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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 352 KB, 500x498, laughing priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2588665 No.2588665 [Reply] [Original]

> yfw Christianity remains the bedrock of anything atheists would recognise as right living, despite their protests.

>> No.2588682

mfw paganism judaism and hellenism are the bedrock of christianity despite their protests

>> No.2588686

>tfw you realize it's all natural selection and your DNA trying to survive

>> No.2588690

>implying atheists are all humanists

>> No.2588689

Being a bisexual, I know love and attraction are absolutely same and irrelevant of gender. Therefore homosexual relationships should be completely equal and receive all rights as hetero ones. Promoting sex for procreation is ridiculous because we've come to a point when there's no chance we will die out, unless a global catastrophe happened.

I believe one has a complete freedom to do what he wants with his body, because the body is my property. All drugs and substances should be legalized so people can have the logical freedom to do what they want. If somebody dies of overdose, it's his own fault, as a responsible adult you have to weigh the risk and the gain.

There, I think that's enough disagreements.

>> No.2588691


Nice job posting on the wrong thread, bro.

>> No.2588695
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>right living
>moral realism

>> No.2588701
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>> No.2588715

> implying the bedrock of anything religious zealots would recognize as morality was anything more than social imperative with a different name.

>> No.2588716
File: 407 KB, 468x425, mfwobamahighfiving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the cohesive societal benefits brought about by Christianity will fade into obsolescence with the advancement of technology and secular humanism
>mfw we are approaching a future in which people treat each other right voluntarily

>> No.2588725


>mfw we are approaching a future which is the capitalist equivalent of North Korea and claims a heavy price from anyone unwilling to conform to the tastes of the marketplace

>> No.2588730
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>mfw cancerthread

>> No.2588739
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>capitalist equivalent of North Korea

Only state-sponsored "capitalism" can turn into something like this, and true capitalism has nothing to do with the state. The US isn't capitalist in the traditional sense, it's morphing into a social democracy. And there's plenty of room for oppression in a social democracy.

>> No.2588791


Nonsense. You don't understand the nature of oppression. At present, if you don't want to have pop music drilled into your skull in public spaces, or consume junk food, or take your kids to multiplex movies, they treat you like a subject for re-education. It will get worse as this society moves from being one where products are sold to consumers to one where consumers are sold to products. Your only chance is social democracy, and in art, unapologetic seriousness.

>> No.2588821


Are you talking about the power of advertising? I find the question intriguing, but I find your answer(social democracy) laughable. There's nothing about corrupt politicians that will defend you from being controlled. In fact, the politicians often band together with companies against the common good(See: Lengthening of copyright by Disney and the United States from 14 years to life+80 years, the food&drug cartel kept in place by the corrupt FDA and pharmaceutical companies, etc).

>> No.2588839

and (theoretically at least) a social-democracy system would involve having people in power who wouldn't make those kinds of choices and, if they did, throwing the fuckers out

it's a solution that revolves around changing the attitudes / mindsets / beliefs / political ideology of those in power more than anything else. that's where it gets its force. obviously in our present system pols do this kind of greasy shit, but they could in potentia put limits on it, if they were so inclined and motivated.

>> No.2588841

You are not forced to be re-educated. You are not forced to buy prodcuts you do not wish to consume. This is the nature of capitalism. If you take umbrage with the fact that a given product is popular at a given period of time, then go see the company. If they decide that profits are more important than your petty feelings, they will decide to continue voluntary transactions in which they sell the product. But hey, apple may decide to stop selling ipods because they're popular and you hate consumerism. You never know.

>> No.2588859

While this America settles in the mould of its vulgarity, heavily thickening to empire and protest, only a bubble in the molten mass, pops and sighs out, and the mass hardens, I sadly smiling remember that the flower fades to make fruit, the fruit rots to make earth. Out of the mother; and through the spring exultances, ripeness and decadence; and home to the mother. You making haste haste on decay: not blameworthy; life is good, be it stubbornly long or suddenly a mortal splendor: meteors are not needed less than mountains: shine, perishing republic.

But for my children, I would have them keep their distance from the thickening center; corruption never has been compulsory, when the cities lie at the monster's feet there are left the mountains. And boys, be in nothing so moderate as in love of man, a clever servant, insufferable master. There is the trap that catches noblest spirits, that caught - they say - God, when he walked on earth.

(ilu jeffers)

>> No.2588880

...you all know this is a troll thread, right?

>> No.2588881


I would also work on changing especially the culture of the people, to make people aware of the destructiveness of mindless consumerism and to create a culture of sceptical inquiry and thinking in a more communitarian way. But I would want to change the culture and give to power to the people, not the politicians. The political institute is just too positivistic and ethically grey by nature to rely on top-down change in society.

I like to take inspiration from groups like the Free Software Movement, and support directly changing the society without getting politicians involved. For this reason I support maximizing people's freedom so that people can effectively separate themselves from a society they consider corrupt to live in a way they really want to. Freetown Christiania was part of what inspired me to that view.

I think you're making a grave mistake if you're attempting to create a cultural change from the top-down. Not only do I think politicians are by definition not flexible in this aspect(after all, what kind of actually loving person gets into politics?), you could also create a lot of reactionary backlash if you *force* people to abandon consumerism, which I also find immoral.

>> No.2588895


I also want to point out that this sort of culture already exists to some degree, as a lot of people *are* sceptical and not blind consumers, as evidenced by consumer organizations, tv programmes, and general conversations with consumers. Really, I don't think the situation is as dire as it may seem in my reply.

My problem is more about the possibilities of marketing's influence in the future. As I said in another thread, combining advertising with technology may be problematic.

>> No.2588909

You aren't even allowed to build on a piece of land you own without getting a permit from the local authorities. How is the 'my body = my property' thing considered a good argument?

>> No.2588917

>I think you're making a grave mistake if you're attempting to create a cultural change from the top-down. Not only do I think politicians are by definition not flexible in this aspect(after all, what kind of actually loving person gets into politics?), you could also create a lot of reactionary backlash if you *force* people to abandon consumerism, which I also find immoral.

well, i basically agree. what i was envisioning was something like a change in the electorate - a change in the populace's beliefs and actions so that they would elect candidates who weren't shit. not convincing the politicians currently in power, which is not a great strategy, but convincing the people who choose to put them there.

of course realistically speaking, both strategies are equally impossible.

>> No.2588933


They're not impossible, and the strategy of changing the electorate is quite achievable, if you don't mind that it might take multiple generations to achieve its goal and plan it that way

>> No.2588939


^ There is no significant difference between this attitude and that of the North Korean government.

>> No.2588945


You find social democracy laughable because you're as indoctrinated as the peasants of North Korea.

>> No.2588956

Well, it's not exactly a happy picture, given the enormous difficulty of planning something through generations and having faith that it will be executed. But you make a good point.

lol why you obsessed with north korea

>> No.2588957


Now these statements I just can't take seriously. I'll just assume you're trolling and ignore it.

>> No.2588979

what about Buddhism?

>> No.2588984


yep. silly kids on /lit/ these days.

>> No.2588987

well i mean the discussion actually going on here is interesting and not directly related to OP so at this point...

>> No.2589002

>implying right living

>> No.2589006
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>murder of ones family in the name of god

yeah sounds like atheistic morality to me breh

>> No.2589014


>> No.2589048


You're ignoring them because you know they're true. Children are indoctrinated by the advertising machine no less swiftly than children in, yes, North Korea or China are indoctrinated by the state. Stand against this and you're seen as a nut.

>> No.2589059
File: 11 KB, 501x585, jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Christianity remains the bedrock of... right living...

Hey there, Christianity. Are you still enjoying our Torah? Does our Holy Book still make up more than half of your Holy Book?

>> No.2589076 [DELETED] 

This has gone surprisingly well considering diarrhea was exploding from my rear end while I prepared the first post.

>> No.2589120


>> No.2589134

> implying the Torah is the OT, which it isn't
> implying half of the OT isn't heretical texts with no status in Orthodox Judaism

>> No.2589156

If the jews needed rocks to tell them not to murder each other, they wouldn't have gotten two km into the desert. Religion forms around morality, not the other way around.

I justify responding to troll posts by thinking that at least one reader agrees with it, if not the poster.

>> No.2590651

I agree with you on most parts, myself also being bisexual, but do your own causes a favor by separating freedom of love and freedom of drugs in your arguments. Otherwise, no one will take you seriously. Remember that you can only persuade anyone of anything once they respect you enough to listen.

>> No.2590662
File: 3 KB, 180x239, alanwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they learn about buddhism.

>> No.2590676


> for mfw they realize that buddhism is monarchist, oppressive and encourages an implicitly reactionary 'blame the victim' mentality scarcely better than the worst of 'name it and claim it' arena evangelism, see the OP

>> No.2590677
File: 83 KB, 600x805, 1227775118088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread belongs in /pol/, not /lit/

>> No.2590682
File: 17 KB, 460x276, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mfw this is true of a good third of stuff that stays on the first page of late

>> No.2590685


I forgot to put "zen" at the beginning. cheer up.

>> No.2590689

It's the freedom on the invididual and it's the same fucking argument for why you can own a knife in your kitchen and why you can take drugs and fuck guys. You're a goddamn adult and you can outweight the risks and the gains. A married man can take a butter knife and slice his children's throats with it, does that justify banning knives? It's just completely logical and follows the argument, everything else is bullshit. It's my body, my choice.

>> No.2590691


I'm perfectly cheery, see pic.

>> No.2590694

Also, your entire claim is absolute bullshit top-to-bottom.

>> No.2590699
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>mfw I agree with you

>> No.2590703
File: 25 KB, 600x574, 1335267677977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when i agree with all of you

>> No.2590709
File: 115 KB, 525x375, why-i-quit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i realize that I've gained everything that I can from this board. it's cool knowing that there are other people out there interested in literature and philosophy, but the internet generation can't keep a discussion civil without quickly deteriorating into juvenile polemic. good luck /lit/, keep reading, writing, and encouraging other to do the same.

>> No.2590710
File: 15 KB, 562x317, Obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw it's possible to be Christian and believe in sexual and recreational freedom, as I am and do.

>> No.2590712


No, it's factual.

>> No.2590722


'The internet generation'? I think you're being reducitve, I also think you've misunderstood a few other things. We only keep discussions civil in the 'real world' for fear of conflict and in the hopes of increasing our power and influence. Here there are no such concerns, so there's no such pretense.

>> No.2590720
File: 5 KB, 202x222, 1244299377970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you took it too far

>> No.2590723
File: 780 KB, 325x203, 1334642977248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2590726

Yeah, so, like I said and deleted at some point, this has gone much better than I expected when I posted it, diarrhea exploding from my ass.

>> No.2590741


My Jimmies: Unruffled
Nicholas Cage's Jimmies: Beyond ruffled
Your Jimmies: Status unconfirmed

>> No.2590744



>> No.2590748


> mfw he was right, the Gorilla was originally used for the jimmies / ruffled meme. Learn to /r9k/

>> No.2590757
File: 42 KB, 300x300, 1329519511125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw samefag,
It's rustled not ruffled

>> No.2590770

Thanks, Nietzsche! I'll keep discussion civil due to a cursory understanding of relativity and my will to no be a total asshole during my brief time being alive.

>> No.2590777

I would also LOVE to know what the 'real world' means to you.

>> No.2590792


Do whatever, nobody cares.

You know perfectly well what the real world is, you fucking fag.

>> No.2591656

I was saved by the Blood of the Lamb. There's no reason to be jealous, you can be saved too!

>> No.2592880
File: 40 KB, 798x500, with laugh from russha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i bumped this thread

>> No.2592933

Quite proud of this thread.

>> No.2592964

>Implying Islam isn't the light

>> No.2592977


lol umbrage

>> No.2592980
File: 12 KB, 600x600, 600px-Stop_sign_China.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atheists say they disprove god
>Disprove the christian conception of god
Make it stop. Make it end.

>> No.2592990

Change in our world has never come from enlightening the masses. You have to be an ignorant fool to think people are somehow going to wake up from this dream of "consumerism". Change has always come from the dedicated/fanatical few. Those that understand humanity only moves through action not from the glare of a computer screen.

If you post here, spouting about consumer plague and other such nonsenses, I consider you to be the problem. Because you know exactly what's wrong but everyday you chose to do nothing.

>> No.2592992


Please. Enough.
Keep it on /b/.