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/lit/ - Literature

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2563337 No.2563337 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an angst ridden, subversive, white, suburban teenager with few friends who enjoys literature, obscure french surrealist films, raging against the public school system and smoking weed (i.e you in high school.) I want some good books to read that will help fuel my edginess and contempt for everyone around me, all whilst feeding the rampant pseudo-intellectualism within me by giving me quotes I can dish out to girls when I'm drunk in fruitless attempts to get them to fuck me.

Pic related, it's what I'm reading now

>> No.2563352
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It's the only choice OP.

>> No.2563354


>> No.2563359

>french surrealism
>not german expressionism
You're not subversive at all, stay sheeple bro.

>> No.2563357
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>> No.2563368

once youre done with catch 22 and the catcher in the rye and on the road move onto kurt, chuck and elis

>> No.2563371

It's queued up on my to-read list right after I finish this motherfucker.

Not angry, just angsty.

I have no problems with expressionism, I just happen to prefer the near absurdism of Luis Bunuel (I know he's not French but he's in-line with everything the French Surrealists loved)

>> No.2563395

I'm currently reading notes from underground, only 20 pages in and I have barely understood any of it. I keep reading and eventually I realise I've read 1-2 pages without being able to devise any sort of meaning from it.

>tfw pleb as fuck

>> No.2563407

Hey OP, I recently became edgy as fuck and this is how you can too!

Catcher in the Rye
The Stranger
Notes from the Underground
American Psycho
Fight Club
Slaughterhouse 5
The God Delusion
Infinite Jest

Have fun smacking down the plebs!

>> No.2563413

For me is easy to understand, it is writen in my language, I am the underground man, I speak his language, I correlate with absolutely everything he says, somethings more than others of course. I would gleefully explain you any part

>> No.2563419

so you want to become a pretentious fuck?

>> No.2563425

> 2012 of the common era
> not asserting your intellectual dominance of the plebs
Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.2563426

read some sartre and nietzsche, then you can come up with a supertheory of supereverything and tell it to girls when you're drunk/high and totally turn them off
i mean that's what i do except fer with boys
fucking high school boys are afraid of fucking anything smarter than them

>> No.2563437


> 2012
> still doesn't get the internet

stay edgy, OP

>> No.2563436

Maybe you just aren't attractive, if a girl talked about sartre with me I would be turned on so hard

>> No.2563442


>> No.2563448

>Year of our lord twenty twelve
>using "common era"

>> No.2563449

plebs always hate when people are smarter than them. which is funny because they do not prize intelligence and never really take the initiative to learn anything on their own, yet feel insulted when people display a higher intellect. makes you actually respect the people whose eyes simply just glaze over when you try to speak about cultured topics.

>> No.2563450

Thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't know where to begin. I shall stick with it though, read through to the end and read other peoples notes on it online afterwards.

>> No.2563461

>Infinite Jest

What exactly is "edgy" about DFW?

>> No.2563473
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Angsty teenager, eh?
Child of God, Catcher in the Rye and get over yourself, you little fuck.

>> No.2563475

OP here, this is 100% true. You'd have to be pretty fucking hot for me to want to fuck if you if you were truly smarter than myself. Also, thanks for the reads guys, I'm going to be looking into all of 'em so keep them coming. Quick question -- is it better to read Camus in French or in English. Being American, it'll take me a couple months to finish it in French, but if I'll pick up more meaning or some shit like that I'm down.

>> No.2563484

It's fine in English, I really enjoyed it. It will be more pretentious in French though.

Since it's really short, just read it in English first then try it in French later.

>> No.2563493

The edgiest thing to do would be to kill yourself and leave an ironic suicide note.

>> No.2563554
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>> No.2563859


>> No.2563863

>not listening to 20th century Russian compositions
>not enjoying French impressionist art
What the fuck kind of pretentious teenager are you?

Oh and I guess Paradise Lost and House of Leaves would be good.

>> No.2563864

Read Catcher in the Rye

>> No.2563960

what is op's favorite luis bunuel film?

>> No.2563983

you should read homestuck

>> No.2563995


amen on notes from the undergrown.

for extra credit pretend you have a terminal illness and that you dont have much time.

>> No.2564018

he's obviously being ironic for humor's sake
we ARE on 4chan after all, even if it is the /lit/ board

>> No.2564017


read the spark notes after each chapter. then go back and reread the chapter if you really want to.

>> No.2564022

do this >>2564017

it worked for me few years ago in highschool
now I'm totally /lit/erate!

>> No.2564034

Speaking of edginess.

I'm going through Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
WHAT the fuck is going on? I thought it would be interesting since I'm a bit of Libertarian myself down there, but both Howard Roark and that Dominic bitch are fucking annoying and stupid beyond belief. In fact I find myself siding with that Peter Keating fellow more and more, he seems like a much more realistic and down to earth guy.

Not to mention huge tl;dr

>> No.2564047

good for op
would usually condemn the person who uses the phrase "obviously being ironic" but i think it was appropriate and somewhat necessary

>> No.2564165

OP here, what's really ironic here is that I'm being 100% genuine.

The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeois closely followed by The Age of Gold.

>> No.2564174

getting drunk is for barbarians and getting drunk as a teenager retards your brain

you cant prove me wrong
deal with it

>> No.2564178

You must be very delicate.

>> No.2564180
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>> No.2564183

Anything by Nietzsche
Crime and Punishment
Notes from the Underground

>> No.2564211

overrated writer
nothing special.
albert camus was better

>> No.2564209

Forget books breh. Go to a gym, pick things up and put them down repeatedly. Then just make up intellectual shit as you go along (they'll be drunk anyways)

>> No.2564217

I'm an distance runner, so I'm already ottermode (i.e the best mode)

>> No.2564224

Anybody else read Looking for Alaska? I loved the book, but being a teenager in a world of twilights and hunger games, everybody thinks im talking about a book that documents expeditions in the bering strait. No clue what the general consensus about the book is amongst actual smart people.

As a fellow angsty teen, I'd recommend it though.

>> No.2564227

Thanks, I'm reading them now and a lot of it seems familiar. I guess I picked up more of it than I thought.

>> No.2564229
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>implying I read anything other than canonical/seminal literature

Go back to reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower, plebian scum.

>> No.2564233

>seminal literature
moby dick

>> No.2564234

I've read my catcher in the rye, catch-22, farenheit 451, hell Im even reading paradise lost.

I got LfA to escape from all this philosophical bullshit ive been subjecting myself to lately.

>> No.2564239

Notes From The Underground.

>> No.2564250

>I've read my catcher in the rye, catch-22, farenheit 451, hell Im even reading paradise lost. I got [Looking for Alaska] to escape from all this philosophical bullshit ive been subjecting myself to lately.

lolllll. lol. it's perfect. oh my god. so nice.

>> No.2564269

under% spotted

>> No.2564278
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>> No.2564314
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>> No.2564345

Read No Longer Human.
Its angsty as fuck, about a middle class guy doing drugs and fucking bitches, and its foreign enough you can be pretentious about it.
Make sure you get a copy with some Japanese lettering in it though (for example, the one I have has the chapters titled in Japanese), that way you can ask cute Japanese girls what X word means as a conversation starter.

>> No.2564355
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You're a gentleman and a scholar.


>> No.2564358

Thanks. But in all seriousness, make ABSOLUTELY sure it has Japanese lettering in it, I'm kicking myself for not doing so during my Mishima phase.

>> No.2564429

On this topic, is it possible to seduce Japanese girls with literature? I'd assume they'd be at least somewhat familiar with Yukio Mishima and whatnot, would that be a good way to get laid, or would it just make you look like a nerd/weeaboo?

>> No.2565328
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>this thread

>> No.2565345

Kid, you're on a literature board on fucking 4chan. What did you expect, really?

>> No.2565357

>not realizing that this is a troll thread

>> No.2565443
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But I was a quiet nerd who played mmos and went to church in high school. I didn't even drink. You don't know me at all.

>> No.2565466
File: 37 KB, 640x480, OHCAPSGUYWHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need something like this to pick up Japanese girls who are already abroad, then you must be a fucking loser. Most of them pretty much crave white dick.

That being said, in my times in Japan, often reading, I`ve discussed with some Japanese girls about literature. Most don`t really give a fuck, or will just bring up Murakami or Soseki/Dazai (because school reading).

Although I`ve met a few who were genuinely interested in literature, one in particular was an avid reader of Turgenev.

I actually was introduced to this girl who was in Osaka for just one night (Valentine`s Day, picture related) and she spent 4-5 years in Europe because her father was there for research I believe. Her mother is apparently a novelist, but as I met her in the bar, already drunk, and we didn`t stop drinking until the next morning, I forgot to ask who this novelist may be.

>> No.2565467

She was in Osaka for Valentine`s Day to get away from her ex, and this photo was taken since her buddy was going to post it on FB and tag her in.

Seemed a bit childish, but since we ended up fucking in the morning, all was good. I`m not a fan of taking photos kissing.

>> No.2565801
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>> No.2565825
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not trolling

>> No.2565873

I agree, but GR's still worth reading. It kinda got me out of that phase...kinda.

>> No.2565903

rot in hell, race mixer

>> No.2565937

I'm thoroughly enjoying this thread, mainly because it strikes true.

Theres something scathingly honest and honorable about embracing what you are and reveling it.
Honesty with oneself leads to evolution of character.

There is nothing. NOTHING. Worse than a an angst ridden, subversive, white, suburban teenager who takes himself seriously (see: most of them).

>> No.2565984
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try to read Discipline and Punish and fuel your rage

>Foucault challenges the commonly accepted idea that the prison became the consistent form of punishment due to humanitarian concerns of reformists, although he does not deny those. He does so by meticulously tracing out the shifts in culture that led to the prison's dominance, focusing on the body and questions of power. Prison is a form used by the "disciplines", a new technological power, which can also be found, according to Foucault, in schools, hospitals, military barracks, etc. The main ideas of Discipline and Punish can be grouped according to its four parts: torture, punishment, discipline and prison.

>> No.2566005


This book is worth reading mostly because it is excellent.

I don't remember Foucault writing much about schools though. He wrote about every other power-structure going...

>> No.2566370

How much of a bitch would this to read in French if I'm an AP French student?

>> No.2566565

Zelda Fitzgerald.

>> No.2566615

I'm not sure. It isn't very dense in english...however I think foucault has an amazing writing style which may be lost if you don't have a great grasp of the langauge. (obviously it would be enhanced if you did).

>> No.2566627

Slouching Towards Bethlehem-Joan Didion is an excellent set of essays on the counterculture.

>> No.2566629

He definitely wrote about schools in Discipline and Punish. The way exams were used to create baselines and became tools for judgement, the way classes were organized based on performance, and I think a parallel between the military with repetitive practices and routines.

(I haven't read the book in a while, so that's a really shitty synopsis, but schools were definitely present)

>> No.2566887

OP is a hipster faggot that likes to trash others in an attempt to blind out his own insecurity. Catch 22 isn't bad.

>> No.2566933
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I thought /lit/ liked catch-22? or maybe I was just dreaming that.

here op you should read this.

>> No.2566961

>OP is a hipster faggot that likes to trash others in an attempt to blind out his own insecurity
You pretty much just described all the better boards on 4chan. I dont think the OP is alone in this sin.

>> No.2568278
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>that book