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2584417 No.2584417 [Reply] [Original]

I'm too poor to travel, so I've been reading books about characters who do. I read On The Road, Siddhartha, and now I've started reading Steinbeck's Travels with Charley.

Any recommendations for books where the characters have wanderlust?

>> No.2584438

Electric Kool Aid Acid Test

Not your traditional travel story, but they drive around america in a bus having strange adventures.

>> No.2584449

How are you finding Travels with charlie Op? I thought it was pretty boring and un-interesting, I think Steinbeck should have stuck to fiction.

Electric Kool Aid is a great suggestion and a really great book.

Some more:
Winfired Georg Sabald - The Rings of Saturn
Laurie Lee - As I walked out one midsummer
George Orwell - Down and out in paris and london
Jon Krakauer - Into the wild
Hunter S thompson - Fear and loathing. Hells Angels

>> No.2584463

A bit off-topic, but perhaps you'd appreciate this:
I used to work at a used book store. As with any other job, you meet some absolute fucking dingbats. My favorite, I think, was the customer that asked for "John Steinberg's The Wrath of Grapes. You know, Steinberg. He wrote, what was that, eh...Charley's Adventure."

>> No.2584487
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I've only read about 50 pages of it so far. The chapters about the prep work before the actual trip wasn't exactly gripping, but it wasn't an absolute bore. It kept my attention more than the beginning of The Grapes of Wrath (which I put down and have yet to pick back up). The pacing reminds me of Tortilla Flat.


That's actually pretty funny. At least the guy is reading, I guess.

>> No.2584492

Gulliver's Travels?

>> No.2584535
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George Orwell - The Road to WIgan Pier
Sir Richard Burton - To the Holy Shrines

a couple of the better texts I read for a recent Travel Literature course I took.

>> No.2585120

Roughing It- Mark Twain.

>> No.2585128

If you've read many books about travel then surely you now understand that you don't really need to have money to do it?

>> No.2585227

500 hundred mile walkies is fun.
LotR is obvious.
Down and Out in Paris and London is very good.