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/lit/ - Literature

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2565026 No.2565026 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about writing, /lit/.

I don't quite get it. I can sit in front of a blank page and maybe write a few pages, but i don't get how people draw entire novels of fiction from their entire minds. The level of detail involved in even a simple novel is staggering. Do you just write one sentence at a time, evolving as you go? Do you heavily outline your plot structure and the nature of your characters before writing actual narrative? Perhaps i should start with some sort of message or theme, and develop my characters and narrative structure from that idea? It's just such a staggering leap to go from nothing to something, and i've entered quite a block. Advice? I'm sure other people on /lit/ have writer's block.

>> No.2565035

>posting this early/late in the morning/night
enjoy your dead thread OP

>> No.2565036

I wrote a plot outline, chapter to chapter. Then it's just a question of the paragraph to paragraph detail, during the first draft, at least.

>> No.2565038

If you have ever seen the movie "Finding Nemo" there is a scene in which a character repeats "Just keep swimming" in an attempt to reach a distant ugh goal.

Writing a novel is somewhat similar. You just have to keep writing and writing and writing and writing.

>> No.2565039

I write a few paragraphs and have a wank

then I fall asleep

>> No.2565042

first you have to get in the water

>> No.2565045

Could be that you're just not a writer. No shame in that, breh

>> No.2565050


Providing when you wake up, you write a few more paragraphs, there's nothing wrong with this approach.

>> No.2565062
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I know what you mean. A novel is fucking huge. It takes 5 years + of reading to get any idea of what good writing is, let alone develop your own style. Plus research, and uncertain pay off. Why even fucking do it.

>> No.2565090


Because it's the best fun there is.

>> No.2565120

Your post reminds me of a Faulkner quote: “I'm a failed poet. Maybe every novelist wants to write poetry first, finds he can't and then tries the short story which is the most demanding form after poetry. And failing at that, only then does he take up novel writing.”

If he's right, there is no hope for you. Since I was a kid my evolution of writing kind of followed this path. I started writing poems, then moved on to trying to write short stories. I haven't attempted writing in a very long time. I don't have any ideas, and have no desire to force anything. I doubt I will ever write a novel, but that doesn't bother me.

>> No.2565133

OP here. Poems are actually really easy for me. I can hash out a new one in maybe 20 minutes tops.

>> No.2565161

that is because you are not doing it right. Faulkners quote still stands, you just don't understand what he means.

I am currently writing a novel, well it looks like it is going to be a novella, am having fun playing with the internal thoughts, scenery, and actions. Just keep writing.

>> No.2565162

She coos into your ear as her as muscles releas her vice-like grip long enough to slam her rump down on the rest of your length, swallowing every inch in the blink of an eye, her body swelling up with your girth. Parked at your base, she clenches again and begins to stroke your cock from base to tip with her inner walls. Biting her lower lip, she grinds her pussy against your waist as your seed slowly fills her nethers. Her disproportionately huge tits drool with milk and you take her nipples in each hand, pressing tightly with your forefingers and thumbs until small white streams jet out of her overburdened chest. She leans backward in ecstasy and her arcing spray splatters against your lips, tantalizingly. You open your mouth and begin lapping at the streams, a buttermilk richness sending revitalizing clarity through your body. Fatigue fades, your mind clears, and your blood pumps with renewed vigor, reanimating your flagging erection. Suddenly, the pressure of her cum-drenched, sucking loins becomes a stimulation that grabs your brain through your crotch. You can feel every inch of your prick being stroked and suckled by the fey girl's muscles and you tighten your grip on her nipples, intending to earn this orgasm.

>> No.2565169

this guy confirmed for condescending pretentious douche

>> No.2565172

If that makes you feel better.

>> No.2565175

>Let's talk about writing, /lit/.
oh boy, this definitely is an original and rare thread!

>I don't quite get it. I can sit in front of a blank page and maybe write a few pages, but i don't get how people draw entire novels of fiction from their entire minds.

those people do not reside on /lit/ they're real authors

if you have "writer's" block maybe you should try something else for a hobby