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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 373x380, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2557517 No.2557517 [Reply] [Original]

Hello guys, I'm looking for a high resolution photo of a book, Baudrillard's "The System of Objects" (the edition doesn't matter at all - engrish, french, whatever). Well sure you folks may not adore the whole postmodernist tradition at all (according to this pic), well, I'm okay with it. If you want it so much, there's no problem of making another provocative discussion out of this thread: "fucktard Foucaut just need to suck Wittgenstein's cut cock" and so on. Then again, I just need to get a proper photo.

>> No.2557518

Actually we do rather like the postmodern tradition, hence a troll made that pic to mess with us.

>> No.2557523

Foucault's studies of power are the most sensible socio-political writings I've ever read.

Power struggles run shit in every facet of human life.

>> No.2557526

Which is exactly why /lit/ is such a shit heaven.

Pomo is trash:








>> No.2557530

nobody cares m8 move along

>> No.2557532


I only glanced at the first article, but the impenetrability of deconstruction is a valid criticism. It is not a total defeat of the field or its ideas.

>> No.2557537

I post a few links and I get:

>I only glanced at the first article, but the impenetrability of deconstruction is a valid criticism. It is not a total defeat of the field or its ideas.

What did you expect after doing aprox. ZERO research? Pomo is nonsense. Read the links.

>> No.2557548


No. You go read the collective works of Derrida and Barthes. If you don't you're wrong.

This is a pretty easy technique, I'm glad you've clued me into it.

Also, the concluding paragraph of that first article (of which I skipped directly to the concluding paragraph) reminded me of this bit from Stoner:

Dave Masters, a secondary character and a fellow college instructor of the titular character, says the following about universities:

"It's an asylum or - what do they call them now? - A rest home, for the infirm, the aged, the discontent, the otherwise incompetent."

You can't rescue us from the "jungle". We belong here, and we're happy.

>> No.2557550


>> No.2557564

and he forgot leibniz in the high tier also

>> No.2557637
File: 68 KB, 251x203, book_3D system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fine. So what about a photo? Looking for something like this, but in a high-res.

>> No.2558024
File: 2.08 MB, 2592x1944, 1303449424065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up. Here's hoping someone should finally make a proper picture of Baudrillard's "System of Objects". I just can't believe there are no anions with that very book in their libraries.

>> No.2558040

Not the guy you are responding to, and I admit a bias against pomo having studied it (it's a lovely divergence from REALITY, however).

But your response is silly.

First, the guy is making a valid argument. He's right to point out that drawing conclusions without examining his argument is not wise.

Additionally, the criticisms of postmodernism are predicated on having some understanding of postmodernist methodology and some of the foundational positions (or disagreements).

All of these articles more or less make an account with this background in mind.

Lastly, your quote? What am I supposed to draw from that? "We like our shitty system, move along"?

>> No.2558050

Sage for retarded tier list.

>> No.2558409

Oh, we're still alive. In that case - bump!

>> No.2558417

I look at that picture and cringe at what a useless douche I would become if I read those books.

>> No.2558433

Becoming a douche is a conscious choice every time, anon, never forget that.