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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 377 KB, 500x492, Nobel_Prize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2566143 No.2566143 [Reply] [Original]

Do Nobel Prizes in literature signify quality? I've read a lot of novels that have won the Hugo and they're not consistent.

>> No.2566147

Pre-emptive warning: /lit/ hates everything that's commonly recognized as great, so if /lit/ hates a book, you can presume it's good, and vice versa.

>> No.2566150

Not really, the people that decide who wins the prize are biased toward left-wing writers and minorities

>> No.2566152

The Nobel Prize is not perfect but in general it is a decent indicator that the author in question is pretty good.

>> No.2566154

What is "quality"?
But yeah, I tend to agree with the Nobel committee more or less. Sometimes they choose shit, though.

>> No.2566155

The critic may be the artist but he is a shitty one.

>> No.2566158

Can we safely assume Twilight is good?

>> No.2566164

/lit/ just hates Twilight because teen girls like it. They hate the fanbase more than the book itself, because it's the cool thing to do.

>> No.2566169

The writing is pretty terrible, too.

>> No.2566187

not like that's stopped /lit/ from reading a book before.

>> No.2566188

Um. That's pretty true as the general reason that /lit/ hates a lot of things /lit/ hates. For instance, that is pretty much the entire reason /lit/ hates Hunger Games. However, Twilight is distinct in that Twilight is also legitimately really, really, really bad. So the Twilight case is somewhat distinct from other seemingly similar cases: /lit/ dislikes it, possibly because of the fanbase, but also possibly because it's just shit.

>> No.2566205
File: 97 KB, 500x669, tumblr_lzhzbw9GS41qc3wjlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2566215

Yes, I would say some literary 'quality' is a necessary condition for the Nobel -- it is not, however, the only condition, social consciousness being obviously requisite. Additionally the highest degree of quality certainly isn't sufficient: Joyce, et al, et al, didn't get one.

>> No.2566220

the same could be said for much of the sci-fi, fantasy, and lit fiction genres, and yet /lit/ seems either incapable of distinguishing quality or unable to resist the draw of their pet genres

>> No.2566217

et al: Borges, Tolstoy, Proust...blah blah not awarded.

>> No.2566223
File: 12 KB, 339x394, artistcritic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's award art with the appellation "good" so instead of people making art for whatever billions of reasons they did before they'll just do it to win the award that says they are "good" and also the money

>> No.2566224 [DELETED] 

Ball Games Strictly Prohibited, my bollocks.

>> No.2566236

What's even your point here? Do you even have a point besides shitting on /lit/ in the most generic fucking way possible? If your point is that "much of science fiction, fantasy, and lit fiction genres" are really really really bad in the same way Twilight is, you're an idiot, because Twilight really is markedly bad. Those things may be bad, but they're not as bad as Twilight. Further, you're talking about "science fiction, fantasy, and lit fiction" which as far as I can tell encompasses most fiction in general. So as far as I can see, your complain is that "almost all things are bad, and /lit/ likes things, so /lit/ sucks." Fuck you, you're a moron.

>> No.2566241

pretty sure nobody in history who wrote was solely looking to win a Nobel, or any other award.

Is that how you write? It must really suck to start a project and tell yourself, "gotta make this good, gotta get more awards."

>> No.2566242
File: 203 KB, 1800x820, P5Yfz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The Hugo and the Nobel aren't the same league.

I think this would be /lit/'s opinion, too. I think the reason Barack Obama got his Nobel Prize is because <0.02% of Laureates are black, and he showed up.
Obviously, as the figure above indicates, merit is the primary criterion, rather than incidental qualities or quotas.

This is false. 3/10, I respondèd.

>> No.2566251

>I think this would be /lit/'s opinion, too. I think the reason Barack Obama got his Nobel Prize is because <0.02% of Laureates are black, and he showed up.
Obviously, as the figure above indicates, merit is the primary criterion, rather than incidental qualities or quotas.

on the one hand, it's kind of true that the nobel prize for literature is somewhat politicized. otoh you're a terrible racist fuck off.

>> No.2566255

Missing The Point general

The idea is that institutionalizing recognition and award for art kills radical and experimental ideas because people will subconsciously tend toward the established norms of "quality" instead of doing whatever the hell they want. And when a new generation is raised solely on what the Nobel Prize has verified was "good," they'll know nothing else.

>> No.2566262

I just think it looks bad that there are so few. We all love to see brown people succeed1.
What do you think B.O. did for that shit?

>> No.2566282

Barrack got it for being black. I think he was somewhat embarrassed himself.

But white people love successful black people because we are an ethnicity, but 'wont steal the tv"

>> No.2566305

>The idea is that institutionalizing recognition and awards for new technology kills radical and experimental ideas because people will subconsciously tend toward the established norms of "proven science" instead of doing whatever the hell they want. And when a new generation is raised solely on what the global scientific community has verified was "good," they'll know nothing else.

This might strike you as radical, but there are people, yes, real people, who did something not because of the awards that went with it, but because they wanted to do something new.

Take the inventor of the transistor. Or of AC current. Or the radio. Or the printing press. Or DARPAnet. Which of the books, or technologies, in your room at this moment were created by people whose only concern was an award.

tl;dr you are a fuckhead

>> No.2566308

Not just for being black. For being black and President.

>> No.2566328
File: 87 KB, 453x594, henrylouisgates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>But white people love successful black people because we are an ethnicity, but 'wont steal the tv"

That's what they like to think, anyway.

>mfw nobody can figure out where the flatscreen in the faculty lounge went

>> No.2566337

>OP asks whether Nobel prize winning literature is good
>/lit/ tells him about all those people who weren't awarded a Nobel prize
business as usual