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2570978 No.2570978 [Reply] [Original]

What are the most important texts on women ever written? What would be considered 'essentials' for the understanding of the whimsical sex?

>> No.2570981

>inb4 the second sex and other assorted feminist trash-literature

>> No.2570988

cook recipes

>> No.2570998

0/10 OP. We're all gay misogynists here.

>> No.2571010


This is true. I am, however, also a homophobe.

>> No.2571018

Mrs. Dalloway is a nice one

>> No.2571015


Apparently stupid faggots too.

>> No.2571022


you're already hopeless

>> No.2571028

I know you are, but what am I?

>> No.2571032

Second Sex
Manipulated Man
Sex and Character
On Women
Any Wollstonecraft

>> No.2571039
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not bad so far as technical manuals go

>> No.2571049


Anti-Hellenic idiot.

>> No.2571055

Schopenhauer on women,

>> No.2571059

Women want to be dominated in order to feel purposeful. The end.

>> No.2571065

you sound single.

>> No.2571070

op, as a respected scholar with a great pair of 2d gams once said, you can own the earth but still - all you'll own is earth until you can paint with all the colors of the wind. Exceptionally good books are a heaven-sent way to try to understand things that are completely outside your sphere of influence, but I rather doubt that there are any physical barriers preventing you from making friends with - at least just Getting To Know - a woman or three.

In b4 this thread is revealed to be yet another Original /r9k/ Diaspora Trojan thread.

>> No.2571093

What, does it upset you that I'm rollin in submissive pussy while you remain virgin?? Lol.

>> No.2571098

>submissive pussy
Eloquent name for your hand.

>> No.2571107

To the guy posing as me who made the submissive pussy comment>>2571093
I like your pirate style.

>> No.2571122

Anyone who says women are 'not' in fact the whimsical sex (whimsical referring to their thought processes) is a beta who is down on the same intellectual plane as them or a female.

>> No.2571133


Women on average have 10% less neurons than men. Yay.

>> No.2571138

That would mean they're probably better skilled.

>> No.2571147

I think the reason /lit/ tends to be more misogynistic than most is because when you have a huge intellectual boner you tend to view everyone as below you, and it so happens that even though most people are beings act and display themselves in accordance to trivial things, women tend to do so slightly more (ie. focusing on beauty and being physically desirable since that is the message they adopt from society)- while men tend to pursue more passionate interests at an earlier age if they submit to the notion that they are unattractive (most of the population for both sexes) as their looks will only take them so far--
tldr; to be esteemed by society is a result of various items, society telling women it is their beauty first and foremost, and they tend to largely adopt this

>> No.2571150


Excellent woman logic. Now go bake something.

>> No.2571151
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>dat grammar

>> No.2571155


The grammar is fine. Go bake something.

>> No.2571158

You're brain becomes more efficient as you practice a skill. That means you use less neurons to perform that skill. Unused neurons die.

Skills aren't good in and of themselves.

>> No.2571161


>Assuming women practice anything besides sucking dick and eating salad.

>> No.2571169

My point is they do those things more efficiently than you, sailor, through practice. The eating salad at least.

>> No.2571170

>Assuming less neurons used after acquiring a skill is equivalent to starting out with less neurons. Following this logic, retards are the most skilled people in all the land. Now go bake something.

>> No.2571177

Sorry, I meant more. 10% more on average.


>> No.2571184


Bah! IMPOSTOR! Who let you out of the kitchen? What a horrible, neglectful owner you must have.

>> No.2571192

So you're a butt-hurt virgin ?

>> No.2571196


Not at all. Excellent woman assessment of reality.

>> No.2571199

There's very reasonable arguments exploding with logic of why women, on average, are less intelligent and inferior to men. It just ruins it when stupid misogynists start crying 'get back to the kitchen,' seriously,

>> No.2571202

So why do girls do better at school, on the whole, compared to boys?

>> No.2571205


Show me some data. In fact, bake me a pie chart.

>> No.2571213

Google it.

>> No.2571221


Right after you Google yourself 10% more neurons. Oh what's that? Google's not a neurogenesis engine? I guess you're stuck. Now make yourself useful and YouTube some new recipes.

>> No.2571224

If this is true, you should note that studies in school are never corollary with intelligence but rather the degree of self-discipline the student has.
It wouldn't surprise me if women did slightly better than men in school (elementary and highschool mind you, not university) simply because they are pleasers. They live to please other people, and that doesn't make them more intelligent.

>> No.2571226

> What are the most important texts on women ever written? What would be considered 'essentials' for the understanding of the whimsical sex?

The best way to understand women is not to read literature written by women. If you want to understand women, and in general the sexes differ, you need to study evolutionary psychology. A good textbook is David M. Buss' Evolutionary Psychology: The new science of the mind.

>> No.2571229

How can you please someone through anonymous standardised testing? Except getting the answers right, obviously.

>> No.2571230

Yes, and as a result of that, they are about 3-5 IQ less smart on average.

>> No.2571237

A good textbook is dating an idiot for 6 months, and then she goes into your drug safe while you're out doing lines of coke with a gym teacher in some town whose name you never bothered to learn nor would you remember because "bumblefuck" is far easier and more amusing, and then cheating on her and she's all pissed off because she thinks the girl who works at Abercrombie is beneath her and that your latest sexual conquest reflects poorly on her and diminishes her social value. Also, she blows when it comes to sucking.

>> No.2571238

One doesn't need to say such stuff. The evidence is a bit mixed as to actual IQ tests, but this is because for many decades the tests have been made with the purpose of there being no sex difference. That's why it wasn't noted earlier, in testing. Researchers are now beginning to change their minds about this.

>> No.2571244


>> No.2571245

I think you'd get a better understanding through The Game or even Love Spells: How to Work Your Mojo.

>> No.2571248

>So why do girls do better at school, on the whole, compared to boys?

This is an interesting question. It probably has a complex answer, as in, there are many causes. Such as that females care more what others think of them, self-esteem and self-confidence wise. This makes them work harder in school. Males are more rebellious by nature, and the teacher is the obvious person to rebel against. Males are also more often hyperactive, perhaps due to their higher average levels of testosterone.

>> No.2571257


The obvious answer is because teenage boys spend all their time thinking about fucking girls. YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR OVER-INTELLECTUALIZED B.S. (As if you're all robots who can only hypothesize.)

>> No.2571259

>I think you'd get a better understanding through The Game or even Love Spells: How to Work Your Mojo.

No. The Game will certainly not help one understand women. It perhaps will help get one laid.

>> No.2571270
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>Males are also more often hyperactive, perhaps due to their higher average levels of testosterone.
Where do people get this idea from? I'd guess equating masulinity with their idea of virility.

>> No.2571272

>The obvious answer is because teenage boys spend all their time thinking about fucking girls. YOU PEOPLE AND YOUR OVER-INTELLECTUALIZED B.S. (As if you're all robots who can only hypothesize.)

This is a testable hypothesis. I think it has already been found inadequate, but I'm not sure. I looked but couldn't find any data.

My prediction is that: Females still do better in the early school, i.e. before hormones make the males think about females.

>> No.2571281

not to defend the k-12 schooling system, but it is always kinda lol to see casual male supremacists who are mostly all about HARD STATS suddenly switch over to a narrative where girls are conformist, eager-to-please automatons and boys are passionate creatures who Can't Be Tamed when this plain discrepancy in performance in this particular level of the tough, impartial pure meritocracy of American society comes up

>> No.2571283


Your prediction has been influenced by your years of drudgery in the pie fields.

>> No.2571286

Good answer (not previously involved in this conversation). I'd have to say that intellectually weak minded people actually perform rather well in the current education system. If you just do your reading, do your homework, and know how to take a test you'll pass. There's no real standards held for how well written a paper has to be beyond regurgitating the right information and hitting that word count. The dumbest girls I knew were straight A students. Inferior minds desire a system and the education system provides that.

>> No.2571289

>Where do people get this idea from? I'd guess equating masulinity with their idea of virility.

I did a quick search and testosterone seems not to be relevant to hyperactivity. It was just a guess anyway hence the "perhaps".

>> No.2571293

Here's an interesting lecture about the current educational system model and how fucked up it is.


Part of the RSAnimate series, which is always awesome.

>> No.2571296

>There's no real standards held for how well written a paper has to be beyond regurgitating the right information and hitting that word count.
So there are no standards beyond getting it right? Sounds like an IQ test.

>> No.2571298

The current school system is made for the mediocre student, so the ones that are not mediocre, either because they are smart or dumb, don't function so well in school (dumb ones are not smart enough, smart ones are bored). Well, to some degree. IQ is an okay predictor of grades, but a better predictor of the education level ultimately acquired.

>> No.2571302
File: 31 KB, 295x285, Tosa_Mitsuoki_001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the most important texts on women ever written? What would be considered 'essentials' for the understanding of the whimsical sex?

The Tale of Genji by Murasaki will tell you all you'll ever need to know about how the female mind works, even when bitches are writing epic, genre defining novels about Samurai and political rebellions they can't help but focus on the relationships of a pretty bisexual man.

>> No.2571304

>Honey, why do you keep getting Fs?
>I'm just too smart mom!
>Of course, dear, of course.

>> No.2571320

It's super fucked up. I honestly have no idea how anyone can fix it without just ripping the system apart. I watched Waiting for Superman and I was just flat out depressed.

>> No.2571321

You'd be stupid to deny what that poster is saying though, beyond your nice cute little joke. It is often mediocre kids who do well in school. Those who find the material trite and not intellectually stimulating, being either too-dumb or above the work (regurgitating ideas and formulas is really only for a select few 'I'll do what I'm told' type thinkers)

>> No.2571336

If you're "above the work", you know what needs "regurgitating" already. However, there are those who need to excuse their idiocy or laziness by claiming they were too smart for that stupid work.

>> No.2571341

Hey little Jayden, could you be bothered to review the goal list in your IEP folder, pop an adderall, and finish that thought or are you too busy going Galt

>> No.2571351

Dear unimaginative little girl with no capacity for considerations outside her own experience, I was above the work, so much so that I missed nearly 50 days of school each semester. I never knew what the class was doing because I was never there--I faked my way through it all without knowing what needed regurgitating. Thanks.

>> No.2571355


I hate 4chan for making me rep for traditional schooling, but genuinely smart people with a work ethic always beat out grade-grubbing mediocrities when I was in high school. And the ones bitching about The System most loudly were always lazy, worthless schlubs with standardized test-fueled entitlement complexes like me

>> No.2571368

whoa who ever would have guessed that a chronically-absent student with a ridiculous superiority complex would grow up to be a 4chan poster!

>> No.2571380

>I was the only one to ever cut class
I used to cut school regularly to watch Ed of all things, yet I still got As and Bs. Ah, that bowling alley lawyer... what a quirky character. And when it came to actual tests I often came out top or thereabouts.

>> No.2571386

>thinks reading will help

>> No.2571387


Whoa who would have ever guessed a hyper-mediocre, presumptuous wit with inflammatory limp vitriol syndrome would become a 4chan nonentity.

>> No.2571395


y'all /lit/izens talk all funny

>> No.2571407
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Dang ol she can't speak dang 'ol like we do man but dang 'ol tell you what man she speak the language of love man.

>> No.2571432

I was total slacker and got A's and B's. Considering the amount of work I put into school I should have flunked. Papers were written the night before, tests were never studied for, and school was skipped with wild abandon. So I'm not just speaking a drop out or flunked student. I was never shown anything to learn beyond what I could find on my own because my own knowledge about certain subjects was beyond the class.

But, I also went to a school with no AP classes. That might've made a difference, but I doubt it. The fact remains that the school system isn't helping or preparing students the way it should. It doesn't prep students well-enough for college, it doesn't help students move away from college if its not the right direction for them, and it doesn't teach them essential skills like critical thinking and how to make a god damned coconut cake!

>> No.2571435

>specially gifted student

>> No.2571442

Agreed. I was taught how to make a shitty curry when I was already baking at a college level. Coconut cake would have been a worthy edition to my repertoire. Now the only thing I cook is crack.

>> No.2571446

It's simple, either you were gifted like me, that is smart, and got good grades, were mediocre and worked hard and got good grades, or you were lazy or stupid and flunked.

>> No.2571546

Moderately smart people, which I think of as 110-120 do pretty good in primary and secondary school, even without studying much. Everybody I know higher than 125 were really bored in primary and secondary school. No surprise, the primary school is made for 100 people. Secondary school a bit higher, but not much. University/college students in the US average around 115-120. I don't know about you but university is easy for me. In that, I write the assignments the day before and still get mostly B's.