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2544392 No.2544392 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished reading Anna Karenina, brought tears to my eyes. Also cried reading The Time Traveler's Wife.

So /lit/erati, what books make you cry or bring tears to your eyes?

>> No.2544406

I don't think a book's ever made me cry. Then again, I haven't cried at all for three years, exactly. I know, because it's the anniversary of my cat's death.

>> No.2544413

La Tregua by Mario Benedetti, but I was 16.

>> No.2544418

Don Quixote
The ending was unbearably sad.

>> No.2544433

Amber Spyglass
and if you'll permit a graphic novel
Y: The Last Man

>> No.2544443

Martin the Warrior, Mossflower, the list could go on.

>> No.2544446
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>> No.2544478

Also, Tuesdays with Morrie

>> No.2544480


>> No.2544491

The Long Patrol :'(

>> No.2544501

Don Quixote is the only one.

>> No.2544508

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.2544514


that phrase was enough to convince me to read it

>> No.2544517

To Kill A Mocking Bird.

>> No.2544526

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.2544524
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I never cry from reading, but I'll be damned if The Road didn't make me come close at the end.

mah niggers.

>> No.2544535

Flowers for Algernon made me depressed

>> No.2544539

I think it's pretty normal that I don't cry at books, b/c I also never cry at films. However, I've also never found a book funny.


>> No.2544540

I don't cry at books or films either. But music can make me cry and books can make me laugh.

>> No.2544542

I cried at the end of The Bell Jar when I realized that it wasn't actually all ok and she ended up killing herself.

>> No.2544545

You've never found a book funny? Have you read any Douglas Adams? Some people don't like him but I always thought he was funny as hell.

>> No.2544546

I don't understand how people hate catcher in the rye for holden being a bitch.

But the sorrows of young werther is a classic.

The fool is also a bitch, in fact an even bigger bitch than Holden because he shoots himself.

>> No.2544560

I cried at slothrop realizing trees were real creatures

>> No.2544570
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I cried at the end of The Sorrows of Young Werther too.

>> No.2544576
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Johnny got his gun, This book made me cry the three times i read it.

>> No.2544581

Flowers for Algernon. Cried like a baby.

>> No.2544589

The Lorax, because there were no more trees or lorax and also it was sad.

>> No.2544621

>Amber Spyglass

Aw shit, I remember tearing up a bit at the end. That ending stuck with me for days. For something more recently that made me cry, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

>> No.2544646

never let me go

>> No.2544656
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>> No.2544662

The 25th Hour by Virgil Gheorghiu. So much shit happened to the main character and his family, and it hit me in the gut when they asked him to smile in the end. Cried like a bitch.

>> No.2544668

The Cone Gatherers.
I teared up a bit near the end of Journey to the End of Night. If you've read it, you'll know the scene. Involves a taxi and a jilted finance.

>> No.2544760

My Sister's Keeper also put some tears in my eyes

>> No.2544777

Regardless of whether you are a troll or just have extremely poor taste, I will find you and kill you.

>> No.2544784

Who Will Run The Frog Hospital? - Lorrie Moore

>> No.2544789

When she visited Sils again in her late 20s, I genuinely cried,

>> No.2544804

I've cried reading The Color Purple. And watching it twice too. And I've also cried reading The Little Prince when I was a kid and... I think there's more but I can't remember

>> No.2544820

There have been several books that's made me cry, but I think the ones that I remember most are:

* The ending to the Lord of the Rings. After everything was said and done, Sam finally going off to the west had been the biggest one.

* So Long, and thanks for all the fish, merely because it was so SATISFYING how it ended.

* Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. the end with Brutha was just perfect.

>> No.2544988

narcissus and goldmund. only book that ever affected me like that.

>> No.2545015

Flush by Virginia Woolf

>> No.2545034

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

There, I said it.

>> No.2545154

There's been a lot of books that have made me cried but some I remember are

The Little Prince
The Jungle
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Of Mice and Men
Going Bovine

>> No.2545293
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>The Little Prince


>> No.2545308

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.2545388

siddhartha by hermann hesse

>> No.2545392
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>> No.2545393

Atlas Shrugged
Makes me cry everytim

>> No.2545394



"We apologize for the inconvenience."

I've cried over books before and since, but never quite as much.

>> No.2545554
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This is the only book I can think of that made me cry.

>> No.2545572

The History of Love
Dark Tower 4 and 7

>> No.2545586
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The ending for Peter Pan, I was balling like a baby(this was a couple months ago)

>> No.2545602
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The Golden Fool by Robin Hobb.
Also Camus' The Plague, for some reason.

>> No.2545610

One of the Twilight books I picked up once when I was at a friend's of mine actually made me sob a little. So much beauty and quality in the world, yet people read Twilight. I am not kidding.

>> No.2545613 [DELETED] 

Of Mice and Men. So sue me, I get really sad when likable mentally handicapped folk get abused/taken advantage of.

>> No.2545618

Of Mice and Men. I've got a soft spot for the mentally lacking.

>> No.2545621

On the Beach.

>> No.2545645

Another Country

>> No.2545700

the guy who never got to finish the first sentence of his novel makes me really sad.

>> No.2545739

Dumbledore's death.

>> No.2545747
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Yeah, it really struck me how that poor man spent all of his time in perfecting the sentence about the horsewoman. So sad.

I'm pretty sure that was a nod to the absurdity of life and our pursuits.

>> No.2545758

Hedwig's death xD. Also when one of the Weasley twins died at the end. Gandalf's 'death' in LOTR.

These are all I can think of.

>> No.2545765

Only book that ever got me close was 'Of Mice And Men'.

>> No.2546531


that one got me on the verge of tears as well

>> No.2546915

Of mice and men
Could have got me but I was reading it in school, reading in a group like that didn't really do it for me

>> No.2546920

Yeah, I read it just some months ago, by myself. It really hit me like a fucking sledgehammer.

>> No.2547237
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Any books have something like this?

>> No.2547262

The Little Prince made me cry like a fucking bitch. Holy shit.

>> No.2547265

The end of Molloy is pretty heartbreaking.

>> No.2547267

Pride of Baghdad.

Oh God. I was at work when I finished reading this book, and I was crying in front of my coworkers and everything. They looked over my shoulder to see what I was reading and started snickering like fuck when they saw it was a graphic novel about lions.

This book was so fucking sad, though. Oh God ;_;

>> No.2547756

forgot to mention The Little Prince, probably because I scarcely read novelles

>> No.2547770

The Road
The Little Prince
Of Mice and Men
Dark Tower 7
[Spoiler]Katawa Shoujo[/spoiler]

>> No.2547784

Hanako is mai waifu.

>> No.2547790

This is fucking sad, but The Hunger Games is the only book that's made me cry in years. Possibly ever.

>> No.2547798

Childhood's End

>> No.2547800

I don't really remember, I think it was some Heinlein novel or possibly Arthur C. Clarke..

Not really baww authors...

>> No.2547806

>Of Mice and Men
Gimme a hug you big lugs.

>> No.2548009
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>> No.2548013

>dat End of the Earth

>> No.2548034

>>2544491 right there with you
Martin the Warrior

>> No.2548045

The Stranger, the ending was so dark i had to shed a tear.

>> No.2548070
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This stupid fucking shit right here. I don't know how old I was, probably late elementary when I read this book. At the end the namesake plot device that was loaded but never shot SINCE THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION goes off because an ember from the fireplace goes into the apparently open flint lock and shoots some kid in the head through the window of the next door house who was putting presents under the Christmas tree that he made himself for his little siblings. Contrivances aside, the author goes on for like a page and a half about the great shit this kid would have done had he not died, including CURE CANCER. Furthermore, he then goes on about how the gun collector can't live with himself for allowing a kid to get shot, and he is the typical Mary Sue hardass football coach that every American male since birth is conditioned to like and respect.

My tender, uncynical, little heart couldn't take it, probably cried for like 15 to 20 minutes. And not just little tears, fucking bawling. Now whenever I think about it I get mad about the amount of bullshit that book was and how easily I was duped by its tricks. I should add this was before I really got into reading and was keen on this sort of thing.

>> No.2548089
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>The Chaos Walking series. When the dog died. >Cried manly tears for that lovable lab.

>> No.2548140

Joe Abercrombie's First Law Trilogy had a few baww moments.

>> No.2548151

One night I had a dream that I awoke on a great bare hill, and on top of this hill was a great dead grey tree. I dreamed I went up to the tree and saw leaning against it a shovel. I took up the shovel and began to dig at the soil at the base of the tree. And there I found, buried in the black soil and entangled by the hard knotted roots of the tree, was a tombstone. And carved on this tombstone were the words "OP / DIED A FAGGOT."

>> No.2548259


T_T His letters. His fall from Intelligence. The damn mouse.... Flowers For Algernon definitely got me. It hit me deep.

Pride and Prejudice because I'm a twat for happy endings.

>> No.2548290

When jon snow died

>> No.2548419
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Oh shit, I just remembered another one that almost made me cry.

>> No.2548426
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I cried during The Metamorphosis. He only wanted to help his family ;_;
Also I think I cried reading Songs of Innocence and Experience the same day. Maybe I was just feeling extra bitchy that day.