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/lit/ - Literature

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2595703 No.2595703 [Reply] [Original]

What's really good on this list?

>> No.2595705

anything by Mishima

>> No.2595726

Depends on what you tend to like. Kyoka Izumi, Kenji Miyazawa, Ryunosuke Akutagawa and the Yasunari Kawabata works are my favorites.

>> No.2595731

>no sakaguchi
Fuck you /lit/. Whoever made it has clearly only read the books on the chart. Also
>Norwegian Wood
Fuck you /lit/.

>> No.2595733

Is Mishima the new /lit/ superstar or something? He is good but disproportionately popular here compared to other literature-related sites.
Just curious.

>> No.2595737

He's romanticized because of seppuku

>> No.2595749


actually, I only know about him via Paul Schrader.

>> No.2595824

Yasunari Kawabata is the best. But why "The sound of the mountain"is missing ...it's probably his best book. Also - Murakami = shit. Sth like Salman Rushdi, who is shit as well.

>> No.2595832


Why is Murakami shit?

>> No.2595838

He's not shit, he's just a bit of a hack. His stories are pretty formulaic.

>> No.2595842


Trying to implement the western pattern on sth as unique as Japan - it just doesn't work and if you can't see it, you're definetly not reading it the right way. It's like you're mixing scramble eggs with sushi.
Also - the mystic parts are so lame and so Rushdi - which mean that they are so lame. Rushdi did Gunter Grass the wrong way and I've never tought someone will try to repeat the same mistake again, but I guess I was wrong :(

>> No.2595857

I agree with your second point, but the idea that Japan is something that is completely unique and is something that cannot mix with anything else reeks of their own propaganda. He writes about late 20th century Japan, in a style befitting of a country that has changed just about as much as a country can change.

>> No.2595872

search the torrents for Stephen Covey - fast-reading course or sth like that.

>> No.2595874

How is Murakami received by critics in Japan?

>> No.2595881

I'm not a Japan fan or anything - in fact, I hardly can read their literature excatly because I can't synch with their culture. And then - Murakami went out and mixed jazz, beatles, kafka and etc. and he was supposed to be magical, but for me - he killed the magic of this world. Also - I find his topics and themes very shallow and with no heart.

I will be interested to hear how he's accepted in his country.

>> No.2595896


>> No.2595905

I wondered this, myself.

>> No.2595913


Are Japanese amazon reviewers as bad as western amazon reviewers?

>> No.2595921

it kind of seems like the person who made the list just grabbed random stuff from Amazon.com based on a few keywords

I mean, the pillow book was interesting just from the view point of reading a primary source from back then, but it's really not something I would consider essential

>> No.2595926

they're more polite, but other than that