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/lit/ - Literature

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2584215 No.2584215 [Reply] [Original]

I think I finally found the one thing I never believed possible: an adaptation that's even better than the book it was based on.

I may just show clips from this to my 19th century French Lit class.

>> No.2584225


>> No.2584232
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100000000/10 Op, made fell out of my chair because I could't stop laugh

>> No.2584234

Shitty anime, like all anime.

Teen sister likes that shit, saw it on Netflix. Basically a high school play, complete with angst and whining, with fancy animation and cliched as fuck dialogue.


>> No.2584249

>Typical cultured, literate individual's response:

Oh, someone made a cartoon based on Dumas' best loved work for adolescents, how droll.

>Typical response of someone who studied Literature in an academic context, who runs across that piece of shit:

Shit writing, shit dialogue, hackneyed attempt at an original adaptation, 2/10

>Weeaboo teenage faggot's response:

Lol it's awesome cuz it's like Masterpiece Theatre IN SPACE! LOL A DUDE GOT STABBED THIS SERIES IS SO GRIM AND DARK I WANT MORE

>> No.2584261


Clearly, the terrorists have won.

>> No.2584262

it was decent until the end

>> No.2584275


The end annoyed the shit out of me.

There was a lot that completely defeated the point of the book, but it's not so bad if you regard it as a different story entirely, just with similar names.

>> No.2584289
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I thought it was interesting but it started to get a little dry toward the end. Anyway, I'll certainly agree that its got nothing on the original but let's not throw all anime under the bus. Cowboy Bebop was as timeless a masterpiece as I've ever seen.

>> No.2584293


Cowboy Bebop had only six episodes that had anything to do with the plot, a couple moderately interesting filler episodes, one decent movie, and 17 episodes of unwatchably goofy bullshit.

>> No.2584300


>Cowboy Bebop


If you're a stoner/hipster who grew up in the early 2000s, sure. Otherwise you realize how much it fucking sucked.

>> No.2584301


bebop wasn't so much about the plotline as it was about exploring the characters while exuding style

>> No.2584310


So in other words it was all style no substance. Also a good excuse for Shinichiro Watanabe to plagiarize the fuck out of Quentin Tarantino and Andy Lau.

>> No.2584311

I agree with this but perhaps a more succinct (and imo better) show like Kino's Journey or Kaiba might have made the point better.

>> No.2584313

What's a /lit/ approved anime?

>> No.2584321

Fuck. None. Go back to /a/ you weeaboo faggots.
FLCL, Cowboy Bebop.

>> No.2584324

>all style no substance

the idea that art needs to say something to be important is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to aesthetics.

>> No.2584328

Nothing. /lit/ doesn't approve shit, and you shouldn't seek approval from this bad board. Individuals that to not fall to the troglodyte morons attempting to understand art as a mean to validate their hedonistic and self absorbed existence, and impose their over inflated ego to the persons that surround these morons.

>> No.2584329

Gee, the word hipster sure gets thrown around a lot here. Can we stop with this hyper-critical, pretentious bullshit guys? Bebop is pretty good, especially the ending.

>> No.2584330

No one asked your opinion, faggot.

>> No.2584333

Hell yeah to kino's joruney. That show is fantastic.

>> No.2584335
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Are you mad that you are one of those morons?
I would be. Go back to glorifying world renowned literature and adopting school of thoughts that aren't your own. Cowboy Bebop, as explained by another anon, sucks.

Man, you are so mad you saged a post that is /lit/ related on a non lit related thread.

>> No.2584336

>Individuals that to not fall to the troglodyte morons attempting to understand art

>> No.2584337

Porco Rossi
Lupin the III

are all firmly /lit/ approved.

>> No.2584339

Nowadays, liking Bebop is pretty hipster. In the midst of these moe and filler hipster fixated anime, people often reference Bebop to compare it to modern anime, often in youtube comments or in a circle of "true hardcore anime fans that hate facebook".

It's not bad, but it's not particularly good. The death of the main guy is meant to strike on to you because you were emotionally invested on him, or because you thought the ending was manly or something equally plain and vain. Like how the pseudo hipsters like the Beatles. Same shit.

>> No.2584340

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people like you will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.2584344

Completely unrelated to my post.
Are you not, or are you mad? If not, why did you felt like it was necessary for you to post such a brief, and post that hinders the quality of the thread?

>worthy enough
That sounds so silly. Any post that answers the question in relation to the thread is "worthy". Don't call the cavalry shogun, or ask me to commit sudoku, don't quote those weaaboo sites because they are unrelated to 4chan. You bring all of these arguments into the mix, but they are completely unrelated. Let me reiterate in a way you understand.

u r so mad nigga that u have no swag, look at me cunter sage, and dont post back because ur comment isnt worthy enough just beucase i dont like, rather than being objectively bad

Go to /a/ or something.

>> No.2584348

Ugh, dude.
This is how you do it:

Take your retarded /b/trash-reactions back to where they belong.

>> No.2584351

>Are you not, or are you mad?
No. Stop spouting catchphrases

> If not, why did you felt like it was necessary for you to post such a brief, and post that hinders the quality of the thread?
There's no correlation between brief posts and anger. Not sure how you arrived at the conclusion that there was.

You're getting worked up over nothing. Learn what sage is and stop crying every time someone does something you don't like instead of posting reaction images and spouting "u mad."

>> No.2584353

Cowboy Bebop is occasionally entertaining in a superficial way (Ballad of Fallen Angels, Toys in the Attic) but mostly just plain awful. Does every anime on heaven and earth mistake mawkishness for drama or what?

>> No.2584360
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>reaction images are /b/ related
do you like this one?

>There's no correlation between brief posts and anger.
It's not that it was brief, it was more about the tone you used. I'm not spouting anything, I did a legitimate question. I'm not getting worked up at all. I know what sage is, and in my last post I covered that bit, don't "spout" the same shit.

>> No.2584377

I didn't really like Cowboy Bebop but I really enjoyed samurai Champloo. I thought that had more substance and a less sinusoidal flow of watchability to it.

>> No.2584391


Please go back to reddit.

>> No.2584392

I'm not that guy, but I have to admit the same reaction photos day after day are getting really pathetic.

I think /lit/, due to the nature of the board, is especially in tuned to the cliché, and the same 80 reaction photos other boards use ad nauseum just don't cut it, here.

At least, I'm getting bored of this stupid, mindless, knee-jerk shit.

>> No.2584406


This is quite possibly one of the faggiest posts I've ever had the displeasure of reading. A solid 9/10.

>> No.2584421

This is a terrible thread. To be fair, the OP was really asking for it, but it really let a few faggots rear their ugly heads on /lit/.

>> No.2584422

>The joke
>your head
Watch the sound it makes.

>> No.2584454


>> No.2584457

Fucking screen capped.
This is comedy gold.

>> No.2584464
File: 36 KB, 325x459, ghost-in-the-shell-the-film_..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fairly certain that Ghost in the Shell is /lit/ related, what with the peppering of philosophy and literature references that are everywhere in the films and series.

>> No.2584536

You change Tarantino to John Woo and maybe you have a point. Fucking Tarantino, please.

>> No.2584539

Wow this thread is embarrassing

>> No.2584546

Gurren Lagann is the most /lit/ approved anime out there

>> No.2584551

As a Japanese speaker, I find it hard to not notice how well-written the dialogs in Gurren-Lagann are compared the medium in animation. For a small comparison, everyone talks like they're in some kind of modern Kabuki-Shakespeare. Kamina is almost singing, his speeches rhyme and have symmetrical meter.

I mean, watch the conversation between Lord Genome and Anti-Spiral in episode 26, and listen to Kamina's speech to Simon. The switch between questions ending in -ka and vowels ending with -a making it sound so goddamn perfect and natural, but it's hard as hell to talk like that normally.

>> No.2584555

>an adaptation that's even better than the book it was based on.
The Shawshank redemption.

>> No.2584563

I thought the book was much, much better.

>> No.2584588

They both suck

>> No.2584591

I sincerely think Nichijou is one of the greatest pieces of contemporary art. It's working on a motif (a sort of forced divinity/romanticism of everyday life) that I think should be much more important philosophically, but because of its medium it's gone largely unappreciated.

>> No.2584612

>stephen king
>writing good books
pick one

>> No.2584819
File: 49 KB, 680x660, 1321928125152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, no.
As much as I liked nichijou I wouldn't call it a
>divinity/romanticism of everyday life
maybe the small "love like" clips or even the "helvetica standard" ones but the rest of the show is not comparable to, let's say, K-On! on that "romanticism and deification" you speak of.

>> No.2584833


Stop being such a hipster, the movie was godlike.

>> No.2584849


babby's first movie

>> No.2586052


I think you're misunderstanding what I mean. I just simply mean that it willfully assigns significance to everyday life. It's very much a confrontation with the postmodern nihilism in response to the existential question.

For example:

It also remarks upon what it's doing, though in order to not undermine itself, it must then immediately return to the mundane, as seen here:

Sorry for this belated reply. I was at school all day.

>> No.2586324

It was an entertaining series, but it wasn't better than the book.

It was basically just "what if we can turn this shit into an animated SOAP OPERA in space," and basically an okay-ish attempt to turn Alexandre Dumas' work into Game of Thrones with spaceships.