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2568484 No.2568484 [Reply] [Original]

>not being /fit/ as well as /lit/

So why don't you faggots lift weights?

>> No.2568497

I do. Although I'm not close to /fit/ yet. I'm fairly skinny, so it will take time, but fuck it I have nothing better to do.

I do regret not learning how to play an instrument though, OP. And I'm too embarrassed to start now, so that leaves me with a gaping whole in the actuality of my future alpha-ness.

>> No.2568495

I lift heavy books.

>> No.2568503

I swim. Good for you, works your muscles and heart at the same time. I also don't give a shit about being THE ULTIMATE ALPHA MALE.

I'm me, I'm fucking awesome, and anyone who has a problem is formally invited to unhinge his or her jaw and give my pasty white ass a big, slobbery lick.

>> No.2568506

Or you could have money and be moderately decent looking.

>> No.2568512


It's not about picking up chicks, exercise is great for many reasons, even if you're already married.

>> No.2568508

Practically anything counts as a musical instrument these days. Just make shitty dubstep. Women love shitty dubstep.

>> No.2568507


Don't worry, I play an instrument and it hasn't come in handy other than picking up a guitar at a party and playing songs for people, but nobody gives a fuck about that everyone can play guitar.

>> No.2568549

The idea of being a "strong, muscular" male is a bourgeoisie notion used to tempt men away from intellect. A man who focuses on physical looks in the manner of strength does not usually think for himself, so he becomes an easy consumer. Hollywood used the "muscular man" as their "perfect man" over the "intelligent man" because it tries to promote mindless consumerism.

Any man who's spent more hours "working out" than reading is a consumerist drone.

>> No.2568556

>implying that reading is excluded from the frantic production of commodities and thus isn't contributing to consumerism

>> No.2568560


How do you spend more hours working out than reading?

Working out has gotta be like a two hour a day thing, at max. That's all you need to get in pretty damn good shape. Rest of the day is for relaxin' and training the mind and spirit.

>> No.2568563

>How do you spend more hours working out than reading?

I'm in high school, and I can guarantee every single male in my grade works out more often than they read.

>> No.2568565

“A nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools.”

>> No.2568568

>every single male

by this I didn't mean every man without a woman, I mean every single one.

The concept of killing and war being "manly" is so childish. I cannot believe that in the time we live in, with information and different thoughts so widely available that war and murder still exist outside of mental retardation.

>> No.2568570


Train forever. For nothing. Never actually get to do anything.

>> No.2568573

a set of 30 push-ups a day for upper-body strength
fucking for core
biking for legs and heart

fuck "heavy weights" seriously

>> No.2568574



>> No.2568578

lolol, look at this liberal, he thinks everything can be solved and ended with discourse.

Just because you are a spineless coward with no ambitions, does not make everyone else the same.

>> No.2568583

what witty repartee

>> No.2568584

>implying life outside is a myth.

>> No.2568586

>he thinks everything can be solved and ended with discourse.
In a world where information and communication is so easily found and communicable, why is it impossible that things can be done outside of guns and bombs?

>Just because you are a spineless coward with no ambitions
So to you ambitions are simply overtaking and killing your fellow humans? That's what drives you? I do have ambitions, but I don't think other people have to factor into them. If you're so focused on impressing people or destroying people, then you're the one who's off balance, not me.

>> No.2568595

>why is it impossible that things can be done outside of guns and bombs?

Because there is and always will be conflict. And at the end of the day, might makes right.

>> No.2568592

Because seeing a muscle bound desk jockey cracks me the fuck up. I can't take guys like that seriously. They are try hard faggots who will never amount to anything. They spend all their time hardening their muscles while their brains get softer and softer every year until you can practically see the mush oozing out of their ears. I used to have a gym membership, but the people there made me sick. I'll stick with my triweekly 4 mile walks, thank
you very much.

>> No.2568597

The same reason I don't practice my instruments or read as much as I should. Laziness.

>> No.2568600

With proper promotion of education, I believe that it's possible that conflicts that result in death will eventually be eliminated.

of course there will still be conflicts, but I have hope in humanity as a whole that they won't always have to resort to war.

>> No.2568604

bodyweight shit will never put on muscle or give you strength.

>> No.2568605

i do very little strength training outside basic shit like crunches and pushups. it's a waste of time. i care more about cardio.

lifting weight is for faggots.

>> No.2568616


That's where fat kids go in order to lose enough weight to be /fa/. If you're healthy and in decent shape, you're /fit/ enough. What really matters in terms of appearance is dressing well and grooming yourself.

>> No.2568622

uh no, faggot.

>> No.2568625

>With proper promotion of education
You do realize that the people who wage wars are the ones responsible for educating their citizens, right? The rise of the third reich would have been an impossibility without the prussian school system.

>> No.2568628

why would i. i have no use for more strength that I currently have, and the ratio of achieved good looks to effort that i'd receive is not worth it.

>> No.2568629

Yes, an extremely biased school system that taught imperialism as the one truth, much like modern American education. True education, as in showing multiple theologies, philosophies, and political viewpoints, is what I'm talking about.

>> No.2568631


Uh, yes, asshat. Nobody cares how "fukken yoked!" you are, especially if you don't even know how to dress like an adult.

>> No.2568637

>The concept of killing and war being "manly" is so childish.

It makes you hard, which is manly. ;)

>> No.2568638

except its really only 2 and 3

playing guitar or being in a band will net you a fucking harem

being well read and intellectual nets you career prospects and a stable relationship.

whereas, being muscular or fit only really gets you a one night stand at best

>> No.2568645

you've never been a bassist have you

>> No.2568650

>whereas, being muscular or fit only really gets you a one night stand at best

Being moderately fit will help you in all your activities, whether they be music, literature, science, computer programming, whatever.

>> No.2568659

is that what gymrats tell themselves? that they'll be better at science or programming because they can lift heavy things?

>> No.2568664

You should definately aim for being fit and smart. So just well rounded it shows that you take care of yourself. I don't care how many weights you lift just eat somewhat healthy and do any sport. If you don't do any sports then yea lift some weights and run and you will be fine.

>> No.2568681

>The concept of killing and war being "manly" is so childish.

There is wisdom in war and there always will be, as it's the way of nature that organisms compete for resources. Without war people become indolent and their culture tends to stagnate or worse. War can be a that a culture has become confident in itself and wants to spread and prove its strength and superiority. Cultures that have become too "peaceful" might have become so not from an excess of education but from a lack of vigour and strength.

>> No.2568686

yes actually higher test levels do wonders for your brain.

>> No.2568807

> War can be a that
> War can be a sign that

>> No.2568820

>Without war people become indolent and their culture tends to stagnate or worse. War can be a that a culture has become confident in itself and wants to spread and prove its strength and superiority.
We've already solved this with Capitalism.

>> No.2568822

"30 push-ups a day"

>> No.2568829

I do all three, but I'm awkward as fuck and have no self-esteem.

>> No.2568832


this poor bastard demonstrates the fact that getting ripped is a necessary but not sufficient condition of being alpha.

>> No.2568836

>implying vigour and strength comes from annihilating each other on the battlefield
>implying nations don't lose the flower of their youth along with their vigor and strength in meaningless wars
>implying modern war requires vigor and strength and isn't more based on intelligence and who has the biggest arsenal and most advanced weapons.

It's got nothing to do with vigor and strength, it hasn't been that way for years and in the future, all wars will be fought by nerds sitting behind computer screens

>> No.2568838

I dunno man, I don't think putting a McDonalds in India is quite the same as what the Romans did when they enforced their gods on everybody.

>> No.2568845

>all wars will be fought by nerds sitting behind computer screens

Yeah, war has definitely changed. I think the intelligence/deception side of war will probably be more important than ever. Still, you'll need commanders and generals around to tell the nerds where they should send the deathbots and what they should shoot at.

>> No.2568852

yeah, you have to have it in your veins. Alpha is that feeling you get in your balls that you could impress your manly will on anybody.

>> No.2568853

>putting McDonalds in India
>Cattle are considered sacred in Hinduism.
>enforcing their "religion" on everybody.

I dunno man, I think it's a lot more similar than you think.

>> No.2568858

I dunno man, I dunno.

>> No.2568862

I lift heavy, but my diet has been shit lately. I'm probably around 16% body fat by now. The highest it's been in a while. I don't really care that much, though. Being lean is hard for me to maintain, and it doesn't actually do anything for you to be lean. I still get attention from girls 'cause I have a good looking face.

>> No.2568866

This thread only goes to show how castrated men are today, so much that they rather believe being muscular is for idiots in order to avoid excersice, the same way other believe that being intelligent is for sissies. This is the kind of BS that diminish men little by little day after day.

>> No.2568881

Don't worry, we're bound to make a comeback eventually. I'm sure this isn't the first time in history that men were reduced to effeminate cowards.

>> No.2568897

i do them in one set and don't do any more that day
just enough to have the muscles not atrophy
enjoy your time-sucking workouts

>> No.2568911

i have the physique of an 8 year old girl with the body hair of Robin Williams. never worked out a day in my life.

>> No.2568957
File: 1.19 MB, 3872x2592, 108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all three of these things.

I enjoy them.

I wouldn't say I'm alpha. I'm alpha among certain groups of friends. Overall I'm relatively happy though.

I also hike for a workout. I did a fourteener the other day. I fish a lot as well. Am I manly?

>> No.2568981


You have a monstrous and disgusting idea of what a man should be. There is only one trait that measures masculinity; morality.

>> No.2569048
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>Implying morality is objective

>> No.2569058


The only measure of masculinity is your junk. It's not some higher moral state, it's just being the one who does the penetrating. Get over yourself.

>> No.2569062
File: 32 KB, 500x281, tumblr_lstgrlCXkI1qzrgbqo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>spending a couple of hours a week working out for health and mental benefits


>> No.2569069


lol sociopaths. shouldn't you be in a straight jacket or running a bank somewhere or something?

>> No.2569071

essentialism all up in this muthafucka

Keep telling me what I'm supposed to believe OP, maybe if you throw enough shit at the wall some of it will stick.

>> No.2569076


No, it's true. You're nothing special by virtue of your genitalia. See the other thread, where beta misandrists are getting sonned.

>> No.2569077


>They spend all their time hardening their muscles

a few hours a week is hardly all their time.

>while their brains get softer and softer every year

does working out affect the brain that way? no, you can do whatever else you want in the rest of your free time.

>I used to have a gym membership, but the people there made me sick.

so you left because you didn't like the people there? seems like jealousy to me. who cares about them?

Here's how it is, you can deny it all you want, looking good, just like dressing well and being presentable, will affect you directly, which you might not care about because these people are "shallow" to you, but it also affects you indirectly.

>> No.2569086


>No, it's true. You're nothing special by virtue of your genitalia.

I never suggested I was.

I suggested that measuring a human being by anything other than their moral conduct is monstrous and disgusting. If you take issue with this idea, it's certainly because you yourself are monstrous and disgusting.

>> No.2569095

I'm not reading this thread so this may be irrelevant, but being /fit/ and healthy (duh) increases your cognitive abilities.

>> No.2569100

Physical Strength is the most important thing in life. This is true whether we want it to be or not. As humanity has developed throughout history, physical strength has become less critical to our daily existence, but no less important to our lives. Our strength more than any other thing we posses, still determines the quality and the quantity of our time here in these bodies. Whereas previously our physical strength determined how much food we ate and how warm and dry we stayed, it now merely determines how well we function in these new surroundings we have crafted for ourselves as our culture has accumulated. But we are still animals — our physical existence is, in the final analysis, the only one that actually matters. A weak man is not as happy as that same man would be if he were strong. This reality is offensive to some people who would like the intellectual or spiritual to take precedence. It is instructive to see what happens to these very people as their squat strength goes up.

>> No.2569105

I should, I know. You've got to be able to back up your talk.

>> No.2569110


There IS some truth to this, biomechanically. Exercise pumps out endorphins and such, people who spend too much time indoors experience vitamin D depletion, etc.

So even on the cellular level, you could realistically argue that strength = happiness.

>> No.2569113

No it's more that the human body naturally requires physical activity, especially heavy lifting, just to stay healthy.

>> No.2569119

>lift weights
>be fit
lol no. enjoy your angina and anal prolapse