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2564839 No.2564839 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, no entirely on topic but I figured you would be the best board to ask.

Can someone tell me why the faggot ass computer made the moves that it did (posting another screenshot after this). It's in game ELO rating is 1200, so while it's not pro, it's also not exactly on retard mode.

Here's the position I am in. Completely fucked, lost my Queen.

>> No.2564840
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and then the computers goes and makes this dumb as fuck move, essentially giving up its Queen. Easily could have retreated. What gives?

>> No.2564849

>1200 elo

well there's your problem.

>> No.2564850

are you really this retarded?

You are playing a computer at a pretty damn low level, why the fuck would you ask us why the computer did this?

>> No.2564852

>what gives

Chess' game tree is being exhausted slowly but surely and is becoming increasingly irrelevant. Also, OP is a fag. Hope that answers your question.

>> No.2564857

1200 is not high, but it's certainly not low enough to make such a stupid mistake unless it's a human suffering from fatigue. The computer is simply bad because it's a computer, it's going to make 'fake' mistakes so it can play at a lower level. Occasionally, these mistakes are blatantly obvious and completely stupid. Shatters the illusion, really, that's why I only play against humans.

I play Chess in tournaments.

>> No.2564861

what's your elo/fide

>> No.2564862

do you watch this guy


>> No.2564864

>Chess' game tree is being exhausted slowly


>> No.2564865

>Chess' game tree is being exhausted slowly but surely and is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

It's like I'm really on /v/.

Except they talk about Chess.

>> No.2564868

Why is it that... he talks... so... slowly?

>> No.2564871

he's prolly tired from playing all day cuz its fking 4 am

>> No.2564876

>That feel when 900 ELO

1. How to get better?
2. Are the computers in OPs pic accurately representative of players in their particular ELO brackets?
3. Where can I get the game from OPs pic?

>> No.2564874

i never knew so many people on here played chess

>> No.2564879
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oh and i forgot

>playing against the computer in 3d

>> No.2564885

1. read chess books, learn tactics, practice (duh) analyze your own games and games of strong players
2. not really
3. there are tons of free chess engines you can find online, but i suggest you sign up to chess.com or fics to play against people

>> No.2564886
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Less cycles for the computer mah boi

>> No.2564889

he's probably just dumb and so there is no hope for him.

>> No.2564892
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I mean, REALLY?

>> No.2564894

ya really

deal with it

>> No.2564915

Enjoy your lightbulbs faggot. I'll be running my slender fingers along hard wood.

>> No.2564919


I bet you like hard wood faggot.

>> No.2564924
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>I'll be running my slender fingers along hard wood
>hard wood

>> No.2564925

the move should be QC3 cause then you force the pawn on F and can capture the pawn on E

then the A file pawn should be moved in to allow the white bishop to take out the kings side pawns or the queen to capture the rook

>> No.2565091

Chess goes on /tg/

>> No.2565188

A computer at that rating is programmed to make random errors from time to time. Apparently, it was time and it chose a particularly stupid move.

>> No.2565453

We have a whole board dedicated to table gaming you goof.

>> No.2565656

Sup dudes!
I have the same game...ChessMaster-Grand Master edition.

I actually use their academy and do the exercises, it really helps a lot.

Oh, as far as their computers and their ratings go....

I always have mixed results. Sometimes a 900 level plays like a god, and I lose terribly, and sometimes it plays so stupidly that I have 3 queens in the end.

It's a strange AI system...But I love it...hell, I'm going to play now!

(When I want to play online, I usually use chesscube, but I suspect most people are there are big fat cheaters: it would be so easy too).

>> No.2566712

Marius is notorious for being under rated with his ELO. He has a search depth of 99, which is absolutely insane in compairson to others in the 1000-1200 ELO bracket.

>> No.2566731

In case you didn't know:

1000: babby's first chess
1200: beginner
1600: pleb
2000: serious player
2300: FIDE Master
2400: IM
2500: GM
2600: Top 200
2700: Top 50
2800: Carlsen, Aronian, Kasparov, Topalov, Anand and Krammik. Carlsen was in the top 5 at the age of 17 btw.

>> No.2566743

>That feel when <1000 ELO

Fuck I suck. How get better? I guess I'm just too stupid and uncreative.

>> No.2566754

lol a chess thread on /lit/

don't listen to these retards


>> No.2566762

Computer got lazy and offered queen exchange. But he's materially ahead (but he's low-level too, so that says alot about you), but your pawn position could determine end game.

My suggestion:
Do a pawn push on queen side, try to capture his bish.

>> No.2566765


1st link is a chess server for you to register (or play as guest), 2nd link is an interface.

Go ahead, play, play, play. You are likely to be savagely anal-raped by anyone over 1200 but that's how you get better. Once you've lost your fair share of games, there will be a few games where you felt victory was close but you fucked up, or you had an advantage that you fucked up somehow. Examine these games and find out where you fucked up. Use bots, engines or your adversary to help you examine your games. Take a few courses in tactics in order to get free wins and avoid cheap deaths. Once you're above 1200 you can start thinking about your favorite opening. Once you're over 1400 you can start studying how to deal with the endgame.

>> No.2566768

When I say 'take a few courses' I mean solve some problems, FICS gives you plenty of these.

>> No.2566785
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Here's my progression. I'm getting there.

>> No.2566818

I've never played chess before. Is a good way to start to just start playing, or should I do some learnin' before?

>> No.2566822

Which tutorial have you have the most luck with? I did pretty much all of the Waitzkin course, but I don't feel like I learned anything that I couldn't have learned in a much shorter time with a textbook. The Larry Christiansen course also seems to just replay games rather than explain. I started with the Chessmaster Series but the Beginner stuff has been babby-tier, but I don't like to skip things too much. Does it get better?

Seriously man, what's up? I don't want to be a dick or anything, but

What happened?

>> No.2566837

I'll be honest, I'm no chess pro (in fact, I fucking suck), but my father is decent, has a 1800+ ELO and has placed high in some tournaments. His advice is basically to play for awhile just so you know you enjoy the game - don't hit the books right away, just play. After awhile, whenever you feel serious about getting better, start learning basic tactics (forking, pinning, etc.) and solving end game problems.

He said avoid learning openings until you are comfortable with general tactics, this way you can spend more time learning to think for yourself (since openings are heavily just memorisation) as well spending more time developing actual tactics. Although you may have stronger openings if you learn them first, you won't know even a fraction of the major variations so you will get raped by anyone who does, so there is no real point until you have a solid middle and end game. However, at the same time, don't neglect the principles of the opening (taking the center, development, etc.), just don't focus on learning specific openings.

In others words: play and study, like anything.

>> No.2566842

You're talking to the same person in both posts.

I have ChessMaster: Grand Master edition, and I swear, sometimes the opponents play like gods, and other times they play like 4 year olds.

And sometimes I'm distracted.

I'm not done with the academy yet, so I can't tell you too much. I did find the lesson on forks and skewers to be very helpful.

I have a feeling that his end-game lessons are going to vastly improve my game (I haven't got to them yet).

Also, his openings tutorial also helped out a hell of a lot.

>> No.2566948

I assume you are referring to the Waitzkin tutorials? Because after finishing them, I'm still playing at the same level I was when I picked up the game. I feel like I 'leveled out' right where I started. At about ~1100 ELO.

>> No.2567240

Maybe you are just not smart enough.

I never played a lot. I took the courses and played against 1500 ELO computers fairly equally. That makes me about as good as the average player in the physicist department.

Maybe you didn't listen or try out the things mentioned in the tutorials?

>> No.2567517
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>Maybe you're just not smart enough