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File: 115 KB, 706x397, college_students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2564011 No.2564011 [Reply] [Original]

Oh god I fucken hate highschool. Everyone is so fucken stupid and clicky and anti-intllectual! I can't wait till I get to go to college, it's gonna be filled with intellectuals thirsty for knowledge, just like me.

I'll make friends I'll have for the rest of my life, and I'll be surrounded by the greatest minds of the future!

>> No.2564015


>> No.2564020
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Hey freshman!

>> No.2564021

Yep - well, the cool people.
You probably won't, no offense.

>> No.2564045


>> No.2564166

Can't tell if trolling or just freshman.

>> No.2564179

Yeah I remember thinking something like that

Then I started college and everyone was into bad music and pokemon

>> No.2564190

The sarcasm is so thick, it's oozing from my monitor.

>> No.2564195

I remember thinking exactly that at the start of this year.

Then I got hit hard with a heavy sack of reality.

I'd suggest not going into it with any expectations, just so you can avoid the disappointment.

>> No.2564200

You realize the general public is like, retarded, right? Like balls-out retarded.

>> No.2564245

I feel like college made me stupider, actually..

>> No.2564254


This election year cannot end soon enough.

>> No.2564286

Hey, me too.

>> No.2564298

Yeah, I bought into university fascism for two days and then I left. What a complete waste of time.

>> No.2564516

Sadly, public schools in the US encourage exactly what OP put (nice trollin' btw) in anyone mildly above bell curve IQ and above; it's a handicap.

>> No.2564534

You're making me dread going to university. Fuck, and I pretty much have everything paid for too.

Is it true that the first 2 years are like high school? Are there any redeeming aspects of college life?

>> No.2564533
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OP rubbed everyone in a sore spot...

>> No.2564546

Fuck dating. These little girls have no idea what type of guy they really need; that's why the go for the douches that treat them terrible. When I go to college, I'll meet a cute and smart girl in one of my liberal arts classes and she'll love me for my mind and quirky sense of humor!

>> No.2564557

unless you've gotten yourself into some big-ticket prestigious university, ivy league, you'll distinguish yourself based on the quality of your writing/research or not at all, the place where this occurs doesn't matter in the big scheme of things.

the first two years are remedial high school unless you jew the system to take upper division classes within your major and put it off as long as you can get away with, or have undergraduate classes that predominantly satisfy them by coincidence or department design

going into any amount of debt to do undergrad work at any university is foolish to the nth degree of fuckery. suck your pride up and get it done on a budget at Community College, and have time to live your youngest youthful adult years to the rampaging fullest

>> No.2564561

Unless you explicitly need a degree for the line of work you're interested in you're better off not going

>> No.2564589
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Oh, Quentin...

>> No.2565483
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There's a pretty good book on this: Anti-Intellectualism in American Life. It was written in the mid '60s I believe, but it's still essentially a mirror unto the idiocy of today.

I managed to skip all mandatory English and History classes my first year with AP credit, shit was so cash. Even finagled my way into a higher level writing class (on nonfiction, journalism major) the first semester.

That was the best class-schedule.

>pic unrelated

>> No.2565488

It`s funny because most people in /lit/ would have had such thoughts, especially Americans.

>> No.2565497

The big-ticket university I'm going to will genuinely be full of that kind of person. I'm successful socially now but there I'll really be able to expand intellectually and my social life will only get better.

>> No.2565498

Redeeing factor is clubs (didn't have that shit at my school) rocking up to a writers night of one's student magazine to find an awesome group of like-taste bros in second and third year is a good feel.

>> No.2565634


>> No.2565811

"anti-intellectualism" is the complaint of leftists when people don't buy their bullshit

>> No.2565817

sounds totally ridiculous, but actually came true for me.

>> No.2565819
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>> No.2565821

lol you're too cute

>> No.2565826

Only Ivy level colleges are worth a shit these days.

Most of the 4 year colleges out there are barely above remedial high school.

The vast majority of students out there aren't in tech or science majors. aka they are fucking worthless.

Yet you still be idiots graduating with a degree and getting jobs with it. While someone who applies themselves and know their shit (who can't afford to go to college) gets FUCKED over by the system.

>> No.2565831

>Is it true that the first 2 years are like high school? Are there any redeeming aspects of college life?

College is where you realize that all adults, everywhere, are high-school kids in older bodies.

But yes, college is basically high school with more free time during the day.

>> No.2565836

Ha, ya, I honestly think I had the exact same thoughts in grade 12.
>next term, maybe next term
is a common phrase you'll tell yourself.

If you really are in highschool: it doesn't get any better, everyone is a fucking pleb to the max or a FLAGRANTLY, BRAZENLY pseudointellectual hipster. Wanting someone smart to talk to always allows me to tolerate someone who is kind of smart but a bit of a showoff. Nope, full blown pseuds everywhere, no one likes good music, no one reads, my uni doesn't even have a party life ffs

>> No.2565842

I'm going to Cambridge in October. Not only are there genuinely interesting and clever people in my year at the moment (private school ftw) but, judging by the people I know at Cambridge, it's only going to get better when I go to university.

>> No.2565868

I'm American but my dad is a legacy.
Should I think about it? What's it like?

>> No.2565880
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This may be a digression, but my first two years I had really no clue why i was in college and because of that i got caught up in the highschool head games. (pro-tip: if you're reason to going to college is "lol its just what you do after high school, perhaps consider community college so you dont burn through too much money.)
Im entering my third year of college as a med school hopeful. Along the way shit got got hard and I always deep down thought i could always go into the arts as a job. I'd say the most important thing is to have a CLEAR AS FUCK image in your head, why its important to you and how it benefits you. That'll help you dodge alot of the bullshit come intro classes and sex and mindgames.
Also don't room with your friend from highschool, your relationship will change and you may rationalize for the good old days even when he's just being a fucking cunt all the time.

dont have any expectations, the shit you will run into you could have never even fucking dreamed of. And dont think you radically change yourself, 2 years of these kinds of sketchbook pages of self help did create a smidge of good habits, but you will never change your deep inner self, search your feelings, you know them to be true.

>> No.2565881

I think problems like these are probably caused by being obnoxious and/or arrogant, rather than being cleverer than everyone else. I often get along fine with people who don't like to read.

>> No.2565899


but to answer your original question, its a fucking fun emotional, academic stress and binge a thon. its all balance, sometimes you want to to go out, sometimes you want to close the door to your room and tell the world to fuck off. s'all balance. there will be fucking awesome times and if you study and learn how to cocktease in your professors office hour about their field of research, you'll do fine.

>> No.2565918

I live in a town with a Baptist university, a permavirgin tech school, and a community college. I've found none of the people to be to my taste, and feel college is actually stifling my learning experience.
That and I have no idea what kind of job to get that will actually remain relevant throughout my life, that's terrifying. Mostly my plan is to decide on something where I can work part-time,but still live comfortably (maybe in an apartment, just not a shit ass one in the ghetto), and have work be the second priority instead of the first.

>> No.2565971
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Well, there's one bit of solace for you, OP. You live in the internet age. Even if you are living in a place with no interesting people, you can find them online.

>> No.2565978

>on /lit/
>better keep searching

>> No.2566025

I think people on /lit/ are sorta a special kind of people.

Most people here are posers and people who are green and here to learn, but amongst us exist some people of reputable intellect. We congregate here for intellectual stimulation (believe it or not).

Most people in college (I've found) are not there because it's their passion and they love doing it and dream of advancing a field of knowledge, but because they feel college is something that they have to do (whether or not they truly want to).

>> No.2566038
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>that feel when you realize that unless you go to a top tier institution you're going to be subjected to the same bullshit you were in high school

>> No.2566047

its ok
you are getting "Educated" which is clearly only measured by time and money spent.

>> No.2566083

The more I see threads like this the more I just want to go to college, learn what I want, then go to a vocational school and become like, a welder.

Welders make tons of money, have regular hours, and I could further educate myself without being subjected to the total bullshit that occurs in modern society.

>> No.2566135

If you don't care about getting a degree you can just crash classes. As long as there's more than thirty or so people in the class, the professor will never notice.

>> No.2566186


I go to an ivy league school, trust me, it doesn't matter if you go to a "top tier" school. People everywhere are the same.

>> No.2566190

i am at a top tier school and i disagree

just my experience tho

>> No.2566209


>> No.2566243 [DELETED] 

If I go to college, will I be surrounded by niggers and liberals?

>> No.2566247


most likely

>> No.2566254


Mostly just liberals. It depends on the school of course, but blacks are usually pretty scarce.

Now in the 50 mile radius of the university campus? Blacks galore.

>> No.2566260

>it's gonna be filled with intellectuals thirsty for knowledge

I've got news for you...

>> No.2566278

How safe is florida?

>> No.2566285



I just finished my first year of University; you'd be surprised how many ignorant plebs make it in. Hell, some of the dumbest people I ever met in High School currently go to my University. Hopefully most of the super-retards will be gone when they realize that University isn't where they belong. Still, plenty of people with Uni. degrees are fucking idiots - I know several. It's definitely easier to find smart people there than anywhere else, though. Unless you go to a really prestigious Uni/College though, you'll find it isn't that much different than High School at first.

That's only my experience so far, though. Good luck.

>> No.2566289


I've lives in Florida all my life.

Depending on the area you will get:

White trash
White trash rednecks
Right wing Cubans
Very old people

Usually a mix of all of them, but some areas have bigger proportions of some than others.

>> No.2566291

>Hopefully most of the super-retards will be gone when they realize that University isn't where they belong.

Reality check: Most colleges pander to the students. They have to, because the students are their lifeblood--their cash cows. If more students find college "hard" they will drop out, and the college doesn't want that, so most colleges in America are being dumbed way the fuck down--almost to the equivalent of European High School.

Those people aren't dropping out; they'll complain to their professor and the professor will give them easier assignments/more time or something like that.

>> No.2566295

NB: there are going to be stupid people anywhere. You're going to have to deal with them.

>> No.2566342

im doing this course called "creative digital media" (doing it to learn some animation and film-making skills, its the manufacturing industry, go fuck yourself)

a year beforehand i did this two week summer course in animation, and the people in it were the weirdest.

strangest group of people ive ever been in, it was great, and i got along with them fantastically.

so i go to this college class expecting something similar and....its full of fucking normalfags.
more normal than my class in fucking secondary school, if you can even comprehend that.

how this happened ive no idea. i got so depressed by the fact that my college is full of the same types of shitheads i went out of my way to avoid that i just stopped going to class.
spent about 3 months straight in my bed.

ive a few weeks left, and going in everyday to finish all the project i never did and take my final exam just so im not kicked out of 3rd level.

probably try a different school next year, but jesus christ this is one of the biggest disappointments of my whole life

>> No.2566351


>> No.2566359

if you attend a regional school in an area w/ a non-negligible black population, then yes. they are proportionally fewer in number on college campuses (not counting the workers) than in the region, since they tend to have lower rates of college attendance than whites. some of them, it's as though their minds are still in the 1970s, slowing down your classes & shit b/c your professors are either too dumb or too disempowered to fend off their bullshit.

>> No.2566371

>their minds are still in the 1970s
i mean, with regards to race, acting like assholes toward white classmates & teachers

>> No.2566434

did you mean 1970 BC ?

>> No.2566455
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High school fag here.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

I think I might just want to get a skilled service job. Like air conditioning repair, or welding like the anon above

>> No.2566458

*skilled labor

>> No.2566463

Do we have any medical students here? Would you consider not going into medicine if you dislike people?

>> No.2566490

/lit/ is slow

>> No.2566614

Get a gun.

>> No.2566632


You can do things with an MD that aren't patient care. Now that so much of medicine is based on chemistry, pharmaceuticals, genomics, etc., a lot of doctors work as lab researchers and never actually interact with patients.

>> No.2566636

Most of the world are mouthbreathers

You really need to learn how to accept and get along with them. It'll make you happier.

It's OK to do pleb things like go out for a beer and sit and small talk about sports. It doesn't erase your knowledge of the complete works of Nietzsche. Chill the fuck out and shut your brain off and go chase a girl.

Don't seclude yourself. You will become miserable.

>> No.2566663

I can see down the black girls shirt.

>> No.2566800


Yeah. You are correct sir. Fuck it.

>> No.2567484

>the greatest minds of the future!

I fucking lol'd. There are few if any great minds in university. Sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.2567485


>more free time during the day

Unless you're either taking less than the required/recommended number of credit hours so that you can dick around, or you're putting off all of your homework and written assignments until the last minute, there is no way in Hell you will have more free time during the day than you did in high school.

>> No.2567486


I go to a university in Florida.

Date rape, muggings, and accidental deaths. This year alone we've had a double stabbing, a violent murder/mugging, and last year we had a case of involuntary manslaughter in one of the frat houses.

>> No.2567531

I did a similar sort of course once and the entire class consisted of complete social outcasts, neckbeards and weaboos who spent all their time browsing Reddit and TV Tropes. I was also severely disappointed.

>> No.2567534

Wow, you all have shit lives ... College is fucking great.

>> No.2567713

that's because the unversities used to be in "good" neighborhoods, but since the coon rights movement and forced integration, they have become surrounded by shitskin subsidized housing.

anyways, get a CC and carry a gun, if a nigger threatens you end his life.

>> No.2567732


Uh... no, half of the time it's because the government/police are completely incompetent and corrupt. In my city, the fucking idiots earmarked millions for "fighting underage drinking"... useless cops sit around the entertainment district with their thumbs up their asses waiting to arrest some sophomore for drinking a beer while students are getting robbed at gunpoint a few blocks over.

>> No.2567737

Several things
a: The priority in hiring is "diversity" not competence, they want women, niggers, muslims, etc to be cops.

b: All the honest/ethical people are run out since they are required to enforce stupid shit.

c: underage drinking should be enforced since its very bad for you.

d: what the COPS do is irrelevant to crime since it is the niggers and spics committing the crime.

e: the cop is not there to protect you or help you, they are not your friend.

Must be a strange coincidence that the whiter areas are the best places to live in america.

>> No.2567756

>a: The priority in hiring is "diversity" not competence, they want women, niggers, muslims, etc to be cops.

Aside from a handful of hispanics and even fewer blacks, they are uniformly white.

>c: underage drinking should be enforced since its very bad for you.

At bars right next to the campus of a huge public university in the South? Yeah... good luck with that. It's an enormous waste of resources.

>d: what the COPS do is irrelevant to crime

That's one of the stupider things I've heard today...

>since it is the niggers and spics committing the crime.

In the perp descriptions they send out it's usually blacks, sometimes whites. Roughly in the same proportions as the city's racial composition.

>e: the cop is not there to protect you or help you, they are not your friend.

>the cop is not there to protect you or help you

What the actual fuck?

>> No.2568700

Those in this thread upset with their college experience due to an inability to relate to their peers ought to befriend grad students. If there are no grad students good enough for you, then you're probably not even worth befriending.

>> No.2568735

Legacy admissions doesn't exist in the UK, I'm afraid, if that's what you were wondering.

It's great. Well, I'm not there yet, but I'm sure it is. The experience is quite different to that found in US universities. You spend 2-3 hours a week in 1-on-1 contact with academic staff (always genuine academics rather than postgrads) which is supplemented by lectures you can choose not to attend and copious time spent in the library. For English you write about 3 essays a fortnight. In the UK, of course, rather than doing a 'liberal arts' curriculum, you pick a single subject to study (or 'read' as we say), so that's also a big difference. In general you're left to do the majority of learning by yourself with staff guiding and supervising that process. It's pretty high-pressure and the exams are meant to be extremely hard.

Cambridge the city is also exceptionally nice; one of my favourite places in the UK. Small, but perfect and with a nice social scene.

Also, the students are generally really good-looking because you get a lot of attractive upper-middle/upper-class kids with pushy parents/natural brains.

>> No.2568759

>It's an enormous waste of resources.
My opinion is that the enormous waste of resources is idiots ruining their lives through drug abuse.
And destroying their minds through underage drinking.

>That's one of the stupider things I've heard today...
How so? The cop is not there to prevent crime, they are there to clean up afterwards, it is YOU who prevents crime against yourself.

>In the perp descriptions they send out it's usually blacks, sometimes whites.
Numerous cases of police lying about perp descriptions, or just leaving it out.
>Roughly in the same proportions as the city's racial composition.
I highly doubt that considering blacks commit an order of magnitude more crime.

>What the actual fuck?
hm? You think the cop is your friend? You think they have some sort of duty to help you, or prevent crime, or arrest criminals? They are minions of the state, nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.2568769

>77 replies
Well done /lit/, well done.
You rival /sci/ as the most autistic trollbait gobblers on 4chan.

>> No.2569035
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Everyone understands it's a joke. Simply wanted to weigh in after the first post was made regarding college. Everyone has their opinions of college, and this was a fine thread to express them.
Personally, I was extremely interested as a senior in high school. There's no better opinion on matters than those of the people actually experiencing the given situation.