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/lit/ - Literature

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2542539 No.2542539 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: best book you've ever read

Pic related

>> No.2542552

Hard to pick, but I'd say Death on the Installment Plan is the book I enjoyed the most. Laughed my ass off, a couple tears almost shed, and many pauses for sighs and pensive thoughts. Celine will always be one of my favorite writers, I think.

>> No.2542684

nice to see you discovered 4chan already OP

now go to bed, is too late!

>> No.2542741

it is the only book you've ever read, right op?

>> No.2542815
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>> No.2542819

the bible

>> No.2542822

Good choice, OP. Its a very eye opening read, and it makes you more aware of what freedoms you have, and which you lack.

For me, it is Catch-22. A strange choice but I enjoyed it greatly.

>> No.2542873

Brave New World
>dat Chapter 3

>> No.2542884

Not >dat Chapter 17.
John's conversation with Mustapha Mond is so fucking good.

>> No.2542890


>> No.2542895

Artistically speaking, I feel like I've got to say Jude the Obscure.

>> No.2542900

Blood Meridian. It's the one that I loved the most.

>> No.2542902


I've been wanting to read that for a while, but I've heard it contains a lot of allusions I might not get. Should I wait 'till I'm more well read, or can I just pick it up now?

I guess 1984 for me too, since I'm working my way through the entry-level list.

>> No.2542904

Any other recommendations Behemoth? You have good taste

>> No.2542908

My favorite is Papillon.

>> No.2542909
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... why am I awake and coming to /lit/ at this hour...

The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart.

>> No.2542912

Hm...I'm going with Fountainhead. It was the first thing I'd read by Ayn Rand, and at the time I read it I was impressionable. These days I don't care for her but hot damn if that propaganda doesn't hit you like a freight train the first time around.

>> No.2542913

Read it, great novel

Let's keep throwing recommendations to-and-fro, okay? So you recommend one, I recommend back. If not, that's cool.

Narcissus and Goldmund - Hesse

>> No.2542916

The Age of the Unthinkable - Joshua Cooper Ramo

>> No.2542919

I've read all of Hesse's works, he's a favorite author of mine. Narcissus and Goldmund is easily my favorite though, so good lookin' out.

My Idea of Fun by Will Self

>> No.2542920
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Its better every time i read it. I was sad to hear other people like it too, i dont like sharing the feeling it makes me have.

>> No.2542923
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Heh, good to see I've remembered what you like.

I'm Capsguy by the way.

If we're going for the depressing side of literature I'll throw these in:

Fires on the Plain - picture related
The Book of Disquiet - Pessoa
Black Rain - Ibuse
Grass on the Wayside - Soseki
Anything by Emile Zola


>> No.2542924
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I love that book. It's weird how little criticism it ever gets on /lit/. Heart of a Dog was brilliant too.

>> No.2542926

>I'm Capsguy by the way

Why don't you just use a trip? You're always going out of your way to identify yourself.

>> No.2542928

I keep meaning to get to The Book of Disquiet, but I have a lot on my list in the way.

Depressing books:
Whatever by Houellebecq
A Garden of Earthly Delights by Joyce Carol Oates
Revolutionary Road by Yates

>> No.2542929

Bulgakov's White Guard is my favourite novel that he wrote.

>> No.2542930

I'm going to recommend shit by female and post-WW2 authors regardless. Break out of your shell.

Also The Red and the Black if you're just going to be stubborn.

>> No.2542931

For this conversation it was useful for him to know who I am. Behemoth and I have had discussions before, he knows what I like reading. Sorry if it pissed you off.

>> No.2542933
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Also this.
It might be simple, but damn that is just fantastic.
Adams knows how to get in to my head, and set the mood exactly how he wants it.
Its flawed, but since it is so flawed all the flaws are automagically dismissed.
Great when i read it as a kid, even better when i read it as an adult.

>> No.2542937

One book you need to quit being stubborn about is George Eliot's Middlemarch. If you can trudge your way through Zola, Eliot won't be any trouble. I think you'd be pleasantly surprised with her mix of heavy abstractions and realism.

>> No.2542944




>> No.2542948

You know I've suggested this damn book to you at least a dozen times by now. Just read it.

>> No.2542951

I can't and I won't.

It would make me a liar.

>> No.2542960

Bro George is a dudes name, just read it already

>> No.2542961

If I go by that logic, then Celine is something written by a chick and I fucked up

>> No.2542965

You did son, just read it. You've read slabs by cock-sucking dandys just make the jump.

>> No.2542964

His name is Louis-Ferdinand, though.

>> No.2542967

nah man, celine is his last name so it doesn't count. for example, we would never think "george meredith" a female writer because of his name

>> No.2542968
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>mfw OP must not read very much

>> No.2542972

Fuck off cunt, it's a good book. Post yours.

>mfw you don't for lolplebentry-level faggotry reasons

>> No.2542973

Let's not be too hard on the OP. 1984 is a very good book, even though Homage to Catalonia is better, imo.

>> No.2542976

But 1984 is as entry-level as it gets...

I can't do it Behemoth...

>> No.2542977

You've broken your 1950 rule already, don't see why not with the wimmunz

>> No.2542979

there are a lot of good books. Who the fuck says 1984 is the best book they've read? It's like the most generic example of social satire. Anyway mine would have to be Infinite Jest by David Foster Badminton

>> No.2542981

I went into the 1950 rule with the exceptions made to Japan and Russia. I wouldn't have broken it until I read something written by an American or something after '50

>> No.2543058

this post is extremely ugggh

>> No.2543197

It's a tie between 'Crime and Punishment', 'The Brothers Karamazov' and 'Demons'.

>> No.2543200
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>> No.2543224

The Count of Monte Cristo by Dumas

>> No.2543228

gotta be a joke imo

>> No.2543240

heart of darkness, probably

>> No.2543279


i hate you, for some reason
based on what i quoted i found grounds to hate your entire being

>> No.2545019

Holy mother of fuck Brohemoth, this is fucking good

>> No.2545032

Brave New World

>> No.2545036

The Stranger - Camus
Mainly because I related to it a bit too much

>> No.2545060

The Hunger Games

>> No.2545061
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Hunger by Knut Hamsun.

It made me feel terrible in the best possible way.

>> No.2545062
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>Huurrrr 1984 sucks because I read it hundreds of books ago
>please give me a cock to shove in my mouth
>i'm a faggot

>> No.2545064

That's not why they're saying it isn't that good

>> No.2545069

>that feel when I still haven't read 1984
I've had a copy for years now; just haven't got to it yet. yet...

>> No.2545075

why are you ignoring the fact that number one complaint about this book is that it's "entry level". go to bed, junior.

>> No.2545120

1984 is great , definitely in my top 5.

My favourite has to be "Mother Night". It's one of the most honest and touching books I've read.

>> No.2545141
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Look at all this butthurt and pleb thrash talk. Can't think of something else than fag, fag?
1984 is an average book, over hyped, and severely over rated. When I finished it, I felt it needed much much more.

>> No.2545150


i automatically disregard anything that comes with that frog

>> No.2545160
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>Can't think of something else
>spouts cliche buzzwords
>it needed much much more
wow who can argue with such a powerful assessment

>> No.2545167

1984 is a brilliant, perfectly constructed book. Orwell wrote with the expert clarity of anger.

I don't know what the best book I've ever read is, but my favorite book is Franny and Zooey.

>> No.2545188

>When I finished it, I felt it needed much much more.
This is one of those times when calling someone pretentious is justified.

>> No.2545239

a la recherche du temps perdu

>> No.2545294

for serious? thoughts on it?

>> No.2545310

It created an unparalleled sense of intimacy with the cosmic. The fugitive sagged a bit imo, but regardless

>> No.2545317

In french or english?