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/lit/ - Literature

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2547192 No.2547192 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ I have to write an essay on the book crime and punishment. And I am already 4 days late to submit it so my grade is already down to a 75. Has anyone read the book and can please help me out?

>> No.2547198

How about you post the question, genius?

>> No.2547197

I only have like 2 hours left to write this essay please!

>> No.2547201

Use Cliffs Notes for fuck's sake. You're the one that pissed away what I'm sure was a reasonable deadline to finish the book by.

>> No.2547200


>> No.2547202


Haha I am i just wanted to know if there was any ppl who were even willing to help me out

>> No.2547206


Oh, nobody is going to help you.

>> No.2547224

ok so in dostoyevskys other book he wrote the following quote.

"If there is no god then i am god"

We were supposed to interpret this question which i did

In The Possessed, it states that “If there is no God, then I am God” (The Possessed). This quote literally says that if one does not believe in God, then they can become God. Here, the word God is loosely used. With that belief, I think that the quote means that if there is nothing restricting us, than we can and will do whatever we would like to do. The Possessed, also states that to become a God one would have to conquer life. As well as, life is pain and fear. Thus one would have to conquer pain and fear. One who belives in god needs something to tell them what to do and sometihng to blindly follow and have faith in. If a person is thier own god then he can do anything he wants and belives in himself

Now the assignment is to write how my interpertation relates to raskolnikov and svidrigialov

>> No.2547230


I'm already 5 days late so i just need to do this essay now before i lose more points.


>> No.2547234

I def dont want anyone to write the whole essay for me . Just 2 or 3 sentences to get me in the right direction would suffice please!

>> No.2547242


You're a dick.No one will help you. Stfu faggot.

That was 3 sentences. Hope your happy.

>> No.2547248


/lit/ is populated by people who value both the work of Dostoyevski and knowledge in general. That you have waited until five days past your deadline to even begin to work displays a complete disregard for both. Your belief that you can simply palm your assignment off onto us is both insulting and arrogant. I will not help you. You will do very badly.

>> No.2547250
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Are you kidding me? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.2547254


I don not want to palm the assignment of of you. I just want 2 or 3 sentences in the right direction so i can atleast start it. I have no idea where to start.

>> No.2547258


I told you i only ahve likw 2 hours to write this essay so im typing as fast as possible. Thats why a have so much mistakes in all my posts.

>> No.2547263


and you cant even spell Dostoevsky right so I dont want your help.

>> No.2547264


Okay, okay, this should cover the basics.


>> No.2547273

fine /lit/ you win. I'm going to ail my English class.

>> No.2547278


With spelling like yours, it was bound to happen anyway.

>> No.2547280


fail not ail

>> No.2547281

Don't blame us because you're a lazy piece of shit. We're not your fucking tutor.

>> No.2547282

It's a transliteration from the Russian. There is no such thing as "spelling it right."

>> No.2547284


> "I before E, except after C, I before E, except after-"

Fuck it, not like it matters for you now.

>> No.2547285

Best homework thread in several days. =]

>> No.2547296

what? tht dosent even make sense

>> No.2547303


Well, it wouldn't to you. You failed English.

>> No.2547304

ok /lit/ since you are still not helping imma jsut go and do it. ill be back in 2 hours with my essay.

>> No.2547305
File: 19 KB, 521x359, 1333386321339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mfw you're still fucking around on 4chan rather than trying to write your paper?

You really don't give a fuck, do you?

You deserve to fail.

>> No.2547311

also I hate you all. you all are pretentious as fuck.

>> No.2547323

Hye come back bro, i'll help you, could you elaborate on what the essay is suposed to be about?

>> No.2547328

>Not having read Crime and Punishment on your own time already.

>> No.2547331

Is the title of a book underlined or italicised?

>> No.2547342

will be posting my first paragraph soon dont let this thread die.

>> No.2547346
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>Mfw OP really should just suck it up and retake the English class because he has apparently learned FUCK ALL.

>> No.2547350


no its ok i stll hav -5 days

>> No.2547352

if you're not going to put the effort in to writing it yourself why don't you just bullshit the whole thing? cliffs notes are the laxatives of verbal diarrhea

>> No.2547353


lol buts it italicized right

>> No.2547358


I am writing halfway done wit intro will keep u guys posted as i write each paragraph.

>> No.2547371

Nahhh, I'm bored now. OP's piteous attempt at baiting us into ripping the piss out of his work (and in the process, correcting it) just isn't doing it for me. Have fun re-taking high school English.

>> No.2547372


But its filled with mistakes. I hope you guys can take into consideration that i have decide to man up and stop being a pussy and write it by myself and help me with all the mistakes. if not i understand.
For a human being to become a god most people would consider impossible. However, two characters, Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov, disagree. In the book Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov are very strange characters with a unique point of view on life. In the beginning of the book Raskolnikov believes that a mere mortal, especially one as great as himself, can achieve god like status. He later realizes how he has been a fool and he can never become an extraordinary man. On the other hand, Svidrigailov believes he can become god and acts like he is god all the way up until he kills himself. In Fyodor Dostoyevsky other book, Demons, Fyodor Dostoyevsky says that a mortal can achieve the status of a god if he becomes the perfect man. However, to become the perfect man one must overcome pain and fear. However, Dostoyevsky also states that life is pain and fear so if you are to overcome both pain and fear than you have overcome life and are now above it and that is why you are now a god.

>> No.2547383


also lit should def get better reaction faces.

>> No.2547395


>> No.2547406

also can /lit/ guess which grade im in?

>inb4 kindergarten

>> No.2547405

Rewrite it, doesn't even look like an essay

>> No.2547410


lol not the whole essay just the intro paragraph.

>> No.2547415

Honestly I was sure this was a troll, but because it's dragged on so long I'm beginning to believe he's serious.

>> No.2547420

You guys seem to not care about my essay lol so i will not be posting the rest,

>> No.2547428

Your intro is pretty shit, but if you're in highschool you'll probably make it out with a solid ~55 at that rate of quality. If you're in college drop out and get some perspective on your life, because you're a deadbeat.

>> No.2547432

>For a human being to become a god most people would consider impossible.

Don't fuck with the syntax. It sounds stupid. This sentence should simply read "Most people would consider it impossible for a man to become a god."

>In the beginning of the book Raskolnikov believes that a mere mortal, especially one as great as himself, can achieve god like status.
>mere mortal
>as great as himself

Those two phrases make your statement sound like it contradicts itself. It should read "In the beginning of the book, Raskolnikov arrogantly believes that he, a mere mortal, can achieve god-like status."

>He later realizes how he has been a fool and he can never become an extraordinary man. On the other hand, Svidrigailov believes he can become god and acts like he is god all the way up until he kills himself.

Eh. This is awkwardly phrased, but I honestly don't feel like re-writing it right now. Also, why are you bringing up these details?

>In Fyodor Dostoyevsky other book, Demons, Fyodor Dostoyevsky says that a mortal can achieve the status of a god if he becomes the perfect man. However, to become the perfect man one must overcome pain and fear.

Why are you mentioning other books? Is that part of the essay requirement? If not, than don't mention other books.

>However, Dostoyevsky also states that life is pain and fear so if you are to overcome both pain and fear than you have overcome life and are now above it and that is why you are now a god

No. You should never use the word "you" in a high school English paper. Most teachers will flip their shit over that.

After reading your intro, I literally have no idea what this paper is supposed to be about. You desperately need a thesis statement.

>> No.2547445


Brave yourself

Second paragraph is coming

>> No.2547446

In Demons, Dostoyevsky states, “If there is no God, then I am God” (Demons). This quote says that if a person does not believe in God then the person is a God or has the ability to become a God. To most people, God is someone they look up to. It is a thing that they blindly trust and have faith in, however God is also who the person is judged by. Who tells the person what he can and can’t do. If a person has no God then there is no one telling him what he can or can’t do. If a person has no God then they have faith in themselves and rely upon themself to make decisions. If a person is his own God then he can do whatever he wants and there is nothing restricting him. He is the ruler of his own life.

>> No.2547451


Also thank you for the help. I have made all the changes

>> No.2547480

Also can you guys explain how you like the book so much. It takes 100 pages to reach the climax of him killing the 2 people which lasts only like 2 pages and then the rest 400 pages are about how he feels bad and guilty. I mean no disrespect but I am seriously asking how you enjoyed reading this book.

>> No.2547496

Ok no one is replying so this will be my last post. I will let this thread die.

>> No.2547498


>In Demons, Dostoyevsky states, “If there is no God, then I am God” (Demons).
It is unnecessary for you to write "(Demons)" after the quote, as you have already stated the speaker of the quote. You should, however, include the page number (if you have to write this shit in MLA format). It should read "On page XX Demons, Dostoyevsky states, “If there is no God, then I am God.""

>This quote says that if a person does not believe in God then the person is a God or has the ability to become a God.

This summation of the quote belongs at the end of the paragraph, and it should read "Dostoyevsky's quote states that if a person does not believe in God then that person assumes the role of God within his or her own life."

>To most people, God is someone they look up to. It is a thing that they blindly trust and have faith in, however God is also who the person is judged by. Who tells the person what he can and can’t do. If a person has no God then there is no one telling him what he can or can’t do. If a person has no God then they have faith in themselves and rely upon themself to make decisions. If a person is his own God then he can do whatever he wants and there is nothing restricting him. He is the ruler of his own life.

>> No.2547503



First of all, don't throw around phrases like "they" as that actually refers to more than one person, which is incorrect. The gender-neutral pronoun would be "he/she" or "one, but even that sounds awkward as fuck. Avoid if you can. This should read:

"To most people, God is someone (or something) to be looked up to. It is a thing that many blindly trust and follow; however, God is also the force that dictates an individual's moral conduct, as well as the ultimate judge of one's life. If a person has no God, there is no one but one's self to follow. If a person has no God, than that person is forced to establish their own set of moral and ethical standards."

This paragraph is still kind of vague. I would suggest more details.

>> No.2547512


Thank you so much! I fixed all the mistakes

>> No.2547513

didn't raskolnikov not become god because he felt guilt over the murder of the pawn shop owner? like he got all sick and stuff. so therefore he didn't overcome fear and whatnot. cuz he felt guilty and was scared of being caught? so maybe you should talk about all that stuff? him getting sick and paranoid and whatnot.

>> No.2547518

Just checking

Does Svidirgialov kill himself because he can't get Dunia?

>> No.2547520


I dunno, bro. I've never read the book. I just like picking on grammar a bit (I'm not excellent at it, but decent).

I've been the one editing your paragraphs, by the way. I really would suggest you include some details from the book. It makes your paragraphs sound so much stronger.

I'm a chronic procrastinator. I know exactly what feels you are feeling right now.

>> No.2547523

Yep thats exactly what happened and that is my 4th paragraph i think

>> No.2547529


Thanks for all the help! I did add some details form the book in my next paragraphs.

>> No.2547533
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Reported, this not a homework board. Any fellow /lit/izens that help out with shit like this should be banned for encouraging this shit-posting.
even >>/b/, I don't give a fuck. Just don't come here.

>> No.2547542


Fuck you. OP is talking about a book. There is nothing stopping you guys from discussing the literary elements of said book other than the fact that you're a bunch of anal, bitter faggots.

Besides, /lit/ moves slow as fuck anyway.

>> No.2547544
File: 48 KB, 600x450, happygirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw procrastinators pull this shit with my assigned essays and I gleefully destroy their grade every time

>> No.2547549

OP, I suggest you move this thread to /adv/ before one of the mods comes and deletes it on you.

>> No.2547553


Thank you. You sir and the editor are awesome. However I have a feeling you are the editor.

>> No.2547556


If they delete this thread I wont mind just as long as they don't ban me. i love 4chan and it would be heartbreaking.


What do you mean by "this shit" Handing it in late?

Also 1 hour left !

>> No.2547573

Next 2 pragraphs

Svidrigailov has a negative view of the afterlife. He says that the afterlife is just, “a small, dirt room infested with spiders” (Crime and Punishment, Page 277). This freaks Raskolnikov out. However Svidrigailov also contradicts himself because while he says he does not believe in the afterlife, he claims that he has seen a ghost in the form of his dead wife. I believe that while Dostoyevsky portrays Svidrigailov as an evil man with no remorse for killing his wife, Svidrigailov sees the ghost of his wife to show that somewhere there is a hunt of guilt in him. Svidrigailov ends up killing himself. The fact that it was suicide and such an untimely death represent that the afterlife is something that is not known by anybody.
Raskolnikov has a completely different view on the afterlife than Svidrigailov. He doesn’t want to admit it but he hopes that there is an afterlife and that it is a good one. When Svidrigailov tells him his idea about the afterlife Raskolnikov gets scared. Raskolnikov is also stuck between believing in god or not but with the help of Sonia he is starting to see god. When Raskolnikov sees the passion Sonia has for god he is “amazed and dumbfounded” (Crime and Punishment, Page 400).

>> No.2547577
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Also which state do you teach in?

>mfw when it's my teacher

>> No.2547582

Yep, late assignments. I hate procrastination. It is a habit that needs to be broken before college.

>> No.2547603


Yep so what state are you in?

>> No.2547612


Or country? Sorry I assumed you lived in the united states of america.

>> No.2547635

>Svidrigailov has a negative view of the afterlife. He says that the afterlife is just, “a small, dirt room infested with spiders” (Crime and Punishment, Page 277).

You only need to cite the name of the work you quoting if you're using more than one source from the same author. If you're only using one book written by Svidrigailoy, you should formally introduce the name of the work in the beginning of the paragraph, and from there on out you don't need to keep putting it in the citation. If you've formally introduced the speaker, you need only write the page number. And don't write "Page" before it. Just the number. This sentence should be "Svidrigailov has a negative view of the afterlife, calling it “a small, dirt room infested with spiders” (277).

This page will help you: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/2/

>This freaks Raskolnikov out.

No. "This declaration disturbs Raskolonjkot."

>However Svidrigailov also contradicts himself because while he says he does not believe in the afterlife, he claims that he has seen a ghost in the form of his dead wife.

"However, Svidrigailov contradicts himself by stating that he does not believe in the afterlife while also claiming that he has seen the ghost of his dead wife."

>> No.2547638

>I believe that while Dostoyevsky portrays Svidrigailov as an evil man with no remorse for killing his wife, Svidrigailov sees the ghost of his wife to show that somewhere there is a hunt of guilt in him.

"While Dostoyevsky portrays Svidrigailov as an evil man who feels no guilt for killing his wife, the fact that Svidrigailov saw (imagines that he saw???) her ghost shows the reader that he does indeed feel deep-seated remorse."

>Svidrigailov ends up killing himself. The fact that it was suicide and such an untimely death represent that the afterlife is something that is not known by anybody.

This statement makes no sense. You need to explain the connection between his suicide and the mysteriousness of the afterlife.

>> No.2547659

>He doesn’t want to admit it but he hopes that there is an afterlife and that it is a good one.

"Though he does not want to admit it, Syidrigailoy hopes for the existence of a blissful afterlife."

>When Svidrigailov tells him his idea about the afterlife Raskolnikov gets scared.

Use the word "frightened" instead. It sounds more professional. Also, briefly explain what frightened him about this declaration. I'm assuming he's afraid of eternal punishment for his crime (Based on the title, but your essay really isn't making this very clear. You. Need. To. Clarify. This. Shit.)

>Raskolnikov is also stuck between believing in god or not but with the help of Sonia he is starting to see god.

"Raskolnikoy is indecisive about his belief in God and the afterlife, but Sonia helps him find his faith.

>When Raskolnikov sees the passion Sonia has for god he is “amazed and dumbfounded” (Crime and Punishment, Page 400).

Fix dem citations.

>> No.2547666


Also, this is not a complete thought. I don't understand what point you're trying to prove with this paragraph.

*Saged because I don't want to clutter up page 1 more than I have to.

>> No.2547676


Dude thank you so much You just probably turned a 65 essay into 80 essay ( which is like the highest i can get being 5 days late) I love you. Thank you.

I am finally done with this essay with about 40 minutes to spare. Thanks all who helped

Unfornutnatley I have to delete this thread now. My teacher required we hand it in through turnitin and the program will see this thread and assume i plagerized because all the words are here.

It has been an honor /lit/


>> No.2547680


No. Post it first. I kind of want to make sure you didn't shit it up.

>> No.2547682


Good luck bro!

>> No.2547698
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>Yfw your teacher fails you because the writing of the editor is obviously much better than the shit you usually turn in.
>Yfw your teacher realizes you didn't write it.