of laziness and fashion, they're the female equivalent of men's shitty baggy athletic pants.

>> No.2607958

most trousers are tight around the ass region because women generally have large asses. it's the whole michelangelo's venus image. women's asses are going to be 'on display' no matter what they wear.
not all women wear their clothes to put them on display and boost their self confidence that way. the most common factor is probably the same reason most people choose all their clothing: they're comfortable, cheap and can take a beating

>> No.2607962
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That's fine at home or when engaged in physical activity. Not when out and about.

The shitty bun in her hair, the godless body-warmer, horrible scarf, ugly bag and high body fat only confirm my suspicions that she is indeed a slob. She was probably wearing Uggs as well. All she needs to top it of is a ratty hoody with either a large logo or some sort of team/university/"I <3 city" shit on it and she's a walking example of everything a woman can possibly do wrong in the clothes department.

>> No.2607966
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>this thread at 10AM
>people talking about the girl's pants
>come back at 6PM
>people talking about the girl's pants

>> No.2607968

I have a hard time believing girls do not make all their decisions based on how much attention it will give them

while leaving Subway, I saw a girl in these pants and became immediately aroused and stared at her. would totally rape if I could get away with it

>> No.2607969

it looks like she's out shopping or going to uni or travelling between insignificant places. she is evidentially not going anywhere that demands good dress sense. most people dont care about how they loo when they're just going about their daily activities. lol /lit/ is suddenly fashion police.

>> No.2607972

>She was probably wearing Uggs as well. All she needs to top it of is a ratty hoody with either a large logo or some sort of team/university/"I <3 city"

OH GOD WHY DO 80% OF COLLEGE GIRLS DO THIS. Fucking plebs everywhere I go.

>> No.2607973

that's because you're a misogynistic prick or just butthurt ans sexually frustrated

>> No.2607982
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Most people don't care about a lot of things and are willing to let their lives deteriorate into a slouching, lazy bulge of fat depression and disorder. I'll have none of it.

Being out and about in the world demands good dress.

>> No.2607985

>Find the female form sexually arousing? MISOGYNIST!

>> No.2607987

>most people dont care about how they loo when they're just going about their daily activities.

...And our society dresses like absolute shit. Compare this to 60 years ago or so when pretty much all strata of society at least attempted to make themselves presentable before going out in public.

>> No.2607992

sexually frustrated, yes
misogynist, no

lots of guys are like this. When I find a girl who isn't a plebby slob, I love her so much

>> No.2607993

im not interesting in debating the fashion police. jeggings are casual clothes, casual clothes suffice for lots of things

if you can't see any other reason for a women's dress sense other than provoking your sexual attention, which is what you admitted, then yes that is simply sexist.

>> No.2607999

>are willing to let their lives deteriorate into a slouching, lazy bulge of fat depression and disorder

ouch that hurts.

I'd dress well if I had money. But I hate how girls seriously like any fashionable bullshit. omg like he's so hot and cool becuz he has gauges and stupid shit in his face

>> No.2608000

they realised where it matters and where it doesn't. complaining about casual clothes in casual circumstances is trivial.

>> No.2608005

>then yes that is simply sexist.


It's being a human male. Wishing doesn't make it so.

and I understand the comfortable part, but sweat pants and jeans have been around forever. This new leggings thing is purely for ass attention

>> No.2608006
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>> No.2608009


it's natural for males to be attracted to women, it's sexist to think women are only interested in your sexual attraction.

if its surged now, it's most likely conformity thing. people like to look like the same. its why most fads and fashion cycles happen

>> No.2608010

>covering her ass
>wearing a jacket

yeah it sure looks like she is just wearing jeggings to show off her butt

>> No.2608011
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>tfw when people on the soup line during the great depression kept up appearances better than your average millionaire today

I bet you do casual reading too.

I'm poor as fuck and I still manage to dress well, eath healthy and take care of myself in general. Looking presentable doesn't need to cost a lot of money.

I find aesthetics far from trivial in any matter. But to each his own, you only sabotage yourself when you dress like that.

Pic related, I'd kill dozens of legging whores to just offer this specimen a seat.

>> No.2608012

yeah most girls don't put any thought into anything. I think the fad started when a few girls discovered that tight elastic fabric makes guys stare at their asses

>> No.2608015

I wear the same clothes my mom bought me in 8th grade. Come at me bro.

where do you shop though?

>> No.2608016

people dont think about it. thats how marketing works.

>> No.2608019
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Why are these bastards allowed to wear this on public? It's ok if they're at home or doing exercise, but why would you wear them like this? They're just trying to direct attention to their crotch under the excuse of being comfortable and warm.

>> No.2608023

*casual reading comment was meant for >>2607993

I walk into places which look like they have nice stuff. I wouldn't be able to point out any distinct shops that I frequent. Also, I don't buy a lot of clothes or bother myself with them all that much. I simply go for stuff that looks presentable. My wardrobe is actually very minimal.

>> No.2608024

that might have some truth to it. Your wang hangs freely in sweats. I wouldn't wear that except for working out during the winter.

I think a wifebeater showing off your lats and crap is a better analogue.

>> No.2608028

casual reading is the highest form of the activity. i bet you only read for assignments, poor bugger

>> No.2608030

reading posts on 4chan is the best. I can't believe you fags read books

>> No.2608033

reading posts on 4chan is a form of casual reading, idiot.

>> No.2608036

I take my reading seriously. There's nothing casual about it.

>> No.2608040

casual means for enjoyment, serious means there is a glorified higher purpose which is ultimately fruitless.

>> No.2608047

Relaxed and unconcerned.
A person who does something irregularly: "a number of casuals became regular customers".
accidental - incidental - fortuitous - occasional

None of these apply to my reading. If anything, casual implies halfheartedness more than it does enjoyment.

>> No.2608056

it only seems like that because it's done according to desire. and desire fluctuates. even yours, thats why you're not reading a book right now. believe it or not, even self professed 'committed' readers are casuals.

>> No.2608078

>tfw you moved to a small town so there's no need to take the metro/bus to go anywhere
>tfw you love to read in the metro

>> No.2608088
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When I read, I do it with dedication. That is what matters. I put some effort into it. The same goes for how I dress, how I act, how I take care of my possessions and my body.

It may seem like an exaggeration, but I believe that the attitude that accepts leggings in public is the same attitude that is tolerant of stupidity, dumb entertainment, dirty dishes, filthy houses, credit card debt, teenage parenthood, text speak, decadence, decline and cultural entropy in general. It's all connected. This whole search for comfort, this attitude of the dumb apologetic shrug in the face of anyone who calls them out on it, it's all part of the same general mindset. "We have discovered happiness" say the Last Men, and they blink.

>> No.2608106

W-wut ya readin?

>> No.2608115
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ITT: Battle of the snobs and plebs

>> No.2608116

That's all very well and good for teens with zero priorities. i referred to you as a teen because you are obviously still a child. when you grow up you'll realise people have greater priorities. things like casual clothes? yeah you can let that slide if it means you're more comfortable and content when looking after your family. it's not 'casualisation' that we need to combat, it's only a problem in the wrong setting. like a job interview. people don't need to be dedicated all the time. they grow uptight and bitter about life and end up committing suicide because there's no reward.

>> No.2608128


good posts all around /lit/

I think it's good to be mindful, but not judgmental, just like the Buddha says. Being content and not killing yourself is good

>> No.2608129

/mu/ is ruining this board

>> No.2608133

>>2608005 and everybody fucking else


>> No.2608142

Upper middle brow

Lower middle brow

High brow

Low brow

>> No.2608151

avant-garde literature is not meh tier you take that back

>> No.2608156
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I'm no child. Still, I can't think of greater priorities than striving for excellence. This of course doesn't mean that you can't relax. It just means that you should strive for excellence in your relaxation as well. Why not do everything in the best way? Taking care of your spawn is hardly an excuse to let yourself go. Plenty of people raise children without succumbing to tired bleakness.

But I agree with you in the sense that is a problem of setting. People should wear their leggings in their lair. Going out into the world like that is a whole other thing, and is a symptom of decay. Do you know the cartoonish stereotype of depressed people going around town unshaven in their pyjama's? That exists for a reason. The same reason soldiers are required to keep up appearances, even when at war. It solidifies the thin line between order and disorder, between vitality and lethargy.

It's trends like this, however insignificant, that are both a symptom and a cause of a societal trend towards indifference.

>> No.2608182

but most of them don't wear anything else to cover their ass. that's the whole point

at least in murrica

>> No.2608184

What kind of avant-garde literature would that be? I wanna be highbrow too.

>> No.2608188


Reading and listening to music is pleb

>> No.2608213

what if shes listening to the audiobook?

>> No.2608215
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>> No.2608276

You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Any reading tips as regard general cultural criticism?

>> No.2608344
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That'd be just silly

>> No.2608347
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I'm afraid not. Well, aside from Nietzsche. I find his dichotomy of health and sickness one of the most interesting and fruitful ways of looking at the world, both on a personal and societal level.

>> No.2608362

Well Nietzsche is an obvious choice here. But, do you have experience with, say, Allan Bloom, Ortega y Gasset, or Eric Hoffer?

>> No.2608377

Barely got a third into this thread, but I raged a bit at all the >READING A BOOK WHILE LISTENING TO MUSIC
comments. I read on the subway all the time with headphones in, but only as a way to dampen the background noise. Don't assume she's listening to music.

>> No.2608379
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No, I don't. I have to say I'm not all that much interested in criticism as I am in actually developing some form of positive ethos that counters the decay instead of merely pointing it out. But perhaps those authors you mentioned in fact have such a proposition, I wouldn't know.

Would you recommend them?

>> No.2608415

>It just means that you should strive for excellence in your relaxation as well. Why not do everything in the best way?

Sounds like the kind of shit every bro that manages to graduate from business school will be stammering out while he lubes his asshole for the fist of his corporate employer.

Livin' the GQ life, bro. Really accomplishing a lot.

>> No.2608448
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>implying I'm not a humble labourer dedicated to philosophy and the art of living well in moderate poverty
>implying my notion of striving for excellence has anything to do with careerism

>> No.2608460

Definitely do try Bloom´s Closing of the American Mind. As fro the other two, I read too little of them to judge. Actually I was hoping to find out more about their work.

>> No.2608466

your life's philosophy depends on other people, it is flawed
kill ur self

>> No.2608478

Would it be interesting enough for a European fellow who isn't all that interested in the United States for it's own sake?

Every philosophy does that. The best are even deeply embedded in every aspect of ones life, including social life.

I'm off to bed for now. Good day, gentlemen.

>> No.2608505

I would say so. The book describes and criticizes life in America in particular, but both causes and symptoms of the dismal state of the U.S. are not exclusive to America. In certain ways (as it focuses on the ideas that inform our choices, and thus ultimately on philosophy) Bloom´s analysis fits even better to Europe than to the U.S.

>> No.2609092

I'll be damned. This thread is still going strong. Something about that picture must really touch people. I fell in love with her hair 13 hours ago.

>> No.2609115


she has very common hair

do you happen to fall in love a lot?

>> No.2609163
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>> No.2609188
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Back when I was living in New Zealand a girl approached me to ask what I was reading. I answered "The Possessed, by Dostoevsky". She then asked me if it was good. I am generally very straightforward when people ask me things so embarked on a lengthy monologue that could somewhat satisfy the broad definition of "good".

In hindsight, it is possible that she wasn't really interested in the book or in any book for that matter. She probably didn't enjoy the one sided discussion about a russian author either.

>> No.2609198

Very Rarely. Must not be just the hair. Don't know what it is though...

>> No.2609203


>> No.2609208

>is possible that she wasn't really interested in the book
I think you're on to something here. She wanted to get to know you. You blew it exactely the same way I would have.

>> No.2609212

"Want to know how it ends?"

>> No.2609219

>wanted to get to know you
>didn't want know about the book he's reading or why he likes it

bitches and whores

>> No.2609224

It was not the first time something like that happened to me either. I have this bad habit of taking things for granted and never suspecting an ulterior motivation to any action on a first analysis of the situation. Then, when I am alone and start to review things, speculation runs wild.

>> No.2609228

Women are subtle. Being able to read minds is almost mandatory.

>> No.2609231

But why would I want to date a girl that can't recognize a Dostoevsky from a mile away?

>> No.2609235

I'm extreamly literal. If a woman asked me about a book I'd tell her about the book. If she said she was watching a scary movie that night and hated to watch it alone I would be puzzled why she was then going to watch it.
The number of times I've blown it...

>> No.2609237

because they're not fat or disfigured

>> No.2609240

Well, I agree Dostoevsky is more important, but their is sex and companionship and all that other emotional stuff.

>> No.2609245

why are they so weak and roundabout? Do they crave security like their pep-pep gave them when they were little? Why can't they take responsibility for their own actions and desires?

feel free to recommend me a book to explain this shit

>> No.2609253
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>leggings on any girl

>> No.2609257

Well, there is an introductory manual but the pdf is several Petabytes. How much hard disk space do you have?

>> No.2609269

funny post but what about a good "literature" book? It sounded like /lit/ doesn't like Pride and Prejudice but it could be that they just hate girls as much as I do

>> No.2609272
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>I'm extreamly literal. If a woman asked me about a book I'd tell her about the book. If she said she was watching a scary movie that night and hated to watch it alone I would be puzzled why she was then going to watch it.

Seriously? Damn.

>> No.2609274

Oh! You don't mean like a computer manual. Literature that would help men understand women. DH Laurence? (I've never read anything by him) Open to any siggestions.

>> No.2609281

The bit about the scary movie... true story.

>> No.2609391

GRR Martin

>> No.2609799

>caring about specific little things instead of general character and aesthetics of a woman

If you were looking to buy a car, you would ask how fast it can go. Not if it has been to Boston.

>> No.2609817
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tfw your thread is popular and you think it's a reflection on you but really it deviated someway near the beginning and took on a life of it's own

>> No.2609829

I enjoyed your thread.
I got a day off work today so im going to go into the big city to try and take secret pics of average looking women reading books... wish me luck

>> No.2609830


I admit, that made me laugh hard for a couple of minutes. So true.

>> No.2609887

make sure to upload them. ill make sure there's always a girl-on-train-wat-do? thread for you to contribute to

>> No.2609893


>> No.2609908


>> No.2610330


Yes, pictures are good.