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File: 141 KB, 500x627, big_85b1f7292e9d32dd92fa1a92802dbe99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2575872 No.2575872 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't have a gf, honestly explain why you don't have one.

Bonus points for brutal honesty.

Me? Standards are too high and I'm broke.

>> No.2575884

I don't leave the house much.

>> No.2575893


>> No.2575896

Easy: I'm gay.

>> No.2575903

Can't talk to people very well. Have problems caring for others emotionally.

>> No.2575911

They don't notice me, and haven't for more than seventy moons.

>> No.2575912

Fear of rejection. Lack of sexual experience propagates brutal cycle of not making moves on girls. Frequent masturbation helps quell raging sex drive.

>> No.2575924

Why are there always threads for people who have no gf/bf?

Dont you relationship peasants leave me out of this!

>> No.2575930

Primarily because I am happy being single, so I don't bother trying to get one.

>> No.2575931

I've been castrated when I was 19 and girls aren't into that.

>> No.2575932

My wife would be really mad.

>> No.2575936

Avoidant personality disorder, intense fears of rejection and abandonment, moderate to severe social anxiety, and a dearth of handsomeness.

Also, lots of sexual hangups and over-sentimentality. Bit of a shut-in as well. Kind of an all around disaster, really.

>> No.2575941
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because I listened to The Smiths and Belle and Sebastian in high school. It made me a faggot queer to afraid to get into real relationships.

The upside, I listened to The Smiths and Belle and Sebastian in high school so I grew up to be a hipster and get mad hipster vag constantly.

>> No.2575942


You need meditation.

>> No.2575952
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I don't know any girls that don't have boyfriends.

>> No.2575953

I don't think I can willfully suspend or relax my concentration. I think I need exercise instead.

>> No.2575956

>I don't know any girls

>> No.2575962


I think you can. You sound very sensitive and cerebral. You could be one of the few whose actually good at meditation. And then you can have powers.

>> No.2575964

I'm secretly transgendered.

>> No.2575971

>I don't think I can willfully suspend or relax my concentration.
>I'm fat and out of shape, I don't think I can exercise

you meditate to get good at concentration, bro. Like anything else, it takes practice.

>> No.2575973

What kind of powers are we talking about?

>> No.2575991

- I don't know any girls.
- Socially akward, and I loath chit-chat.
- I've lived in 5 different cities, been to 3 different highshcools, never maintened contact with someone for more than 4 years.

>> No.2575987


Anything you want. Name it.

>> No.2576004

Dammit, sensitive kid! Agree to meditation!

>> No.2576005

From what I've gathered, meditation requires one to relax their mind, which is difficult for me, as I'm always cogitating on something. I have excellent concentration, but I don't think concentrating on not thinking is likely to work.

Also, I used to be a phenomenally in-shape water polo player, and though I might be out of shape now, I know what it's like to be fit and that it helps with a surfeit of mental energy.

Captcha was "juvula," which makes me imagine a weird anatomical mixture of vulva and uvula.

>> No.2576008

You guys know any good books on meditation?

>> No.2576011

>Standards are too high and I'm broke.

me exactly.

>> No.2576014

Relationship with my last girlfriend turned out to cause me more misery and annoyance in the end than joy, so I ended it. Haven't met another woman that I would like an actual relationship with since.

That is all. And I quite enjoy myself by myself these days.

>> No.2576016


Actually, your concentration could help you tremendously. You don't focus on relaxing the mind. That's generalized noob meditation. I can give you a meditation that you could really excel at, and if you stick with it: YOU GET POWERS!
Please email me at tifff8@yahoo.com
create a throwaway email if you don't trust me, and email me from there. I'll send you the meditation for free, and you can ask me any questions you want for as long as you want.

>> No.2576017

Once I find a moderately attractive girl who shares my taste in either literature, music, or films, I'll ask her out for coffee ( providing she's not pretentious/obnoxious ).

It won't happen.

>> No.2576019

Because i'm friends with benefits with my ex, so who needs a relationship?

>> No.2576023

> Had sex with a bunch of girls in the first couple of months of the year
>One of them girlfriend, incredible, don't feel like going through that again yet
>Tore foreskin slightly so it makes sex painful

Plus I'm pretty asocial at times.

Feels ok I guess.

>> No.2576026

>From what I've gathered, meditation requires one to relax their mind, which is difficult for me, as I'm always cogitating on something. I have excellent concentration, but I don't think concentrating on not thinking is likely to work.

It's difficult for *everyone*. No artist is amazing when they first pick up a pencil, nobody is born knowing calculus and nobody is instantly amazing at meditation. Like everything it takes practice.

Go search "meditation" on accesstoinsight or something, but here are some basic pointers:

>I have excellent concentration, but I don't think concentrating on not thinking is likely to work.

You don't concentrate on "not thinking", you either focus on one aspect of your body (eg, physical sensations, breathing, etc), or an idea/concept, depending on the type of meditation.

Also, the point is not "thinking about not thinking", it is merely developing the ability to not think. Just sit there and breathe, without any thoughts. Don't force it, just practice doing it. The more you practice the better you'll get at it.

>> No.2576027

Just got finished with jail workcamp (my life has been dominated by this for the past months).
Haven't seen friends in months, havent partied/gone out etc.
Have been going to school, writing and playing guitar mainly.
Transferring to UM next semester.
very antisocial mood currently
But i can get girls numbers without even trying...its because im very good looking.
just a bad period in my life right now...

>> No.2576030


The best meditation literature I've encountered is the instruction sheet I typed up after 3 years of teaching myself. It's a simple meditation, although most people struggle with it because they're not cerebral enough, but once you get down the basic mechanism, you can push it as far as you want. You can have real power.

>> No.2576038


Excuse me, but I'm the one teaching meditation here. So unless you've done 6 hours a day, developed the ability to see qi and other worlds, I'm gonna ask you to shush.

>> No.2576039
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For the same reason I don't have pets, plants, children or unnecessary obligations. Rahulas the lot of 'em.

>> No.2576040

When I was a little kid my dad would make fun of me every time I was even friends with a girl. The "You've got a giiiirrlfriend! You've got a giiiirrlfriend!" kind of taunting. By the time I was in the 6th grade I had my first real opportunity with a girl but I couldn't think of a way to hide it from my dad so I never asked her out. I would never even say "she" or "her" when I was talking about my friends in front of my dad because I thought he would make fun of me. At any rate, I had an opportunity with another girl in 7th grade but I let it pass for the same reason as before.
The next time I had a girl that I liked enough to ask out I didn't know what to do. I had missed out on all the practice most people get from that in middle school. I would hang out with her but I didn't ever get the confidence to ask her out, even though she probably would have said yes. Now I'm a freshman in college and I've still never had a girl friend.
Also there's a girl in one of my classes who I'm sort of into but then I found out she's 17 and that would be weird.

>> No.2576041

>claims to be experienced in meditation
>blatantly competitive and defensive

you are really doing it wrong

>> No.2576042
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Oh god it's that new agey tai chi guy again.

Fuck off.

>> No.2576044

Because I've only recently come out of my shell. I'm good at the social stuff now and have several friends, male and female, but it's too close to everyone going off to university for me to really get together with anyone.

>> No.2576046

>implying that you need to see qi and other worlds or whatever in order to lessen your social anxiety and not just simple mindfulness meditation

also what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.2576050

I don't use any social media other than 4chan. I'm also I gigantic dick.

>> No.2576051

Okay, well anyone who is sensitive--ridiculously so--and highly cerebral, please email me: tifff8@yahoo.com

Free meditation. Free assistance. And in case you're wondering what my motivation is: I'm pissed off no one told me what's possible, and that I had to discover this on my own in my early 20's. It's unfair this knowledge has been kept from us, and I'm trying to correct things by assisting other people see how ridiculous our Western assumptions have been. Sensitive and cerebral, email me.

>> No.2576053

you referring to that other anon in third person

>> No.2576056

these two things might be related

>> No.2576057

>I gigantic dick
*a gigantic dick.

>> No.2576059

for what meaning of "sensitive"? empathetic?

>> No.2576061

>developed the ability to see qi and other worlds

You're really hurting your case.

>> No.2576063


I'm not talking about lessening social anxiety, though that will happen. I'm simply saying I'm the same as the sensitive anon, and I'm one of two people I know who can actually do this meditation well. I think he deserves a chance to see what he's capable of. Email is open to anyone interested, but it's really a waste unless you're hypersensitive.

>> No.2576066

Don't see a reason on why I should have one.

>> No.2576068


I'm not trying to make myself look good. I'm simply being honest. Open-minded people will take a chance. They are the only ones who really deserve this meditation anyway--though in truth, I wish everyone practiced.

>> No.2576071
File: 35 KB, 483x322, dalailolma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does this every time he gets the chance. He says he knows Chinese yoga stuff that can help one achieve "Zen", derides any widespread and known form of meditation and gets mad and defensive when anyone confronts him on it. He also claims to know absolute reality and believes that there once was a utopia in China where peace existed and only good people lived. He knows this from a zen master who has greater authority than historians.

It's quite an entertaining piece of work actually.

>> No.2576073


Sensitive as in you're feelings get hurt easily, you sense how other people are internally, you know people just by looking, you are more aware of your environment--by feel--than most everyone else.

>> No.2576074

I don't have a girl friend, but I do have 3 pillows I line up on my bed at night and spoon.

>> No.2576075

probably not for me, then.

>> No.2576077

You'd think this guy would get a tripcode. He sounds like that kind of person.

>> No.2576083
File: 17 KB, 474x485, star light star bright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he's just a lonely person with a very dull personality.

>> No.2576085


LOL. That's an amusing way of putting it. I only got "mad" the first time I presented this info because I wanted to filter out the myopic. I wanted to present such an unlikable personality that only the most open-minded people would email me. It was a contrived filter. I'm trying to find people who can excel at the meditation. Also, Qi Gong is a widespread meditation, and it has various forms. Also, "Chinese Yoga" is just your ridiculous way of describing tai chi, which is not what I'm teaching.

>> No.2576090

Get a Dutch wife.

>> No.2576091
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He really should, but then again that would fuck with his humble self image.

I would appreciate it if he did, it would save me from putting effort in a discussion only to find out half way that I don't understand things because I "haven't achieved Zen" and I'm arguing with that guy again.

>> No.2576092

when did this board become /soc/

>> No.2576096

Because I have no interest in pursuing a relationship with the woman I'm currently fucking.

>> No.2576098


>> No.2576101


Why don't you just email me so you can see what I'm trying to share. If you think it's ridiculous after you read it, you can say so.

>> No.2576113
File: 107 KB, 550x367, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you post your meditation copy pasta in this thread instead of getting all esoteric about it?

>> No.2576115

did you know that you are allowed to post text on 4chan

in fact if your message is too long, there are even off-site websites that will host word documents or large amounts of text for you!

the more you know!!

>> No.2576118

My, how vulgar but, fuckbuddy doesn't want anything more out of our relationship and also I suspect I'm mostly gay

>> No.2576119


It's a bit long... around 10-12 paragraphs.

>> No.2576123

give this meditation fag a trip so i can filter him

>> No.2576124


da shi cray

>> No.2576128

I'm gay
for books

>> No.2576132


Also get a trip.

>> No.2576130

Alright, well email's open. I'll move on since you people are getting angry.

>> No.2576134


>im gonna cut myself off from 1 of the 5 people who post on /lit/. thats like a facking twenty percent decrease in exposure man. life gets lonely.

>> No.2576142

don't worry, there are thousands of friendly people waiting on reddit!

>> No.2576152

Why don't I have a GF?
I'm impotent. This should get me a few honesty points.
Problems with social anxiety.
I'm by nature a loner.
And I'd rather read than socialize.

>> No.2576155

You don't know how badly I hoped that spoiler text would read "(Im Happy)"

>> No.2576159

MEDITATION! Ha, I came back. Suck on it.

>> No.2576165

I get clingy. Abandonment issues.

>> No.2576162

I was a fat neckbeard virgin for a long time, In the past few years got my collective shit together and found an amazing girl, she's graduating in May and hopefully we'll be together then and shit can finally be official...

>> No.2576168


>> No.2576172
File: 14 KB, 500x282, 9_sound_and_fury.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't give up yet. It happened to me out of fucking nowhere.

>> No.2576173

>da shi cray
I am racking my brains trying to figure out how it came to be that I immediately understood what you said.

>> No.2576174

Whadja go to jail for?

>> No.2576176

Is your taste in all three that unique?

>> No.2576179

slight social anxiety (though I think I'm socially competent) and I'm insecure about being skinny

also I haven't found anyone I'm really interested in

>> No.2576251
File: 60 KB, 400x600, 1323480489333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Master's program.
>Cute girl in class chats me up all the time, even calls me a few times
>too much of a shy dip-wad to reciprocate and ask her out
>about a year later, make up my mind to try to rekindle things
>Call her up.
>Me: "Oh, you're in a PhD program half way across the country. Congrats! I am so happy for you!"
>Mon visage.

>> No.2576257

Okay, jerks, here's the meditation. Posted it to my blog. Didn't want to do it this way, but you're all annoying, so here:

>> No.2576260

>Deep down I'm afraid of commitment.
>I like to bolt whenever it well pleases me.
>I prefer to spend my money on booze and books.

All of the above?

>> No.2576264

I don't have the drive to do it. I have trouble holding a conversation with girls because they, put simply, make me nervous. I'm in no way gay, but I count my female friends on one hand. All of this is made even worse when they're very attractive.
>tl;dr I'm scared to talk to attractive woman
On a sidenote, I'm incredibly bitter about my friends having gf's. All I think when I see them with their girls is "well, at least I have better taste in music" or "at least I don't say my favorite books are Eragon and Harry Potter"

>> No.2576270
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I don't talk to people. When I am in my class I am usually reading or writing terrible prose, so if anyone did want to talk to me they would think I am busy. To tell you the truth I kind of don't/do want a girlfriend. It is hard to explain.
I guess I like the freedom of being able to do anything I want. The reason why I would like to have one is because I am a really fucking lonely guy. I sometimes even talk to myself. Shit sucks man.
At least I don't need to pay for someone else's meals though.

>> No.2576277

>If you don't have a gf, honestly explain why you don't have one.

Because I'm married

>> No.2576280
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>mfw when I'm self-conscious about being fat (not morbidly obese, but fat). Every time I think of having sex with a woman, I can imagine them laughing at my bitch tits.

>> No.2576289

me too buddy, me too

>> No.2576293
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I should also add that I am desperately afraid of rejection. So much so that I haven't gained a single friend since the whole year I spent dorming at the uni. Also for some reason I am desperately afraid of confronting someone I don't know. My heart begins to beat fast and my words becomes chopped up and messy and in the end I look like a idiot.

>> No.2576297
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Don't really want one. I'm too ubermensch too fall for the womens. Those I've been tempted to get one so they can help pay my rent. Sup /lit how you doing.

>> No.2576301


Let me refer you to:>>2576257 for POWERS!

>> No.2576302


>> No.2576307
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Are you me? My roommate's girlfriend is over and those are the exact things going through my mind.
The worst part is when you hear them passionately kissing, that shit is not only annoying, but also infuriating.

>> No.2576316

You stupid fucks, there are more significant, satiating accomplishments than hooking up with a girl. While social idiots waste their vitality on women: You could be developing yourself.

>> No.2576321
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Oh, reasons...

>> No.2576322

Am I the only one who like

Yeah, I don't have a girlfriend and I deeply wish I did and I get, you know, jealous. But am I the only one who tries not to be a resentful, angry, bitter dick about it? I at least try to be happy for people in relationships, that at least a couple people have managed to be happy with each other, even if I haven't. I generally like the girls my friends date and even if I didn't I try not to judge people. Am I a crazy person for this

>> No.2576325


This. a million times this.

>> No.2576331

I'm afraid to talk to women. I mean, I don't really talk to people in general anyway. Well, maybe not necessarily afraid, but I'm only attracted to women that look good, and those high standards coupled with fear of rejection ensure that even if I struck up conversation, I would most likely not risk advancing on them unless they came on strong. And they won't. ;-;

>> No.2576332

Hm I think I am not that different from most people here. First I think I have to high expectations. Then I sometimes have problems to talk to girls in public. I am ok in bars, clubs or at parties though.
And well most people bore me, including most girls. Also I am looking for some kind of serious relationship and for that I want an intelligent woman who shares my love for literature and especially classic literature. Yep... I think I am pretty much fucked.

>> No.2576334
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Yeah, it's really fucking depressing sometimes. I feel guilty when I have thoughts of fucking one of my friends' girlfriends.
The reality of it hit hard when my dad asks me about it. I think he half understands that I don't have the drive, commitment, or confidence to sustain or even have a relationship. He has once asked me if I was gay (one of older brothers is gay, so he thought he might have another one), and when he asks if I'm going to prom (senior in high school, for the record). It's a fucking horrible feeling and I wish that no one has to experience this.

>> No.2576337

I'm happy for my friends that they're happy, but at the same time, one can hold jealousy and anger. No one ever said emotions were consistent, dude.

>> No.2576344

I've become incredibly self-conscious over the last couple of years. I was in a bad relationship, and I think the excruciatingly slow end of it fucked me up in a lot of ways. We broke up 2 years ago.

Girls approach me, have told mutual friends they're into me, I've gotten girl's numbers on drunken nights but never did anything, pretty sure a girl in my math class is into me, etc. and my mentality is that these girls are going to hate the real me and that I don't have the energy to put up a veneer for long, so I never do shit. And I hardly get with girls anymore.

I feel like I'm in limbo. It's horrible.

>> No.2576347

She dumped me this week.

>> No.2576354

Because I can't imagine actually doing anything with a girlfriend.
I'm also horrendously unsentimental and aromantic, hardly give socialising the time of day, very critical and not very pleasant to be around.
Plus, I'm hyposexual when on a downer, and when agitated/motivated, relationships/sex/whatever tend to be the last thing on my mind.

So that's really why.

>> No.2576355
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I am a freshman in college and my prom sucked. If you had a bad one it is alright, because they are pretty overrated anyways.
This. When I was talking about my roommate I felt bitter that he had one, it was really just me finding something to hate. It is nice he has one, I mean he is like Shinji only with a girlfriend.

>> No.2576363

I don't even want to go to prom. The thought of being alone while others dance with their dates if fucking terrible.

>> No.2576364


jail workcamp not jail, i got to go home at 5.

>> No.2576369

What I did was, I got a big group of friends together who none of us had dates. I should have asked this one girl out but I didn't. Then I asked her out after prom and she was down (also she was a super cool chick) but then it never really worked out because of things happening one after the other.

True story! I think that was the last time I asked a girl out. I am pathetic!

>> No.2576373

sounds like your last relationship must have been fucked if it's really done you in like that. maybe give therapy a shot?

>> No.2576377
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, williams1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel man. My prom was in this really shitty hotel and I ended up leaving after eating and taking a picture with the one friend I really liked in high school. I didn't have a car so I ended up walking around in my tuxedo listening to Godspeed You Black Emperor. I went to the Barns and Noble and read a few comics and ate at Dennys with a few friends after. That was my prom, it was complete shit, but I was forced to go by my parents. Oh well.

>> No.2576380
File: 148 KB, 864x922, 1327945777878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when I couldn't even ask a girl out because I'm as quiet as the Driver.
>That feel
God damn it feels /r9k/ up in this bitch

>> No.2576381

i put my ear
to the wall
of the old town hall
and the bricks speak

you’ll miss it

the rustling of sheets and covers
the hushed giggling of teenage lovers
the heavy panting of ancient bodies
and a wet rhythmic sound that I cannot place

the townsfolk must think it queer
to see me here
with my ear
against the wall in sheer
imaginative pleasure

but in America
we pay for our porn

with dollars and monthly subscriptions
with wedding rings and freshly bought bouquets
picked at random
almost like flowers
from the fifty-cent bin
at the front of the supermarket

do ya love me darling?
have i paid enough
for your love?

hand down pants
and i can’t
seem to convince
this kind law officer
that everything is fine

how strange it is
to be arrested in Fucking, Austria
for fucking
in Austria

>> No.2576382

Therapy will only make him more of a faggot.

>> No.2576413

That's hard to say. I'm dating, but don't have a girlfriend. It'll probably either happen with someone I'm currently seeing or it won't and there'll be a period of time where I'll stay single longer.

>> No.2576420

Says the 17 year old virgin on 4chan.

>> No.2576427

Such wit in the face of self-evident truth.

>> No.2576434


i'll cast thine wineskin over the bridge, you filthy commoner.

>> No.2576448

I've got a terminal medical condition.

>> No.2576535

Young women in my peer group sleep under-their league, are drugged up (or getting smashed is their defining recreational activity), and are either hopelessly childish (watch New Girl religiously) or staid intellectual types whom become obnoxiously clingy/needy whenever intimacy figures into things.

Also don't do my drinking in bars; probably need to reconsider this from a quality of life standpoint vs. straightup "I won't pay Xdollars for two beers when I can get a six pack for the same coin."

>> No.2576541

I might have one. I suppose it does put a stop to most relationships.

>> No.2576551

>staid intellectual types whom become
>whom become

sure they aren't just repulsed by your prole grammar?

>> No.2576573

You spelled medication wrong. Take your spiritual buddhist shit to >>>/x/

>> No.2576580

Seems like too much effort.

>> No.2576592

I am bad with girls.

>> No.2576605

Money, besides the fact that I want to be able to look better before I approach a girl. After my last relationship I kind of fell in a rut and let myself go, have a crazy beard now and a bit of a gut, not much, but I'd want to look better for someone I like.

>> No.2576608

I don't know. I used to be a drug addict and spent some time in psychiatric facilities and it really ruined my confidence.

>> No.2576627

Because I want to save my money and time for me. This is the only valid reason.

>> No.2576646

My dick is kinda big, so it gave me a confidence boost through school and college. I have taken DMT, LSD, morfine, adrenaline, lived at least a month in India, England, Peru, etc. And I still talk and frequent the same kind of people, so yeah, I don't think anyone is good enough for me...

>> No.2576818

I don't leave the house much other than for work. I have a handful of friends. I try to be nice and say 'hi' but I'm too self conscious to actually talk to them that much. I do have girl friends but they were introduced to me by other friends and I don't talk to them that much. Fear of rejection. I had a girlfriend once but that didn't last long because she was a whore. I've had sex twice. Once with the ex and another time with an underaged (but legal) girl for a bottle of rum. I just need to get out there and I need practice talking to girls.

>> No.2576831

i live in the deep south and it ain't just the dudes that are fucking retarded here. i imagine if there are any girls of my type they are probly hidden away just like me.

>> No.2576835

I've honestly just gotten to the point with women that I don't respect them anymore. I got married and she left me 6 months later for a guy in another state. The next girl was better. Can you say, "not the childs father?" I could, 2 months afterwards with a nice handy paterntiy test. Then I got a flaky bitch, and then a gold-diggin' slut. I accomplished all this in the space of 4 years. That, sir Anon, is why I do not have a girlfriend.

>> No.2576836

> High standards
> Was socially awkward until very recently, when I got tired of this shit and man up
> Went to a tech school so the ratio of boys:girls are like 10:1
> Naturally shy, don't know how to approach strangers
> Even when I do approach girls, not enough swag

Feels bad man.

>> No.2576847

I don't care. I have way better things to do with my time.

>> No.2576848

A series of failures stemming from my inexperience with how to properly charm a woman. Then I got apathetic. Then I got fat.

>> No.2576858
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>all women I meet are fucking stupid
>try to date women anyway
>all of them emotionally immature/unstable
>all of them narcissists
>have several guy friends who have been married
>all cheated on by their wives
>mfw women leave the kitchen

>> No.2576862
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go back to /b/, trash.

>> No.2576871
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butthurt woman

>> No.2576880

Too introverted and creative. People seem too shallow and untrustworthy

>> No.2576898

I only like 2D girls.

>> No.2576903

An illegal immigrant living in US that still lives with parents and a father that won't risk a hair, not allowing his son even borrow a car as a pull-over might end up a deportation. Job? Well, can't have many of those and became very content with the fact I'm justified not getting a normal job that requires a job application and so on (lack of SS makes it so they throw the application to garbage) and my father did not move to U.S. so I work on construction so that's out of question, however, that doesn't justify trying not to earn money some other way. This adds up in a way that I have no way to ask a girl out, even if I was to ask a girl out, what would I say?
"Hey, you wanna go out?"
"Yea, sure, what did you have in mind?"
"We can go *insert a possible activity befitting the situation*, however, I must warn you that I don't have a car, can you pick me up?"
This shit just don't fly.
Even if I do get so lucky as to find a girl that actually goes out with me, I will not support her for long because of my lack of money plus me not being a very exciting person. I spend my days reading books, watching HBO shows, playing Paradox games and going to school. I only have about three close friends that I see maybe twice a week. And they're not very exciting either. I guess I'm just not ready to have a girlfriend, would rather focus on school and future prospects for now.

There, I hope you're happy.

>> No.2576933

Woah, dis true?

If so, write book.

>> No.2576936


>implying I don't have a penis
>implying you're not trash

>> No.2576948

I don't have the money to buy the things she'll ask for

>> No.2576949

>thinking you need to buy things for a girl in order to have a girlfriend

You guys are beta as fuck. Work out, get attractive, and be a guy that girls would want to be around. Come on. Don't pay for people to pay attention to you.

>> No.2576956
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I really want an Asian gf
but /int/ keeps telling me that I can't go to live in Japan and Korea

>> No.2576959

Yeah you can't because the Japanese and Koreans don't like outsiders and for good reasons.

>> No.2576961

Going on my 2nd year of college, busy as fuck, still living with parents, and don't have the confidence or the enthusiasm to look especially nice, being a 5/10 to begin with.

>> No.2576971


don't give up. im black used to live in japan. Speak fluent japanese. my wife in japanese 8/10
anything is possible.

ahhh i do realize i posted that im black on 4chan soooo retarded racist comments in 3,2,1......

>> No.2576972
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You speak fluent japanese?

>being so beta you learn a language to get a wife

>> No.2576980
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You are not alone. There is tons of black anons and I am one of them

>> No.2576981
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>get attractive

most girls find "attractive" mens with nice cars, stylist clothes, a big house...
I don't have any!

it's a cruel world indeed

>> No.2576984


learned the langauge before going.

>> No.2576987

You don't talk to women, do you? All you have is this idea that the only thing you can do to get laid is to be a millionaire playboy. Get real, bro. Look around you. You can have 5 bucks to your name and still have a meaningful relationship. The ones that are skewing your impression of women are the gold digging bitches in high-end clubs and restaurants. What about your mom? Did she marry and have a child with a millionaire playboy with a big house and nice car?

You all need a serious reality check about what normal people are actually like.

>> No.2577017

1. no girl of interest is ever single, ever
2. if they are i am too pussy too make a move
3. fat/body weight percentage too high, haven't got the necessary aesthetics
4. too weird across the board (not hipster weird just weird weird)

>> No.2577020
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i dont like dykes and this is pretty much all i get, my standard is WAY too high, i scare most of my dates off because i bluntly tell them i want ruff sex and have no problems telling them exactly what i like and dont like about pretty much anything. i also have several huge peeves such as: dont say you will take care of me, and i refuse to take care of them. also if you make repeated smart ass remarks i will knock ur block off.

>> No.2577025

Honestly I don't know exactly why, but it could be because I don't relate well to women near my age. I've never met any that like literature or poetry in the small town where I live. I like movies and video games too but I never seem to click with anyone.

Maybe I just need to get out more.

>> No.2577039

I'm pretty obnoxious (nerdy obnoxious--having too much to say on a subject; speaking in weird, flowery language when it's not called for; etc), and I'm pretty aloof to boot. Most people know I think I'm better than them without even talking to me.

>> No.2577043

i have never shown an interest despite knowing a select few females who could make the cut and who actually liked me. the main reason is im selfish. i will not sacrifice my time to accomodate another person. even if theres enjoyment to be had in spending time with tha other person, the advantages just dont seem to stack up.

>> No.2577048
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>mfw this thread
Come on, guys. What the hell does this have to do with literature?

>> No.2577049

I'm very self-conscious and romantically inept. About once a year some chick ends up making a move on me, though, so it's not that bad. I'm not really up for being rejected a lot so I avoid trying anything with anyone. The ratio of getting blown off to getting a good result just isn't good enough.

>> No.2577051

these are all ideas for our first novels

>> No.2577053
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Specious, at best.

>> No.2577058
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I'm collecting experiences for my guide to being forever alone.

>> No.2577096

im lying in bed at noon posting on 4chan on a tablet pc. hazard a fucking guess.

>> No.2577330

>no friends, which means no reason to ever go out socially
>small cock means I'm terrified of sex
>borderline agoraphobic (I frequently have panic attacks in public places)
>all in all, total beta: no temerity, no confidence, nothing whatsoever to offer a woman

>> No.2577360

I got hurt years ago. I have only wanted casual sex since then.

>> No.2577371

pretty much this.

>> No.2577373

I don't go out very often, because of acne.

>> No.2577374

the reasons you faggots dont have girlfriends is because you're retarded.
only retards would post in this thread without saging.

>> No.2579263

>reading this

>> No.2579284

I have a really deep personality that nobody could understand if they tried

>> No.2579294

this. and there must be more on /lit/

>> No.2579295

Well I think it all boils down to a distrust of people
And therefore dislike of relationships
So for almost a year no GF.
Considering paying for sex.

>> No.2579309
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If Im not worth her time Im worth no ones I guess

>> No.2579310

Don't leave house much
Too high standards
Socially awkward

>> No.2579351

Social anxiety mainly, but standards also too high. I'm getting better though. I actually have a desire to meet girls/get laid at this point which I can't honestly say has been the case before. I'm very comfortable by myself, but my brain has reached an "enough is enough" point.

>> No.2579369

"high standards" is an euphemism for "defense mechanism related to my low self-esteem." or "it's not that i can't get any it's that i don't want it." see also: people who try to force themselves into asexuality.

>> No.2579380

Broke and an anxiety disorder that I haven't dealt with because
it's just easier to be alone. Even though I'm depressed as shit
every night alone in my apartment.

I have a problem and I'm too lazy to fix it.

>> No.2579409

No women interest me at this time. I see them as one-dimensiaonal and boring.
I realise this makes me a huge twat.

>> No.2579411
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>> No.2579415

To OP and almost everyone else.
Bad excuses. My standards are skyhigh, and I live off pasta and onions, I've had troubles with social retardation all my life, I can sit locked up in my room for days at a time, was virgin till 20, got rejection after rejection, girls are more rare than unicorns in math/engineering which I study, etc.

I took a long time, but I got the hottest girl that ever lived (to me) to be my gf, and I feel like the luckiest sonofabitch on earth.

Hope dies last, /lit/anists. Don't let it.

>> No.2579438


Not if you have Asperger's, a genius IQ, read souls, and can't stand the idea of pretending to be entertained by a beautiful idiot. Anyone naturally skilled in physiognomy can easily distinguish a dignified and intelligent face from a bubbly and purposeless one. High standards can easily mean that a person is not insecure with low self-esteem, but simply unique and looking for someone else who is equally unique. In our lemming society, a unique, intelligent, and physically attractive girl is extremely difficult to come by--plenty of "smart" ones have given themselves completely over to affectation, and for me, at least, it's repulsive.

>> No.2579447

You don't have a girlfriend because you're a lame, obnoxious faggot.

>> No.2579453

>Anyone naturally skilled in physiognomy can easily distinguish a dignified and intelligent face from a bubbly and purposeless one.

>> No.2579454


You're just jelly of my powers. Get some peanut butter and even out your attitude.

>> No.2579455

I am at University away from home and have no friends. Not like a couple, literally none. I don't have any at Uni. As a result I don't go out apart from lectures so it's difficult to meet girls.

>> No.2579457


The fact you laugh at that shows how limited you are.

>> No.2579465

Broke up with my last girlfriend last December. There's a girl I'm interested in at the moment but I think she might be in one of those long distance relationships with a fella.

>> No.2579468

>intelligence can be determined by looks
Herp derp.

>> No.2579473


Yes, it's called physiognomy. I'm sorry you're unable to utilize this principle. The outward appearance of everything is an expression of the core elements. This is not to say "beautiful" people are all intelligent. An intelligent face is far more particular than this.

>> No.2579480

>I'll give it a fancy greek/latin derived name, and increase credibility
>I use a system 1 heuristic to determine intelligence of people around me, completely failing to address the bias
>I am the enlightened one, bow before me /lit/
Yeah, still laughable.

>> No.2579487
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what's going on here guys

>> No.2579493


I didn't give it the name physiognomy. You must be under the impression it's either a neologism or that I'm Merriam Webster--laugh at yourself. Not bias, just perception: You truly are so sadly limited if you think this is impossible--laugh at yourself. Not enlightened, just perceptive--laugh at yourself. Thanks.

>> No.2579516
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I am a cunt. I'm too cynical and i legitimately find it hard to care for others. People around me care about sports and cars, relationships and jewelry. They are unfunny and uninteresting and i sincerely enjoy solitude more than going out with them.
I am what other people consider to be a party-pooper with a no-fun-allowed policy, yet i enjoy plenty of juvenile activities. Even though I'm relatively young, people claim i am an old, bitter fart and a snobby misanthropist. I guess they are right.

>> No.2579517

Mild psychosis that pushes me away from any relationship that goes beyond sex. Amusingly enough, the psychosis makes me behave in a way that's apparently rather attractive to girls.
Belle and Sebastian's awesome

>> No.2579534

You need to behave more like Withnail.

>> No.2579573
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I already behave like Bernard Black which is a problem on its own. That type of behavior doesn't work with the people i know. At all.
They gut butthurt way to easily.

>> No.2579576

Honestly, nearly 200 replies? From a thread made nearly two days ago? C'mon /lit/, some of you are better than this.

Take this shit to >>>/r9k/ or >>>/soc/ where it belongs.

>> No.2579579

23 year old neet and autistic kissless virgin with no qualifications, no money, no remarkable intelligence, no good looks and no personality. god does not want me to breed.

>> No.2579586

so since no one seems to have any expectations of you (including yourself):

Go do something awesome. Now.

>> No.2579591

>high standars
>extremely poor
>below average looks and intelligence
>socially awkward
>retarded behaviour around girls
>whenever I try something I fail miserably
>fail at conversation

>> No.2579611

like what? there is nothing i can do unless it's something along the lines of that copypasta that gets thrown around about taking insane suicidal risks when you've got nothing to live for. I've got things (or people, rather) to live for.

>> No.2579619

Sorry man, forgot to write /thread when I wrote this:

>> No.2579984
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this thread is still here..

I'm a shallow person. I even realize it and i'm trying to combat it, to get over myself because

>> No.2580541
File: 482 KB, 677x1024, Manders_is_in_a_movie_by_beauty_of_latte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls scare me

>> No.2580550

I am not sure why not. Maybe it kind of scares me, the having-to-engage-physically stuff. Or the having to be myself in front of people. Or the being way too old for someone who's never even kissed a girl.

My standards do not help either. (Though the social skills do, but since I don't leave my house much, that rarely works for something...)

>> No.2580552

>Hate myself
>Standards too high. Too much anime when I was younger
>Not very attractive
>No money
>Feminism has created some kind of weird dystopian dating world that I hate
>No longer have the motivation. Would only accept a relationship if it came to me, and let's face it, unless you're willing to take a goodpersonality/10 or you are a girl, that's not happening.

>> No.2580553


Fucking know that feel, bro.jpg. Virtual, slightly sad, bro-fist.

>> No.2580556

>single-sex education

>> No.2580557

1. Mental illness
2. Lack of personal hygiene

It's hard enough for me to deal with myself so I wouldn't want anyone else to suffer.

>> No.2580625

Bump, for no reason.

>> No.2580638
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>social anxiety
>disabled (visual impairment) which means no job, still haven't moved out of parents and can't drive.
>I'm only 20 and my hair is so thin on top that you can see white patches of scalp here and there
>a little bit chubby but I don't think most girls care

>> No.2580649

If you're balding, I'll tell you now, if you can't find a hair regrowth solution or volumizer that works to cover it up, you'd better just shave it ALL off. Bald looks better than a comb over, and no one likes a guy with a bald top and thinning hair on the sides.

>> No.2580655

I'm thinking about adopting Walt's look from Breaking Bad, but I gotta lose some weight first.

>> No.2580690

with the beard and moustache?

i definitely agree with the other anon, comb-overs look terrible

>> No.2580729
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>an euphemism

>> No.2580746

I am too socially insecure, too ugly and too poor.

>> No.2580759

Funny I'm the opposite.
Too extrovert - I annoy people.
Too good looking - I intimidate people
Too rich - No one is good enough for me.

>> No.2580791

I'm afraid I will ruin them, they can find better than me and be happy, I dont deserve them because i cant give them everthing they want.

4 evah alone

>> No.2580792

Interesting how the mods delete the TAR threads and not this.

>> No.2580793


Implying I don't intimidate people.

With my pale and dry skin, huge visible rings under my eyes and extreme thinness I almost look like a zombie.

>> No.2580796

I've never found my extroversion annoys, but my good looks have intimidated. And that can be weird sometimes.

>> No.2580801

because I'm a piece of shit who ran from everything that even vaguely resembled change. I was a child and now, even though I still have the mentality of a child, I'm just an angry and reckless child. I had a real opportunity with a girl who loved me when I was 18 but I said I wasn't ready for the experience and I took a passive attitude assuming things would sort themselves out but it just got worse. Now I'm in an introspective crisis, I feel like I have to excise every iota of weakness and fear from my mentality because it has metastasized into every area of my life and has made me a social invalid. However I am questioning my methods to save myself from an undignified existence whining about "tfw no gf" on /r9k/.

>> No.2580815

I legitimately intimidate people because of my attractiveness. Certainly not with the looks themselves (I'm maybe an 8/10) but I come off as cold, unfeeling, deep and edgy. I think people really perceive me as being this way, and it scares them off. Granted I have a bit of a defence mechanism against unwanted (see: unintelligent/too unattractive to be seen in public with) people entering my life, but it's caused me to make few-no friends throughout university.
When people talk to me they find out I'm friendly and are relieved. Most people I have a one-on-one conversation with deeply likely me right away and that is evident in how they respond and act towards me. But I am generally terrible at mainting relationships of any types including friendships, and I am horrible lonely all the time.

>> No.2580825

I can't really initiate conversation with strangers, and don't have any friends to introduce me to new people.

When I was in college, the social scene was such that I met a lot of women, and correspondingly I had gfs from time to time. It's a bit crazy when you think about it: they've basically already sorted the world's women and put you in close quarters with those who are in your age range, and who most likely share elements of your regional/socio-economic background. Out of college, you're 1) lacking that aspect, and there are also the problems that 2) standards are higher (need to be sucessful), 3) dating is less casual because people don't have as large an IRL friend network .... granted, to a certain extent i'm making excuses, but these are the challenges i've found. i don't know how to meet women, and i'm not particularly successful for my age.

i am smart and good-looking, which can sort-of work against me as I don't always have the confidence to back it up. People see someone like me and expect me to take charge of the room or something, instead I just act very quiet & reserved so that at least I don't come across as beta, just distant & aloof.

>> No.2580854

I don't make enough money working a job equivalent to a McDonalds in the automotive industry (which really doesn't pay all that much until you have tons of money invested into tools and years of experience). I have a ton of issues from self esteem to shitty health. Call me a beta if you want, I don't push back as hard as I probably should and get walked over at times. That's not even the tip of it, I have a felony record on my background that makes me go in and register, you know? Kind of hard to stay in a relationship when you're that pariah who made a stupid mistake. I don't want to hook up with some easy slut, or one who wants to use me to take care of her or anything like that. My standards are too high, and it's probably better to be alone than in a shitty relationship. I'm not at the right place in life to be in a good relationship, simple as that.

>> No.2580870

I'm living at home while applying to law school (attending this fall). This puts me into a relationship-limbo as I am not applying anywhere local.

>> No.2580873
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>> No.2580876

A few reasons, I guess.

I have pretty severe social anxiety, and I haven't left my house in about 2 months now. When I'm not having these "lapses" I do enjoy talking to people (not large groups of people though), especially helping people or teaching/tutoring people, and making people happy. It's probably the only thing here I'm trying to change about myself. Social anxiety sucks.

I'm extremely empathetic, but I tend to be detached when it comes to my own emotions. For example, I can't remember the last time I've been angry, extremely sad or happy. I get frustrated/upset/amused, sure, but nothing very intense. Some friends resent my lack of passion/expression, and most of my girlfriends were frustrated by it. I did care for them, though. When we break up I honestly don't feel anything at all, I just think "welp, that's over" and move on.

Not interested in sex, but I do like women romantically. I'm not gay or bi, either. I get along with women better than I do men. I'd like to date for the companionship aspect, and all the girlfriends I've had have been extremely close and we're still friends today. Turns out sex is a vital aspect of relationships, though, and I just don't want to do it. Not because of any fears or hangups about it, I'm just not interested. I guess I'm asexual.

I'm not really torn up about it though, I'm happy with having close friends.

>> No.2580879

Goddammit. Because of you hipster assholes today's teenagers have to deal with the thick-rimmed fallout. It's especially shitty in Austin, what with all the L.A. types flooding in contributing to the traffic and sprawl problems, along with the college kids. Goddamn, why didn't you all kill yourselves in high shool...

>> No.2580886

High standards + don't leave the house too much + low libido + I always believe I would most certainly be bored within some time.

>> No.2581293
File: 55 KB, 964x548, diorama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for a job, commuting from my home to college, crushingly self-loathing (which, as I've learned from Steppenwolf, is its own kind of egoism; trying to remedy), seem to be a divining rod for chicks with boyfriends. Like, seriously, every girl.

I don't exactly have the up on life that I thought I would at 19. Fuck this economy.

>pic related, though I act a bit Mark Corrigan-ish as well. I suspect I may have a tweedy albeit slightly trendy forty-something symbiotically occupying me.