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/lit/ - Literature

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2547976 No.2547976 [Reply] [Original]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Gravity's Rainbow after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547980
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So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Life and Fate after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547979

It's not a real book

Congrats on being duped into reading it by a /lit/ meme

>> No.2547983

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Finnegan's Wake after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547984

lulz we got a real joker here! i don't get what you're trying to say though. if you're saying the book sucks and doesn't count as a literary piece, thats fine some of my friends have told me the same. if you are saying that the book is fake as in doesn't exist... huh?

>> No.2547985
File: 34 KB, 310x475, 760673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished L'Assommoir after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547986
File: 116 KB, 323x500, 1332744712712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Story of the Eye after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547987

therese raquin would be my favorite zola book, and it's trippy no doubt, but lets not lie pynchon was a pimp. why are you guys hating so much right now though, seriously?

>> No.2547988
File: 23 KB, 389x600, bloodmer..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Blood Meridian after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547989

> 3months to finish.

I admire your endurance. Its a short book but I keep giving up midway through from passing out after jerking off.

>> No.2547990
File: 14 KB, 200x302, 200px-Hunger_games..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished The Hunger Games after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547991

it took you 3 months?

>> No.2547993
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Oh well, I thought this board would be free of teenage asshole who think they cool. I suppose I was wrong. You kids should love more than you hate. HURR DIS GUY READ A SO CALLED TRIPPY INDIE BOOK THAT ONLY I KNOW ABOUT SO I"M GONNA TELL HIM HE SUCKS HURRRRR

>> No.2547994
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I personally hate 'what does /lit/ think' threads, so I bomb them with the same shit they give us

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished The Damned after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2547997

The problem isn't what you read, it's how you made the tread.
If you want to talk about a book, then make a thread with something to say.
Is there anything about the book that you want to discuss?

>> No.2547999

Ok, sorry folks. I wanted to kick back and forth ideas about a novel I read, but I suppose thats not actually what a literature board is for. But seriously. You kids seem wack. Even more wack than /w/ and let me tell you those kids got huge sticks up their asses.

>> No.2548001

Specifically I wanted to know what the fuck happens at the end. Slothrop just disappears? Did he travel into the future. And what the fuck were the Kommando's doing the whole time?

>> No.2548002

People post these threads all the fucking time. You JUST read it, what are your thoughts on it? If you have none other than it is 'good', then you didn't really read it.

>> No.2548005

Look who's projecting, everybody!

>> No.2548010

Hory shit i got trips on my first posting in /lit/. i think thats all i needed.

>> No.2548012

Ok now we KNOW you're a high school student.

>> No.2548072
File: 7 KB, 200x301, 1330953849956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Crime and Punishment after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2548076
File: 42 KB, 306x475, Henry_and_Mudge.9590404_std.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Henry and Mudge after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2548077
File: 73 KB, 939x955, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ is hands down the best board at 'shitposting' threads.

OP, if you want to discuss something then start the discussion with something specific yourself and not with 'read this, what do you think,' especially when the novel has been discussed to death.

>> No.2548081

There's a strange mixture of irony, pride and shame radiating from all the greentexted posts in that picture.

>> No.2548085

When it comes to coalescing and ripping the complete piss from an OP, /lit/ is pretty good. However, it always seems to be using the method above.

>> No.2548104
File: 43 KB, 323x500, 51t9TQFDdzL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kids. This is my first post on /lit/. But guess what? I just finished Fires on the Plain after about 3 months of reading. Fucking finished it. And you know what? Possibly the best book I've ever read, I think it ties with Jitterbug Perfume. What do you folks have to say about it?

>> No.2548162

All those books tie in with jitterbug perfume?
Hold on kids, give me a solid 3 months and I'll get back to you.