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2564998 No.2564998 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about majoring in classical studies?

>> No.2565001

I like money.

>> No.2565005

It's one of those degrees where you almost certainly will have to do a great deal of postgrad to get a good position, and even then it's a shot in the dark. tfw you have one of those majors

>> No.2565007

its the best major on the intellectual masturbation metric

>> No.2565024

I say do it, anon.

>> No.2565028

Why not just get a library card?

>> No.2565031

Just major in something useful. What are you, a masochist?

>> No.2565032

Seems a little pointless?

>> No.2565049

he could very well not be a poorfag.

>> No.2565057

A not wholly unsubstantial moron...

>> No.2565071


History and philosophy has been the only thing that has managed to hold my interest. I've been floating around at community colleges for 4 years taking classes on/off.

I earn income from doing programming/design stuff. I'm not rich but I have enough to survive... and I figure I'll always be able to hustle a living somehow.

And a Bachelors at least guarantees some shity corporate jobs, assuming my programming skill/creativity fails.

>> No.2565995


>> No.2565997

You probably won't be decently employable but if it's what you enjoy do it.

>> No.2565998

On second thought, a lot of places just care that you have a degree, so...

>> No.2566008
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I think philology is interesting
Call the cops 'cause I don't give a fuck.

>> No.2566026

I originally wanted to go into Philosophy, but when I realized it's basically a dead field (with all the analytic focus) I switched to History. Now I'm realizing History is mostly "Pre-Modern Women's and Minority Studies" I'm seriously flirting with Classics. I was going to learn Attic anyway, and I'm already taking Latin.

>> No.2566050


>Philosophy is a dead field
>Only if you go to any american university with the exception of harvard, princeton, yale, or stanford.
>tfw you're not at ENS getting paid by the French government to advance the field of your choice (philosophy included, faggets)
>tfw you're a dumb american bitch, all of you.

>> No.2566059


Enjoy that population density while the EU rapes your country.

>> No.2566071

Nice one.

I'm majoring in History & English Lit. right now; just finished my first year. I'm studying these because they're topics that I enjoy.

>> No.2566076

>And a Bachelors at least guarantees some shity corporate jobs
think again, everyone has one nowadays. you should know how low the bar is set for college nowadays if you go to community college.

>> No.2566079

>>2566076 - clarification
i mean, you would know that from looking around at classmates. you probably don't fall into that category yourself (of people who wouldn't be able to get a college degree if they were attending any uni 15 or 20 years ago), if you're considering studying the classics.

>> No.2566081

This. The job market is super-saturated with people who have degrees--many of which are taking horrible jobs they're overqualified for just to pay the bills.

>> No.2566097

Call me a retard, but what do you mean when you say philosophy is a "dead field" with all the analytic stuff?

>> No.2566118


that OP is just to lazy to learn basic math.

>> No.2566124


... how is that relevant at all?

>> No.2566138

>I originally wanted to go into Philosophy, but when I realized it's basically a dead field (with all the analytic focus)

phil grad student repoting in. i can assure you analytical philosophy is by far the most interesting (maybe mathematics is an exception here) field for anyone capable of thinking logically and enjoying it.

>> No.2566148

If you like it, do it. Most people, in my experience, end up with jobs nowhere near their major, so you may as well do what interests you for 4 years rather than something you hate but think might land you a job.

Plus, if you do Classics, you will become an absolute boss at learning languages, which is SUCH a freakin' useful skill to have in later life.

>> No.2566179

>What do you think about majoring in classical studies?
Why not just major in comic books instead? It's the same thing, except made up shit today doesn't have quite the same prestige as made up shit hundreds and thousands of years ago.

>> No.2566261
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>analytical philosophy is by far the most interesting (maybe mathematics is an exception here)

>> No.2566272


>implying I'm studying these to get a degree which will get me a good job
>implying I care about money.

Like I said, I'm studying History & Lit. 'cause I like studying them.

>> No.2566280


>That feel when studying Ancient History in UK because I enjoy it and I'm good at it
>that feel when going to do an expensive and difficult law conversion course because my degree is worthless

Study economics, law, maths, physics, engineering, computer science, languages.

Anything else is fucking pointless

>> No.2566292

back off brostein, YOU were the one who said that it guarantees you a certain type of work. i'm telling you that you may not even have that "shitty corporate job" at the end of the rainbow to look forward to. plus, if you don't care about the prestige of a BA in classical studies, why not get a library card like >>2565028 suggests? espcially for classics, where there are so many OCW video lectures from top-tier universities.