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2577413 No.2577413 [Reply] [Original]

>average /lit/izen over 20

>> No.2577414
File: 15 KB, 417x517, andyhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thought my acne would clear up as soon as I turned 20

>> No.2577417

nah brah, im 24 and shit still grows.

>> No.2577418

>tfw can't grow a beard

>> No.2577419
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Jesus, really? I don't want to be graduating with pimples.

>> No.2577422
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>average litizen under 20

>> No.2577429
File: 61 KB, 300x281, Tarman-BRAINS-YOU-NEED-THEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I'm over 30 and I love pygmy hunting in the jungles of /lit/.

>> No.2577427
File: 21 KB, 467x345, brides1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just think, this board is the very best 4chan has to offer!

>> No.2577473
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>> No.2577474

yeah i know.

does not change the fact of the pics being true

>> No.2577481

23 reporting in. I only had the "wow, arguing on the internet is dumb" epiphany a year ago. I am a slow learner.

Also this lol fuck my life

>> No.2577486


>> No.2577491

There isn't enough numbers to count the amount of verbal smackdowns I've laid on people.

>> No.2577495

I've been able to grow substantial facial hair since I was seventeen, but that selfsame testosterone surge has damned me to an acne-ridden existence.

>> No.2577498

>on the internet

>> No.2577501


Im sure the smackdown that i;ve laid on you with my dick has something to do with your inability to use numbers to count.

>> No.2577502

OP is mad because of the thread complaining about young posters.

>> No.2577508

it's not hard to win arguments with younger people who think they know everything so they constantly START arguments they can't back up.

>> No.2577515

I remember Nixon resigning. I remember a lot of people not shaving and showering in the 70's. I remember that The Wall was released the same year I discovered weed. Lost my virginity in 1984. Saw Def Leppard when they opened for Billy Squier. Reagan being shot, shuttle exploding, Live Aid. Born in the year nineteen hundred and sixty eight.

>> No.2577540

My God, an ancientfag. I thought they had all vanished when the Gelfling reunited the shard with the crystal.

>> No.2577543

Oh? I hadn't heard about that. Busy with my crossword puzzle, I guess.

>> No.2577570

Holy shit...

Anyway, I'm nearing on 20, no acne, though I can't grow as full a beard as I'd like -I'm not really into keeping a beard anyway.

>> No.2577574

I enjoy being trolled more than I enjoy trolling. Because of that, /lit/ is a paradise to me.

>> No.2577578

I really don't think internet arguments are as dumb as people would like to think. The internet has shown me ideas I never would have seen otherwise, and I have tested the validity of those ideas by internet argument many times. It's very useful for presenting arguments to an audience and testing your own thoughts without the dangers that regular society presents.

I'm 24. I can grow an orthodox Jew level beard, but I don't. No acne.

>> No.2577596

They return when the suns are in alignment.

I used to really get scared shitless at the scene where they absorb the essences.

>> No.2577691


And now I'm literally laughing out loud.

28 years old btw.