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/lit/ - Literature

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2548683 No.2548683 [Reply] [Original]

in memory of paper books

>> No.2548688

I dropped my book, its okay

I dropped my Kindle I must get a new one

>> No.2548687
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>> No.2548690

All of my books are hardback; I hope one day my collection will be passed to my family and they will enjoy it as much as I have.

>> No.2548697

>Dropping books.

>> No.2548706


implying they will not sell them all for few bucks to one of those criminals that resell books on eBay at 20 times what they've paid

>> No.2548715

I dropped my Kobo hard enough that the entire back panel came detached at one corner
I pushed it back in and it's fine
umad, kindlefags?

>> No.2548718

oh come on, not even vinyl fags are this pathetic

>> No.2548724

ebooks will never completely replace physical books, chill out man.

>> No.2548737
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you'll never cry for missing an eBook

>> No.2548808

The problem with an ebook is that if a spider passes by you while you're reading, you can't use it to smack that thing dead.

However, for people who love to read and who are kinda poor, I think spending 199 and have a bajillion books to read vs spending 199 for a few books is okay.

I have a Kindle Fire and if I like the book I just read I go out and buy the real copy and re read it.

>> No.2548821


Why would you reread it? I'm truthfully curious to know. In the words of Jay Z, I'd be "on to the next one" and keep my Need-to-Read list moving along.

>> No.2548828

I'm eighteen and I will always strive to get a paper book. Fuck digital copies. What is that shit?

>> No.2548840


In rereading, we find a new book. - Marson Cooley

I dunno, its like I'm visiting an old friend. I don't re read it immediately though, I wait awhile..maybe half a year or so and when I open the book (the actual one) its like I'm stepping into the world for the first time, the smell of new paper greeting me and the first words enchanting me, like I had been inside it but I had not truly appreciated it.

In rereading I find the nuances I had missed and the things I had misunderstood. In rereading I find that I appreciate the book more and in a way, I show the book that I respect it and hold its story in my heart.

I re read it, like how I rehash the good and bad times of a friend I had lost, and by doing so, grieve over the story that has ended and burn the words into my heart so that in me, my friend, the story, lives on.

That and cuz the books I read are awesome shit.
Seriously, try rereading the Count of Monte Cristo with the POV of him being the Original Batman. Shit gets real.

>> No.2548857
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In memory of proper literature before you paper faggots came along and ruined it. Like dis if u crie every tiem.

>> No.2548865

Yeah, fuck Project Gutenberg, worthless piece of shit that I constantly reference for old and rare books so I don't have to wait weeks to ILL them if they even are available via ILL in the first place.

>> No.2548866

Kindle Keyboard used = 60
1,900 books = free

price spent on 1,900 books = 60

paper media, 1,900 x 9.99 (assuming softcover, 29.99 for hardcover these days)

Most of that money going to families of dead authors or publishers.

Hmmm whats the right choice here?

>> No.2548872

You'll never be able to write your name down on the inside cover making the book yours, more personal than any copy in the world, unique. You will never be able to do this on an e-book.

>> No.2548875
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>Drawing on your books like a fucking spastic.
People actually do this?

>> No.2548879


>Lend books to friend
>gf thinks they are his
>writes his name on all of them
>"but i was just doing you a favor"

Thanks dumb bitch

>> No.2548889
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>gf thinks they are his


>> No.2548898

Who gets the money when the author of the book has died?

>> No.2548902


>> No.2548919


It depends who the author gives the rights to after they die or indeed they had rights which depends on the publishing deal.


Its not always the family but 90% of the time it is.

>> No.2548916
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>Not getting signed first editions from Hatchard's

>> No.2548924
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>writing your name in the inside of your book

I sometimes write down notes and stuff and mark significant passages or ones that I really liked..but writing your name? What are you? 13?


>> No.2548923
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>Reading books by people who are still alive

>> No.2548930
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>pic related

>> No.2548945
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I just bought a Kindle and want to start with the philosophy.
should start with a book on the Presocratics? which one?
(Sorry for my English)

>> No.2548951

>see cute girl with a nook
>"hey, what are you reading"
>girl: huh?
>she's playing bejeweled
>"b-back that ass up"

>> No.2548952

lthis don't go here sorry

>> No.2550042

Wait, I thought ebooks cost just as much as hard copy books...

>> No.2550048

>buying ebooks

>> No.2550052

Bitches do that all the time.

>> No.2550060

i've done a lot of googling on this and come up empty-handed, what's the song that's playing in barksdale's car during this shot?

>> No.2550077

Michael Franti and Spearhead - Rock the Nation (DJ Spooky Remix)

>> No.2550135

Wow, an anti-ereader debate thread? I haven't seen this before!

>> No.2550139

>anti-ereader debate
Wut? so its a one-sided debate? is that even still a debate?

>> No.2550143

I only read ebooks if I they're for free or easy to find pirated. Otherwise I pay for them or go to a library.

>> No.2550311


Man after my own heart. Then after I've read the ebook and I realized I couldn't live without that book, I buy a copy for my collection then re read it later. suck it only paper fans and just ebooks fans, I get the best of both worlds.

>> No.2550320

>a one-sided debate? is that even still a debate?
Son, this is /lit/.

>> No.2550329

I'm so glad e-readers are taking over
I've scored tons of free physical copies from friends who bought kindles or nooks
And used books are as cheap as ever
It's almost as good as when vinyl wasn't big in the hipster circles and you could find used stuff cheap as fuck

>> No.2550360

Why are all you speaking as if a Kindle is made of glass? I've dropped mine SEVERAL times and its just fine (3rd gen with 3G). In fact, while I don't like squashing spiders, I would certainly use my Kindle to accomplish such a task.

If you guys want to be pissed at someone for making your paper books disappear, talk to the publishers. They're the old fogey dinosaurs who can't figure out an effective system for making publishing profitable. Just be glad Harry Potter, Twilight, and Hunger Games are here to save your asses.

Kindles rock because:
1. You can still own paper books. There's not a either/or clause.
2. You can pirate WAY more shit! I can only afford maybe a stack of books a month (if I'm buying them used) and now I can double my book intake.
3. Independent publishers now have an even playing field in an industry dominated by an old boy's club that doesn't allow for people without an English degree or a full resume to publish a book.

>> No.2550371

The best part of having a Kindle is being able to read obscure and edgy literature without having to expose the cover to others around me. It makes me feel like much less of an arrogant faggot. Plus, now I can always be asked about what I'm reading. Makes great, effortless conversation.

>> No.2550377

What model of the Kindle is the best bang for the buck?

>> No.2550388

I'd say the $79 dollar one. It can still do all the stuff the other Kindles can, it just has ads for screen savers. Very non-intrusive.

But, if you want to use it read online articles, you'll want to ante up for one with 3G. The wifi is very limiting in my opinion. I read a lot of online magazines on mine.

>> No.2550391

>>2550360 is my hero.

I'm >>2548808 with the spiders and shit. I guess its okay to squish the damned spiders with a kindle when its on your body but when its on a table or on the wall, I like how satisfying it sounds when you hear that WHACK you can only get from a nice thick paperback.

By the way, its not so easy to squash insects with a hardbound.

I totally agree with your argument. I pirate first, then I buy the real thing and I've had friends who otherwise wouldn't have gotten published if not for Amazon ebooks. And they're doing quite well.

In fact a friend of mine published a leadership book that was rejected by real publishers but had really good sales and reviews on Amazon.

But seriously guys, if you're REAL people who love to READ, then you wouldn't care if its an ebook or not. You would just go on, listless, if you didnt have at least something to read.

Just read because reading is like breathing, you can't live without it.

>> No.2550404

amen to that.

Its a great way to meet people who are interested in reading.

Its shit sometimes though because I've a Kindle Fire ( a Christmas Gift, I cried when I got it, I could't afford real books) and sometimes faggots ask me what I'm playing and if I have fucking temple run and angry birds.

When I tell them I'm reading they ask me if I've read Twilight.


>> No.2550409
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Since this is a Kindle thread, can you Kindlefags give me some good free ebook recommendations? Ideally in terms of author.
I've got the standard big names: Kafka, Dostoevsky, Melville, Chekhov, Wilde, Chopin, Joyce, Dickens, Tolstoy, the Brontes, general philosophy, Shakespeare, classics in general, so someone less well-known/more obscure would be appreciated.

>> No.2550430

William Somerset Maugham, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Stephen Crane, Marcel Proust, Shirley Jackson (pretty sure she's pre-1923), W.B. Yeats, Voltaire, Moliere, and that's all I can think of right now. I can give details or titles for any of those.

>> No.2550474

Thanks, that's great. I have Maugham, Voltaire, Conrad, Proust and James but the rest I've not yet read. Let me know if you think of any more

>> No.2550497


I highly doubt you've read every substantial work written by all of these authors (yes, even the ones you've listed)

>> No.2550504

>that feel after dead souls

I really liked that book.

>> No.2550509

No, not even close. I'm simply looking for new authors for a broader selection to choose from. Is that ok with you?

>> No.2550508




>> No.2550512

Websites like Amazon, Goodreads, or even Gutenberg all have features like: 'Users who read/downloaded/purchased this also r/d/p these:' and a list of books is given.

It's not that hard, just saying.

>> No.2550513

surely this is an expertly subversive troll comment. 8/10 because it made me rage so hard with it's subtle elitist cues that I stomped outside in search of something to kill. one less cricket in the world because of you, you faggot

>> No.2550515

Pity there's not many books like Dead Souls. Any recommendations?

I've already read all of Gogol and the other Russian greats, so no use there.

>> No.2550517

poor cricket...fuck you, troll...

>> No.2550518

What can I say? I do my best

>> No.2550520

Where do you guys pirate your books? I usually use The Pirate Bay or Mediafire, but I was wondering if there are more places to look.

>> No.2550521

I like E-Readers because you don't have keep the book wrenched open, so you can easily read while lying down on your side. Also, search function and bookmarks let you re-read passages you liked instead of skimming through the book to find them again

>> No.2550522

The problem with these 'if you like' systems is that don't do much for pushing the consumer outside of their comfort zone. Some who reads only fiction will never be suggested to read non-fiction even if it may be relevant to their interests.

tl;dr Human interaction still required.

>> No.2550523

This. I hate those first and last sections of a book where I can't just lay it on a table and read it while eating or whatnot.

>> No.2550524

we're entering a whole new world of lazy when books are criticized as being too inconvenient for having to sit up to read.

>> No.2550525

I'm calling bull fucking shit on this. So many times I've been recommended to read non-fiction on sites like Amazon from fiction works.

>> No.2550529

I'll take you up on your 'human interaction', can you recommend any good free non-fiction?

>> No.2550530

That may be true, but my general point stands. The system doesn't challenge the consumer to try new things.

>> No.2550533

It's not being lazy. We obviously did it and still do it, but we have a more convenient system of reading now. Are people lazy because they choose not to collect their feces in a bucket and then carry it down to a lake to dump out and instead just flush their toilet? You may think so, but I don't. It's just being efficient.

>> No.2550537

this is one of the saddest thing i've ever heard. why the fuck should you care what people think about what you're reading either way?

>> No.2550539
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that's a perfectly reasonable comparison

>> No.2550541

I'm pretty sure this is a troll, but I'll go ahead. Because literature and art is about reaching out to others and sharing ideas? Because human connection is a basic need?

>> No.2550544

And that was a perfectly inadequate response. Good job. You've proved nothing today.

>> No.2550546

Get mIRC/xchat and join #bookz. Best place to get new releases.

Read the sticky for more info.

>> No.2550776

>used books are as cheap as ever It's almost as good as when vinyl wasn't big in the hipster circles

Not happening in Italy yet.
Lot of people want to sell their books, but unfortunately they still think to get more than 30 cents a piece for their brown reprints paperbacks.
And postage costs are like 12 euro for a box of 30 books: that is, postage costs are usually higher than the the value of the books you get.
And no one is selling his old stuff on the street like in the USA.

The only people that find really cheap used books are those disgusting leeches that clean garages and attics as a job.

Any german or frenchfags here? I'm curious to hear what's going on there.

>> No.2550783

To be fair, because of last.fm I went from listening to punk to modernist stuff in about 6 months.

>> No.2550792

I'm a paper book only person.

Recently my brother and I went to see John Carter because I had read and enjoyed the books.

Well, my brother got interested in the story and started downloading the books to his phone and reading them on a kindle application.

So here I am, having read the first five of the series, but, of course, the rest of them are all out of print and hard to get hold of, while he is sitting there reading the whole fucking series!

Damn it, I wish I could read the rest of the series.

>> No.2550799

>paying for digital content
>anno dominei 2012

>> No.2550818

Some fucker has to scan the first copy of that scholarly monograph.

Some fucker has to steal JSTOR.

>"I got phiktun bookz on EYE ARE CEE"

Go fuck you.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.2550820


>Implying he payed for them.

That shit is free. They never make you pay for the stuff that the critics don't consider literary enough

>> No.2550821

There comes a time to change. If only for an exception, you read things on the internet - go ahead and read the books digitally. You deserve it.

>> No.2550850

>not from Gutenberg

I just... No...

>> No.2550858

>seriously believing free digital content is the stuff you download legally
