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2563172 No.2563172 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first realize Lord of The Rings is racist? For me it was when I read the letter Tolkien wrote about the dwarves being meant to represent the Jews.

>> No.2563183

I had a feeling the Elves were completely smug due to the fact they live longer than most people. I don't remember picking up on anything racist. Then again I was 11 when I read it.

>> No.2563200

Sam, Legolas, and Aragorn all have brown skin.

He didn't mean dwarves represented jews in a bad way, he was quite fond of his dwarves. He didn't writer it as an alegory anyway, as he rants in the preface.

>> No.2563206

There's nothing racist about hating Jews, though.

>> No.2563220

>Implying dwarves are not the best fantasy race.
Fuck you OP.

>> No.2563229

>implying racism is a negative trait

>> No.2563235

hey OP at least IRL the liberals have the lie that everyone is supposed to be the same, hence racism doesn't make sense.

In these fantasy books the races are explicitly and obviously different, it baffles me how anyone could think "racism" would be magically a bad or negative thing.

>> No.2565193


go fuck yourself OP

>> No.2565210

Except that he never said anything like that and wrote a lot of shit opposing anything related to racism. LOTR was shit anyways

>> No.2565219


>> No.2565223

it's fine to be different. racism is when you assign objective value - "race A is better than race B"

aka when you're a cunt

>> No.2565232


very few people who declare something "racist" are operating on your definition

>> No.2565321

Legolas and Aragorn do not have brown skin, and Sam was brown in an English countryside way only. Read the books next time.

>> No.2565414
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mfw Tolkien dwarves are based on semitic races, even their language but modern fantasy stereotypes them as vikings/scots probably because Tolkien used runes for their language

>> No.2565469

well i'm not a fucking scientist (though i wish i was a scientist who studied fucking and also got to fuck the hot young intern pussy) but i think it's also possibly racist to assume that those differences are genetic and not environmental.

i wouldn't say that there are absolutely no genetic reasons for behavioral differences between different races - but i give much much heavier weight to environmental factors. all things considered if children of 5 different races were raised together with their treatment being essentially equal i firmly believe they'd turn out relatively the same (barring their own unique psychological bullshit that makes us all special snowflakes)

but like i said - i aint no fucking scientist.

>> No.2565818

>ll things considered if children of 5 different races were raised together with their treatment being essentially equal i firmly believe they'd turn out relatively the same

luckily we have done trans racial adoption studies and we know that this is factually incorrect.

>> No.2565837

[citation needed]

>> No.2565865

look it up you faggot, IQ is genetic. Brain size correlates to intelligence, etc.

>> No.2565876

interesting that you claim to have knowledge of something that modern science is still struggling to demonstrate


you're full of shit. you made the claim, you back it up.

>> No.2565877

I'd be called a "faggot librul commie" by most people that would cite these studies, but even i have to concede that the evidence is there. Politics is the single reason there isn't complete consensus that IQ has a racial component.

Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, for starters.

>> No.2565884

A study which has multiple problems in the setup and analysis of the results.

It was just bad science all around, and using it to support ANY conclusion reveals the individual's bias favoring that conclusion.

>> No.2565891

What were the problems? And by "setup" do you mean "methodology"?

>> No.2565910

Races are unequal , black people don't have the same sognitive skills as german or nords .

get over it , wherever someone grow there is allways , and allways will be , the totality of the genetic material that control stuff lke the size of the lips , the skin color , the IQ .

get over it

>> No.2565914

>brown in an English countryside way only

Do you mean he was tanned or are you simply a cretin?

>> No.2565915

ITT: samefag general

>> No.2565916


>implying elves aren't

>> No.2565949


Not that guy but anyways:
For one thing, did they consider genetics as part of the deal?

Here's the deal. No person of any racial pigmentation is smarter or dumber than the other. In fact, racial pigment plays no part in determining your intelligence.

That would be like saying that if you're hairy you are smarter and if you're bare then you're dumber.

also, every ethnicity has geniuses and retards. So get over it, you can't generalize.


>> No.2565955

Blacks and whites have different brain shapes/masses, dumb-ass.

>> No.2565959

Your fantastically sourced and evocatively written scientific study has changed my mind on the matter! Thank you!

>> No.2565963

Tolkein was fair for his day. He realized, after publishing LotR, that it made no sense for orcs to be both free-willed and universally evil.

>> No.2565968
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Silmarillion > The Hobbit > LotR

>> No.2565969


Except IQ is not one of those differences.

But hey, continue being an idiot.

>> No.2565972

Are you an idiot? This is factually and entirely incorrect.



>> No.2565979

>also, every ethnicity has geniuses and retards.

Blacks have basically zero geniuses since their average IQ is so low, statistically there might be one in their whole population.

Also: averages are critically important as well, funny how the liberals want to just ignore that.

A society/country is made up a lot of people, to lower the average is to make the country worse off.

ESPECIALLY in a democracy where all the shitskins get equal say in guvment.

>> No.2565982


[citation needed that is based on statistics not on ranting ignorance]

Also, what if a "black" and a "white" person have a child. How would his skull weigh then? And what if then that child marries a "black" person?

Would that mean his skull would weight more or less?

Any specific/ non-statistical phenotype you bring up as proof will be wrong, I assure you.

>> No.2565990

Lord of the Rings is not racist

just want to reiterate that

>> No.2565991



you ALMOST made me mad. But then I loled. Keep trolling, keep it real.

>> No.2566004

are you black? that would explain your stupid posting

>> No.2566011


Nice of you to throw scientific articles around. You've must have read that for your class a few days ago, right?

>So, for your articles:

Please point to the page where it says "blacks" are dumber than "whites" or that your skin color correlates with your intelligence.

That must mean that every time you tan, you get dumber, right? I mean by your theory, that is true...

Just stop trolling and/or being and idiot. You won't win this argument because there is no proof, at least for now and mostly likely ever.

>> No.2566013

please point out where i said "skin color" relates to intelligence.

>> No.2566014


I will just ignore your stupidity. Post something reasonable, then I might respond.

>> No.2566019


>then please point out the reason why you linked my post with two random articles that talk about brain development.

As I'm concerned my post had no relations with your articles.

>> No.2566031

>That must mean that every time you tan, you get dumber, right?
Only if you use a tanning bed.

>> No.2566035

the article had to with your genes playing a dominant role in intelligence. And race is genetics.

Different races have different genetic averages of intelligence.

>> No.2566048


genes do play a dominant role in intelligence. You're right.

Race, however, is an artificial concept. The race that you are thinking of is called "skin color" or "skin pigment"

skin pigment in no-way predicts your intelligence.

There is only 1 race. The human race, also know as Homo sapiens.

Please catch up on your theory of evolution. also give me the email of your professor who teaches you such bullshit.

>> No.2566049


Correlation does not indicate cause you ignorant fuck.

>> No.2566054

>Race, however, is an artificial concept.
all taxonomy is an artificial and arbitrary concept.

>The race that you are thinking of is called "skin color" or "skin pigment"

utter nonsense.

>Please catch up on your theory of evolution.
lol, so we're separated for tens of thousands of years, and at the end of it, we're all the same? Sounds like YOU are the one who doesn't believe in evolution.

>> No.2566072

>Brain size largely inherited
>Colder environments yield bigger brains
>Africans have smaller brains
>Brain size correlated positively with intelligence:

Due to liberal bias, we're not allowed to explicitly hypothesise that blacks are intellectually inferior on a macro level, but all the information is out there for you to put together yourself. Although it should be patently obvious from your own basic powers of observation, anyway.

>> No.2566087


>separated for tens of thousands of years
>homo sapiens are less than 30,000 years old
>mfw species take hundreds of thousands of years to evolve

Clearly you are a person who does not accept scientifically proven beliefs and instead swims in self-righteousness.

You are no better than other "races" get over it.
You are not special. You came from monkey-like beings that existed millions of years ago.

Grow up and finish high school.

>> No.2566100


I don't even know where to start with you.

Yes, Brain size inherited.

No, it has not been proven that colder environments lead to bigger brains. I have studied this and the study has been done incorrectly. Yes, Bergmann's rule state that bodies in cold environment tend to be bigger, but only proportionately.
Thus, the brains would be only bigger, but the proportion between body/brain would remain the same.

For 3rd look at second. ^^^

Fourth article is utter bullshit.

>> No.2566102


liberal bias what are you talking about? The whole world agrees.

You think US is the only country in the world? It's not called liberal bias. It's called reality.

>> No.2566103

The claim that we take millions of years to evolve is bizarre. I assume you mean that it takes millions of years to evolve to be more or less intelligent. That's just false.

> The claim that there has not been enough time for evolution to act on non-superficial traits is not scientific. First because nonsuperficial traits take no more time to evolve than superficial traits. More importantly, reasonable selection parameters allow for significant differences to arise between populations in 100 years, much less 100,000. Richard Lynn argues that genetics account for 1.3 SD in intelligence between sub-Saharan Africans and Europeans. Genetic anthropologist Henry Harpending illustrates how a 1 SD difference in a hypothetical trait, with a lower additive heritability than intelligence, could evolve in 500 years:

> [A]ssume time preference has an additive heritability of 25%. Assume that everyone with time preference more than 1 sd above the mean of the distribution has double the fitness of everyone else. About 16% of the population then has twice the number of offspring as everyone else on average.

>After a generation of reproduction the new mean time preference will be increased by (0.2 * .25) or 5% of a standard deviation. In 20 generations, 500 years, time preference should go up by a full standard deviation.


>> No.2566105


>Race, however, is an artificial concept. The race that you are thinking of is called "skin color" or "skin pigment"

Well, this is silly. It's whatever you want to use to designate the differences between segments of the human race. You can't claim differences don't exist. You can argue that they don't matter, but that'd also be a tough argument, since the different races have different traits that allow them to adjust to their environments.

You're completely devaluing the research put into this field by downplaying any of the implications of evolution as applied to the human race. And why? Because it offends you? You can't have that attitude and have a serious discussion about this. Science doesn't care what you feel, it only cares what the facts are.

>> No.2566109


>Thus, the brains would be only bigger, but the proportion between body/brain would remain the same.

...what would that matter in terms of brain capacity?

>> No.2566123

They didn't account for all relevant confounding variables, and because of this, the results of their study can be used to support either a genetic or environmental origin for the data depending on the biases of the reader.

>> No.2566126

how does I oxygenation? How does I respiration?

>> No.2566133


You didn't answer my question.

>> No.2566141

Brain size usually increases with body size (positive correlation) in animals (i.e. large animals usually have larger brains than smaller animals).[1] The relationship is not linear however. Small mammals like mice have a direct brain/body size similar to humans, while elephants have comparatively small brain/body size, despite elephants being obviously intelligent animals.[1][3]
Intelligence in animals is hard to establish, but the larger the brain the more brain weight might be available for more complex cognitive tasks. However, large animals need more brain to control their body, so that relative rather than absolute brain size makes for a ranking of animals that coincide better with observed complexity of behaviour.

>> No.2566166
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ITT: Correlation = causation

>> No.2566175

Tolkien wrote about the dwarves being meant to represent the Jews.

WTF Dwarves work with their hands and shit- Jew are the ones subverting the king who tried to burn his son.

>> No.2566176

I am racist and and a fascist.

>> No.2566199

Isn't it great that these studies also show that liberals are cognitively superior and have a massive mental edge over conservatives and stormfags? What should the practical implications of this be, I wonder? We should probably mass-sterilize people with primitive brain structures such as your own and ensure your genes die out. It seems like you agree.

>> No.2566208

>not "tend to be"

STOP. Think before you post.

>> No.2566214

That's the entire point, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2566222

The best part is that Africans have a huge amount of genetic diversity - more than the rest of humanity put together, in fact - while stormfags are inbred trailer trash whose inferiority is arguably actually a mark against the people who look similar to them.

>> No.2566246

[citation needed]

>> No.2566420

Funny how the studies themselves shows that liberals cannot feel rational fear or worry.

What is fear but a survival trait?

>> No.2566508

also Fitzpatrick's war is the most outwardly antisemetic book I've ever read

>> No.2566514

When he was giving that description of the dwarves in The Hobbit

>> No.2566541

I'm liberal on stuff when it comes to the welfare state and other issues. I just don't think that we should ignore evidence when we don't like what it is showing us.

>> No.2567394


jesus christ, what a stupid person. There is NO evidence that intelligence and "race" correlate. Maybe one day.

But for now, intelligence does not correlate with your skin color. Do you see what I am saying? That your pigment does not effect your brain.

>> No.2567721

you are making some illogical connections.

>There is NO evidence that intelligence and "race" correlate.

This a fact, you cannot dispute it without being silly.

>your skin color.
Race is not skin color, i don't know why you keep bringing it up.

>> No.2567730

>jesus christ, what a stupid person. There is NO evidence that intelligence and "race" correlate. Maybe one day.

Actually, even the nurture only people (e.g. Nisbett) agree that there is a correlation between those. They just think it is nurture only, that's why you have affirmative action etc. in the US. They think they can fix it.

Of course, they can't fix it without altering the genes.


>But for now, intelligence does not correlate with your skin color. Do you see what I am saying? That your pigment does not effect your brain.

You don't seem to understand the concept of correlation. Two things, x and y, can correlate without x affecting y, or y affecting x is nay causal sense. Genes for the two traits may simply co-vary.. which is exactly what correlation is.

I warn you that it is stupid to engage me in this without extensive knowledge of the field, which you most likely lack.

>> No.2567740

Lol keep going, you are so close to convincing normal people that 'mudslimes' are the cause of all the ills in the world and that we should follow in the footsteps of neo-Nazi trailer trash if we want to preserve civilization.

Maybe you should call everyone who disagrees with you a communist kike libtard. That should do the trick.

>> No.2567744

sure sure sure, i'm sure its just a strange coincidence that white countries are the best in the world, and that importing shitskins from the shittiest countries in the world will have zero effect on our standard of living.

Lets of course just ignore that non-whites already do the vast majority of crime in the country.

>> No.2567751

It was written in the '30s and '40s by a white Englishman and is full of symbolism. I can't imagine it took anyone very long.

>> No.2567753

Those things can be true at the same time that stormfaggotry is dumb as all hell. People like you are going extinct, and that's good for the rest of us.

>> No.2567771

I've read the books once a year for 8 years my friend.
Legolas is a Silvian Elf, They have Hispanic/Aboriginal skin color and dark hair.
Don't watch the movies next time.

>> No.2567899

But people loves Dwarves. That should be enough proof that they aren't Jews.

>> No.2567914

"The flat she was working from can only be described as a shit hole
cradling coffee in a polystyrene cup
she saw my reaction to the place, and said "it's my friends flat, and they have cats"
[Use radio mic for this if possible.] [Could use voiceover.]
The cats must have eaten the Hoover and the dusters, I'm telling you it's fuckin minging.
But I’m not the best person to ask, I haven’t seen her in years.
Stunk of piss

I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!! I need to leave this piss hut!!!"


>> No.2567923
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Fuck dammit OP you are taking what he said way out of context


He meant that Dwarves, like the Jews, are a group of people living outside of their ancestral homeland in foreign countries where the natives don't like them very much, and, like the Jews, they keep to themselves mostly and maintain their ancient language and traditions.

>> No.2567928
File: 473 KB, 1169x1250, Door of Morning - John Howe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, let's take a look at some of his other letters shall we

>Tolkien vocally opposed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party prior to the Second World War. In 1938, the publishing house Rütten & Loening Verlag was preparing to release The Hobbit in Nazi Germany. To Tolkien's outrage, he was asked beforehand whether he was of Aryan origin. In a letter to his British publisher Stanley Unwin, he condemned Nazi "race-doctrine" as "wholly pernicious and unscientific". He added that he had many Jewish friends and was considering, "letting a German translation go hang".[101] He provided two letters to Rütten & Loening and instructed Unwin to send whichever he preferred. The more tactful letter was sent and was lost during the later bombing of Germany. In the unsent letter, Tolkien makes the point that "Aryan" is a linguistic term, denoting speakers of Indo-Iranian languages. He continued,

>But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.[102]

>> No.2567933
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>In 1968, he objected to a description of Middle-earth as "Nordic", a term he said he disliked because of its association with racialist theories.[104]

>> No.2567935

The liberal mad in this thread is astounding
I love how they cant handle contradicting science
Its a common fact by now that IQ difference do exists between the "races"
There is really nothing you can do about it
And as long as you keep denying it
It'll only get worse

>> No.2567942
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Also, didn't Tolkien base the Dwarves' language off of Hebrew?

>> No.2567955

IQ tests are not scientific. Scientists don't give them any sort of credit.

Black people clearly have the same capacity for intelligence as those of any other race, given the existence of black scientists and physicians and scholars.

And the fact that the ratio of educated to uneducated black people is different from that of white people has everyone to do with society and nothing to do with genetics. It's hard to get a good schooling when there's a system in place that's suppressing you.

>> No.2568008

I came into this thread as a tolkien fan, but stayed for the idiots. Are you all fucking 12?

2nd day of psych 101, the first college class I ever attended, my professor pointed out something critical when examining ANYTHING scientifically. I'd heard it in other forms before, but he said it so simply, and returned to it constantly whenever any study was reviewed or any conclusion drawn. Ready? Brace yourselves.

>correlation does not equal causation. Period.


Also, blacks have a lower average IQ but but are generally better athletes, why? Because Europeans spent a few thousand years living with very few natural predators, building up huge civilizations which focused on social matters, building cities and advancing knowledge.

Africans spent that same amount of time running from lions tigers and 25 foot snakes.
It's just that now, when thrust into a society they didn't evolve to be in, they're differences are viewed as weaknesses. When's the last time you ran from a lion in college or at work? You didn't evolve to live in Africa, they didn't evolve to be eisteins. No racism or bigotry, just fact

>> No.2568009

i thought one of the major ideas of lotr was different races working together to achieve a common goal.

i wish i was a mod so i could delete stupid ass threads.

>> No.2568012

It's funny that you seem to have beliefs that you wish others had, but rather than trying to convince people you lash out at 'liberals'.

>> No.2568026

Hurr durr they're oppressed.
>affirmative action, NAACP, various other organizations giving them a boost, and yet overall there are more Caucasian graduates and successful businessmen, scientists, etc.

It's entirely genetic, and that's not a bad thing, see

If all of society collapsed, and all technology disappeared, they'd be better suited to live in smaller hunting gathering tribes, or even as nomads.

>> No.2568029

>Its a common fact by now that IQ difference do exists between the "races"
There is really nothing you can do about it
And as long as you keep denying it
It'll only get worse

It's been common knowledge among experts for decades. Actually, people expected the difference to go away after they stopped segregation in the US, but the difference between US-whites and US-blacks stayed approximately the same since then.

Now, of course, they are wasting a lot of money trying to stop non-existent social discrimination. The real discrimination is genetic. There is nothing to do about that except for eugenics. Eugenics is on the rise again anyway, only they call it something else this time, like "genetic counseling".

>> No.2568033

>Africans didn't have a high enough IQ to contain and subdue their predators. They lived in close contact with dangerous animals, while East Asia and Europe killed and contained the dangers in their environment

You see? I can play at this game too

>> No.2568036
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>implying the selection of mates by women is not a primitive form of eugenics

>implying we are not improved as a species by having to compete for vagina

>implying I respect women

>> No.2568037

>IQ tests are not scientific. Scientists don't give them any sort of credit.

I don't understand what makes people say these things. Bad media reporting?

Pretty much all psychologists recognize IQ tests as high reliable and highly predictive of outcomes. I hang out in the physics department all the time, and pretty much no one thinks that IQ tests are not scientific or useful etc.

That kind of belief is generally reserved for bad humanities students.

>Black people clearly have the same capacity for intelligence as those of any other race, given the existence of black scientists and physicians and scholars.

You don't seem to understand normal distributions with different averages. IQ follows a normal distribution and the US-black and US-white averages are approximately one standard deviation displaced. This means that at the >130 level, there will be lots and lots of more US-whites than US-blacks. Since the Jews and East Asians score higher than whites, this is why they are overrepresented in the high-IQ requirement areas of life. (They average 105 and 110-115, respectively.)

>> No.2568038

>And the fact that the ratio of educated to uneducated black people is different from that of white people has everyone to do with society and nothing to do with genetics. It's hard to get a good schooling when there's a system in place that's suppressing you.

But there is no such systematic suppression. In fact, US-black IQs stayed about the same before and after segregation, nicely illustrating that the existence of systematic discrimination did not seriously reduce US-blacks IQ.

>> No.2568044

You don't understand what "eugenics" means.

"Eugenics is the "applied science or the bio-social movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population", usually referring to the manipulation of human populations.[2][3] The origins of the concept of eugenics began with certain interpretations of Mendelian inheritance, and the theories of August Weismann.[4] Historically, many of the practitioners of eugenics viewed eugenics as a science, not necessarily restricted to human populations; this embraced the views of Darwinism and Social Darwinism."

>> No.2568047

>people like >>2568029 still exist


>> No.2568051

>applied science

>women have a vague understanding that a taller mate is more likely to produce a taller child
>they begin to read about these average IQ deviations amongst different races
>they pick and choose according to the ideal traits they would like to have in their child

>> No.2568052

My big dick is ready for the fray.

>> No.2568056



>> No.2568061

Because you and a lot of people who think like you have built yourselves into a corner where genetic differences are grounds for discrimination and segregation, so no matter what the evidence suggests you will adamantly deny them.

To say different races have different intelligences and that biology is a factor in this is not to say that anyone would be justified in treating somebody differently because of the color of their skin.

>> No.2568065

But the stormfags that insist we accept one always believe in the other, so what's the point in indulging in this sense that the two concepts should be separated?

>> No.2568082
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>> No.2568084

>But the stormfags that insist we accept one always believe in the other, so what's the point in indulging in this sense that the two concepts should be separated?
Because the evidence strongly suggests that intelligence has a biological component, and you can be a realist without being a nationalist/separatist/supremacist.

>> No.2568085

That is not applied science. Applied science is something like medicine. Eugenics as practiced today consists of screening for genetic diseases prior to birth. For instance, in Denmark, almost all mothers get screened and 99% of them choose to remove a child with Down's syndrome. The result is that almost none of these people are born anymore. Good thing for society, and for the parents too. It is costly to raise a handicapped child, even with 'unconditional' motherly love.

>> No.2568092

>But the stormfags that insist we accept one always believe in the other, so what's the point in indulging in this sense that the two concepts should be separated?

I don't care about stormfags. What they want people is believe is irrelevant. What the evidence indicates is what is important. The evidence is pretty clear. There are genetic differences between different populations of humans/races. Some of these are in intelligence, others are in alleles that are important for other things such as sickle cell anemia, blood type (important for blood transfusions), sprinting ability, long distance running ability, etc.

This is exactly as one would expect evolutionarily. Populations that are cut off specialize to their environment.

>> No.2568101

worst thread? try worst forum.

fucking sick of the race threads. if mods would halfway manage this place maybe it wouldn't be deader than usual with the few shit threads.

i'm out. will check back when the kids are back in school from spring break and see how the board is doing.

>> No.2568139


>> No.2568220

>not a nationalist

hurr if we just shove everyone together, it'll all magically work out and we will reach a utopia!

>> No.2568228

Except I wasn't saying you were wrong, I clearly stated Europeans evolved in such a way that intelligence was favored over physical attributes, and Africans have been running from shit in the jungle instead. I'm not racist, but I hate niggers. Gangster thugs with no intelligence. Scientifically blacks have a lower intelligence. I stated that several times. What the fuck were you even arguing?

>> No.2568253

It's not "africans" who are good runners, its specifically high altitude kenyans who do good in marathons, and specifically some west africans who do well in sprinting.

>> No.2568266
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Psychology is not a science you fucking twit.

>> No.2568272

>It's not "africans" who are good runners, its specifically high altitude kenyans who do good in marathons, and specifically some west africans who do well in sprinting.

This is correct.

>> No.2568275

"Psychology is the study of the mind, occurring partly via the study of behavior.[1][2] Grounded in scientific method,[1][2] psychology has the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing general principles and researching specific cases,[3][4] and for many it ultimately aims to benefit society.[5][6] In this field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a psychologist, and can be classified as a social scientist, behavioral scientist, or cognitive scientist. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain cognitive functions and behaviors."

These 'psychology is not a science' people are strange. I have never seen a justification for that particular belief.

>> No.2568274
File: 241 KB, 900x782, Eowyn and the Witch King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever is happening ITT we agree that OP is mistaken and taking something Tolkien said way out of context, right?

And that Tolkien was not racist, so stormfags need to stop idolizing him like the muddle brained idiots they are.

Seriously they like to pretend that The Lord of the Rings is an analogy for the struggle between races, which is stupid, because even if Tolkien were a white supremacist he hated it when anyone thought that his writings were analogous to anything.

>> No.2568279
File: 34 KB, 194x230, 1302277502279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientifically blacks have a lower intelligence.

And what's the scientific basis for that?

Because it's not IQ tests, seeing as how Psychology has about as much to do with actual science as any other liberal art.

Because that's what Psychology is. A liberal art.

>> No.2568291

Keep going, guys, I'm sure the stormfag will stop acting like an idiotic redneck and will soon come up with a rational argument that normal people will agree with. Any minute now...

>> No.2568303
File: 26 KB, 539x422, dr-neil-degrasse-tyson-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For making me reply.

>> No.2568310

are you retarded?

>> No.2568312

It's cute when stormfags, who dropped out of high school to protect their minds from "Jewish lies," think that they're so much smarter than black people with advanced degrees, isn't it?

>> No.2568313

Gee, great counter point there pal. You debate so eloquently, it's hard to see why more people don't take you seriously.

>> No.2568316

It doesn't take a genius level IQ to become a fucking PHD holder, especially not in this jewified age of affirmative action and nigger worship.

and anyways, he's not "black" he is a mongrel.

>> No.2568323

He uses the word 'shitskins' when speaking to people he's trying to convince. Can't you see how much of a master communicator he is? Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of readers have probably been convinced by his wonderful speech, ready to drop out of school and become soldiers in an oversized meth lab in Idaho where they wait for the opportunity to strike against ZOG.

(oh wait they got kicked out of Idaho for being stupid savages)

>> No.2568333

they see me trollin, they hatin...

Race refers to phenotype. Skin color is phenotype.Therefore, skin color = race.

Perhaps the retards here are referring to ethnicity.

Good God, /lit/ is fucking polluted with skinhead stormfags.
Get over yourselves. Blacks are equal to whites.

>> No.2568334

>and anyways, he's not "black" he is a mongrel.

A neurologist at my local hospital is Sudanese. He's as black as black can get. And he's a neurologist.

But anyway, it's all the Jew's fault that he made his way through medical school isn't it? So you can go right ahead feeling superior to him, even without a secondary education.

>> No.2568343

>Skin color is A phenotype

Well, you can use the black doctors, i'll stick to white ones.

>> No.2568349

>having a high IQ is more important than actually knowing anything

No, it's not. Intelligence is useless if you don't apply it.

People who brag about their IQ but have never been to college are just jerking themselves off.

A man with an average IQ and an advanced degree is much smarter than a mensa member who doesn't even have a bachelor's.

>> No.2568355

Is this the best you can do in a debate? Picking out minor typos while completely evading your opponent's main point?

>> No.2568365

It's not a minor typo, you retard, its a refutation of his entire point.

>> No.2568368

>A man with an average IQ and an advanced degree is much smarter than a mensa member who doesn't even have a bachelor's.

No he isn't. These blacks are less intelligent, they do not know the material as well, they intrinsically will dislike whites(which is why its foolish to trust/use them) and they will be far more predisposed to accidents or errors.

>> No.2568397

>they do not know the material as well, they intrinsically will dislike whites(which is why its foolish to trust/use them) and they will be far more predisposed to accidents or errors

get a load of all that [citation needed]

>> No.2568406

Do you think that being a doctor is like working in a factory or something?

They have to use their minds, to diagnose, to keep up to date on the latest research and stuff like that.
To be less intelligent or capable means that they will be much worse a doctor.

>> No.2568417

Mhmmm. You know they keep track of when physicians make mistakes, don't you?

I'm sure that some Sociologist out there has done some research into the mistakes physicians make based on their race. Have you ever done any research into that, or are you just going off of assumptions here?

Hence the [citation needed].

>> No.2568426

But then again, sociologists have advanced degrees... and advanced degrees are earned at university... and universities are controlled by the Jews... so sociologists are just Jewish pawns, like all other academics!

It's not safe to learn anything from these so called "scholars" and "scientists!"

>> No.2568456
File: 711 KB, 1104x979, Theoden Espies The Serpent Banner - Michael Kaluta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Stormfag, does it crush you to know that Tolkien wasn't a white supremacist?

Why don't you go and tell all of your stormfag friends the bitter truth, so that they stop making Tolkien art threads on stormfaggotry.com

>> No.2568461

Don't worry, man. The people who come on 4chan are usually the lowest of the low, particularly stormfags. They're beliefs have been in steady decline essentially since the Civil War. (I mean, we have a fucking black President, for fuck's sake.) Just ignore these idiots, because they don't read literature, and likely haven't even graduated high school (you know, with education being controlled by scheming Marxists and all). Their views won't die, they're already dead. Even the most far right people I know distance themselves as much as possible from these faggots. Who knows why a couple have found their way onto /lit/.

>> No.2568466

sure sure sure, because all the non-whites want is "equality" and they will stop once they have that, right? All the bad things in the world was at the hands of white people right? So making whites powerful minorities in their own countries can't possibly have negative consequences...

>> No.2568469
File: 4 KB, 452x523, 1331164619733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.2568486

Serious question, have you ever been on meds? These symptoms seem pathologically similar to paranoid schizophrenia. In no way is the fear that essentially EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is conspiring against you a rational fear.

>> No.2568491

Psychiatrists are Jewish peons too anon.

But maybe this stormfag would go see a psychologist, seeing as how they're SERIOUS SCIENTISTS and all.

Or maybe this stormfag doesn't know the difference between the two...

>> No.2568498

And sorry, their**. Jesus Christ. I'm ashamed, but I think it's forgivable given I haven't slept (or maybe not).

>> No.2568555

Yes, everyone in the world is conspiring all the time, that's what people do, that's NORMAL BEHAVIOR.

Do you deny that secret societies or associations exist?

When a wife cheats on a husband, she is "conspiring" against him with others.

The "rational fear"/knowledge is that people work for their own benefits, mostly along rational/ethnic lines. What benefits them, will more often then not, harm us.

This is just reality.

>> No.2568561

wife - husband: Jews - the world

yup that's totally a reasonable analogy

>> No.2568572


So i guess according to you, we can get rid of this, noone has ever conspired and they never will!

All we have to do is ask them honestly, they will answer us, and everyone lives happily ever after!

>> No.2568579

>implying that "cheating" is a crime

>> No.2568594

Conspiracies rarely work. Your list shows that. None of those conspiracies would be on Wikipedia if they had worked right?

People are very bad at keeping secrets. The larger the conspiracy, the more people would have to be in the know, and the more likely the conspiracy is to fail.

That's common sense. But you haven't accepted that because this conspiracy nonsense is a coping mechanism for you and all other stormfags. It's a way for you to blame your problems on someone else.

It's kind of sad really. Hopefully one day you'll open up and see a therapist, and you'll learn to accept your problems without using hatred to comfort yourself.

>> No.2568611

the only sad thing is that back stabbing liberal traitors like yourself are allowed to live.

>> No.2568619

Surely you don't think that it's healthy to be so filled with hate?

>> No.2568620

>Conspiracies rarely work.
also: are you kidding? What do you think intelligence agencies do?

Do you really not know anything about history or the real world?

>> No.2568633

>Do you really not know anything about history or the real world?

Yeah, I know about a whole lot of failed conspiracies.

And as for you, how could you know anything about "the history of the real world?"

You think that conspiracies happen all the time and that they work, which means that you would know nothing about these conspiracies.

Because if you do know anything about a conspiracy, that's because it's failed, and my point stands.

>> No.2568653

>What do you think intelligence agencies do?

Fail horribly. The FBI and the CIA are notorious for being unable to keep secret documents within the respective inner circle. Not only that, but often fail to capitalize on the intelligence they receive. Read Legacy of Ashes for more

>> No.2568657

You aren't even making sense.

>Because if you do know anything about a conspiracy, that's because it's failed, and my point stands.

And so there is a potentially unlimited number of conspiracies that have succeeded and you don't know about.

>> No.2568665

A simply glance at this tim weiner shows him to be a leftist jew, you should take anything he says with a couple handfulls of salt.

>> No.2568672

Does not invalidate countless instances of CIA documents finding their way into the media's hands

>> No.2568679

>And so there is a potentially unlimited number of conspiracies that have succeeded and you don't know about.

There could be, if conspiracies worked.

>> No.2568695

The leaking of CIA documents is itself, a successful conspiracy.

So conspiracies don't work yet people conspire all the time, hmm, i guess people are just all crazy.

>> No.2568712

and lo, the conspiracy theorist's main weapon of rhetoric: taking anything that refutes his point and turns it into "proof" of the conspiracy he proposes.