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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 400x401, Christle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2595462 No.2595462 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/ what contemporary poets do you recommend?

>> No.2595470

Pic related: it's Heather Christle who is better than every other contemporary American poet

>> No.2595469

Ray Hsu, Garry Thomas Morse, George Bowering

>> No.2595471

Tao Lin.
Keston Sutherland.

>> No.2595476

Thanks for the suggestions.

An honest question: does /lit/ seriously endorse Tao Lin and Muumuuvian literature?

>> No.2595477

Is this a fall in love you lose thread? I lost.

>> No.2595482

Not Billy Collins

>> No.2595484

Friend, Heather Christle is pretty much perfect in every way. I highly recommend you look her up. She is the future of American poetry. Also she is beautiful.

>> No.2595490


Not as one, no, but this anon does.


I'd mount it and make it ache, but I wouldn't read it. Indie beehive hair. Fuck off.

>> No.2595493


>> No.2595495


Don't click on this, anyone, it's going to be Nazi shit.

>> No.2595505

Dude. http://bostonreview.net/BR33.5/christle.php is reason enough to read Heather Christle. She is honestly the future of contemporary poetry. There is no fighting it bro. Best just accept it and drool a little.

>> No.2595508
File: 1.08 MB, 1944x2592, Heather-Christle-Author-Photo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Heather Christle. I dare you to find a more talented & attractive contemporary poet /lit/.

>> No.2595512


Oh, it's Eileen Myles-type shit. Not despicable. I still don't understand why poetry now has to be in one unbroken stanza. Who sent out this edict? What does it mean?

>> No.2595515


Why do you keep harping on the attractive thing? She looks like she was in a band in 1991 and never noticed she's not famous.

>> No.2595519

ITT: The criterion of a poet is whether I wanna jizz in her ass.

>> No.2595522


Holy shit I love Eilyeen Myles!

If I had to guess I'd imagine the single stanza is a balance between pacing and poetic-suggstion. The single-stanza poem allows the poet to focus on pacing. Multiple stanzas demand slower pacing and an almost prosaic-perspective w/r/t narrative.

>> No.2595532

why do people consistently harp on about the death of the novel and not the death of poetry?

most of what has been posted is shockingly bad

>> No.2595537
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sage francis

>> No.2595535


Honestly the only reason I am referring to her physical beauty is because I am drunk and others have informed me that 4chan is essentially preoccupied with attractive bullshit. The last few posts have suggested to me that that is incorrect so now I feel like an asshole. However, Heather Christle is honestly one of the greatest contemporary American poets there currently is so I hope my stupidity doesn't dissuade you from looking her up.

>> No.2595538


I see what you mean. I think it makes it look like a shopping list. A poem should be slow, to my way of thinking, and it shouldn't be like a script. I don't really dig the 'performance' poetry thing, they tend to either be poets trying to make a small amount of material pay off, or rappers with no friends. That's not to say I don't like a lot of stuff by performance-heavy poets (eg. Eileen Myles), but the page is, as a performance poet once said about something entirely different, the only way to know for sure.

>> No.2595543


From my understanding, people who have declared "the death of poetry" usually have never read poetry, nor have they any understanding of poetry.

>> No.2595553


Oh absolutely not! I understand. I will look into Heather Christie... like a one-eyed cat NO NO, I joke, I joke, I will look into her work, thanks for the recommendation man.

>> No.2595554

seriously.. you can't look back at whats happened to poetry over the past 20 years positively.. in general.

its plain rubbish.. there's no craft to it.

>> No.2595555


Wow! I really appreciate what you've said. For the record I am 100% against what is known as "slam poetry". I believe performance shouldn't override the textual element of poetry.

That being said I believe the current climate of "poetry" in academia is a ridiculously limited one. Heather Christle is often associated with what is known as "The New Sentimentality" which I often agree w/ so I am inherently biased.

However, I believe poetry does not necessarily have to abide by the rules enforced on it by decades past. I also do not have any problem with comedic/funny poems. I believe comedy is a necessary part of poetry. I don't take a poem seriously if it tries to take itself too seriously for example. I believe Heather Christle is a perfect example of what I imagine the balance to be. Consider her amazing book WHAT IS AMAZING, for example.

>> No.2595563


I haven't read it but I shall get onto her work asap.

>> No.2595564


I'm really sorry but in my experience people who make this comment have read basically no contemporary poetry. Often they are lit majors that do not even poetry.

So I can't really accept what you say inherently? Have you ever read Sixth Finch or Forklift, Ohio? Do you even know bastions of contemporary poetry?

I doubt it. Don't worry you'll eventually come around. Everyone does.

>> No.2595568
File: 9 KB, 249x202, imagesCAJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2595571


dang no slam poets, that cuts a lot of great shit...



dig the cavalier poets, beats, and slammers

>> No.2595572


>> No.2595574

>Have you ever read Sixth Finch or Forklift, Ohio?

A very cursory overview confirm's my cynicism...but I'll stick with it.

th.th.thanks, i guess

>> No.2595576


Haha. One of the reasons I love poetry so much is that it no longer has any duty to popular culture. No one cares anymore. Therefore poetry has the unique opportunity to be honestly truthful.

I think this is a good thing. I haven't met someone who really read contemporary poetry and disagreed with me though. Maybe you could be that person?

Explain to me how non-poetry is important friend!

>> No.2595579


That's unfortunate. If it means anything I was often one of those folk who used to say "contemporary poetry is bullshit".

I was inherently against work that was "hip" or "contemporary".

However, over time, I learned the complexity of such poetry could be interesting and beautiful. I can only hope you one day appreciate contemporary poetry in the same manner.

I strongly suggest reading Heather Christle, Bob Hicok, Gregory Sherl, Emily Petit, Zachary Schomburg, Nick Sturm, Wendy Xu, Ben Mirov, Sasha Fletcher, & others

>> No.2595581


I thought there were hues of /mu/ up in this thread.... "there's really important stuff happening in poetry but you just haven't heard of it...its totally underground and really important.. you pleb"

>> No.2595595


hahaha I agree w/ you. I don't know what it is this person linked to.

I'm not particularly current w/ music in any way. However, I've read a bunch of poetry. I hope mine or anyone else's mannerisms doesn't color you sour against contemporary poetry.

There's a lot of exciting things happening right now if you care about poetry.

>> No.2595625

Why read poetry when we've got K-ONs now?

>> No.2595628

Barbara Hamby
Anis Mojgani

>> No.2595681

only heard of her in passing before, just google'd her and it took me a whole minute to realize she wasn't Rick Springfield.

>> No.2596674
File: 2 KB, 152x260, bones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no michael robbins

his book was just released, and it's breathtaking, gorgeous, magical, sparkling fucking living breathing divine poetry in our midst being created in and of the present moment like nothing else I've read.

check it out. you'll thank me.

>> No.2596675

nice try, michael

>> No.2598445

Read Ben Lerner, everyone.

>> No.2598459

12 hr bump for a shitty thread..... why?

are you the op?

you should be ashamed

>> No.2598469

I agree, threads about literature on a literature board are terrible and shouldl never be bumped

>> No.2598474


terrible threads about terrible literature on a literature board are terrible and shouldl never be bumped


>> No.2598477

forgot to sage

>> No.2598482

Hey good job mimicking my typo, that was totally clever and I didn't see that coming at all. And I'm sorry you find contemporary poetry terrible; maybe you haven't been exposed to the right poets. Have you tried Ben Lerner?

>> No.2598490

>Sixth Finch or Forklift, Ohio

The only person I recognize from either of their websites is Mary Ruefle, and even she's pretty obscure to me. Wtf?

>> No.2598586

I don't read much modern poetry, but I quite like Tomas Tranströmer.

Oh, I read Simon Armitage's version of Sir Gawain recently, that was cool.

>> No.2598970

Winter, by Michael Earl Craig

A kind of Danish cow
long thought to be extinct
lumbers slowly from a fog-soaked forest.
Past the statue of two men shaking hands on horseback.
Into the trainyard with its newly
brunette-colored coal cars.
It is late, lamps light the trainyard.
One of the trainmen sees the cow and has a thought
like a small grey infant sinking
ever so slowly in the icy harbor.
The cow continues out the other side of the trainyard.
The trainman shudders at the thought.
The trainman’s cat Stamina crunches walnuts in her cat dish.

Now, nearly thirty years later,
ladies and gentlemen it is my great pleasure
to introduce to you that very same cow.
(The cow is led out onto the stage by a young boy dressed as a farmer.)

>> No.2598998
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Stop bumping this god awful thread... just when I think its vanished off page 15...you bring it back to life.

its like having to watch a car-crash in slow motion over and over again
>Have you tried Ben Lerner?

Don't be a fucking spastic

>> No.2599021


Erik Stinson is great. He is one of my favorite writers.

>> No.2599469

I have noticed that there is a lot of sexism on this board---and this comment in particular is pretty bad. I don't read this website for a reason; it's small change and there are better things to do. But I would encourage those of you objectifying women (particularly Heather here) to think about growing up. That is all.

>> No.2599472

carol ann duffy?

>> No.2599576

but dang, you gotta admit, that bitch is hot

>> No.2599578

Lol, what are you talking about? Just making recommendations. This board doesn't talk about contemporary poetry nearly enough

>> No.2599600
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 411+7Uj+MwL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone here familiar with the poet John Beer? He gets mad endorsements from Ashbery, and that's not the kind of thing I take lightly..

>> No.2599606

> no Anne Carson

oh you guys

>> No.2599639


God I want to hit her so badly.
My fists will sculpt her into what she truly is.
Fucking neurotic whore that looks just like
my mother. I'll make that soft bitch pay.

>> No.2599642

lol ok? good luck with that