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2596956 No.2596956 [Reply] [Original]

>go to bookshop
>shelves full of classics at affordable prices
>good opportunity to complete my collection
>buy Crime & Punishment, On the Road, Winter of our Discontent, The Man Who Would Be King, Dubliners, Tom Sawyer
>employee is this cute girl who looks like fucking Emma Watson
>bring my books to counter try not to lose my spaghettis
>Emma takes a lot at my selection and say in the smuggest way possible "ha, classics."
>what the fuck
>"$20 please" before i even have a chance to reply
>walk away feeling beta as fuck

So what contemporary circlejerking book about aids should I buy next time so I don't get mocked by bookshop employees?

>> No.2596961

This is why I buy all my books from my computer.

>> No.2596960

this didn't happen.

don't lie to us.

>> No.2596973

Also, opinions on what I bought? Anything that stands out as really good/awful among them?

>> No.2596986

"What Lies Within My Anus" by O.P. is a decent contemporary work.

>> No.2596987

Sounds like a solid reading list. What translation of CP did you get?

>> No.2596998

Penguin Popular Classics edition (it was cheap).

>> No.2597003

a cute hipsterish store clerk once tried to start a conversation with me when i bought a collection of rimbaud poetry. unfortunately i was too autistic to respond.

>> No.2597008

>OP didn't say 'you too'

Damn son. You're autistic.

>> No.2597012

Ah. I read the old Constance Garnett translation. Still, that's a mighty fine read. And don't worry, I think everyone on /lit/ knows that feel at one time or another. :/

>> No.2597013

>buy book
>cute clerk looks at book
>"oh, I like this author, isn't he great?"
>me: I don't know, I haven't read it yet

>> No.2597014
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>> No.2597018

fucking gamestop

>> No.2597019


This is one of those situations which is understandable, but still horrible. Didn't get her number then?

>> No.2597029

"Classics? You think THESE are classics? huh."


"Classics? I got your classics right here, babe."


"It takes one to know one, sweetheart"

>> No.2597041


"Mind your business, slut."

>> No.2597050
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>> No.2597048

...then you ask what she likes about the author.

>> No.2597045

Oh god, I know that feel. don't feel bad, anon.

>> No.2597051

Bullshit, I think she was probably too bored with her job and started mumbling, that's it. Hell, if I was a a book store employee I'd be acting like Bernard from Black Books.

>> No.2597056

If this happened, it's really smirking at the price. It doesn't matter, having to work for a living probably does more to her self-esteem than being mocked does to yours.

>> No.2597061

Any bookstore employee is bound to judge you on your picks, for any number of reasons. Keep trying, you might pick something that will impress her some day.

She was probably just laughing at you for having no taste of your own, and agreeing with our ridiculous culture about what books are worth reading. Not that you shouldn't read the classics.

It does look funny buying a bunch of them at once, get some new stuff with them. We are all tempted to join the circle jerk of the immortals, but its sort of ridiculous.

Its like people that "love" The Beatles or Mozart or Beethoven without having ever listened to them, its something you inherited and you follow it blindly instead of seeking your own truth. It smacks of intellectual insecurity is all.

Again, nothing wrong with the list, or buying the classics, just trying to explain the absurdity of it a bit.

Also, if a girl that looks like Emma Watson worked in a bookstore near me, I would be there almost every day.

>> No.2597068
File: 11 KB, 214x235, imagesCA83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at Blackwells
>Sweet! khun's 'structure of scientific revolutions' half-price
>go to checkout.. 2/10 fat fucking ham beast serving
>See's my book and her audible mouth breathing increases in intensity
>"thats a great book..I read it for one of my classes.. Are you a student? what do you read? *pant pant pant*"
> stare her dead in the eye "im not a student" break eye contact and throw a £10 note in her general direction
>hold out my hand waiting for my change whilst I read the blurb on the backof the book
>"do you ant a bag for that?"
>I just leave

>alpha as fuck

get on my level

>> No.2597073

>buy book
>cute clerk looks at book
>"oh, I like this author, isn't he great?"
>You know, I've heard a lot about him, and I'm really anxious to read his work. What do you think of him?

And the conversation continues.

>> No.2597085

This makes a lof of sense actually. Just to be clear, although it doesn't really matter, I don't just read the classic stuff, it's just that since they were cheap it was a good way of adding AAA titles to my collection. But really, buying 5 classics at once is to be perceived as ridiculous by the enlightened?
Also not sure the comparison with music is a valid one, since 90% of the music we listen to is from this century, so that listening to classical stuff stands out more.
And yeah, she was hot. Like I said, looked like Emma but with a more nerdy look (not apples-nerdy, more like spending-all-my-time-sitting-at-a-counter-in-an-old-bookshop-so-why-bother-wearing-revealing-clothes
-and-styling-my-hair sort of look) that only made her cuter. The only problem is I was visiting and I live 700 km away.

>> No.2597089

>not being civil to low paid, overworked employees in the service industry
Don't do this, guys. Seriously.

>> No.2597096

>in uni
>walking out of class
>cute girl sees me holding A Visit from the Goon Squad
>"That's great, isn't it?"
>"Mm, I actually don't care for it at all."
>"Oh.. okay."
>She walks away confused
>Ugh fuck everything fuck my life fuck fuck fuck why am I autistic

>> No.2597258


where is the alpha as fuck part?

>> No.2597295

i only buy books from charity shops. its a steal plus he shops are run by elderly and disaled people who dont know wtf youre buying

>> No.2597339


obviously you're not used to dealing with ladies in an alpha manner... i pity you

>> No.2597345

>not considering the option that she's just not smart enough to read the classics and considers those who do nerds
Don't worry, OP. She probably only works at the bookstore because a friend or relative got her on. I guarantee shes spending her days thumbing through the Hunger Games now that she's finally finished all of the Twilight series.

>> No.2597682

ITT: people caring too much about what the fuck other people think about their reading habits

seriously, man the fuck up. any of you who would compromise your own principles just to get cock teased by some dumb cunt doesn't deserve the cock and balls between their legs. but then again i'm part of the schizoid master race and am not afraid to tell a bitch her opinion isn't worth shit to me. nor are any of anon's opinions worth a shit.

>> No.2597731


And why should anyone care what you have to say?

>> No.2597757

I'm friends with this girl who is ape shit about Hunger Games. She saw my copy of The Plauge when I was reading it and she said, "I hated that book."

She came into my room while I was reading To Kill a Mockingbird the other day. She asked me what I was reading and said, "I hated that book."

Some women are just dumb.