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2585331 No.2585331 [Reply] [Original]

Hello! 4chan might be a slightly odd forum to make such a request, but it's the only one I really visit.

I'll be moving soon, and when I do so, I'm going to be starting the process of formal conversion to Orthodoxy (specifically, Oriental Orthodoxy — more specifically, the Coptic Orthodox Church). Does anybody have any reading recommendations to help me delve deeper into Orthodox theory and practice? I would welcome all recommendations, from broad overviews to specific but enlightening works. I have a background in Protestant theology and Hellenistic philosophy, so please feel free to recommend academic works.

Thank you~

>> No.2585338

Is that the kind of orthodox that Dostoevsky practiced?

Also, what led you to deciding this?

>> No.2585342



>> No.2585345



And he's converting for a woman, I'm guessing.

>> No.2585343
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Also look into Origen and the like. The only thing i can offer you besides the Orthodox bible.

>> No.2585347

I'm afraid I can't help you, but I'm interested in why you choose Coptic Orthodoxy in specific.

Dostoesvky would be Russian Orthodox, since he's a Russian.

>> No.2585351
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Well if you're going to commit to becoming just another one of the sheep in their flock, all I can say is read whatever it is they tell you to read. Be careful of all the extremist Muslims and such (Assuming you're moving to Egypt.)

>> No.2585350

Oh wait, ignore all of that. I didn't see Coptic.

>> No.2585355

Imageboard != Forum
Includes various technical and cultural differences.

>> No.2585358

Ah, I feel dumb. Of course it's Russian.

I'm always shaky on what different orthodox denominations practice. I guess I should look into that.

>> No.2585364

He was Russian Orthodox, which is part of the overarching Eastern Orthodox Church, rather than Oriental. They split at the Council of Chalcedon over a disagreement regarding Christology, which they've recently agreed was a matter of misunderstanding regarding terminology rather than doctrinal difference.

Thank you very much!

It's simply the case that I was initially drawn to Orthodoxy as a whole, and where I'm going to be moving, the Coptic Church is the only Orthodox Church that I could feasibly attend. It's developed from there, though; I've been in correspondence with the priest and engaged in research, and now I find myself genuinely preferring the ethos of the Coptic Church over the Greek (which was what I'd initially looked into).

I'll be in Scotland!

>> No.2585372

if you're converting for any other reason than to be closer to friends and family, you are a pathetic existential hipset teenager. or as good as.

>> No.2585375

>I find myself genuinely preferring the ethos of the Coptic Church over the Greek (which was what I'd initially looked into).
What exactly is the difference among the Orthodox denominations?

>> No.2585384

a public facility to meet for open discussion [syn: forum, assembly, meeting place]

An imageboard or image board is a type of Internet forum which operates mostly via posting images. The first imageboards were created in Japan, and many English language imageboards today are centered on Japanese culture. They are based on the textboard concept.

one who makes a vain display of learning

The term in English is typically used with a negative connotation, indicating someone overly concerned with minutiae and whose tone is perceived as condescending.

>> No.2585399

Was in the process of writing out my reasons. But they are to do with my faith and my theology — I simply agree with, and have a passion for, Orthodoxy to a greater extent than I do my current religion [which is still Christianity, but Protestantism of the Evangelical strain]. I think that's the way it's meant to be done! Will be converting out of my family and friends' religion.

The broad Eastern (comprising Russian, Greek, Romanian...) and Oriental (comprising Coptic, Ethiopian, Syriac...) are in schism, having split at the Council of Chalcedon over a Christological issue. What are now the Oriental Orthodox held that Christ was one person "from" two natures, while the Eastern Orthodox held that Christ was one person "in" two natures. The latter accused the former of "monophytism", and the former accused the latter of "Nestorianism". It's all very trivial. But this means that they are currently not in communion, and a member of one generally cannot marry a member of another, or take communion at the other's church and such like.

Within each broad church, the difference between the sub-churches (as it were) are mostly aesthetic. Which prayers, which liturgies, which languages, which clothes, and the like. Belief and substantial practice is the same. As a matter of fact, belief and substantial practice is now broadly the same between the Eastern and Oriental Churches — they just don't like one another. For example, there is practically no case in which one can say "the Greek Orthodox Church believes x, BUT the Coptic Orthodox Church counters with y". They're all Mountain Dew but of different flavours

>> No.2585401

The Way of the Pilgrim.

Don't have link, sorry.

>> No.2585409
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Well put. Thanks.

>> No.2585430

Wait, you're reading up on Orthodox theory and practice AFTER deciding to formally convert?
Surely that's backwards?

>> No.2585445

I exhausted the resources that I had, and decided to come and see if anybody would recommend something that I hadn't come across. I've got myself what I'd call well-informed on Orthodoxy, and under guidance have adapted as much of Orthodox practice as is possible without the proximity of a church. But there is always room for more knowledge or a new perspective

>> No.2585449

What will your everyday practice look like, OP?

>> No.2585453

Also, if you're serious enough about your religion to make such changes, have you considered the monastic life?

>> No.2585459

its not the way its meant to be done if you have turned your back on your protestant family and friends. i guess i just value relationships above egoism.

>> No.2585469

catholic here. laughingg my ass off at pathetic protestant pedantry. lol

>> No.2585491
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>> No.2585493

protestant egoism is so prone to conflict that totally defeats the purpose of religion. its about looking past differences. love and equality was jesus's central lesson. its really generic to say but wholly appropriate here: you guys just dont get it.

>> No.2585495

are you learning coptic? if so, awesome

>> No.2585503

I've worked out a twice-a-day prayer rule that incorporates various Psalms and prescribed prayers, with breaks for reflection, contemplative prayer, and personal prayer. Is prayed upon waking and before bed, towards the East, before an icon of Christ. Prostrations will be worked in eventually (none now, since it's the period of joy after Easter). 210 days of the Coptic calendar are vegan fasting; as far as medically advisable (it's not strictly binding) I'll be abstaining from meat and animal products on these days, alongside alcohol. When I have free time at the appropriate hours, the Agpeya, which is the Coptic book of canonical hours (Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, Compline) is prayed. Otherwise, at the moment, general prayer and good works!

Monasticism has appealed to me in the past, but as a Protestant I saw no opportunity to pursue it. Orthodoxy – even as a whole – is such a minority where I am that, by joining it, there's a high chance I'll be ruling myself out of the married life (Orientals can only licitly marry Orientals). I suppose I'll discuss my vocation with the priest over the years!

I value God over everything earthly. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Matt 10:37). But there's no need to be worried; none of my family or friends object at all, and I won't be turning my back on anybody

One reason I'm converting

I don't think any Coptic's used beyond the perfunctory where I'll be going. Some services are entirely English, and at other times they're entirely Arabic, so I will be looking into that.

>> No.2585504
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I don't know anything about their practices, but the only coptic orthodox person i know is really nice. she's probably one of the only christians i know who understands anything of jesus.
pic related i guess

>> No.2585508

Haha, coming from a supporter of an organization that decided to completely reform a group of nuns on account of them focusing too much on charity and poverty, and too little on being anti-gay marriage and anti-abortion? The only reason the catholic church doesn't have arguments like this is because the Pope can just go "fuck you I'm right" whenever he feels like it and everyone has to agree or they get kicked out.

>> No.2585510
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>> No.2585514

Mormon's are nice too. It doesn't mean they're not fucking retarded.

>> No.2585518

>I value God over everything earthly. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." (Matt 10:37). But there's no need to be worried; none of my family or friends object at all, and I won't be turning my back on anybody
Good luck with your demiurge, I'll be over here ascending to heaven through introspective contemplation if you need me.

>> No.2585520

Well Catholicism has nothing to do with being a Christian, so I can't see how you being a Catholic is relevant to this discussion.

>> No.2585522
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>> No.2585523

>I value God over everything earthly. "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
It's almost as if the early leaders wanted to gain power over their followers.
But surely that can't be!

>> No.2585526

Oh you big cynic you.

>> No.2585530
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>> No.2585541

>St. John Climacus - The Ladder of Divine Ascent

I believe he's revered in the Oriental Orthodox Church. The Holy Transfiguration Monastery's translation of this work is supposed to be the best, but it seems to be out of print.

Also, consider looking into the Philokalia (Palmer/Sherrard/Ware translation.) It's a Greek Orthodox compilation, but some of the writings are Pre-Chalcedonian and it's an excellent work overall.

The Catholic publisher Paulist Press has a series called "The Classics of Western Spirituality" that also tends to be very good and includes works from all sorts of different churches and time periods. Their edition of St. Athanasius' "The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus" might be of interest to you.

I don't know much at all about the Oriental Orthodox church or I'd try to be more helpful. Good luck, OP.

>> No.2585546

I used to lump you in with the smarter group of atheists. Not anymore.

>> No.2585548

Excellent! Thank you very much indeed

>> No.2585550

How exactly is taking Mormon's seriously intelligent?

>> No.2585557


>> No.2585562
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I'm still a secular humanist even if I feel Mormonism is retarded.

Again, OP, read whatever it is they tell you to read.
That is all

>> No.2585565

the retarded aren't relegated to being mormon, or religious, it is a universal human trait. go and look at r/atheism if you think mormons are any more retarded than atheists or look at american fundamentalist christians, or saudis.

>> No.2585568
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>> No.2585572
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While we're all here does anyone know of any good books or papers on Liberal Theology / Christianity or Unitarianism? I'm exploring that shit at the moment, got a good feeling about it. Know what I'm sayin'

>> No.2585595
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There are not just many levels of ignorance and stupidity, but many categories as well.

>> No.2585605

ITT: herp derp I'm an atheist, give me attention. Please, more attention. Over here guys. I'm standing up for something I don't believe in and you should be aware of this. SOMEONE GIVE ME ATTENTION.

Grow up, niggers.

>> No.2585610

Good for you OP, Orthodoxy is pretty fascinating stuff.

>> No.2585619

>catholics aren't christian

what are you babbling about

>> No.2585626

Try reading the bible.

>> No.2585628

thanks mate. thats a really good point. i was actually looking for a comeback to that point i made about catholics.

>> No.2585640

I have. and nope, you still haven't made your point.

>> No.2585655
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I know I have.

>> No.2585658

>hurp durp I'm an atheist but one of those namby pamby liberal atheists that doesn't have an opinion the dominant ideas that shape civilisation and thinks it's good enough to just let people do as they please because they'll all end up loving each other.

>> No.2585670
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> militant atheists
> doing anything useful

>> No.2585688

Well liberal atheists are the ones handing Europe over to the Muslims. I'd rather a strong minded Christian or a strong minded atheist than any pussy of either denomination

>> No.2585690


What the fuck is with this board. You're against religious tolerance or what? Seriously, as much as I think it's cool that a Christian can come here and ask for guidance, and get honest and good responses, I vehemently disagree with their morals and preaching. Stuff like "oh those hipster faggost" that gets said here ALL THE TIME are what angeres people in the first place. Fucking accept that it's your freedom to believe in what you want, but if you want the middle ages to come back then you're fucking retarded. The world should be completely secular, and faith should be a personal thing.

>> No.2585696

So do your part to help stop the flood of radical Islam into Europe, crybaby.

>> No.2585700

What the hell are you talking about. Go back to /pol/ with your conspiracy theory friends and stop polluting this board.

>> No.2585702

I'm not against religious tolerance. I'm against people only half heartedly giving to anything. because thats when other more committed people of opposing political persuasions will fill in the gap you left and turn everything to shit. if you're going to be an atheist, it can't be one of the multicultural atheists. that shit doesn't work.

>> No.2585705

What makes the middle ages particularly bad exactly?

>> No.2585708

You know what I say to when someone complains about immigrants, is you and your wealthy nation should work to solve their problems and help make their native soil a just as desirable place as your own. But of course this course of conversation just overlaps to the current Randroid thread.
Yes, it can be done. There is enough for all. For now.

>> No.2585717
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>flood of radical Islam in Europe
>conspiracy theories

>> No.2585718

You ever thought that people maybe JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT? And regards to deities, not giving a shit is an acceptable position because it doesn't fucking matter in the first place. The churches discussed here are a prime example of hilarious failure to practice what they preach - splitting up over an argument about the nature of Christ, about saints and Popes and whatever, it's hard to imagine that these people are serious. And it's enough that they split up, but they start hating each other and promoting their strand of Christianity as the true religion, when it's a 1000th variation in sea of other religions. You seriously have to be retarded to actually believe this shit.

>> No.2585729

You're 16 and angry at the world. It's okay to be a nontheist hipster.

>> No.2585734

I don't care for religions as belief systems, I care more about them cultural and political movements.

>> No.2585747

Really? Have we really become that retarded that atheism is now hipster, cool and edgy? Are you fucking serious. What do you consider growing up then, accepting a religion on the grounds of "this is a culturally relevant religion where I live, it must be true" and following it for the rest of your life? Have we not learned anything from history?

>> No.2585755

OP here. Is the thread ready to be culled, or is this good debate going on?

>> No.2585756

No, it's accepting that religions are culturally relevant and likely will be forever, and then dealing with it even if you don't like them.