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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 157 KB, 400x486, freelance-journalist-jobs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2581100 No.2581100 [Reply] [Original]

"I can't write decent fiction worth shit. I know! I'll become a journalist!"--Every single journalist who ever lived

>> No.2581107


he's too busy being dead to say that

>> No.2581104

Hunter Thompson says go fuck yourself

>> No.2581111

>inb4 Tom Wolff
>inb4 Marquez
>inb4 Heinrich boll

>> No.2581115

RIP gentle prince.

>> No.2581116

>op doesn't know about AP style
>op doesn't know about foreign correspondents
>op thinks The Atlantic is standard journalistic fare

hey op, your ignorance is showing, better zip that up

>> No.2581140

Fuck you OP! It's not our fault that we aren't as blessed with the gifts that you clearly posses!

Novel writing isn't for everyone. I remember the first time I brought my short-fiction story entitled "Cock n' Balls" to the group. They were so stupid and pleb and they didn't get it, and they pretty much laughed me out of the group. On my way out of the building I literally shat muh pants from all the embarrassment.

I just wanted to revive the beat movement!

>> No.2581146


journalism is dead.

there is no place for truth in this world.

>> No.2581153

what exactly do you call all those forms of media whose sole intent is to inform about current events?

>> No.2581158


you mean what do i call organizations that publish things with a spin to be inflammatory in nature and omit facts in the name of "entertainment"?

Being nice I would say "sensationalist". Being honest I'd say "shit".

>> No.2581164

No, they do it in the name of "public service," like O'Reilly's "looking out for you" slogan and that other pinhead's "watchdog" bullshit.

What it REALLY is is cheap entertainment, yeah. But it's painted up like PSAs.

>> No.2581162


And I, being nice, would call you immature, and being honest, would call you shit.

Continue generalizing yourself into a puddle of primal stupidity, it is cute.

>> No.2581171


okay then, direct me to a news source that is a bastion of all that is truthful and good, and i will kiss your feet. otherwise, you're just being insulting because you can't further the argument in your favor, and I win.

>> No.2581176


I was never a part of this argument and that was my first post in this thread.

Your pour salt in water and then declare "behold, it does not dissolve!"

I spit on your impish dick.

>> No.2581178
File: 58 KB, 311x311, Internet-Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like where my thread is going.

>> No.2581180

If I had a dime for every time some shitnigger like you complained about lies in the media, I'd corner the fucking copper market. The fact is that for every minute you waste in front of the television watching Sean Hannity or whoever the fuck replaced Larry King doing their next shit interview like the shills they are, there are thousands of journalists in foreign countries risking their lives to bring you the news there. There are people in your own town or city who are ensuring that local issues are brought to light (while you nothing to improve your situation besides post anonymously on the internet). More people have died in the cause journalism throughout history than members of your entire family, and I'd much rather see your clan and kin immolated in a bombing, tortured to death by terrorists, or trapped under a heap of rubble from an earthquake than see another journalist go down in service of the common man.

>> No.2581182


i've never seen so much mad

>> No.2581188

So what you're saying is, is that journalists are lemmings?

Natural selection does exist!

>> No.2581190

Clearly you haven't seen this post.

>> No.2581189

>relying on a single source for news

What are you, a retard?

You wouldn't shop at Wal-Mart for everything, would you? Unless, of course, you were a retard.

>> No.2581187


I'm as cool as a brisk autumn afternoon.

You, on the other hand, are a jagged creation of pure hatred, and you sweat it on this thread. It smells awful.

>> No.2581193

You know someone is putting words in your mouth when they say
"So what you're saying is"

so way to go I guess

>> No.2581195


>insists "i'm not mad" while flinging insults

okay bro, whatever you say

>> No.2581198


My testicles sweat pure peace. Your asscrack ranks of anger.

>> No.2581199

He's only insulting you because he loves you.

>> No.2581200


If news media actually cared about reporting facts as they are I would only need to go to one source, yes.

>> No.2581212
File: 91 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I propose we start a writing tiers list.


>> No.2581220
File: 94 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err Fixed.

>> No.2581222

guess what nigga, stories are complex, and these vaunted "facts" don't make a story any more than eggs in a cold pan make a fucking breakfast

>> No.2581226
File: 294 KB, 1070x898, 1335066287534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is obviously the truth

>> No.2581227

>Not low tier

>> No.2581228

>Stephenie Meyer
>above Hunter S. Thompson by association

you goofed, son

>> No.2581232

Where would you put playwright and screenwriter?

>> No.2581233

"I'm a girl and I want to be a housewife, but I also want to go to college. I know! I'll major in journalism!" --Every journalism major ever.

>> No.2581236
File: 24 KB, 271x445, tumblr_likr357g2y1qheiveo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not majoring in journalism and writing your novel on the side a la the greats.

Sorry you couldn't figure out that tried-and-true formula.

>> No.2581240
File: 99 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you missed the point. It's types of writing, not types of genres.

It's coming along now.

>> No.2581242

more like nursing and psychology

you've obviously never met a college-age woman, or been to a journalism department

those girls wouldn't open up their legs for diamond-studded dick

>> No.2581241

More than half of those aren't even forms of writing.

>> No.2581245


Yeah but that's incredibly dull and my style was more fun.

>> No.2581246

even though journalists get paid squat, this is shaping up to be inversely proportional to yearly salaries

>> No.2581249



>> No.2581258

>wouldn't open their legs for me
Have you ever heard of the fox and the grapes?

>> No.2581259
File: 105 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are screenwriters far removed from playwrights?

>> No.2581262

>Gee, almost every best-selling author had a major in journalism
>I'm sure I can do the same thing
Also known as
>I'm getting a degree in graphic design so I can make animus!!1!

>> No.2581265

Screenwriters are, a priori, sell-outs. So, yes, they are pretty far removed from the dramatist who gets four lousy bucks for his script.

>> No.2581267

I wasn't even interested. They were warm to friends and ice cold to everyone else.

>> No.2581270
File: 128 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me how I'm doing so far.

>> No.2581273

Then go make your own thread, this isn't /v/

>> No.2581274


screenwriter is shit-tier

>> No.2581280

True, there has been a lot of shit put on the screen. But the great pieces of screenplay bring it up to where it is.

>> No.2581276

Good so far.

Put TAR writers in the shit tier.

>> No.2581275


>> No.2581288
File: 135 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming along now I think.

>> No.2581289

This is weirdly accurate.

>> No.2581290

But, can't you like, be any combination of those?

>> No.2581291


What, like a guy who writes erotic comics for children? That's still low-tier.

>> No.2581306
File: 147 KB, 1070x898, Writing Tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be very helpful if you guys gimme some types of writing I have missed.

>> No.2581307
File: 1.35 MB, 1060x1274, journalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By that logic, Bret Easton Ellis is the greatest writer ever talked about on /lit/.

Look, just because you can't into journalism doesn't mean you have to disparage the whole field, OP. There have been plenty of indelible works of reportage, as well as reporters -including H.L. Mencken, /lit/'s spiritual progenitor.

>> No.2581309


>> No.2581310
File: 78 KB, 423x477, 1320723146051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your tier-lists, who joyless cunts. Back to Fox News with you.

>> No.2581311

>speech writing
>top tier

Sophistry belongs in the Sophistry tier, below Shit.

>> No.2581315

Speeches change the world my friend.

>> No.2581319
File: 34 KB, 580x386, 1331498638027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem, "used to." Sound bites change the world now, my friend.

>> No.2582292

not anymore, breh.

>> No.2582556


>> No.2582563


Changes happen behind the curtain. Speeches just implicitly enable compliance. Welcome to reality.