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2554932 No.2554932 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend fun books for my 12 year old sister

She's asking me for something to read, she's apparently one of the smartest in the class but she's pretty poor at reading books. Before I give up I want her to at least experience a few good books that she can understand.

She read Jaqueline Wilson and hated it, she read 24 pages into Across The Universe and didn't understand any of it, I think the dual narrative melted her mind (lol).
I think Hunger Games would be perfect because of how frank the narrative is and the simplicity of the writing, but her friend already told her what happened and she refuses to read it. She's also seen Twilight and Harry Potter.

>> No.2554935

>refuses to read it
Let her wilt in ignorance then. Fuck her. At that age Jules Verne was my god.

>> No.2554939

fuckin Edge Chronicles motherfucker is a good fuckin series if you're fuckin twelve I fuckin reccomend it get her to fuckin read it the cunt

>> No.2554959
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Pic related.

>> No.2554974

Yeah the Edge Chronicles are fuckin great. And they have really fantastic illustrations.

>> No.2554977

dont give her harry potter. for one, its too immersive that nothing will be good enough and its really simple so it will hold back her progression

>> No.2554983

>12 year old sister
>posts 6 year old girl

>> No.2554994

Ever heard of a library OP? They probably have books suited for 12 year olds

>> No.2554997

his dark materials.
the hobbit.
the little prince.
the wind in the willows.
b.f.g. by dahl.
the witches.

>> No.2555000

Depends on what she's into.

>> No.2555001

You're right, at her age I was going through Tolkien's works.
I want to just say it's the fault of her environment, she's 12 after all, most of her decisions will be short-sighted. But the kids are definitely getting dumber...
I think I'll just buy her a book now and then and if she doesn't like it I'll add it to my library, things like His Dark Materials, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and maybe even Catcher in the Rye.


>> No.2555009

Mein kampf.
Something from Heidegger
Maybe even Nietzsche.
Oscar Wilde

>> No.2555011

A 12 year old should be able to read adult level books. I don't want to live on this world anymore.

>> No.2555018

soz, stock photo
I think she's too arrogant to use her imagination, so most fantasy isn't an option, she enjoyed both Carrie's War and a book called Thief, which I can't find any info on.

>> No.2555025


>I think she's too arrogant to use her imagination

Why even attempt to help her then? Let her wallow in her stupidity.

>> No.2555027

If she liked Carrie's War then she'll love Carrie.

>> No.2555029

>I think she's too arrogant to use her imagination
Try to rewrite his books so a 12 year old can understand.

>> No.2555036

Because she's 12, which means she's still learning and it's my responsibility to help her through adolescence.
I can understand what you're saying if she was an adult, but what kind of person gives up on a child so young?

>> No.2555040


12 isn't a child

>> No.2555050
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if your sister doesn't like this, she probably doesn't like reading

>> No.2555060

>most fantasy isn't an option
fuck that shit give her fucking edge chronicles i told you
it has fucking flying boats and shit what's not to like
fuck's sake

>> No.2555065

oh and the dark is fucking rising that's good too

>> No.2555071

It sounds like she just doesn't like reading. You just let her develop into the mediocre teenager she's bound to become.

>> No.2555109

loool i'm gonna read it myself based on your enthusiasm

>> No.2555117

>12 year old who never got into reading at a young age like you and I presumably did
>should be able to read adult books

>> No.2555122

howl's moving castle by d.w. jones. it's almost as good as the miyazaki movie.

>> No.2555132

the neverending story novel was better than the movie.

>> No.2555135

His Dark Materials yeeeeee

>> No.2555143


>> No.2555145


For some reason, seeing her name abbreviated like that is really weird ... really really weird ...

>> No.2555206

i forgot how to spell wynne and didn't want to look it up. but now i did and i guess i should've from the get-go. :)

have you read it? it's the only thing i've read by her. i don't normally read fantasy but it was fun. would definitely recommend to anyone who liked the movie.

>> No.2555256

what sort of books do you normally read?

>> No.2555268

eh. lots of jap lit.

i think my fave fiction writers are natsume soseki, flannery o'connor, and mark twain.

>> No.2555273


I've read a few of her books, but they were all years ago. The only one I can really remember was Fire and Hemlock, which I loved at the time.

>> No.2555290


>> No.2555683
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She picked up Lolita from my bookshelf because that's what our aunt calls her and she's actually getting into it.

I'm not sure if I should let her read that at her age...but jesus christ she's actually enjoying a book.

also my captcha

>> No.2555707

If anything it'll make her more aware of pedofiles and likely to avoid them, what's the harm in that?
Also no surprise she enjoys it, it's fucking beautiful. I haven't gotten to read it yet, but I keep reading the opening passage of the book, reading Ulysses at the moment, and it's like drinking honey it's so smooth.

>> No.2555741

I've also read only the first page, it's damn graceful.
Ulysses smooth? Noted.

>> No.2555927
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or Cat's Cradle.
That ought to get her noggin working, making a fine absurdist of her.

>> No.2555936

I am Cat

>> No.2555950

House of the Scorpion and The Little Prince

>> No.2555973

>reading Ulysses at the moment, and it's like drinking honey it's so smooth

its more like choking on a barrel of dicks

>> No.2555987

i suggest getting her into good music before literature

>> No.2555993

more like chugging the juice from a barrel of moist pussys

>> No.2556025

>and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

why does /lit/ love autistic authors? twilight is better written than this shit.

>> No.2556084


>> No.2556096

You forgot A Clockwork Orange and Finnegan's Wake, but other than that solid list.

>> No.2557396

The Pilo Family Circus
Howl's Moving Castle

>> No.2558044

Tales of the Slayer

>> No.2558080

The fact that I was reading Ulysses (specifically in a subclause), was meant to contrast the two different prose styles between Ulysses and Lolita.
Lolita is like drinking honey:
>Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lo-lee-ta: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Lo. Lee. Ta.
Compared to reading Ulysses, which is equivocal at point to choking on a dick:
>Then outspake medical Dick to his comrade medical Davy. Christicle, who's this excrement yellow gospeller on the Merrion hall? Elijah is coming washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Come on, you winefizzling ginsizzling booseguzzling existences!

>> No.2558087

Pratchett's YA stuff: Amazing Maurice, then the four Tiffany books.

Actual strong female characters, not the pandering bullshit you'll find in Hunger Games and Twilight. Plus, they're fun.

>> No.2558089

absolutely normal chaos

>> No.2559323
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Honestly, if you're trying too hard stop now. I don't remember anyone giving me books in particular. Elementary school had this book-point system but I ignored it completely and read whatever, whenever I was bored. I remember it was a lot of stephen king and dean koontz books because that's what my brother had.

I also remember this book pictured, A Little Princess, which was pretty neat.

Then in middle school I found a discworld book (so Wee Free Men?) and thought those were neat, along with a bunch of random poetry books, and just books that I thought had a neat cover.

Maybe, whatever story you're reading, offer to read aloud to her. My brother did that to me sometimes, even though he would read mysteries and sci-fi. I thought it was neat enough at the time. Otherwise let her watch cartoons and dress up like a normal child.

>> No.2559504
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This. And perhaps The Book Thief.

>> No.2559529

Saga of Darren Shan

>> No.2559832

Give her the Series of Unfortunate Events series, they're childrens books without much fantasy, to suit her ADHD and they're quite mature.

>> No.2560022

12 is like what, 7th-8th grade? I read Robert Ludlam and 80s steven king, and tom clancy books all day every day. If she cant handle adult books she is an untermenschen(frau?), and will probably have a baby before the end of high school. Either that, or if shes hot she will will buy a lot of shit she doesnt need, get drunk and stoned and perform sex acts that she doesnt really want to do, and then get some admin job that she will find herself in at 40, with no husband or chance for a future.

>> No.2560026

This. It'll depress the shit out of her.

>> No.2560046



>> No.2560062

>She's asking me for something to read, she's apparently one of the smartest in the class but she's pretty poor at reading books.

Aka she's good at being a mindless drone built to take tests and quizzes. People who get straight A's yet are still considered 'that dumb kid" are destined to hit a very, very big brick wall come college.

>> No.2561337


>> No.2561361

You should do that, if you want to depress the ever living fuck out of her.

>why did you have to die, lil prince ;_;

>> No.2561379

I was reading Roger Zelazny when I was twelve, I highly recommend the Amber series.