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/lit/ - Literature

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2571401 No.2571401 [Reply] [Original]

>was genius child born into idiot hick family
>start reading at early age, parents take me to some doctor and have me tested
> i read/wrote at highschool/college level by age 6
>never able to go to a special gifted school because family is too poor and i suck at most other subjects
>basically grow up on internet and playing video games, and spending time with people who did not share literary interests so i didnt read that much through adolescence
> senior year of highschool decide i dont want to be illiterate fuck like most people my age
>take class called 'writer's craft' (not sure if they have it outside my country), basically you write and read a variety of short stories/scripts/poems etc.
> get interested in writing and read some classics for class lord of the flies, of mice and men, some Shakespeare (didn't like him much though), bunch of poets
>teacher sees my potential, gives me his copy of 'heart of darkness'
>read synopsis on wikipedia, sounds interesting
>can't even get through first chapter

how the fuck do i fix this and not be a dumb fuck like most of the world

>> No.2571410

I think a smart person would be able to solve a simple problem.

>> No.2571415

How can you not get through Heart of Darkness? It's not a very hard read. Most fairly literate people could knock it out in an afternoon.

>> No.2571419

Have some /lit/core


>> No.2571417

you sound like a poor man's holden caulfield

>> No.2571422

>calls self genius

I stopped giving a fuck here.

>> No.2571423

I was in the same position as you OP. What I did was took autism tablets and stop believing I was innately smarter than every one else then I started to actually get smart

>> No.2571424

Your environment already made you retarded. I advise you to kill yourself or get a job with the police.

>> No.2571427

People who call themselves geniuses.....usually aren't geniuses.

>> No.2571429

Attention span, brah. You won't find much help for that here. Or from anyone else in your generation.

Also have you considered the idea that you might just not like the book? Pretty difficult to read something you find uninteresting.

I tried reading Finnegan's Wake. Put it down after maybe three pages. I'm not going to read something I don't particularly enjoy (and tbh understand) for appearances sake.

>> No.2571433


Did someone seriously upload the full text of IJ?

>> No.2571431

also, you're probably just an aspie

>> No.2571437

>thinks hes a genius because he read entry level literature
>someone gives him a less popular book
>hurr durr I need help

>> No.2571438

You could read an write at a high-school level by age 6, but you can't fucking read Heart of Darkness?

There's clearly something wrong with your story. Heart of Darkness is generally considered a high-school-level book.

You're either a liar or just not nearly as smart as you think you are. It's not a hard read.

>> No.2571440

>the books were assigned by the teacher
> not being able to read it has nothing to do with the books popularity

>> No.2571439


So true. If you think you're already smarter than everyone around you, your mind won't be open to what they have to teach you.

>> No.2571445

OP here.
Why are you telling me I'm not a genius?
You don't know shit about me and even if you did you wouldn't understand me. Now cool it with the HUUFFF DURR OP IS A RETARDED FAG HURR and do something useful for once.

>> No.2571447


Oh, I get it, OP was trolling.

But why?

>> No.2571449

We can only hope that's the case.

>> No.2571450

wasn't op because i'm op

>> No.2571453



>> No.2571456

No, I'm OP.

>> No.2571476
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>ITT: OP realizes he isn't special

>> No.2571502


>> No.2571522

>was average child born into shitty family
>could read/write by 6
>anti social fuck
>home schooled at 8
>parents stopped teaching me shit
>stole complete works of shakespeare from grandparents before at around 12
>would climb into attic to read shakespeare, byron, paradise lost, and smoke weed whenever i could
>vidya erry day
>interwebs erry day
>4 years later
>whole family are now avid readers

>> No.2571538

>was genius child raised by wolves
>could read on a college level while still in the womb
>have flaws that aren't my fault but everyone else's
>read every book ever written
>can't hold a job for some reason

>> No.2571559


>implying heart of darkness is as hard to read as Finnegan's Wake

lol what the hell are you smoking?

>> No.2571561

Oh. So people here don't realize that Heart of Darkness is a poorly written novella that pales in comparison to most other classics? These same people think that they're geniuses and that everyone else is dumb?

This is all very surprising. Keep the revelations coming, boys.

>> No.2571566

What is your problem with it? I found it to be a little overwhelming, but overall manageable. Just immerse yourself fully in the book. It's very informative concerning the nature of humanity and the absurdity of society.

My advice: Suffer with it until you get used to it.

>> No.2571572
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>> No.2571575

OP, what country are you in?

It sounds like "genius" for you guys is like 10th grade American high school level. Suck it up and learn to fucking read.

>> No.2571578


>Implying anyone in this whole thread ever said Heart of Darkness is good.

It's shitty, I sure as fuck didn't enjoy it, but it isn't like it was boring or difficult the way OP Is implying.

>> No.2571589


>raised by wolves
>while in womb


>> No.2571637

Hey OP, if it makes you feel any better, I thought Heart of Darkness was as boring as hell. Not everyone enjoys the same things. Get over yourself; just because you don't like Heart of Darkness doesn't mean you're a moron, it means you're not a Joseph Conrad fan.

>> No.2571791


I'm sorry, that is all I can do.

>> No.2571831

This is pretty good advice. Your attention span is like a muscle you have to work on. You LEARNED to have a short attention span, so you can unlearn it, though it takes effort. You have a very common problem, and many people come to /lit/ asking about advice. This is what I tell them.

1. Make a reading ritual for yourself. Find somewhere quiet (i.e. library, coffee shop, park, where ever) and pick it as your designated reading area. Don't bring any electronics with you. And bring snacks with you so you don't have to leave.

2. Do cardio exercises like jogging. This will help your brain function.

3. Don't beat yourself up. You'll have setbacks, but as long as your are persistent, you'll surprise yourself by how much your patience and reading ability pick up over the long term.

>> No.2571853

>I was born a unicorn
>I missed the ark but I could've sworn you'd wait for me
>I was born a unicorn
>I could have sworn you believed in me.
>Then how come all the other Unicorns are dead?
>We're the Unicorns. We're more than horses.
>We're the Unicorns and we're people too!

>> No.2571858

>how the fuck do i fix this and not be a dumb fuck like most of the world
If you have to ask...

>> No.2571907

Just watch Apocalypse Now.

>> No.2571924

go to /mlp/, horse

>> No.2571943

>can't read heart of darkness

Inflated sense of self worth methinks.

>> No.2571944

Charlie Sheen probably did more coke. Hunter was more of a Mescaline fan.

>> No.2571953


Charlie's done a fuckton of coke, but Hunter really went overboard on that shit too. It played a huge part in his mid-seventies decline. There's a pretty funny video around of him doing knuckles in some African hotel room, screaming about "lecherous wretches" and attacking the telephone.

>> No.2573647

Reading at a high school level in grade six does not make you a genius. I was doing that in grade 3. You are not a genius. Nor am I.

>> No.2573684
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>was genius child
>i suck at most other subjects
>can't even get through first chapter
since when did genius start to mean average, ADD-riddled twat?