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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.85 MB, 2592x2808, GRRM_Ljubljana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2571845 No.2571845 [Reply] [Original]

>"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before,
>and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank,
>the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the
>stream to suck up more water."

-GRRM, prophet, sage, author of a generation

>pretending this neckbeard isn't just a creepy ass perv with his hand on his junk while writing
>no seriously, you fucking know he's jerked it to one of his own sex scenes

>> No.2571846

oh hey we doin this dumbshit thread again

jesus fuck

>> No.2571847


you seem IRATE thronesfag

>> No.2571850

>You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I >fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy >ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little >naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. >It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every >fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora's >fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a >roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise >not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives >have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold >girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I >hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so >that I may know their smell also.

- James Joyce, greatest and most influential writer of the 20th century.

See, I can do that shit too.

>> No.2571852

Is this a real live from one of his books?

>> No.2571855

That was a private letter to someone was it not?

>> No.2571856

If OP is making a case about GRRM being a perv, he should probably take the fact that a lot of great writers were pervs into account. It doesn't matter that it was a private letter.

I'm not saying GRRM is great, but that's ridiculous.

>> No.2571857

Yeah you're right. I was more commenting on how awkward GRRM's paragraph was.

>> No.2571873

Is that paragraph legitmate? Whats the purpose/context of it?

>> No.2571877


IIRC it was when Dani got sick (obviously) from drinking water from a stream in the desert. When I read it I was like, goddamn this is some lowbrow stuff.

>> No.2571888

Hey, Op, guess what?

You see sex in everything because you are yourself sexually frustrated.

Find some pussy/cock and get your whiny ass laid.


>Implying that paragraph isn't unintentionally sexy as hell.

>> No.2571889
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He's entertaining as shit to read. Its pulp trash but i will buy the next book as soon as it comes out and fucking snort a bunch of meth.

>> No.2571890

>picking a single, short paragraph out of a giant 1000+ page tome as if it has any significance

poor show

1/10 for making me respond

>> No.2571891

Earlier in the series, the girl spoken of in the first paragraph was married off to a barbarian warlord when she was 13. When he tried to consummate the marriage, she initially resisted until he engaged in foreplay, after which she gladly accepted him.

So remember guys, fifty No's and one Yes, still means Yes.

>> No.2571892


> Taking advice on women from a fat slob

>> No.2571895

pls get rid of the constant spam of GoT threads in /tv/, the bookfags are ruining the board

>> No.2571896


>gladly accepted him

It's not like she was hungry for cock just because she said "yes". And it's made clear that for a while after that night the sex still hurts her a lot and she hates it.

>> No.2571904

>hams, bacon, sausage long black ones like rocks, oats, corn, barley, crisp autumn apples, dried berries, cabbages, pine nuts, salt mutton, horse meat

typical ASOIAF chapter

>> No.2571908


Sounds like GRRM's grocery list to me.

>> No.2571919


"She began to find pleasure even in her nights, and if she still cried out when Drogo took her, it was not always in pain."

>> No.2572098


Yes? Before that she literally "wanted to die". That's the part I'm talking about, before her sores from horseriding etc. get better.

>> No.2572118

> Looking for quality writing in fantasy novels
> Nitpicking fantasy novels
> Reading them at all

>> No.2572147

I think he wrote that scene because everyone kept accusing Daenaerys of being a Mary Sue.

>> No.2572161


is this nigger serious?

>> No.2572162

This is a literature board.

The amount of neckbeard shit here pisses us off

>> No.2572166

the difference between a real writer and you plebs is that their stories involves more than the ugly parts of life, when they describe something disgusting, it's to make the story believable rather than sugar coating and making it a kids tale or how you amateurs do it, writing a story where the focus is on a guy pissing in front of an old lady in the subway


>> No.2572171


What is "neckbeard shit"?

>> No.2572180

I love game of thrones but i have no doubt at all, and i am being completely sincere when i say this, that martin masturbates over his descriptive portions about the meals.

>> No.2572181

having the shits was a dead serious illness back in the day .. GRRM describes it realistically which makes for a really effective scene. It has nothing to to with him being a perv, more like with you being a prude.

>> No.2572184
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>> No.2572185

>being in your early twenties
>having low self esteem
>getting angry about popular fiction for no good reason

I seriously hope you etcetera

>> No.2572206

i want to see him masturbating.

>> No.2572213

Not including its scatological content, that paragraph is one of the worst pieces of writing I've ever read. How can people actually read that shit?

>> No.2572220

I love GRRMs style, he doesn't describe things in a certain fashion, he just presents everything as it is.

>> No.2572231

See, I don't know if I can agree that he's pulp trash though. Yeah he writes fantasy and its managed to appeal to a pretty huge market, but I think this is one of those rare cases where something good as actually managed to catch on.

I'm more inclined to say the shows are a little underwhelming despite the enormous effort that went into their production.

>> No.2572251

lol you're joking right

>> No.2572405


Why is it so bad?

>> No.2572412


Epic Fantasy: Where having no substance, style, or artistry is a selling point.

>> No.2572428


Realism is a style.

>> No.2572432


If you've read any realism you'd know that it's not style-less. Realism isn't just "things as they are", it has artistry. Realism is just the lack of the fantastic (which GRRM includes, so he's not even realist in the first place).

>> No.2572637

i really love how /lit/ gets butthurt about popular books because the guys that define themselfs just by this one hobby are scared of losing themselfs in the drifts of a mainstream.

>> No.2572648

> themselfs

No, son, I'm not scared.

>> No.2572649

People who like this stuff should be sent to China.

>> No.2572653


I beg your pardon! its not my first language.

>> No.2572655


Have you read it? What didn't you like about it?

>> No.2572660

Why does he grow a beard even though he can't really grow one?

Why does he wear that dumb hat?

Why doesn't he buy glasses that weren't owned by my grandfather?

Why does he wear suspenders?

Why are his teeth so ugly and discolored?

This guy is rich as shit, and he looks like he sleeps in a van. I don't get it.

>> No.2572663


Hell no, I don't have to pour myself a cup of rat poison to know it's not good to drink.

>> No.2572671


He likes to rub his expensive hookers' noses in degradation. Same reason he just has permanent liquid shit between his asscheeks, and his penis stinks of cheese.

>> No.2572668


because he doesnt give a fuck. like a boss.

he just doesnt care what you think about how he looks, because your opinion doesnt matter to him. thats what awesome people do.

>> No.2572672


i guess that is why you are still a virgin too?

>> No.2572675


You're misinformed, and I am not. Why didn't you save yourself the effort of typing that? Because you have to protect your daddy from the bad man. Know shame.

>> No.2572680

The only reason everyone isn't getting rich on writing fantasy is that you have to be a specific kind of broken person to commit to it.

>> No.2572684



>> No.2572685

I wish we had a modern PKD to talk about what the fucking internet is doing to us.

Oh well.

>> No.2572688


I'm writing as fast as I can.

>> No.2572690


Hey, why don't you tell me why "broken" does not assume a function for a person that makes them other than an end unto themselves

then try and tell me you're not a fascist

>> No.2572692



>> No.2572697
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i just tried hard to dump myself down on your level.

>> No.2572699


No son.

>> No.2572702

So, where were we before the pedophile?

Ah yeah:

People who like this stuff should be sent to China.

>> No.2572714
File: 90 KB, 340x396, 1334511257692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, instead of flinging shit and smelling your own farts, there's a simple way you intellectuals can put the plebes in theirs place

Step 1: Rationally show how the series is bad with convincing arguments.

That's the only step. Such an easy task for such fine gentlemen.

>> No.2572720


>implying sci-fi/fantasy "readers" can be approached in a way that is above and beyond their capacity to understand

>> No.2572725
File: 62 KB, 546x574, 1318486273101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>smelling his own farts

poor show

>> No.2572726


That's like saying 'rationally convince that pedophile that when a child smiles at him, it doesn't mean she's down to fuck'. You cannot convince an addict of sobriety.

>> No.2572727


>implying there is a single person on this board that doesnt think you are the cheapest troll of the day

>> No.2572731

All we can do is tell the truth until something in you awakens.

Also, while my purpose here is partly to help you with your problem, my other purpose is to ensure that you can never have a satisfying conversation about the shit you like here, so you get the message and, if you can't change the subject, fuck off.

>> No.2572734


> implying you'd know

>> No.2572742


The goal isn't to convert them right here and now to your way of thinking, it's to showcase the superior logic behind your opinion and humiliate them, which all rational people will surely see.

>> No.2572752


That implicitly suggests that there's any value to being seen arguing with V&nnables, however rationally.

>> No.2572754


I don't see why the person you're arguing with matters at all, only the arguments and their logic matters.

>> No.2572756


Why? Sensibility and taste have nothing whatsoever to do with rationality and logic. I address the wrong, and in doing so, hope, as a side benefit, to entertain the right. There's no third category of people who disagree and yet are not wrong. When I adjure you to get adult, I'm not trying to help literature, I'm trying to help you.

>> No.2572757

>yfw GRRM is going to die from a heart attack while fapping to the next ASOIF book while writing it

>> No.2572760

Funny, usually it's just the stormfags who care so little about their own position that they would rather embarrass themselves than engage in rational argument.

>> No.2572763

What if you're arguing about them?

>> No.2572764


No son. In the real world, you could have enormous untapped talent and genius, but if you wear KISS t-shirts and read Robert Jordan, nobody in this world will ever know, because they're not going to listen to you.

>> No.2572768


>Sensibility and taste have nothing whatsoever to do with rationality and logic.

What does it have to do with then?

>to get adult

What does being "adult" mean?

>> No.2572769


Nobody is embarrassed by you, only for you.

>> No.2572775


If one really has enormous talent and genius, and he shows it in some tangible manner, only the dumbest of the dumb will care about his KISS t-shirt and Wheel of Time collection.

>> No.2572779

I've never read any of GRRM's works and I don't intend to, but seeing the opposition accuse fans of being pedophiles and declaring that rationality is beneath him is pretty bad. I don't even want to be on the "fantasy is genre trash for children and man-children" bandwagon if that's what I'm going to have to associate myself with.

>> No.2572785


A developed palate, an acute awareness. Intellection, intuition, intellectual empathy; a grip as quick as instinct for following the contours of an idea. A developed capacity to make use of incomprehension and bafflement when they do occur - and for sure they occur, they're useful to the writer - and a capacity to pay attention which can only be developed the way a muscle is developed - with use, over time, and with committed effort. Among a thousand and one other things.

>> No.2572787


No, that isn't, and never has been, how the world works.

>> No.2572789


So is there a way to show how enjoying ASoIaF is in "bad taste"?

>> No.2572792


This is a lie. You know I haven't said rationality's beneath me, you're just hoping nobody sees that post before they read yours. Of course you're a GRRM fan, the giveaway is the 'bandwagon' line. It's literally beyond your capacity to imagine a nice neutral commentator who doesn't like GRRM.

>> No.2572793


I don't see what those have to do with each other. You seem to be trying hard.

>> No.2572795

Here's a little tidbit for y'all:

If there are aesthetic facts, then good writing can be automated.

If it can be automated, then the true leaders in the literary field are mathematicians and engineers.

Who read GRRM!

Ha, ha.

>> No.2572796


You and I may have different ideas of what having such talent and genius entails.

And it certainly is the case now with the world wide web and the astonishing speed at which anything that is truly amazing can spread.

>> No.2572798


No, again, you're still thinking of discourse as algebra by other means. Show to whom? Teacher?

>> No.2572800


Am I reading this correctly? Do you really have nothing more substantial to say about this issue other than "hey guys, stop reading ASoIaF, it's bad for you mmm'kay"?

>> No.2572804


Ah, is this what you were bursting to post all the time, and finally decided to despite >>2572756 >>2572785 and >>2572792? It doesn't work, because I didn't say what you, bereft of imagination, assumed I would. There's nothing you can do to escape your despised status.


No, that's not really true either. Sooner or later you will have to wash and leave the house. Even if you do it all online, which sites? Do you know how to speak their language? No, there is no shortcut to credibility.

>> No.2572808


If you really thought that was the case, you wouldn't be trying so hard to convince yourself I'm not worth listening to. The substance of what I've said bears no resemblance to that characterization.

>> No.2572820


Anything that is demonstrably amazing enough will go viral.

If it's an invention then all you have to do is contact the patent office.

I don't know what you're thinking of when we're speaking of something "amazing done by a genius with enormous talent" but it sure as hell isn't some obscure poetry collection with a style never seen before. I have higher standards for "genius".

>> No.2572826


No it won't, no you don't, and no you don't.

>> No.2572829
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Trying to get you to say ANYTHING useful about the series itself is like pulling teeth. Jesus christ.

>> No.2572834
File: 7 KB, 229x251, 1333553602405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2572840


What use do you have in mind?

>> No.2572843

Come on, I explained how sensibility and taste works, the least you can do is explain what use you had in mind.

>> No.2572846


Anything that these poor "neckbeards" could use to change their ways.

Or if you have anything to say about ASoIaF itself, although it's pretty clear at this point you are not familiar with the books.

>> No.2572855


Well firstly, there's nothing in the series that can help people stop reading them. You know where to find the lists of great books; I can tell you about my recherché favorites but that would just be ego-flexing for me; at present you should probably start on the central writers, whose names are no secret: Dostoyevsky, Flaubert, James, etc.

Secondly, read >>2572655 and >>2572663 in that order. I've been clear from almost the beginning.

>> No.2572861


Considering he is 63 years old and has 2 relatively big books left to write, there's a chance he may not get to finish the series. If this does happen, it'll be master trolling.

>> No.2572866


Why should these neckbeards do that? To stop what they're doing right now needs not only an answer to what they should be doing instead, but why doing that instead of what they're doing right now is better.

>> No.2572890


Well, one of the reasons is already clear to you, or you wouldn't be saying 'these neckbeards' now instead of 'I'. Because you know it's better, and if you know it's better, it's time you did it instead - perhaps it's long been time. But putting that aside, as for the other reasons, the problem is that to test whether or not I'm right, you'll have to read those books. I can rave about my favorites, but the operative decision, as with giving up drinking, must be yours. I could talk about how there's no character in fantasy to match the weirdness and terrible familiarity of Kohler in The Tunnel; I can tell you that no legendarium has ever been as vertiginous and exciting as the quotidian urban world becomes in Women and Men. I could tell you that what GRRM added to fantasy can be found in a more rewarding and challenging form in Gorky's Lower Depths, De Sade, and the later Hawkes. Or that no defense of virtue in Tolkien comes near to what Dostoyevsky achieves in - well, any given book. But this is just me telling you a bunch of stuff you can only know for sure by reading the books. The most convincing thing I can do is what I have done; shown you that among adults, your current position is untenable. You know too much to stop yourself from growing.

>> No.2572892

>inb4 that picture about reading bad literature is like poison or whatever

>> No.2572901


>I could talk about how there's no character in fantasy to match the weirdness and terrible familiarity of Kohler in The Tunnel

1) I don't see how there's anything inherent in the fantasy genre to prevent that. A horde of shitty fantasy writers != the genre itself is somehow worse than others. It forgives badness better than most, I'd say, because all you have to do is slap in some cliches and you might have a hit series. But writers being bad and unimaginative retards does not mean there is something inherent in the genre that prevents greatness.
2) I doubt you've read enough fantasy to make such a claim

>The most convincing thing I can do is what I have done; shown you that among adults, your current position is untenable

I doubt the majority of adults give a shit what books you enjoy reading, in fact, just telling the average adult your hobbies include reading is seen as somewhat impressive. On average the people who care the most about this stuff is 18-25 year old English majors in universities who want to distance themselves from this fantasy reading rabble as much as possible.

>> No.2572902

>I could talk about how there's no character in fantasy to match the weirdness and terrible familiarity of Kohler in The Tunnel;
>I can tell you that no legendarium has ever been as vertiginous and exciting as the quotidian urban world becomes in Women and Men.
look at these opinions
>I could tell you that what GRRM added to fantasy can be found in a more rewarding and challenging form in Gorky's Lower Depths, De Sade, and the later Hawkes.
I can't hold all these opinions
>Or that no defense of virtue in Tolkien comes near to what Dostoyevsky achieves in - well, any given book.
All aboard the opinions train, choo choo

>> No.2572904

"Reading Dostoyevsky is preferable to reading GRRM because _________."

(in b4 our resident stormfag claims that the answer is too obvious for him to give, or that the people he's arguing with are too stupid to understand)

>> No.2572907


1. Read the books, then we'll talk.

2. Haven't you been paying attention?

3. Stop trying to make up reasons why it's okay for you to fail. It isn't. You can get away with it, sure, but that's not the same thing.

>> No.2572911


The point is, it doesn't matter what your opinion is of my opinions, because you ask society to hurt you. Stormfag doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.2572913

>that feel when I read fantasy and actual literature and enjoy them both and can still acknowledge that the lit is better than the fantasy in terms of writing, but that they're usually equally enjoyable and entertaining

>> No.2572914

OK /lit/, as I've gone to all this effort to save these people, and I'm still getting attitude from them, in future we just plain sage and spam the shit out of every GRRM thread, okay?

>> No.2572915


>you ask society to hurt you

So you rant because others' opinion of this opinion does not matter.

It isn't very well played.

>> No.2572916


It's a good feel. Especially when people tell you you can't have read enough fantasy if you think literature's better. In the immortal words of Gene Simmons: 'no, bitch'.

>> No.2572918


It's quite clear you're making the claim that there is something inherent in the fantasy genre that prevents greatness. I don't see how me reading anything has any relation to that claim.

>3. Stop trying to make up reasons why it's okay for you to fail

Fail at what?

>> No.2572921


It's not ranting, it's fact. I am genuinely indifferent to what you think of me, but if your best response to what I've written is 'but I really liiiike hiiiiiim', then you are storing up disappointment for yourself in this world.

>> No.2572922


In other words, you're bone-idle. Thank you for wasting my time the way you waste your parents'.

Fail at life, son. Fail at life.

>> No.2572923


It's ranting, and supported by logical fallacy (argument by assertion).

Where be the fact?

>> No.2572924


I have already told you how sensibility and taste work. I am the last person you'll encounter in your life who really gives a fuck about you. Bye bye.

>> No.2572926
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I like D&E better.

>> No.2572928

For those who give a fuck: >>2572768 >>2572785 and >>2572890.

>> No.2572933

"Masta, Masta," the young black shouted excitedly, "there's one of
them there mustees, I think, coming in the gate. Either that, Masta, or
they've got a white gentleman all chained and hobbled up just like a black
nigger somehow. I'se don't know what to make of it, Masta! You better
come out front, Masta, because none of us dumb niggers knows what's to do.
I'se can't tell the difference most of the time no how between one of those
mustees and a white gentleman, Masta, so you'se better come see for
yourself. He's in a coffle with about 18 others, Masta, being led by a Mr.
Peterson, that dealer from Jackson we do business with all the time. But I
don't see them mustees much, but I suppose Mr. Peterson knows what's he's
doing, yes sir, Masta."
The master, Mr. Stopes of the esteemed "Stopes & Carney, Esq.,
Livestock Dealers", slowly finished his morning coffee, placed the cup back
in its saucer, lifted his considerable bulk up out of the office chair, and
said, "God Almighty, Ganymede, cut all the damn clatter and stop telling me
what to do, you goddamn little nigger bastard. I tell you I'm going to whup
your black butt till it bleeds if I catch you telling me what to do one
more time. You're getting just too damn uppity for a damn nigger slave that
ain't worth what it cost to feed you. Now what's all this about a mustee?"

>> No.2572935


You have given nothing but assertions without solid case-related backing. Now followed by a sour grapes-flavoured bailing.

>> No.2572936

Ganymede looked somewhat chastised by all the admonishments, but
promptly lowered his deeply lashed dark eyes and said, "Masta, there's a
slaveboy out in the yard there that looks just like a white man, yessiree,
and if he IS a slave and not some white gentleman all chained up or
something, then his nigger blood sure doesn't show much, I'se don't
believe. Mayhap he be a cross between a quadroon and a white man or
something, but he sure don't show much of the nigger in him if he be a
slaveboy all right. You'se remember that octoroon wench we sold last
Spring to that gentleman up in Alexandria. Well, master, this slaveboy
whiter even than her, I swear's." Ganymede made his little speech as
contritely as he knew how and hoped he hadn't angered Mr. Stopes more than
he seemingly already ha

>> No.2572939

Not the guy you were quoting, I've actually read GRRM and think he's quite good for when one is in the mood to read something where one does not have to think but just be taken for a ride( a damn enjoyable ride at).
That said, Dostoevsky is my favorite author and the most thought provoking fiction writer I've ever read( opinions).
Why someone would read one rather than the other comes down to why we read in the first place. A guy who reads for pure escapism and for taking a break from the dreary realities of life might choose fantasy, but someone who reads fiction to get introduced to new ideas or even things you already thought but never articulated yourself would prefer Dostoevsky.
That's no reason for serious readers to bash fantasy readers because their reason to read is not the same as yours.

>> No.2572942

Now, what you may begin to notice, if you're a quick reader, is that you are not going to be able to discuss GRRM at any time on /lit/.

>> No.2572938


"Look, Conrad," Mr. Peterson addressed his longtime business
associate, "you don't really think I'd chain up a white gentleman now do
you. No sir, Conrad, this is a genuine guaranteed mustee from up around
the Delta region in central Mississippi. I bought him off some poor old
white trash up there - that's the only slave they had to sell - and they
wasn't very talkative about where he came from. I suggested to them that
he was probably a bastard pup out of some master fiddling around with his
octoroon gal or something and ended up near pure white. But eventually the
man selling him to me told me it was worse than that. I fed him a little
corn likker and he told me he was given to them as a baby about 20 years
ago by one of the house slaves up on one of the big plantations up there on
the Delta. Turned out, the mistress of the plantation was a fairly young
widow woman who'd been fooling around with some of the bucks on the
plantation. Seemed she just couldn't keep her hands off them and she
didn't seem to give a shit what people would say about it - just sort of
kept to herself on that big old plantation and just did what she damned
pleased. He said one of her regular bed bucks was a big, strapping
octoroon slaveboy she'd bought down here at this very spot.

>> No.2572943

I haven't bashed anyone. I've tried to help them. That is now at an end.

>> No.2572945

She'd no
sooner got him home than she was bedding him down right regular and before
too long, she found herself knocked up as big as any wench in the barns.
Well, he claimed she tried her best to get rid of it, but all attempts
failed, and so she just up and birthed the little bastard who was born as
white as the driven snow. But she didn't want to keep it around because it
raised too many questions due to its high color and all and she'd been a
widow far too long to claim it as her own, so she had her maid give it to
us to raise and sell when it got growed. That's what he claimed anyway. A
pretty sorry story if you ask me, but that's what happens when our Southern
women don't have the protection of men around. And, you know, those
slaveboys are always going to despoil any of our pure white woman any
chance you give them, yes sir. Sometimes I think we should just castrate
the whole bunch of them, horny as they are all the time," and he spit into
the ground for emphasis. "At any rate, after looking him over good, I'm
sure he's got traces of nigger blood in him, all right, so I bought him
from that white trash for a decent price considering the circumstances, and
brought him down here with the coffle for you to sell at a big profit if
you can find the right situation for a oddity like that."
"What made you believe a cockamamie story like that," Mr. Stokes
countered. "I'm sure things like that happen often enough, but usually you
just get rid of the git so there's no evidence one way or the other. Why
would you give a baby away that could stain your reputation and all?
Sounds mighty unlikely to me - especially if the widow were young and rich
as you claim."

>> No.2572947

"I admit I was leery at first, but when you look this one over, I
think you'll see the nigger in him, just like I did. But one thing that
puzzles me, though" Josh continued, "is that this mustee doesn't seem to
have much slave training in him at all. He's always protesting and
carrying on like he don't think he's a slave at all. All I can figure out
is that white trash just raised him like his own son or something and
didn't consider he was a slave by blood and God's destiny."
Conrad snorted and said, "You telling me, Josh, you think this white
trash so hard up he's selling his own git after he'd growed 'em and trying
to pass his own white git off as a mustee? I've heard tell of it, of
course, but it sounds to me like he knew all along this mustee was a
slave. Maybe his own git all right, but most likely out of some nigger
wench he had ahold of back then or something. My guess is if he didn't own
any other slaves than this half-breed bastard he'd bred out of some bitch
Negress, he didn't know poop shit about managing a slave proper and just
brought him up free willed and wild as an willow. That's the way white
trash is. They don't know nothing about breeding and raising livestock or
crops or anything else. That's why they're always so damn poor they can't
even afford to feed themselves, let along buy them the help they need to
get ahead in this world," and Conrad tried to cover Josh's spit with his
own on that definitive statement.

>> No.2572951

"You get up close and you'll see those little tell-tale signs that no
nigger can hide," Josh answered. "There's a little hint of kink in that
curly blond hair of his and he ain't got much facial hair to speak of - at
least not as much as most white men have - and he got's just a trace of
yellow in the whites of those big blue eyes so I didn't let that fool me
either and although I don't see a trace of nigger in his nose, his lips are
quite puffy and pretty big for a white man - a lot bigger than most white
men's at least, and his ears are smaller than most white men I know. That
was enough proof for me initially, but what really proved it you've got to
see for yourself, Conrad."
"Well, we'll see. Nigger blood's hard to cover up, all right, and it
seems to be you've been able to see right through all that white blood in
him to the nigger he really is," Conrad said in a warm, confirming tone.
"But what's all this proof that will convince everyone he's a nigger deep
down inside?"

>> No.2572953

"Come see for yourself," Josh said, and led Conrad back into the
unshaded yard where the coffle had stopped but where the slaves now stood
shed of what little covering had been on them on their long journey to New
Orleans. The mustee was struggling in his chains and trying to yell but
he'd been gagged effectively and all you could hear out of him were some
muffled shrieks and wild-eyed looks. "See," he said, pointing to the
mustee's genitals with their fine light covering of blond hair. "Ever see
anything like that on anything but a nigger, Conrad?"
Conrad stared a long time, went up and hefted the sexual apparatus for
a better look and after carefully weighing the ball sac and the penis in
the palm of his hand, said "By God, Josh, you're dead right about this
nigger. No one but a nigger could be hung like that. That nigger blood
will show every time, even though this nigger boy could probably pass for a
human if it wasn't for this horse dong of his giving it all away. Lord,
almighty, just think, Josh, he could cover that monstrosity up with some
fancy clothes and pass himself off in decent society as a white man if it
hadn't of been for you and I. Thank God we've got him right where he
belongs now - at an auction barn for nigger stock. No chance of him
passing himself off to decent folk as human now," and he hugged Josh warmly
in a gesture of self-congratulation.

>> No.2572960

A slave who wasn't black had to be "made" black one way or another to
justify his or her slave status. The way to do this was label him a
"mustee" which meant, a white black. This would suggest the white had some
black in him somehow and therefore justified that white being a slave. A
careful search of the slave's physique and physiology usually managed to
reveal traces of Negro blood in them. These traits were usually hints of
features typical of many blacks such as kinky hair, thick lips, wide flat
noses, and "yellowed" eyes. Blacks were also thought to have bigger builds
and larger muscular structure than whites which demonstrated their draft
animal status. Similarly, blacks were thought to be simple-minded, even
childlike, in their mental abilities, not unlike most other domestic
animals. Blacks' sexual organs were also thought to be comparatively
larger, more comparative to animals such as horses than humans (whites),
reflective of their animalistic sexual lust which generally had to be
controlled one way or another.

>> No.2572969

I'm don't read fantasy myself, but the people spamming in these these threads are making me sad. Why would one go through all this trouble to stop others from enjoying what they want.

You are the scum of humanity.

>> No.2572981
File: 14 KB, 525x397, JamesJoyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So thins George RR Martin likes feces?

>> No.2572998
File: 279 KB, 890x890, image..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he doesn't have a scat fetish. The paragraph OP quoted is one paragraph in a book as large as all three Lord of the Rings trilogy combined.
So what you're saying is that smart people follow social norms? How wrong you are, sir, how wrong you are
So you hate the book, you say stupid things about, but you haven't read it? That's like a virgin saying "Yeah man, pussy is great", or a politician talking about honesty. You're argument, and for that matter, the argument of everyone else who hasn't read the book their bashing, is void, because you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.2573007

No, I know what stormfag means. If you can be confident enough to say that GRRM's fans are pedophiles, I can say that someone with a pathologically authoritarian interest in the entertainment habits of others very likely spends the rest of his time whining about 'shitskins' in /pol/.

>> No.2573009


A white possessing any of these features could easily be accused of
being a black in disguise and therefore most whites were very careful to
flaunt their exclusive white traits at every opportunity and hide those
traits that might be associated with blackness. White women avoided the
sun at all costs to avoid risking any skin darkening possibilities and face
powders and other makeup was always as white as possible. Light colored
hair and blue or green eyes, highly unusual among blacks, was seen as the
ideal standard and much admired. Among white men, excessive muscular

>> No.2573015

>Why does he grow a beard even though he can't really grow one?
Because he has eight chins that he's trying to hide with that disgusting "beard".
>Why does he wear that dumb hat?
He's balding. He looks worse with it off.
>Why doesn't he buy glasses that weren't owned by my grandfather?
He's sixty-two. I'm sure he's as old as your grandpa
>Why does he wear suspenders?
I don't know. He looks ugly, so how could it make him look worse.
>Why are his teeth so ugly and discolored?
I never noticed that. The pubebeard covered it up, I guess

>> No.2573019
File: 179 KB, 1464x804, Opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>superior logic behind your opinion

>> No.2573022

On thing my old Master had taught me whether he wanted to or not. He
taught me what pleasure was all about and my inclinations to seek my
pleasures with men every chance I get has stayed with me throughout my
adult life. My problem is, I was born to be a master, I guess, in that I
want to be the one getting sucked and doing the fucking instead of the
other way around that had usually characterized my life as a slaveboy in
New Orleans.. But up North, you couldn't just order someone to your bed
when the whim hit you like the Southerners had enjoyed for years. But I
knew my time would come!. I took advantage of every minute in my old
Master's house and those boys' throats and asses were probably chronically
sore from all the use I got out of them, let alone the use I put them to
loaning them out to my other Union friends who appreciated having such
bodies available for their pleasure. Since post-war New Orleans was
changing fast, within months I set up a brothel available to all who could
afford the fees with my newly acquired fancyboys "hired" on as staff for
room, board, and a set of "going-out" clothes.

>> No.2573024

Technically the "fancyboys"
weren't property anymore but "employees" - it was all legal and no one
asked where they came from. The "boys" loved it - it was the security and
direction they needed in their lives and their familiar duties of offering
up their bodies for other's pleasure were all they knew in their lives
anyway. And they knew they were lucky in those chaotic days to get food
and shelter under any circumstances. Most of all, they appreciated a
strong "Master" in their lives. Experience on the other side makes the
best masters of all, my boys tell me, and they seldom try to shirk their
responsibilities or resist any requests made of them because they know I'll
see right through them having been a slaveboy myself.. I never have told
my mustee boy who his sire probably was. It'd just get him all excited
about serving stud and those days of slavebreeding are over now, I expect.
My wealth grows daily so there is no need for financial worries now or in
the future - my boys are young enough to have years of usage left in them -
and the last sold slave in New Orleans is moaning away in as I plow into
his muscular ass for the third time today.

>> No.2573027
File: 19 KB, 220x256, 1333431170264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all opinions are equally logical

Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

>> No.2573034

A mutual friend told me my old Master, the French dandy, was now
living in San Paulo with his two favorite slaves he taken from New Orleans
and eight new boys he picked up in the Brazilian slavemarts. And, he
reported with a twinkle in his eye, those Brazilian fancyboys are decked
out in red silk pantaloons that you can see right through, bare chests with
ringed nipples, brass collars around their necks , and bare feet whenever
they accompany their Master outside the house. Some things never change!


Curious about: enforced bedtime, "and, why isn't your face between my legs?", "beginning to regret your misbehavior?", "don't be afraid...", "don't try to run, i can keep up with you", "look me in the eye while i'm hurting you", "looking like a jack vettriano print.", "the look" that tells you in no uncertain terms that you have crossed the line and earned a spanking, 'you don't touch master, master touches you.', ...just shut me up and fuck me already., 1 girl and lots of guys, 1930's-40's life style, 1940's fashion (watching others wear), a bond so unique and strong it's undefinable, a boot between my legs, a crop in one hand, and scotch in the other, a gorgeous incubus ravaging me, a predatory grin that says "run, i dare you!", a treat is what *i* say is a treat. bend over, abusive hate sex, abusive relationship roleplay, abusive relationships,

>> No.2573038

ITT I learn that anti-fantasy people are not actually a superior elite breed at all, as I previously assumed, and are actually just pseudo-intellectual scum.

>> No.2573042
File: 104 KB, 512x512, Wut da Zog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not data-based facts
>arguing about someone else's literary tastes or lack thereof

Do you know how many miles the point flew over your head by?

>> No.2573043

abusive yet loving relationships, addiction fantasy, anal fingering, anal sex (receiving), anal training, ass-raped while eating from a dog bowl, balls slapping against my clit (doggy style), barbed wire, bath time with daddy, bear people, beast play, beastial, animalistic sex (humans only), bedtime it is, for you, young lady. now, being a cuntboy, being beaten into dissociation and then brought back tenderly, being better than you because i'm into bdsm, being bratty until you get fucked into submission, being called 'my boy' in a masterful way, being called a "faggot", being conditioned to cum on command, being controlled with a fist in my hair, being drugged and used, being experimented on by an insane doctor, being fed cum, being forced into diapers, being forced to be a boy & roughly wanked off, being forced to swallow masters cum,

>> No.2573044

There is a world of difference between an opinion and an argument, and if you can't tell the difference then you should keep yours to yourself.

>> No.2573045


Look, that's not going to work.

>> No.2573049

obedience training (receiving), otk spanking (receiving), pegging, pegging during petplay, poking a sadist with the brat stick, prostate massage, psychiatrist/patient roleplay, rimming, sadistic doctors, scarification (everything to do with it), scent marking, scientist/subject roleplay, scientist/test subject, screams igniting the inner beast, seeing how far i can go before i get the look and tone that turns me to jelly, sex on an operating room table, sir ubermasterdomlydom, sitting at his feet with my head on his thigh, slowly feeding my cock into her mouth whilst keeping eye contact (receiving), snarling in your ear while i violate you, sodomy, spoils of war, stockholm syndrome training, strap-ons, struggle futily getting wetter as he laughs, telling her she's a good girl while i use her, tenderness after a hard beating, that sexy little glimmer in a sadist's eye when he knows he's hurt me..., the art of war, the smell of him, his leather & his cigar, theinen, threats of impending punishment, turned into a nazi sex slave, uniforms worn by history's despised regimes, verbal humiliation, degradation & punishment, vet/pet, watersports, wet kissing with a mouthful of blood, writing on the body, you can still walk? then we're not done., your hand over my mouth to silence my moans.

>> No.2573052


Literature is data. Unless you're an idealist fag, logic should be the supreme guide in discussions about literary taste, especially when sweeping claims about them affecting your life drastically are added like itt.

>> No.2573053

Into: "can you shut the fuck up about vampires?", "cum for me, girl" whispered in my ear, "do. as. you. are. told.", "enough. now come here..", "good god, will this list never end???", "i'm proud of you" (receiving), "oh i'm sorry, did that hurt?", "relax, i'm hilarious.", "strap-on." backwards is "no-parts.", "trust me, i'm a doctor", "you belong to me" whispered in my ear, 'being forced into addiction' play, 1940s nazi household, 3rd reich uniforms (watching others wear), a blend of psychology & extreme violence, a good sense of humour, a home is not a home without a waggily hello, a kinky mind with a wicked sense of humor, a knock on the door by the gestapo, a man who knows how to take control, a man with a commanding presence, a nice big cup of shut the fuck up., a smack on the ass and being told to be still, a smack on the butt and the word behave, a strong dom with a tender touch, a voice that calms, comforts and reassures, abduction (receiving), abuse of authority, adding "in bed" to the end of fetishes, affection, aftercare, age difference, age play (everything to do with it), ahren kaltherzig, all is fair in love and war, always adding fetishes, always gonna be kinky, an older man & his boy coercive relationship, an older man dressing me, androgyny, any kind of roleplay with michael fassbender, at his feet with his fingers in my hair, avoiding drama, bacon, bandages,

>> No.2573055


People like this should be sent to China.

>> No.2573056


>a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter

This is the definition of opinion I'm using, if you don't think there are levels of how logical such a thing can be you should hang yourselves.

>> No.2573057

bathing together with sir, being a wardog, being a wordsmith, being adored, being an industrial punk at heart, being asked a question, turning my head away and dropping my eyes, then master grabbing my chin, and forcing my eyes to meet his..., being asked for my papers, being at the mercy of my sir, being called "pet", being called 'hund', being called 'panzer', being called pet names in foreign languages, being chained by my collar to master's bed., being cooed and shushed with a smirk, being creative, imaginative, and open-minded, being devoured by your eyes from across the room, being dominated by someone who has a mental strength that doesn't cower to my intelligence, but conquers it, being forcibly impregnated by a nazi officer, being fucked in front of a swastika, being grabbed by the chin, gently or not, being hugged by strong safe arms, being humiliated by michael fassbender, being kidnapped by nazis, being kissed softly on the forehead by my sir, being leashed to master's belt, being manipulated, being marked with a swastika, being molested on a doctors table, being more complex than an anonymous list of fetishes could show, causing people to have to actually converse with me, finding out if they like *me* and not just what gets me off. (everything to do with it), being overpowered by a man twice my size, being pushed up against a wall, being put in my place, being submissive ≠ being brainless, being taken as spoils of war, being talked to/yelled at in german, being the last straight person on fetlife, being the little boy that men molest, being too smartassed for my own good, being trained in a foreign language, being turned into a depraved animal,

>> No.2573060


Do you have anything of substance to say?

Or are you committing buttsuicide?

>> No.2573062

being twisted and a kinky f*cker, being yours to be abused, biting (everything to do with it), black leather gloves, blackmail/coercion play, blindfolds (everything to do with it), bondage (receiving), boycotting michael fassbender's clothes, brainwashing, breeding like animals (everything to do with it), bruises, business suits (watching others wear), chewing on extension cords, claws, collar and lead/leash (everything to do with it), collars (wearing), concentration camp play, connecting on a deeper level, consequences for bad behavior, crying (watching), daddy worship, daddy's face when i say "you can't make me.", daddy/girl, daddy/vatti teaching me dirty words, deep prostate milking/cock jerkoff (watching), dilf, dog ears and a tail (non-insertable), domination (receiving), don't like my ϟϟ fetish? block me, down with narcissistic characters!,

>> No.2573067


drama free kink, dressing as a kitten, being dragged down a tree and raped by a were wolf, dubstep so brutal it damn near kills you, emotional conflict, enforced total dependency, entropy, erotic paintings of jack vettriano, expecting the spanish inquisition, facefucking...mmm...facefucking..., fighting the forces of evil with dubstep, filthy perverts who are also good people, flogging and fucking to rammstein, forced to say dirty talk while being fucked, forced worship of the reich, fucking while (almost) fully clothed (everything to do with it), gas masks (everything to do with it), gay m master/straight m slave, gay sex (watching), gentle and dark intimacy that feels violating, genuine and deep submission, the heartfelt kind that comes from trust, respect, lust, and mental and emotional connection, german accents, german expressionism, german industrial music, german language makes me cum, german men, german uniforms, gestapo, gestapo/resistance, getting doritoes as a treat, gloved fingers forced in mouth, gloved fingers shoved in my mouth, growling in my ear in german, growly/husky, oh so manly, voices, guard dog service, hair pulling (receiving), handcuffs (receiving), handsome older men, hanging out with kinky folk., having a nazi/ss/gestapo master, having heard of the bear jew, having the best fetish list ever, hearing 'good girl' after being used as a complete and total vessel for nothing more than his pleasure - even if i asked for it in the first place and hate being treated like an object lol,

>> No.2573072

hearing that voice in my ear - soothing - threatening - teasing - coaxing, heil sexineϟϟ, her at my feet with my fingers in her hair (receiving), his boot pinning me down, his hand under my chin, hooking my fingers around his collar (receiving), hosing kitty cats with cold water, human dog, human/dog dynamics, hunting and fucking like animals, i do apologise, i'm a very kinky individual, i say "no" but i mean "yes, if you make me", incest play (everything to do with it), indoctrination, indulging my inner brat with men who can check it, industrial music, industrial/abandoned/war-torn environments, intelligence, intelligent conversation, laced with wit, subtlety, humour and mutual satisfaction, intense angst, interrogation (receiving), inu boys, inu girls, it puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!, it's all about the struggle, jaw lines that make me wet, jesus died because he forgot his safe word, k9, kink.com, loli-shota molestation, lolicon, loving how kinky i am, lycans, making a straight guy suck another guys cock,

>> No.2573076

male authority (receiving), male incubus seduction and dominance, male on male rape, male sluts, marking the flesh as a reminder, men in uniforms, men who are possessive and protective, men who growl, men with teeth like a shark, men with tools fixing shit all manly like, michael fassbender, michael fassbender as an incubus, michael fassbender as magneto, michael fassbender being a sex addict, michael fassbender forcing me into sex, michael fassbender kidnaping me, michael fassbender speaking german, military boots, military interrogation (receiving), military menswear, military officers, military uniforms (everything to do with it), mind fucks (everything to do with it), mr s leather, music that fucks my mind into ribbons, music that makes you disassociate, mutual addiction, mutual obsession, muzzles for safety reasons, my boot on your neck as you lay in the dirt (receiving), my sir moaning, nazi black wool greatcoats, nazi dinosaurs,

>> No.2573079

nazi fetish & roleplay, nazi roleplay, nazi uniforms, nazis, not being meek, personalityless or boring, not describing myself as a 'curvy woman', not giving a shit about the local scene and living my fetish life the way i damn well please, nurturing/sadistic mindfuck, oberstrumbanführer heinrich nadel, older men for younger men, older men fucking younger boys, orgasm control (everything to do with it), owner/schutzhund, oxymorons, padlocks, partially clothed during sex (watching others wear), patrick bateman, penetrate me with your eyes, petplay (everything to do with it), piercings (everything to do with it), pinned to the floor by your boot, ppppfftt is brat for "i love you", praise while gagging/choking on cock, praising you whilst making you gag on my cock (receiving), protecting: guard dog style, psychological manipulation, psychological sadism, puppy play, puppylike gnawing of ears, pushing you to see if you mean it, raptor play, reading my own fetish list and getting horny, role play (everything to do with it), role play: military with guard dog play, rough hands all over your body, running fingers through hair, sadism laced with tenderness (receiving), scent (everything to do with it), schutzhund play, schutzstaffel, schutzstaffel uniforms, scruffy men, sensory deprivation (everything to do with it), sex and violence, sharp teeth (everything to do with it), shaving with a straight razor (watching), short girls tall men,

>> No.2573082

short hair, sick fucks, sitting at your feet like a good girl, smoking a pipe in a comfy chair (watching), smoky breathe through a jaw of sharp teeth, smooth, deep male voices speaking german, snapping fingers to get my attention, sorry, it's a nazi thing., spanking (everything to do with it), ss fetish, ss officer interrogation, ss officer's caps, ss uniforms, steel toe boots with tons of buckles, zippers, and straps, stockholm syndrome, straight guy getting sucked off by a gay guy, struggle play, studying serial killers & similar related things, swastikas, swearing never to watch twilight, taboo relationships, take it... take it..... good girl.........., talking dirty (everything to do with it), tape , teacher/student, telling her she is a good girl (receiving), that looks that says "you are mine", the filthy bass thrums of dubstep, the look in his eyes that says "come to me", the male body, the more fucked up, the better, the predatory look, the sounds men make, the totenkopf and ss runes,

>> No.2573083

> yfw the porn copypasta makes this 1000000000 times more interesting than any other grrm thread

>> No.2573084

>Something that can be argued

HEY /lit/!

Apparently you can debate opinions, even though the opposing view most likely won't change to suit your own!

Let's all debate opinions now!

>> No.2573087

the victim of a creative yet filthy mind, this isnt a game, its who i am, threats/intimidation, three piece suits, tredding on the heads of slaves like a boss, undress me with your teeth, not your eyes, uniform worship, using doritoes as a form of torture, violating the innocent (everything to do with it), werewolf rape, whispering softly in a low, menacing voice this close to your ear and making you so hot you can't stand it any longer (receiving), without you i'm nothing, worshipping daddy, worshipping the male body, writhing in his arms and struggling as he whispers everything he's going to do in my ear, ww2 german roleplay, ww2 uniforms, you are in so much trouble young lady, your inner beast and mine, 卐卐 ϟϟ 卐卐 ϟϟ 卐卐 ϟϟ 卐卐 ϟϟ.

>> No.2573090

Congratulations, anti-fantasy stormfag, you ruined a thread because you got butthurt about not being able to articulate a decent argument, even when reaching for fruit so low as criticizing pulp fantasy.

>> No.2573093

The king's voice was choked with anger. "You are a worse pirate than Salladhor Saan WHO I BUGGERED'

After one of the longest and most powerful butt fuckings that I'd ever
received, Mike cradled me in his strong arms like a baby as he walked us
over to the leather sling positioned in the middle of the room. I almost
cooed into his thick neck as his probing digits found their way into my
puffy hairy asshole. Through the ass opening of my soiled jockstrap, and in
simple circular motions, Mike soothed my exposed pulsing rectal canal with
the last drops of my creamy escaping cum, spit and piss cocktail. He gently
finger fucked my swollen ring, causing more butt spunk to flee my puckered
hole. Audibly rude noises accompanied the slimy mess. Some were long,
rumbling farts that rode loose strings of anal secretions and others were
quick puffs of air that were silent but deadly.

>> No.2573097

These vehemently anti-fantasy knobheads are just insecure teenagers who desperately need to prove something to themselves. I say this as someone who's never even read any fantasy besides LotR and a few kid's books when I was young.

>> No.2573099


Damn right you can debate opinions, your weak argument is that it shouldn't be done because "changing the opposition's mind is hard". Implicitly, you say it shouldn't be done because /lit/ is too lazy or stupid.

>> No.2573100


After one of the longest and most powerful butt fuckings that I'd ever
received, Mike cradled me in his strong arms like a baby as he walked us
over to the leather sling positioned in the middle of the room. I almost
cooed into his thick neck as his probing digits found their way into my
puffy hairy asshole. Through the ass opening of my soiled jockstrap, and in
simple circular motions, Mike soothed my exposed pulsing rectal canal with
the last drops of my creamy escaping cum, spit and piss cocktail. He gently
finger fucked my swollen ring, causing more butt spunk to flee my puckered
hole. Audibly rude noises accompanied the slimy mess.

>> No.2573104



>> No.2573107


Of course you can you fucking moron. I don't see how the opponent being stubborn has anything to do with it though.

>> No.2573108

I could feel the icky brown liquid run from my abused hole down my inner
thighs. The smell was rank but it kept my dick hard. Now the stench and
sights that would've grossed me out just a few short months ago give me the
hardest super erections of my entire life.

My anus sucked Mike's fat fingers in and out using the greasy sludge as
lube. First one, then two and finally three of his fingers entered me and
fucked me harder and harder like a chunky dick. His fingers have thick
knuckles that sent a shot and shiver up my spine with each entry and
exit. Mike was deep digging in my hole and stretched my butt pussy to its
limits. I knew I'd still be feeling this fuck days later.

>> No.2573112

One of the interesting things about GRRM is, even I was amazed at how hungry my shithole still was after being banged
for so long by so many. There is nothing in the world better than having a
multitude of strange raw dicks pound the living shit out of your anus,
except taking the cum from all of those dicks as they bareback your faggot
asshole. At the fuck and dump party, I did just that. One by one guys of
all types lined up to hard fuck me and inject sperm in my rectal cavity. I
accepted and begged for as much natural cock as I could get and wouldn't
let go until each deposited a load of slimy spooge up my more than willing
trench. I took great pride in my power bottoming.

>> No.2573114

I pushed my pink sphincter out, allowing Mike better access to my fuck
box. Mere moments earlier he, and then Rick, was deep fucking my fat brown
ass for all that I was worth with his large bald cock, and I took it like a
motherfucking MAN! He reamed by butthole balls deep and I begged for more.
I was still feeling spent and over worked but had a very strong desire to
finally release my own nut while being screwed yet again. But I knew that
it'd be a long time before I'd be allowed that solemn discharge.

Rick and Mike's play room was chocked full of toys for boys and the sling
was the shining star of their collection. My ripe asshole was beyond
sore. I had that full, painful after fuck glow that only comes after an
intense fuck session riding huge dicks on a mission to rip up some tight
ass. Mike stripped me of my soaked jock and placed it around his burly
neck before tenderly placing me in the sling. He hooked my naked feet in
the accompanying stirrups. Mike also took one quick lick of my toes and
jerked on his dick to get it back up to full 9 inch mast.

>> No.2573116

I relaxed on the cool leather as my crack was once again gaping and
exposed for all to see. Without my mesh athletic supporter, my junk was on
display just as much my grubby butthole. Surprisingly, I felt wet and naked
for the first time all night. I was wearing nothing more than a heavy metal
cock ring and a yellow split ball stretcher; gifts from Rick that made my
uncut cock and nuts swell heavy with blood. I had a painful erection that
arched toward the ceiling and a case of blue balls that ached at the
thought of being touched. The throbbing felt wonderful as I pulled on my
nuts and yanked my dick. I asked myself how I ever lived without daily
torturing my cock and balls.

I watched with horniness as Mike sucked the piss and pre cum out of my
nasty ball holder. It's an old thread bare jock that's never seen the
inside of a washing machine but it has collected many loads of cum, piss
and ass juices; mine and other guys. He exhausted the fabric of all the
strange fluids and smells while "oinking" like the pig he is.

>> No.2573117

You're under 18 and your favourite book is like 1984 or To Kill a Mockingbird. Prove me wrong.

>> No.2573120
File: 64 KB, 333x500, HEHEHEHEHE!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hero's a blimp, and his face is pubes.


>> No.2573128


When I was being fucked seven ways from Sunday on the bean bag, I had to
rid myself of the numerous sticky loads of sperm and urine that were lodged
in my gut. After the move to the sling, I had the feeling that something
else, something darker, needed to be expelled from my colon too. As anyone
who has ever douched knows, after a bit of time shit will happen again. A
true pig like me would never douche with water, but Rick and Mike did give
me a few piss enemas straight from the tap. I knew that somewhere up there,
a new load of shit was mixing with their piss and determined to come out.

Rick walked over to a side draw and pulled out a bag of weed. It didn't
take long before we were playing puff-puff-pass with the grass. I let
myself get nice. Mike said he wanted me, and my ass, as relaxed as possible
but I was getting more boned as I got stoned. I think that pot is under
rated as a sex drug. A few totes and I get supper horny and want to stick
my fat dick up any ass I see. But the more I smoke, the more I want to get
fucked, so I smoked a lot, cuz I wanted to get fucked...a lot.

>> No.2573130
File: 12 KB, 215x211, I Came a Phant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somehow objective enough to be debatable

Okay then

>> No.2573131

From the corner of my eye, I saw Rick and his still hugely erect 11 inch
uncut pierced cock hand Mike a canister of Crisco. Damn, did their dicks
ever go down? His obscene penis and bound hairy scrotal sac led the way as
he walked across the room. His cock hood barely covered his 0g Prince
Albert but slippery strings of pre cum dripped like spit from his dick and
glistened in the light. That shit looked hot as hell! It was also a sign
that there was at least one more load of cum that needed to be drained from
his prostate. My dick got even harder watching his stud cock stroll past
me, remembering the taste of the cock cheese he produces and the dirty
shithole he keeps.

In passing, the two Latin hunks shared a nasty, spittle dripping, French
kiss before Rick was pulled in close by Mike. His burly chest and beer gut
met Rick's ultra toned torso in a firm embrace. Their hard cocks rubbed
against each other with the remnants of piss and cum sliding between
them. Pube to pube they frottaged with big paws grabbing and caressing as
many body parts as they could reach. This included Mike's hands finding
their way to Rick's knotty shithole. I could just imagine him finger
fucking Rick the same way he did me. If he was, then Rick was one lucky

>> No.2573135

"Oh fuck yeah Mike, play with my shithole. Show my butt some love." Rick
enjoyed the anal assault he was receiving and wanted more.

>> No.2573138


>> No.2573141

I'd never seen, or heard, anything like it. The loud nasty slurping sounds
echoed off the walls as spit dripped from Mike's balls onto the
floor. Rick's rough ballplay was an act of pure love making, pleasuring
Mike's gonads just before returning the favor of fingering his fucked
asshole. It'd been a few hours since the massive pounding our buttholes
took at the other party and the effects were still with us to varying
degrees but I was the only one of us who had been fucked again since. That
was definitely going to change.

Rick began to suck Mike's dick like a demon and finger fucked his nasty
trench with wild abandon. I figured that inside his smelly ditch still
resided at least 4 loads of cum that Mike was injected with at the fuck and
dump party. Earlier, I did my best to felch out every drop but he wasn't
having any of that. I guess Rick thought he'd have better luck. I watched 4
of Rick's fingers slip in and out of Mike's cavity, pounding away at his
hole releasing cum, shit and blasts of ass gas.

"That's right, suck my fag cock. Finger my butthole. Fuck yeah, I love it
when you slob on my knob and rape my smelly cunt. Damn, you give good
head." Mike loved getting his cock sucked and he wanted this one to last.

>> No.2573144
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1318877091793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you even see the definition of opinion I'm using?

>> No.2573145

"But don't waste that shit! Put that slime all over my cock and suck that
nasty shit off!" Mike continued with his instruction.

I've been on the receiving end of Rick's blowjobs and know that his
technique is major. He could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. I was
envious of Mike, but also of Rick. My asshole was tired, but my mouth was
just fine.

Me and my sore hole needed the break so I just chilled as Rick grooved on
Mike's swollen cock and finger fucked the shit out of him. Watching guys
fuck is a beautiful sight. Only a man knows how to please another man and
only a man can appreciate all of the natural bodily secretions and smells a
guy produces. It is an act of love and passion to share your filth with
another dude.

The constant smelly farts told me that Mike's shithole was wide open and
relaxed. Moans and groans of pleasure filled the room as Mike greased his
fingers, palm and forearm with Crisco.

>> No.2573146


Positions were quickly changed as Rick approached me and placed is foot
long smelly uncut dong in my face. The pungent funk of his cock hit me in
the nose and my mouth watered at the thought of sucking him clean
again. Drool and spit ran down my chin. After getting bareback gang fucked,
sucking a big fat dirty dick is the second best act in the world. Rick's
shining PA sparkled in the light and both balls gleaned with the slime of
pre cum. Rick had an angry red dick head that he stroked through his
cockhood. Teasing me, he pulled on his thick dick skin letting droplets of
pre cum drip and coat his spongy head. Somehow his mushroom corona
continued to grow in girth as he masturbated himself in my face.

The large ball stretcher forced his hairy nuts down into an obscene bubble
shape that looked menacing. But I still needed it. I opened my pig gullet
for his oral intrusion but instead he smacked my face with his jeweled dick
a few times. The full heft and weight of his cock struck both my cheeks a
few times before he forced his meaty dick into my mouth. I opened extra
wide to receive his monster chubby.

>> No.2573148

OK, at 200 I give you a break to stroke yourselves for fifty posts or so of absolutely nothing, before we take this baby on home.

>> No.2573150

My cheeks swelled as his cock bottomed out in my throat and struck my
tonsils with a violent force. Instinctively, I pursed my lips and performed
like the cock sucker I am, with full conviction. Soon I was spit shining
his cock. My saliva slid up and down his thick shaft. Rick's dick is so big
that sometimes I had no choice but to choke on its slime and vomit was
forced out of my stomach and onto his dick. I gagged as I tried to breathe
but refused to release my captive.

I also couldn't help but love the feeling of his piercing in my mouth. The
metal would hit my back teeth and make a "cling' sound. Between that and
pulling hard on it, almost to the point of pulling it out, Rick knew this
would be one of the best blow jobs he'd ever receive. He looked down at
Mike, who was lubing my butthole with Crisco and shit spit, and began to
tug on my nipples. He knew what was coming, and so did I.

>> No.2573154

In preparation I had been huffing a bottle of poppers. That and the pot
made my hole and my mind loose for a long session of fisting. Being deep
fucked by all the guys also helped. My shitter was gapping wide, exposing
the pink meat, and I was ready to take Mike's fist. This was the second
time that we were doing it but I had great trust in Mike. I also had Rick's
big dick to keep me company.

I let out a loud smelly fart of ass juices to let Mike know that I was
open and ready for him. Slowly and methodically, each finger entered my
rectum. I moaned at the separate penetrations but stayed calm and
relaxed. Within a few minutes I had taken all of Mike's fingers and was
approaching the curve of his thumb. This is always the hardest part for
me. His thumb is fat and meaty with a large protruding bone. But this is
also the most pleasurable part because I get to push out hard with my
shitter to allow his entrance. I sucked harder on Rick's cock and pushed
down on my rectum like I was taking a massive dump. This allowed Mike to
fuck me up to his wrist.

>> No.2573156

>serious literature

>can't defend self

>spams thread with gay porn

I already know that "serious" lit is a bullshit class signifier but it's fun to see elitists chimp out when the other guy won't back down

good show

>> No.2573164


Behold. "Bombtrack". White boy ebonics as congratulation for a schoolyard taunt, ended with more white boy ebonics.

The face of serious literature. Grown (maybe) men. Manchildren in the most literal possible sense, men who are acting like children.

Endz, indeed. Fuck America.

>> No.2574367


But you read fantasy... so nobody minds if you mind them.

>> No.2574427

I like to think that he's writing from his own experience. You know, with sodomy, rape, incest, and loose stools.