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/lit/ - Literature

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2553124 No.2553124 [Reply] [Original]

post the /lit/est people u encounter on a daily basis

i will tell you about anthony, one of my coworkers
>perpetually depressed or angry looking
>never talks to anyone
>deep, scary voice
>see him reading situationist books in the break room
>drives away blaring funk every time shift ends
>overheard him explaining to one of the girls who folds clothes up front that he finds the concept of recorded sound immoral

>> No.2553132


>> No.2553131

/lit/iest person I've ever met went to Sarah Lawrence and was unemployed.

>> No.2553145

I haven't met any '/lit/' people. Chances are if I did I'd think they were douches and never talk to them.

>> No.2553153
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>overheard him explaining to one of the girls who folds clothes up front that he finds the concept of recorded sound immoral

>> No.2553156

I knew a guy who had sex for crack in middle school. Now He just loves Kid A

>> No.2553161

i have no idea if he was being serious or what
whenever he does talk it's like he just says random shit to see how you'll react

>> No.2553180
File: 14 KB, 300x300, ohgodimretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find the concept of recorded sound immoral

>> No.2553183

he sounds insecure and unable to casually interact with other people. seriously my high school was full of those types of people.

>> No.2553187

Sounds like a funny son of a bitch.

>> No.2553191

>reading situationist books in the break room

I died and went to heaven

>> No.2553212


To be honest, this could work as a great conversation starter. Its bound to provoke a reaction and if you can follow it up with some bullshit pseudophilosophy, so much the better.

OP, please tell us more about anthony. I wish to subscribe to this man's newsletter.

>> No.2553219

That's sort of like me. In a related note, why is it that people always ask you if something's wrong whenever you're not smiling? I mean, who the hell smiles all the time?

Even a simple blank expression will illicit a longer than normal glance.

>> No.2553225

He was probably joking about the recorded sound thing, but you're too much of an autist to have picked up on that.

Other than that, he sounds cool. What are the chances of working a shit job and one of your employees reads fucking situationist lit? Are you from Europe or something?

>> No.2553229


Don't do it. Smiling is so fucking gay. Having people ask "what's wrong?" is the new "have you been working out?".

>> No.2553231
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Fiction readers, the both of them. Some of the most cheerful people I know. A Punjabi with no kids, a kindle and a speed reader. A white woman with grown sons, likes the spooky or quirky ones. Very pirate. Our tastes never really converge, but we understand each other.

>> No.2553233

>Of Jewish descent
>Hair and clothes are always a mess
>Complete Randroid
>Actually reads very little besides Objectivist and related books
God I fucking hate him

>> No.2553252

serious or not ,this sure is a retarded way to socialize .I bet he thought he was haflway in her underwear with this line

>> No.2553271

nah, north new jersey
i would try to hang out with him or something if he wasn't so standoffish

>> No.2553282


I hate him just from the description.

>> No.2553313

everything interesting i can think of
>has midwest accent
>dropped out of high school
>claims to have had near perfect sat scores
>never wears a coat, wore a ratty hoodie all winter
>will randomly quote rap songs during conversation
>studying math at local community college

>> No.2553318

entire debate team. But only the philosophy side of /lit/ (and even then, the PoMo and marxist part of that)

>> No.2553334

lol right??
its funny cuz philosophy needs a proper place to be read

>> No.2553338

Sounds like a typical backpacker

Does he listen to Immortal Technique, Aesop Rock or Wu-Tang?

>> No.2553340


i wish you were dead

>> No.2553345

>hating someone for abbreviating words on the internet
are you like 16 and dress all in black

>> No.2553406

damn. id be that guys friend in a heartbeat (srs). you'll regret not spending more time with him.

>> No.2553425


ld is not real debate

>> No.2553434

Dude, go talk to this guy.
He sounds like a cool dude, whats the chances of meeting anyone that interesting in real life?

>> No.2553998

doesn't realize
was making fun of /lit/... poorly.

>> No.2554089
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I knew a chick who seemed to be in love with Faulkner; problem was she seemed to either despise or be apathetic towards everything and everyone else.

>> No.2554097
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bring him here

>> No.2554102
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Some tall girl with bandaged up arms who used to smoke weed in breaks between classes and wanted to be a zen master. Her parents were high ranking in some weird semi-Hindu hippie sect and rich as fuck because of it and she read Deleuze, lived on some farm with shit loads of dogs and cats and a 40 year old balding man and talked about how some hooker she saw embodied the will to power and flirted aggressively with passing females.

Or this one sort of decadent nazi dude who was into esoteric religion and gnosticism and neofolk and dressed in drag and made sculptures of foetuses.

Or those people who just read things and shit.

>> No.2554742

wow i wish i knew your friends

>> No.2554764

>at work
>guy comes in and asks me to go to the back of his car
>do so
>in his boot is a box of 'perfect bound' short story collections he wrote/got printed up
>gives me one
>throws the rest in the bin outside work
>pours coke on top of them
>ask him why he did that (he spent like £300 getting them printed up)
>scratches his head, shrugs then goes into work he proceeds to change the the warehouse stereo from radio 1 to an Aids Wolf CD.

I still have his book, it's fucking good too.

>> No.2554776

Situationists work now?

Debord would be turning in his grave if he wasn't cremated.

>> No.2554778

Some times people need money to live.
Sometimes mommy and daddy don't give them money.
Sometimes suicide is better than work.
Sometimes not.

>> No.2554784


Fuck work.

>> No.2554810


>situationist complaining about trust fund kids


>> No.2554820

>being jealous because your parents were lazy worthless idiots who never saved a dime

>> No.2554823

Be white middle class male until 18. Then parents tell me I'm an adult and have to fend for myself.

>> No.2554826

tell em you won't show up for their funeral

>> No.2554830


You should have gone to university, used that time to write, and then dropped out.

>> No.2556621
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Anthony sounds like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.2556742

what the fuck?

>> No.2556759

Holy shit, that guy sounds incredible.

>> No.2556760

scan the book

i wanna read it

>> No.2556774
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This guy sounds fucking awesome.

>> No.2556796

holy shit that sounds like a great character for a story

like fucking seriously thinking of stealing this

>> No.2556802

Well I don't encounter him on a daily basis but I know this philologist, he has his doctorate in classics and a major in history from the UCLA. He's fluent in six or seven languages and is a huge nerd, he loves Tolkien and Star Wars and Star Trek and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

When he was in high school he translated part of the Lord of the Rings into Latin, just because.

He's like my idol and he doesn't know I exist... fuck I feel like an awkward school girl or something.

>> No.2556822

Go talk to him. The worst that could happen is you utterly embarrass yourself with your insufficient knowledge of classical literature. Who knows, he might even want to mentor you just for the hell of it.

>> No.2556826


>Star Wars
> Star Trek
> Buffy the Vampire Slayer

>> No.2556827

if you don't like those things get out of /lit/ immediately

i'm fucking serious

i'm serious as the plague

>> No.2556835

>generic fantasy by a liberal
>jew brainwashing
>jew brainwashing
>jew brainwashing

why would anyone read these?

>> No.2556841

>If you don't like these awful things get off of /lit/ immediately

>> No.2556844

fuck you get out of /lit/

politely, please get the fuck out of /lit/

>> No.2556850

They're all awful mate. We can't help your terrible taste.

>> No.2556861
File: 638 KB, 1103x980, Eowyn and the Witch King - Michael Kaluta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like /pol/ is leaking stormfags again.

Also, LotR isn't "generic fantasy" you fucking moron. Tolkien is the one who made fantasy generic. He established all of the tropes.

Something can't be overused if you're the first to use it.

>> No.2556865

That's awful pretentious of you, thinking that such a well educated man has terrible taste.

He's a master in world literature. He knows what makes a good story.

>> No.2556866


B-but. They might be afraid of finally knowing them in person and unable to appreciate them in their godly distance.

What if he turns out to be an asshole?

>> No.2556868

it was a joke, you faggot.

>> No.2556870

also, it's stupid because tolkien was notably conservative, and lord of the rings is a masterwork which is notably conservative in outlook. he wasn't even a liberal. everyone criticizes him for not being a liberal.

glad you acknowledge the superiority of my taste

>> No.2556871

>reading for plot

>> No.2556872


Poe's law, you fuck.

>> No.2556874
File: 31 KB, 450x314, 1262302426926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in America. I don't know anyone that reads books.

>> No.2556878

I live in America. Literally everyone that I know reads books.

>> No.2556879

>back to the aspie farm

>> No.2556883

You can't tell with stormfags though. They're not exactly known for being clever or knowledgeable.

One made fun of me once for going to college, because that's where the Jews brainwash people.

>> No.2556887

So they're aggressively ignorant I guess.

>> No.2556891
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>Don't do it. Smiling is so fucking gay.

My sides.

>> No.2556892
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>> No.2556903

>Also, it's stupid because tolkien was notably conservative, and lord of the rings is a masterwork which is notably conservative in outlook. he wasn't even a liberal. everyone criticizes him for not being a liberal.

Eh one of the obvious themes of LotR is nature = good, industrialization = bad

That's not the most conservative sentiment I think.

And Tolkien hated the Nazis before WW2 started and he was disgusted with how black people were treated in his native South Africa, which was pretty progressive of him.

>> No.2556906
File: 711 KB, 1104x979, Theoden Espies The Serpent Banner - Michael Kaluta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stormfags like to pretend that Tolkien was super racist because "hurr orcs = black people."

But his letters make it pretty clear that he wasn't.

>Tolkien vocally opposed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party prior to the Second World War. In 1938, the publishing house Rütten & Loening Verlag was preparing to release The Hobbit in Nazi Germany. To Tolkien's outrage, he was asked beforehand whether he was of Aryan origin. In a letter to his British publisher Stanley Unwin, he condemned Nazi "race-doctrine" as "wholly pernicious and unscientific". He added that he had many Jewish friends and was considering, "letting a German translation go hang".[102] He provided two letters to Rütten & Loening and instructed Unwin to send whichever he preferred. The more tactful letter was sent and was lost during the later bombing of Germany. In the unsent letter, Tolkien makes the point that "Aryan" is a linguistic term, denoting speakers of Indo-Iranian languages. He continued,

>But if I am to understand that you are enquiring whether I am of Jewish origin, I can only reply that I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people. My great-great-grandfather came to England in the eighteenth century from Germany: the main part of my descent is therefore purely English, and I am an English subject—which should be sufficient. I have been accustomed, nonetheless, to regard my German name with pride, and continued to do so throughout the period of the late regrettable war, in which I served in the English army. I cannot, however, forbear to comment that if impertinent and irrelevant inquiries of this sort are to become the rule in matters of literature, then the time is not far distant when a German name will no longer be a source of pride.[103]

>> No.2556907
File: 1.46 MB, 370x227, i am out this bitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my classmates
>flaming feminist
>every book we read becomes propaganda for the reinforcement of phallocratic misogyny. Every damn one.
>mfw no other theories get to be utilized because nobody else in the class fucking talks

>> No.2556908


>In 1968, [Tolkien] objected to a description of Middle-earth as "Nordic", a term he said he disliked because of its association with racialist theories.[105]

Just throwing that in there.

>> No.2556913

>Eh one of the obvious themes of LotR is nature = good, industrialization = bad. That's not the most conservative sentiment I think.

That's incredibly conservative in any real meaning of the word conservative. It's a romanticizing support for the past (for nature lies in the past & industrialization is, or was, and was understood by Tolkien to be, a progressive technological advancement). It's not conservative in the modern American sense of the word certainly, but in the modern American sense of the word, "conservative" means something entirely different from conservative.

>> No.2556917

>It's not conservative in the modern American sense of the word certainly, but in the modern American sense of the word, "conservative" means something entirely different from conservative.


Here in Murrica conservative too often means "WHY SHOULDN'T WE DRILL FOR OIL IN NATIONAL PARKS?"

>> No.2556924

"conservative" by itself is meaningless.

>> No.2556931

Only if you can't use it in proper context.
If you use it in the right way, it does indeed have meaning. Just saying "X is meaningless" makes you look like an edgy teenage nihilist.

>> No.2556934

You know I consider myself somewhat pro-feminist but shit like this is just unbearable.

It's like when I was telling my sister that it's fucking stupid to spell woman as "womyn" out of the belief that "woman" is a sexist word because it means "from man" on account of that bible story about Adam's rib.

I mean since when were the original English speakers Hebrew? And in Old English "man" was a gender neutral term meaning person. It still means that when we refer to "mankind." And "Wo-man" comes from "wif-mann" in Old English which literally means "female human."

Anyway I told my sister not to ever spell "woman" as "womyn" because that's fucking stupid she got all excited and started telling me about how, as a man, I have no right to tell her to do anything, no matter how retarded it is.


>> No.2556937

get out you disgusting chauvinist, all a woman needs are your paychecks.

>> No.2556961

>tall with dark hair
>wore oxford shirts and dress shoes everyday
>eyes were always bloodshot and staring at the ground or up at the sky
>constantly seen leaning up against walls, standing apart from everyone else
>always smoking and sometimes drinking from a flask
>occasionally reading a worn hardcover book

>> No.2556971

hey look, it's men who hate women on 4chan. i wonder how many of them also wear fedoras and nail up ron paul signs.

>> No.2556978

>writes rap lyrics in his notebook
>tries telling me it's poetry because it rhymes
>owns a nokia and wont get a smart phone
>wears a woolen coat in spring

>> No.2556984
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holy fuck this sounds like me. Well, except for smoking or drinking in public.

>> No.2556987

Don't remember his name, but he is a short guy and has a face covered with sores and acne, which he repetively picks at and squeezes.
He has dark brown hair that is salted with dandruff, which clings to his middle school like "ironic t-shirts".
He seems to be trying to develop a beard which remains truly unsuccessful and is instead is random patches of pubic hair filled with more dead skin.
He talks at a rapid speed that is hard to pick up on and constantly stumbles over his uncooked thoughts.
He tries to get into conversations about books, since it is a lit class there are some majors, but in the end he stumbles over his words and only is able to point out that he just read Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.2556992


>being a feminist
>tfw your discipline is a fucking joke

Shit is intellectually lazy.
I used to shit out feminist readings and criticisms like it was fun and without sincerely believing a thing I wrote.

>> No.2556995

Dude I was eating. Too much detail.

>> No.2556996


See? Feminism is no longer about rights for women, it's a fucking class signifier on the level of choosing to wear a fucking hat.

Every single goddamn good thing in this country is coopted, capitalised, and degraded.

Fuck you, shitbird. You'll never change because you suck and no one will read this, but fuck you and everything you are.

>> No.2556999
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Perfect. I was hoping I captured him in his true disgusting and terribly sad essence.

>> No.2557002

>u encounter

everyone who replied to this thread including me should be permabanned

>> No.2557076

I work at an independent bookstore, so there's lots of /lit/ people there every day. I assume some are local writers there to get some out of print book that they somehow lost.

Guy named Ron always stops in, reads the weirdest collection on books. Older with smiling eyes, and a quick wit. Wonder why he reads NASCAR romance novels with the rest of his other picks that seem well thought out. I guess everyone likes bubblegum.

A man named Gary stopped in just once, but I still remember him for his climbing curly red hair and Truman capote glasses. Said he was glad the youth still take an interest in a dying art form, even if it is a rare sight. Tried to pawn off his 40+ boxes of books he kept since he sold his bookstore. Felt like a kid in a candy store.