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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 18 KB, 500x282, Jersey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2575366 No.2575366 [Reply] [Original]

Share your meal plans, menus, etc.

About to go to the grocery store. 2,000 calorie cut starts today. Lost 30lbs in 2 months eating nothing but 10 eggs and a bag of frozen vegetables per day, but I feel like shit so I'm increasing calories and nutrients before I get scurvy or something.

>> No.2575368

I eat the food when it's theeeeere
Make a mess of things

>> No.2575376

>go to /fit/
>click /lit/ instead and don't notice
>post a jersey shore image, create a new thread without reading any existing threads, thinking anyone here or there even give a fuck about what you're eating

Have fun at the grocery store you fat piece of shit.

>increasing calories
Sounds like your diet is working out for you.

>> No.2575379

How about you run 3 miles a day and stop this fad diet nonsense?

>> No.2575382

Sorry, thought I was on fit. We can talk about Ayn Rand, though.

>> No.2575448

Ayn Rand sucks. She created this fucking piece of shit of ideology that leads us to the 2008 financial crisis and more so.

>> No.2575461
File: 15 KB, 400x343, 1291733622377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have diabetes and my life practically depends on my diet

>> No.2575475

Just change your carbs to wholemeal type stuff. This means anything wheat you'll probs have to make from flour. And brown rice. And oats. And squatz (whole squatz).

>> No.2575478

The financial crisis came about because of institutions like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac giving out housing loans to people who couldn't pay them back because they literally couldn't fail. Ayn Rand had fuck all to do with it.

>> No.2575486


Or to rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes. With some fruit for variety.

>> No.2575492

actually when you get down to it, it was a failure to understand the statistical risk models which assumed that the probability of mortages failing is independent of one another, they are obviously not when you put even a small amount of thought into it, but that's what happens when you hire physicists for your quantitative analysts.

>> No.2575489

>it came about because of privatisation of housing at all levels
>neoliberalism had nothing to do with it

>> No.2575496

Potatos may or may not be as good for you. The complex carbs and fibre content won't be as high as in wholemeal. Well, I think, I can't be bothered to check. Sounds about right though.

>> No.2575499

potatoes are not particularly good for you they're very high in starches which as far as your body is concerned are just sugars, the skin offers a little more fibre and some nutrients but not much, and people tend to like them with ample salt.